Page 20 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 20
The Gold Bug, Dec. 8, 1961 Quick Repairs and Alterations Suede and Leather Coats Cieaned and Finished Skies over WIIIC grid fans clouded over this week with the ~=======::; news that Fred Burgee, former star Western Maryland . . was in critical condition and hemorrhaging heavily. Six EVERHART'S ";;""~ __<",,,;; __,: from the hill, Tom Bowman, Tory Confer, Jim Cupp, Bill Dave Pond, and Sandy Reed, answered a call to donate Barber Shop . Fred earlier this week, but the need for blood continues to exist. As the GOLD BUG goes to press, Fred is still on the critical list At The Forks at University Hospital, Baltimore. Jame. Sellman Girl FrIday Mcre
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