Page 19 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 19
LI01'gl'j by meeting many THE~:GOLDBUG Something Worthwhile! College should be a broadening experience, one in which we get the opportunity to extend our understanding types of people from many different backg-rounds. As we take our place in the modern world, we must stand next to all our fel , low men, white und black. And we must stand togcfheJ' against \VESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND the ~~~l:~et~:tt~~r:::~ p~~~en::i~~g~~o~t::;~~i~;. In an atmos_I=V=ol=,=39=,=N=o=,9======================"=T===D=e=c=em=be=r=8=,=1=9=61 phere where intelligence prevails over prejudice, and the "cream I' of the crop" from both races are gathered, great atrides could ~:i:;:~~e~~~Vr:~df~o~u;~i~n.,di~:~t~~~~~;~)~';e;~ee~~~~o~:~~ted by FRESH FROSH FACES: BachelorsChoose This is the time for those in favor of 'integration to act. It is a battle that on the small front of this campus can be won. Freshmen Elect Ollicers, Representatives IceS~ating Party Let's do something worthwhile! DEB the Stu- As Winter Theme Mara A Christmas Dirge '65 On November 13, the class ofI so,! and Richard ~teen. New Jer- an elected ~ember.of Honor A frozen country pond sur- dent Summit, Council, National their officers elected from and halls Sum- Society. his she attended for the represented representatives '61-62 sey, where and academic year. mit High School. While she school at Boy's State. As a rounded by snow-laden forests by DOJ'ot~y Beck Leading the class as its pres- was there, Mara presided at member of the varsity football, will set the mood tomorrow o little town of Westminster, ident for this term is Roy Mi- Art Club and Girl's Athletic basketball and baseball teams night for the annual Christmas How still we see thee sit. yasaki f'rom Baltimore. Roy Honor Society meetings. She in high school, Dic~ plans to Dance. But on the Hill we study still, who is a pre-med major was belonged to the National Honor take the pre-e n gi n e e r i n g Sponsored by Alpha Gamma 'Til we are sick of it. student body president at Balti- Society and was a member of course. Tau, the affair will take place Yes, over us doth hang more Polytechnic Institute, and the yearbook staff. She is now As intramural sports repre- in Blanche ward Gymnasium The everlasting doom. also president of his junior major-ing in English. sentative the freshman class from 8:15-12 pm. The decora- The Christmas cheer cdoth not r-each here, class. Dick, a resident of Hurlock, elected Anthony Magnato frrnn tion will be centered around For we are filled with gloom. Supporting Roy as vice pr-es- divided his high school extra- Oxen Hill. In hi?,h school the theme, "An Ice Skating ident is Barbara Petschke, who curricular time efficiently be- Tony was co-captain of the Party." Yes, Christmas soon is coming, hails from Suitland. Barb was tween clubs, sports, and jour- football and basketball teams, The dance floor will repre- But 'fore that happy day vice president of the Honor So- nalism. A graduate of North as well as president of the Let- sent a frozen pond. In the We've papers due, and must review, ciety, president of the FTA, Dorchester High School, Dick ter-merr's Club. He too was a center of the floor there will And read our time away. and prominent in Student was sports editor for his school member of the National Honor b a simulated bon-fire. Mu- Nine hundred pages waiting, C~unci1 activities at Suitland pa~er, and was selected to joinISociety, and pl~ns to major in r:ls of winter scenes will cover \Ve get no fun nor rest, . High School. She also was QUIll and Scroll. He was also physical education. the walls. The future's grim; woe be to hill) chosen the most outstanding "Supplying the music for the Who gives us one more test! ' senior girl from a class of 600. dance are the Sophisticate," Star Of Sorrow :~;~i~~~,;~,,;'onm.::~~::,"ti"-Terry, Selikowitz To Take :~~'i~~:~dofo~~;dd~n~:';'~ Hill K 0 '63 AI h P lti went on to say that secretary, The class donations Martha . . Matthews, came to the High ey 051 Ions n for the dance are $2.50 a . Far indeed below the heavens IS t~e earth, and far from ~orth Carroll 0 a couple. indeed from the heavenly are we who live here. ,"Ve are School ill Hampstead. Marty Other Bachelor committee not creatures of godlike love and wisdom; n01' can we was editol: of her school's pa~r At its meeting Monday, De- Club and is president of the chairmen include William Mac- ever be. \Ve are selfish, desiring power, prestige, and and president of the eemor cember 4, the junior class Classics Club. This year she Donald, clean-up committee; wealth for ourselves and O!,ll' nations. Emerging from class. She. was also a rne~ber elected Barbara Terry and was elected all Argonaut. In Charles Bloodsworth, tickets; a delusion of grandeur about man's goodness is a of the NatlOnal.Honor ~oc1ety, David Selikowitz to the posi- her sophomore year she pledged and Joseph McDade, refresh- wrenching event, but it does not entitle some to look FTA, and parhamentanan ~f tions of editor and business Delta Sigma Kappa. Feature ments. down at "all the others" and complain. ~:rty~re~ajO~tui~Cn!at~~~~~~~ ~~~~a~r~ha~spectiveIY, of the ~~:'~~raof alst;e wo~~:Don BX~ in- NSA Warns USYouth ---- . To the. extent that we have gotten oUl'~elves onto tion. Barbara Terry, from Pasa- trust. Her future plans a~ international roller coaster, we are all gUIltY'"for we .Sherr;.' Fischer from ~l\icott dena, is a Latin-education ma- clude teaching. To AVOid Festival •• ale all human. That man can love-from the beauty City Will serve as treasurer. jor. She belongs to the French New York is the home of of the autumn stillness," and the cry of a tiny child, to As a graduate of Howard High David SeJikowitz, the new busi-. . ~~fy l~~~g~~~:;e~~e fd~~~Vt~~~d~ ~fYbei~gt~~~~~~zon- ~~~oo~a~~~~? ~:~or aC~~~ie~~ NEWS of the WEEK ~:i::cem~I~:j~~'l'·isT~!!Tef~!~tic~i beAhe'~or:~ ~:~;~lkIeS~\:~~n~~ And if that death-bearing "star," that man-made and FTA. Outsl~e of school his fraternity, Gamma Beta next sumn:er, should be aVOided ghastly pun on "peace" should find its way to earth, and Sherry was preSident of her in BRIEF Chi. Also, he is ~n the execu- by. ATl1erIca~ students trav- ~choing. thl:Ol!gh time should come again the word~: t~h~~ub L:~:u=~r~~;;ryOf a\~~ Dr Price Studies in India ~i::t b~~~~Ci~~iO~ea~~w:~hPI~et~~:~I~~gI~::er~~:i~~;1~oRai~;~~;~ . Fa~hel, fOI~lve them, for they kno.w ~ot what they do, majors in math and plans to A~ a result of the Fulbright dent of the Young Republicans. I:'l'csident o~ t_he Na~lonal Stu- It Will be a tlme ~~r the deepest SOrlOW, and not the dark teach after graduation. Act, Dr. Ralph B Price, pro- Law school or a career in com- dent ASSOCiation said. at the laughter of CYlllClsm. Representing the freshman fessor of economic~, will spend munity planning figure in s~ond N~A l\faso~-D1xon Re- Simeon Anthoros class on the SGA are Mara DiI- next summer studying in India. Dave's future. glOn meetmg held ::;unday, No- Festival, . ga~n~~~al':X;;l~e~~~vei~:'~~d~:~:: ve;~:.r ;~~inki i? the ~ ~t:t~:s • ~:~c:;~Oa~:led :x~~~~: - LET T ERS TOT . HE E0 ITO R _1!~~~i~i;~~C~nwi~ee~aub~em~~mI~~ ~lo;:'~:~~~i;~u~i:rst~:or~9~~ f~ad~;~;'.~~~ t;:0~;0~·4t :rJ~: Are We Prepared? Lack of such insurance poli- to attend chapel and assembly ~itute .in I~d~an C:iViliz~ti~~r:: ~~: s~:~r~~o~ n~;itii~~~t~n;~ ~~~no~uli;~~e~~:~lll;~~on~ni~d To the Editor: des is ~0t. necessarily, and p~riods. without having t~ sub- b:~a~~~ia. nlVerSI y, y ana Calvert: present editor. States NS.A has ref.used to One of the "Odds 'n' Ends" proba,?ly Isn t, the fault of tIle nllt Wl'ltten proof of thel!' at- The Fal' East has been an She felt that, with no advisor, have. to do. With thes.e ~~~u~;\~ ~~~ i~u~heislasS!n!: ~!~~~t1~voul~p~~~:n~ beE:~~~ te~t\~~e~l'e really "on our hon- ~::: O:o;::er~~t ~ev~I~'pP\~~~ ;~:l'esd~~~~d:din~l:~~~:te~a;~ ~~::IV~~SSSl;;~\~l'e~~Oe~ e~:e~~ thing every student must have tha.t, 1f elth~r a smgle 01' •a or, why. must our truthfulness branch of the Western Mary- juniors. If not, there would be ~erely Comlll~nJst propa?,ll;n.da given thought to by now--or senes of aCCidents occurred m be q.uestlOned in regard to .at- land curriculum. no cal"ry-over from year to pieces, at whlc? the activItIes j~~tUI~fhf~~~~utT:h~i~~s~he sub- :d::~;tef;e ~~~~;:Js ~:~ulda:; ~~ndd.I~:hyCh:~~~I:n~h:s~eC::~I~~:~Trumpeters Pla~ Ba~~uet ye~~Vith the excellent potential ~~p~~:~~:~~~~t~~\:t~~e~i:n~)~~ Each time the United States emergency. traLlOn need our Signatures Oll T~e Trumpeters tr~dlt1onal that OUI' class possesses, we brutally. . . "gets .:O~~~':::~i the UfS~~~ de!:rab7:ul~~d thae;~[so~:ies;:~ ca~~~ht:p:,s:~r: O:e~h~t~e::~:, I ~1:~:t~:~ne~~:~~etec;~~ertat3~ ~~notdo~~veanofi~r:Ub;:a~~o~~~ ag;~nest t~i~ ~esti~al ;:~ae~~:Jli~ t ~:~t a~hat at e any ti~aenw~ may something be done about such miss the point of the honol' sys- at 6 pm. Dining hall decora- stated Barbam and Dav~. violates Finland's sovereignty. be hurriedly informed that nu- a .Ioophole in ad:ninistrative tern, or. perhaps this'matter has tions, .. entertainment and the n T~le National Student Union of I V all clear warheads are hurtling to- policy toward athletics. been d1scussed before. Either appehzmg .men u are ~tu- AmOS r'rogrom ~lUland proteste.d ~he Fes- ward Baltimore 01' Washing- RespecU.uJly yours, . :,ay, 1 would appreciate know- planned entJrel~ for t~e t1val~ \:hlch was .'mvlted' to ~n. teWha\tre tedstu~ntsd a~ Delta PI Alpha fratermty ~~~\~;hrhi~V:~~:w~~~O~y~!~~~ de~~c~:d bYinthl:h:rg::;::~~~~ ~~~il~t;1 br,D~;o~~!~!er L~~~~~ FI~~k r~n m:::e a~ downto:~ Note of Thanks ital loop-hole to exist. ment. will be sever~1 FeDtures Ploy o~ Finnish Yo u.t h:" Ever \Vestmi~ster to' folio,": the signs To the Edit~r; . _ ~~:~~~!ff~';;gham !~:t~~~t~ ~y d~:~!~~t:~~ad~~~ Presented this year by the ~~ncle93~heth:~s~~i!m~~~n \~:~ ~e t~~~k s;hpep:;~d;~~ Quotable Q. ~~~l~~~i?,?so~ethmg dterm~ I wo.uld hke to take thlS op- waitresses. To climax the eve_ music and dramatic arts de- been able to bring considerable ~o the basem~nts :f t~ur ~s::~s ::~~un;!; ~;~g,a:;:at;'an~~aUi~ w;~le ~~~: ::;~tn;~t;~a~e w~~n~:l h~l~ri~~ i:es::;~eptto u~p~~a~~n:h~!~~;~ m the ho~e that fallout doesn t demonstra~ed this past season. DIPS Christmas spirit. Seats are December 10, at 4 ;30 pm in 'deals.' ~ollow u: t It hl~s tbeen ~~de The Hopkms pep rally was un- Maybe the phys. ed. depart- reserved, and the meal is Alumni Hall. The NSA strongly urges f -no~\~nf Il h a b ~ o~ pa~~c ~s doubtedly the m_ost stirr~n.g ment should keep a supply of served by candlelight. The Women's Glee Club will American studen~s to stay t~~I a t'~.c 0 ea~ 1~~ performance o~ school. spirit barrels on hand for basketball This formal banquet is the open the program with a clear of the Helsmki Festival, e' a f quan 1 1esd ~p L t' ~hat I have w\tnessed m my games? main project sponsored by this ?hristmas music presentation as their presence would give l m\e~'drom grjoun zer,~. : s OU1'yeal'S at Vestern Mary- year's Trumpeters, who in- ill which Ester Deckert will be the false impression that the ~o dl1 d ourseves; we ge a lan~, not to mention your at- Re: Wednesday night's clude: Judith Cole, Mildred the contralto soloist, accompa- group is truly international. e~h:Y fS;i h b b ~en ance at the game on Satur- MSM: try looking for Mu on Dickey, Marion Edwards, Mau- nied by Gwen Narbeth on the However, if some Americans e mitte~ in o~~er ~~ ev:~ s~~~ ar special thanks to those Dr. Sturdiva.nt'! b!ck porch. reen Filbey, and Juanita Heil. fl.ute and Carol Bi~r ~t the insist on going, it is highly im- ~J:~e~nse~{:ho~ i~h~e~:m~~~tr~ faculty members who attended .Guess the course-"English S~~i~~oa~sor~o;c:u~:::!niOna bl:.n~iri~~:;~h~;le~,1\~!I~~I~~ii~~t:~1! t~~;e~~.~iyb:~! ~~i~~:; get suitable shelters g on e the ;~~m g~~rer~~db~~u:~ :n%Oll!r~- Llt~ratur~, Complete and Un- tradition at Western Mary- tions will in?l~de Magnific;at by ~nd be fully informed on ~ajor campus, or to what we should athletic or otherwise, m~st abridged. '" .. .. land, will be celebrated Wed- Vaughn Williams, .ChTIstmas Issues,. so that they c~n give a do should ~~~~:~':l;ttack come. have b;t~ ~tudent an/ /aculty Would YOU want YOUR ~:~~af'nso~e~i~b::rv;3ih/~~~= fa~;~ea~~ ~~~e~:.cpheJd8 by Ko- ~~~c~~ctu:~dof :s~~IC:t~~e~: Bruce R: Knauff su~~~r wOeec:~,~ces:toup' here. parents to k~ow..? .. munion in Baker MemoTial .The Christm~s m~si~ will be who may also be attending. Let's carry this spirit from Colle e . Chapel, following the Trum- cbmaxed by MI. Ohvel Spang- Are YO~ I~sured? ~~~: :Ui:l~ais~t:tb~;il a~r~v::s~ !ng ex;e~'i;~~~~~ .~fb;~~d:~~ ~t:i~~~a~anl~:~'ciari~~ S;~:i~! ~r ;;e~~~eOr!~~ a~n~riur;:!!n~ French Club Sponsors ToI:he t~!lto;~ent intramural tling te~ms on to victory. ~~l\thb~.dmlU! ~all~ It probably everyone to come. • Ch11:t~~: ~:~~dhalf of the Annual 'Fete De Noel' ~;es~~~gth~%~:f:~:t~e 0: l~~~ ~~~ ~;~g:~~~e, cla~~~;e:~'O:enD~'id~,~i1~~/;= 'i~:I~:s~~a~~I:ni.~~:l~:s_ ~~~f~ae~t ~~ld;~a~~Ce a~~d:re~ m~hepr~;~~~~, 7eef~chdC c~~:t ~~~n\ee~~i~~SaU;,a~~~t ~~~~ i~~ Point o~ wear fig lea:es~ .. ~e:v~~~!~:;\:~~~~e~OI~~~~/h;~f~ ~;t~:!;h~~a\ri~ce~~il~e~~t.B01'1t ~~~Iu~eus~:re~I~~n;ithG:r~:~~; considered by some, a serious To the Editor: Just how many people are ?ay morning, after breakfas~, The cast includes Marsha The program will take place flaw in the administration's As a recent transfer student the Bachelors expecting to I~ the small c~a~el. In addl- Benderme;ver, Ronald Cronise, Monday, December 11, at 7 pm. policy concerning athletics. to WMC, I took note of the comc tomorrow night? tion . to the smglllg a~d the Thomas Hayes, Robert Kruhm, Mme. Summers and Mary As it stands now, there is no honor systcm in effect on the .. .. .. read~ngs from. the ~crlptureS, Diana Pettigrew, Theodore Po- Ellen Hemmerly will read insurance policy, to our knowl_ campus. I fuJiy agree that Two-thirds of \Vestern Mary- a bnef talk w111be given. korny, Barbara Terry, Natalie F l' e n c h Christmas stories, edge, that covers individual~ mature college students should land's students go to bed hun- Seniors Sing Carols Thomas, and Jerry 'Walls un- while Mr. Vnnnier is scheduled participating in an intramural and must be honorable enough gry-the other third doesn't On the morning of Friday, del' the direction of Miss to speak, from experience, on program. Also, it seems that to refrain from dishonest prac- go to bed. December 15, members of the Esther Smith. Staging will be Christmas in France. the insurance policies covering tice. However, it seems some- .. .. .. senior class will journey managed by Mr. Byron Avery Ruth Ann Mason, Nanc.y varsity sports leave something what strange to me that indi_ Collegians may complain through Westminster in an an- with the assistance of John Roelke, and Fern Lindsay will to be desired. At least a por- viduals who are so honorable about the \~;nd, but to the male nual carol sing under t.he win- GTabowski and David Sutton. sing solos, with Carleen Ritter tion of the school coaching staff and trustworthy t.hat they audience it has at least one dows of faculty members. They Included in the off-stage accompanying them on the isn't aware of the specific ex- would not cheat on examina- benefit---it allows them to see will return to the campus for a music will be an original pieceIpiano. Judith Reed is handling istence of any type of insurance tions or w110 would tum in what the girls have in their special breakfast. School doses by Mr. Gerald E. Cole, sung by introductions. polic.y. to covel' varsity sport their best friend for being dis- stockings, Christmas or other- for the holidays on Saturday, Mrs. Ferne Hitchcock, a mem- AI! are invited to attend the participants. honest could not be counted on wise! December 16. bel' of the music faculty. festivities.
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