Page 23 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 23
.c ror- J.r~ ··'esterr:. ~aryland College THE'"'GOLD BUG What's YOUR Idea? With the completion of the construction of the new and the members of the stu- library. the administration dent body face the problem of making the new structure WESTERr: MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLA-ND an integral part of the campus and a stimulating atmos- -_V~ol~.~39~,~N~o~.~11======================,,:,,"===J~a~m~,a~'Y=I~2,~1~9=62 b~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~alt~~~~i~~~i~J~eT:U~g~:ti~~~fr~~ - the students on how to improve the present facilities. Greek Social Organizations Elect 'Slam' Terminates want in the new library. Certainly our use of the pres- Here is a chance for us to determine now what we Pre,Exam Schedule has suggested several improvements ent library to all New Officers For Second Semester Getting into swing tomorrow well as the hours the building will be open. as of us in the field of available books and materials night;, ~anu.ary 13, "The ~xam Just what should a college library-c-oer college li- Slam IS PI Alpha Alpha s an- brary=-be ? What should it be specifically? Send us your Preparing. f?l: the!r secon~ tive, Betty Jean Jacobus, with Gamma Beta Chi swe~ to _pre-exam nerves. The ideas Th~ administration has promised to give them semester activities, SIX soror't- Peggy Hoey as alternate. Frederick Rheinhardt pre- affair Will take place. at the th ·htf 1 ld ti DEB ties and .fraternities eleete~ of- Sigma Sigma Tau sides over t~e Gamma Bates, A:nerican Legion Hall In West- t oug u consi era ion. ~c:;~~t~~d '~:l~~ ~e~~phS~~~:. H:g~~ S:Fe~:s n~~ct~re~i~:~~ ~~e~I'une:~~_~~.~Si;::t;N~I}~~ ml~~~~~·ningpromp~ly at 8 p.m,I================== MIller, the B!ack .and W~ltes pr~mlse An'P""~ntla"l- Of ''Il'''a'l!Jrt plannmg their elections next with Nancy Sin er filling the Jones, secretary; Jere e~elyone "j".,,", ,,.,. t week. . office of veep. ~iane Gardner treasu~·erj and Otto Guenther, It wII! provide .1( IJ l-.r.,,~ be- n· .L N.,r A' At th~ot:e:::~:.a t~:1 Pirates is tl"easure~; Virgin~a sSChr- ~~ae:~~~l~ec!~:~v ~i~ha~~I;:~~ ~~;~ :i~ti~;J~~~b~:o~:~nlng John lilsturus ..o-orulno or is Eunice Sank, president, ~ol- ~tg~in,Sec~~aa;I~;n. an Ser:e:~~ r;llY; vice-tre~~urer, George John Grabo,~ski and ~It lowe~ by Terry B~ac.k, VIC~-at-arms is Becky Wright; Kemmerer; sergeant-at-arn: s , DeMey, . co-ehairrnen of the To the Students of Western where there is no freedom. In-· il~::~~~.~;.~~i~~!~:!~~~S~~c~.~~~~:~~e~~ s~~c~~::;Y'me~~~~~;' ~ha;;~~~~, ~:~:~Ybr~~i~e.sOC18l ~:~,e, r~~~s~,a~~lf;,Oda~~le~~~id Maryland College:. . . :i::~/!ol:r~t~~!~ey:~ :I~:~~~~= tar:; ~ster Deckel.·t, chapla~n: Barbara. Hahn; ~nd SGA rep- Pi Alpha Alph~ refres~ment-provlded for all su~~e \~et,~ede:~o~~~~o~n~OI~:re;sured into, say the Young Com- Bal.b.ala .McCathal.n, sunshme rcsentatJve, Lucmda Becker, The Black Hnd Whites have attendl~g:stude~ts. much disa ointin -not what lllunist League of Hungary. chall.n~an, and Calolyn Bowen, with Ellen Wheedleton serving chosen Charles Snyder to lead AdmlsslOn Will be $2 yer the return~g a e~s contained Instead of a choice of religions, reCOldmg s~cretary. as alternate. them se:ond sem~ster. ~ther couple. Freshmen are rcmllld- -but the lll;m~r of unre- you are pressured, into say the Head :O~!~P~~iM~IPha Mu Alpha Gamma Tau ~ffi~:risdm~~~~a;'.lC(:-~;;:~~:~~: ~~isth~~le~I~:ti~~~o ~~~i/tt~~l~ turn~d p~persi ~~;s ~b;6~U\to ~;~~n 1;:'t!~~iC of Clj~:;h se~~ ~ice~~~e~~de!ue~Sm,N~:::id~:~ th;~)~~S~~e~C~e:f ~~~ i;:"Ikc~~~~~~~rlf!~s?a)~::~I:df~~as~:~~I~t!rO; ~~~~~~tas~fj~~~~~~;g~I,O\:n~anl~:~~~~I:Sa~v:I~o~.:C~ived0 the p~l~~ :~~~70~t~le~~~~~aind;~!;~~~ti~l; elke; secretary, Carleen Rit- for second semester, backed by Stanley Einhorn· chaplain, Ar~ bos, hailing from the latest tooklthe few mm~tes n~tssar~ freedom of speech· you are not t1:!r;and treasurer, Della Boyd. Donald Hobart, vice-president. thnr Alperstein'· sergell.J1t-at- in dance records. Rules apply- to fi I t~em out, t ~ pro em Of allowed to speak' against the ~~:i~.i~;n t~ree ;r~~~ynOfCh~~~~: ~~i7i:':n 1~~;~UiS~~ :l~~;:~~~~: :il~;lS~h;f::a~, ~~~~eb;.a~~vs~~~ ~~i11t~~b:;rv~~~ternity parties ~~a~~~l~s ~~~:tei~I~~~e~a;~s~_ ~~~~~n7:nt~ani~r :~rses~ain al:~ and William Gilles- c; ~~ 1:i: ~~dJ~~~~n ci!f~~e::rg~~~t ~~~~~m i':t~~~~n~:~torf~~;I~:~ OfJ~ ~ bl~·f this ~p~thy to one poll re- d.ones{a _or South A~,rica'.. " at-arms Marian Edwards· sun- vid Martin and· 0 e'IJe 'ar.'S 'Il.'Stl"tute flects a Similar apathy. to t~e And mste~d of obnoxlO~s shine chairman, Ruth An~ l'I!a~ pie, IFC representatives; issues involved, and If thIS people. commg aro~nd With son; alumni secretary, Janice Barry Gross and Jeny Clark, 1IIii, apathy at ~V~stern Maryland polls flOm ~he. NatlOnal .Stu- 10 Iii"" ~c"oo I eac"ers Mooney; and SGA representa- sodal chab·men. " "bl 'I". U.L r.L I 'r.L ~~e:~~~~t:enSI:II:l~:J~~h;ee~:~ ~:n:deri~:soc\~~~~n YO~m~~~~~~ "·uubl,. m,,, "il'" "., h,ld whloh yuu 'n ,,,·'uu, :l F I S dents, ac ·u ty EI Igl e will off~r .a summer .instit~te tOl·y sessions. . labora- ternity we all enjoy the fra- must atten~ where you are told j tu Sure, •• and Western College cusslon Maryland seSSlOns, and football parties what to thmk. the and games; dances brief a taste the of eon- Even • for 40 J?mor , and sellior .hlgh For European -Bound Flights school bIOlogy and chemIstry 274 Western l'IfarylaTld IS one of certs; bridge games and water- nagging fear of a police stale Believe me, 1 col.leges selected the and sessions is unforgettable. jam ~he fights; by ~O. about our future, know. teachers, 2-August july our jobs, and fo~ndatlOn to sponsor such In- Two chartere? planes ,~mI this f~!ght is $330, since "off of~~~ ~~~~;~I d.~·ar~!Ue~~:v~fi ~~~~;e:~;i~e 2g~~r;a~\gr~~~: ~~~~eli:~in~;a~:~~n!U\nd~h~~ th~~ !ve~~~:ea i;re~~I;:~~~·tia~ ~Iy to Europe thIS summer., season rates do n_ot apply. conduct the illstltute, supported a~d 2000 college. teachers of themselves, when we no longer as a land where liberty is the mg members of the ASSOCllltl~nOne hundred d?llars IS payable by. a grant fro~ the National ~:lenc:, mathematICs, an? en- have time to be concerned with birthright and cherished pos~ of Independent III when pa~sage IS reserved,. and SCience FoundatlO.n. Members g.meermg. The program IS.~e- the very freedoms that give session of every perSOIl. I get Maryland an opportulllty to the rest IS due before ApTiI 1. of the- college sCIence faculty Signed to enhance the ablhty these things meaning-not only a tight feeling in my throat reach the Continent at red~ced _The _purpose o.f these. two a.n? lecturers will par- and. increase the classroom ef- our church membership but our and a warm feeling in my rateS. Western. Marylar:d .I~ a fhghts IS. to pr?vlde maxImum tlclpate III the program. fectIveness of the teachers. philosophy of life, not only our heart when I sinl;r about the member of thIS orgalllzatlOn. economy In ~Iymg ~ Europe. Participants, whom the staff During the six-week course, jobs but our economic philoso- "land of the free and the home All students, ~a_culty.members, No one-way tIckets Will be sold, of the mstitute chooses, will teachers will study in specially- phy, not only our leaders but of the brave." In an era when ~:~~:~~~d as~~~~:s~~~~~;in;~~= ~~~r ~~:~en::~;mm'::=~.ion,;a7~ ~i~~ti!~e~~us~~: a~~I:~~k~:i~~ ~~~~:ddg:O~;S~~~~a~~~~I~~e~~ ~~~~d~~~~ti~\~~\~~il~~~~I:~Jh~~~ ~!f~,,~~tt~n~in;fe ~~i~~ i~~i~ mediate fa~lllhes, are ehglble ~ul"ope.. For .reservatIons or th.ey are here. The teachers acquaint them with rec.ent de- one "subversive" or "leftist" or vidualism must be allowed to for these fhghts. mformatlOn '~rl~ to the office Will have an opportunity to velopments and advancements, Communist will be involved. get by," I dare to believ(. Ampr- The first flight leaves for Of. the AssocmtlOn (Mr .. N?r- work .closely with the college and to familiarize them with In every country wheTe a ica has a chance of surviving London from Friendship Inter- ma~ . Bfll"l"ett,. 925 Fldehty staff m both formal and in- new approaches in presenta- minority has created a dicta- as a nation of free, thinking national Airport in Baltimore, BUlldmg,. BaltmlOre, Md.) or formal discussions, including tion. torship, they have done so be- individuals. Thursday, June 14. All the call LExmgton 9-3098. lectures, demonstrations, dis- Inquiries should be made 1.0 cause large numbers of people But sometimes I wonder if usual services, meals and rlC- Dr. Harwcll P. Sturdivant, didn't earc what happened. I'm not an unrealistic, wild- commodations will be provided Western Maryland College, Today there are countries on eyed idealist. on the ten-and-a-half-hour I _ Ne'vs Of Tile Week In Brl"ef _ I Westminster, l\laryland. iboth sides of the Iron Jackson Day flight. Seven weeks are al- l lowed before the return flight LET T ERS selection, each presented a lec- from Paris, Wednesday, Aug- Scholarship Test now at- ~~~~e o~n t~:~r b~~~~~~~~dM~i- TO THE EDITOR ~l~i;lis ~~;5~ri~:v~~t~;~fieV~·0~~I~ M~ryIand residents lars is payable when passage tendm~ Wes~er.n Maryland Col- concerto in general, pausing Keep the Grille Independent We want the ~o~lege grille as possible. I be.lie~e that I for the flight is reser ....ed, and lege ale compete for illust.rations on the piano. To the Editor: and ~he :ol~ege dm~ng hall to speak for the maJonty of the the remainder is due before fo~ EducatIOn Scholar- Martha presented points con- Iaformation has leaked out remam dlstill~tJ.y dJlferent----
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