Page 24 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 24
2 The Gold Bug, Jnn. 12, 1962 Clowermen Take Three Post-Holiday Contests TERROR MATMEN DOWN GALlAUDET, 21·18; ,TROUNCE CATHOLIC u., 21·10 Grapplers Post 4·2 log; Tr~''D Aft "FALK Hoopsters Haunt Hopkins; O'Connor Stays Unbeaten , g",A"- U8'. 'I", Saints Sacrifice Terrors The Terror ma tmen traveled decisions over Nettzey and Py- -9V J 'S Returning to the hardwood after a brief holiday to Washington, Wednesdayfrom in the 157 and 167 lb. D!J , V.,1£i, respite, Coach Clower's netmen snatched three victories night, Junum-y 10, to down the classes, with scores of, 6-2 and Hard work, little publicit y, lind no recognition-that's the in the past two weeks ',:,hile dropping on_Iyone contest. Callaudet grapplers by a score 15-12 respectively. GIl Smink typical slory of a Junior Varsity basketball squad. Many people The varsity five gamed Its most recent VIctory vVednes- of 21-18. On Saturday after- racked up nl~other 5 points as don't even realize that they exist. Yet these hustling hardwooders day night, January 10, at the expense of a host Gal- noon, January 6, the team. won ~;epinned _Wilmer. In the .191 are on the court before every home varsity game; and in the case laudet quint, 76-64. a 27-10 match over Catholic U. lb'. class the Terro~'s lost five of the Terror squad, they're usually winning.. In the only home clash, fought Monday night, the at home. POInts as the~ for!elted to Lor- Coach Dick Pugh's jayvees are undefeated so far this season; nationall rominent Mount St Mary's powerhouse up- n dei Tt:neyn~iflh ~!~~~:~c~a~:~ ~V:~~htW:;~~~,Ill\!:~e th~';::~~I~ fnn;, ~~l!~~lr~~~!i~~e '~~n~7~;' t~~ec\~!~ythqa:i~~~a~~:~e~e:~x s~~:;~ ended th~ ¥erro:-s ~5-74. The Mo.~nt setback shattered White by a score of 11-8 in the pin~ed Foster In the second lengers, and all six have bitten the dust. They averaged 75.4 a .three game wmumg str~ak which h!-ld been fatt~ned the prevl.ous 123 lb. class. Wt'estling at per-iod. points per game to the opponents 52. . With two ~ost-vacatlOn tr-iumphs durmg dumped Dick- The season began with a win over Boys' Latin Prep, and sue, week. Playing away, the WM.C hoopsters 139, Ron Garvin pinned McCoy ~~c!~~ ~~::~J.~~m~~~ l~f7 t~~ Bnchelors NeDti ~e::::;nv~:~:~: ~~~:I;y;0017~~~;d.B;~~~c;[oewl~:li~:~i:~~:t~'i:e~~ ~~~g~.71-51, and nipped Hopkins III a touch-and-go fray, cl~ss Mike Eagen came through I. U 1 sity last Wednesday night. . Captain Dave Martin's out- Faring much better against ~~~~ a~no~;e~ecrsl;~~;d Jl;:~~~~hJr. nOop OOp the ~~huen::*~;~~~;~1~~:regi~0;1::t ,.~~;::sd bOyutat~h~~o~~:=~oio~~~~ ~~~ aO~raO;M~~~yjsun~~~JJT:~ ~!~7,~:.~on\\~~O;~~Ck t~:f;rehO~~~ by a score of 6-5. Gallaudet Impressively perched atop score, and est.ablishIng two new school records I~ t.he l)rOce~s- the boards sparked a Wednes- 71-51, again ignited by Tom s~rllck bac\, as Buyas pinned the annual intramural basket- one for high score and the other for the most POllltS scored III a day Ilight trip to Gallaudet into O'Malley's scoring efforts and l>ud Kne.fely late in the second vall totcn. pole is the high-scor- half with 66! . . . a victory run as t.he reliable Jim Shaw's fine defensive ef. period in the 147 lb. class. ing quint of .....Iplm Gamma Tau Coach Pugh operates with three squads. The starting five Jfl- 1'elTor threesome of the latter lort on Dickinson's high scor- AI Rose came in wit.h his usual with a 2·0 record. eludes Bill Cowden, Mike. Elseroad, Bill O'Conne.)', Dan~y Pearson, two and Richie "Shotgun" ing Becker. The "Big 0" e~cellent perf?rmance. as he With action stepping up con- and Alex Obel', who, wlth two seasons expel'lence~ IS the only Klitzberg accounted for 50 ef racked 21 points while "Coun- plilned. Zenou. III the ~llddle of sidcrably since the Christmas upperclassman on the t.ealll. The seco~d squad consists of Gordy the winning points. try" held Becker, a 19.6 points !~\!~~r~~t~~~i~'la~oi~n t~;~~~ ~~::r~ed s::el~~~'iOu~a~~~ten~~~: ~:I~~~;nJ~~l~ t~i~.~n.~~~o~d~:I~~unSd~~t~u~~v~t:V~~~~ie a;~lt~n~ befo~.~Ii!\!~a~7:y \~:~~d Pil:y~~~ ~~~hi;,;.meD;~:' r.i~rk:~so~~~!~ ~71~n~e~~'BC~~O~\'it:':I\h:n:i~ ~~:Ir t:qeUad~~e~~tl~h~~ Ai~~~:G~0~¥~e~a~,~7~~i~~ ~~~~sse::~~, b~:~g a~~;~e~y a~;ei~r~~:I:g~~~ ~~~~' o~~~edSh~;Ps:~ot~~~IYT=r~ ~~al.~~:n~:hil~n~~~:ma~ne~el~l:t~~ ~~~I~~lxon CO~feren~e cham- g~~~~~n~ct~he Ch~'Wi~.~:~~~~I; ~~~:~~'st~~~yT~eV~aj~e~t~~~~s~~~et~/~~a~'~ie:gd~~~l!~~ ~~~~r~~~ ~~ ~~~~~t~~a~~:~~e~,oaac: t~~e~:~~~ be;~leCor:;~~:':r:5 ~~~nts'started In the heaVier weights Gil posted 2-1 logs and are hot on 63 and 61, but they have snaled t~Clr share of time buzzer blared the heavily winning ways immediate- Smink lost a 5-3 decision to thc heels of th~ leader. rebounds, pul.lI~g ,Ill. over half of ~he team total betVieen th~n:. favored visitors had walloped Iy after the holiday ended as !~~~~rt~~il~~'t~;C~~~e~.b.d~~as~t poin~ce~p~~rg~~lgt~! B~~~:~~e~! O'co~~:r s~:t~s~~~~gS~~;.:~~t~~~rI;;e t:i~~. i;~tt~o~:tsnl:e:I;~~:: ~~~n~e~~r~i~I~:~r~e~lo~;~ ~a1d~ j~~;ua~~~11~~e;~~~~g~%P~!;Sci~~ t ~~~~~easo~e i~:~n:~c!~~nz pi~~'i~~~:~PP:d k :}: ~t~.~~1~~e.Be~~~t!~-4~~~J~i:~d g~dE!~e~Oao~~:!\~!t~;f~!~r~~~ ~~:;p 8~:~e~:a:h:~i~~ ~~~~~~m~~~!b~~k tf:t/oi~er:~~ ~:~ert~e60i!:d I~rtbb~:~lea~:~~~ !~~~h,\'asinthe ,;~:~~ co~~~~t~~; ~e:l~sal'~:;ntfi~'~~oh:lf~a~_~o.:~~ 43%The squad is very well.rounded: aud e\'~ryone se~ms to be ~~~~ ~~I~,~~~~!~~ t!~~~~yh:o:d ~~~~s~h~s ~~~~~r~s o~~e~:~e~ ~~\~e~~~11;i!t~P~~;:;~ve~~~t~r;~ ~:~:ns~hi~\'h~~t~·a;~~~~ ~~~::~ ~~~~I:a.~~e~~~.e~oaadChh:r~~~h~!a::~::I:l;:t ~~t;.~fe~~a+,he~ ~~lv~h: i!':II~:,ht ,~~~er eO:e~t:~w~n ~!~~~i:~~~~~ssd~~Ci:h:oB~~~;y: de- advantage. In the unlimited left, the Preachcrs. broke ahead fine attitude, work hard, and always give theIr best. t.urE:d high scoring honers class Ed Kelso was piilned by 45-43 and held 011 Ir a wild cli- _. with 22 points. k S Fa1t;::~~tinC~~~o~~st 0~riO;~te Ill~~ ~~~:eg~~~;. t~t~e';in~triCtlY Junior Varsity Hardwooders Win; M~~ntsth~oU~~CO~~IYh:~~ t~~~ Riflers Top Die.kies Gamma Alexander and Ron Garvin fratelillty fo~ay, the soundly Close Contest Threatens trea points to their already impreg_ The Terror targeteers raced started the Terrors off with a Betes ~'ebounded to nable margin as Tom O'Malley past Dickinson Tuesday night, iJang as they pinned respective- down PI :'-Iphu ~lpha by a 53- 'and Richie Klitzberg matched January 9, to take an easy l~' Demma and Keefe. :Mikl: 2~ margin .. BIlly ~enn anti Baltimol'e University fresh- host Hopkins. Ober and D'Con- the shooting of Talley and Ma- 1387-1347 victory. Shooting E?gnn won an 8-3 decision over Wayne \Vhltmore hit .for 20 men fell victim to the hos,t jay- ner led the scoring with 16 loney of the Emmitsburg Cath- the top five scores were Cap- Dileo, but Knefely was pinned and 16 markers l'espectlveJy as vee netmen, 68-60, in a hotly each. Eiseroad and O'Conner olics. O'Malley proving dead- tain Steve Hatton, 284; Skippy by Oviedd in the first period. the gall1.e was never in douht: contested battle, Wednesday, led the onslaught on Eastern Iy from the ~~rnel' staged a Brown, 27£1; . Matt Creamer, AI Rose and Cole Thackerwoll Appalently the ~est of the Jan. 10, upping the Terror's College with 17 each, and every second half splurg~ to head ??7; Hans Hunler, 276; and scorers with 22 tallies, _ non-frat Dots, aggregatIOns,. ,vlCtones Mike Elseroad record. and Bill C~w. the COIll'sc·of the evening to to· while Dave Martin pumped in RIck Farrelly, saw 271. the riflemen tl_le unblemi5hed scored in Terror member of the team scored Black Thursday GO LD BUG ~~rl~~~~aec\a~~~~~hl~~~,,~;i~ ~~:~:h~~~~h hOl~l'Sp~~~tth:~~~~~ ~:!l'e a In~~~t:t2e ,::rg~n~pe~a~~~ ~~Itar~~~, ~;~~~~t~~,;hes~~~! I ~hr~~~~g ~~l' t;e ~~:~!~d ~~~~~~ Officialstudent neW.pallerof Western ~he.. tno .of S~nl'~S, Steen, and while Elsel'oad also pulled 55 with Elscl'oad registering also baltl::'ed dc-uble figures with Th~ team will travel to George- r~t~~~~t~~~~1~je~~:t~:~~~::rr;~~ ~\·~ll~~al;:l:~d t Dots a dO~7g~ti;:~~~n~~e young sea, 14: Bill. O'Conner p.oured in a 10 points. town University today. 1'05t Oltice. \V~.tmin.ter. Maryland. In other galiles the Phe\lmen son was the 54-53 triumph over seas.on high of 22 POlllts as Ly- - "nJ~r Act of Mareh 8, 1879. down Lhe Spastics, 47.27; the ' comlllg succuillbed 65-51. ' "0." .. " , . Subscrilltion Prife 53.00 a Year Spastics topped ihe U-Jaeks, James Waddel . . . :1;~4~;T~1,~~5~~~i;':e~heb~~~~~m~~ Visit the Allen Jones Edltor-lll-GhleI romped over the Twirles, 50· AVENUE Carroll Theatre ,Managing Editor 33; and in t~eir only action, the B Herbert Fallin Business Editor ~6~;~~lors b,:lskd ~h'_' U-Jach. BARBERSHOP Fri., Sat .. Sun., Mon. 12.13·14·15 Jan. EDITORIAL STAFF John.Wayne Co·Ne",s Edito,.. Priscilla Ord ErlitorC_:rOlYC"l:M~:~ Coffulan . Fisher ;'THE COMANCHEROS" __ narbara Terry Cartoon Editor DorothyBeek Natalie \Vood Warren Beatty Co-COllYEditors-==-;;~~~f;~~B~~::! Dept. Store WTTR AM..FM Tues., "'ed., Thurs., .Fri., Sal. Cora\,.,r. Trudi HOI·cr. Joan Penn'I:=========:;1 Barbara Walker "SPLENDOR Copy nead~l'"' Debhrn Dudley, Ruth 11 E. l\fain St. IN THE GRASS" I".tricia Ra\'e~II Technicolor Diana Pettigrew, 1~~\~~i.E~~;~C~~i~~Knt~:E~:~~~~ '=========- .d, ]lB,·bar. Dru~ry.Carol f'onrd, ~:l~~' ~1:~~~erMn~~arL;:' JNI~~cl~: KNOUSE CROWN Westminster Susan Ru.bton. Franc,," Sybert lleporte,.., Terl'llnce AsUe. Dial'" Service Station Laundry and Dry Cleaning COLONIAL DINING s" ROOM BUSINESS STAFF MRS. BUCKINGHAM '\'l\'~nising ManngEr_ ._SamuelC.....e CARROLL 59 W. !\fain St. 'a A(l\'erUsin"S..Jesm~n:~ruce Drenninl<. MnlcolmWright Recommended by STUDENT UNION rireu)ation _::~_==-=-Toh~G;~bo~~kt PASTRY SHOP Duncan Hines BUILDING Phot~"rnpby DavidRobson 7 E. l\Illin St. TI8-7620 EVERHART'S DEconATED CAKES What.'s New in the Bookstore?? Barber Shop For AI! Occasions Cit That happy day is coming!!! Ha\'e you, oh lofty Senior, At The Forks been to the Bookstore to be measured for your cap and gown and to confirm your engra\'ing order? Deadline al)proaches!! It A sale un Christmas goods, including cards, buys for Cheerless leader napkins, etc. Fine Ideals (paper wrappings, kind), smart shoppers. J. C. PENNEY CO. AVENUE TAILOR C A slJarkling di"molld, on the hand of one of the Book- 46Y1 Penna. Ave. store staff!! Not a "Tab rah" left in him! He's just e 56 West Main St. discovered there's no more Coke. And e We','e mentioned this before, bul the next time its sleet. a cheer leader without Coke is as sad Quick Repairs ing. raining, snowing & blowing _ you'll be glad we NOW THREE WAYS reminded you of our water·proof, rubher-lined, Wi\lC_ as a soap opera. To put the sparkle and Alterations green book ,bags. Only $1.50. back in his eye-somebody!- TO SHOP bring him a sparkling cold Coca-Cola! Suede and Leather Coats THE BOOKSTORE BE REALLY REfRESHEI Layaway - Cash or Charge Cleaned and Finished 8:30am till 4 pm Sat. till 12 Noon Winslow Student Center { Bollred under autltority of The Coca-Colo Com~y L _"L _' L------- _J WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC,
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