Page 16 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 16
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 17, 1961 The Editor Speaks " " " " " - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR- 'rORE .All BELlN B[ r ' rrJ V, Better Red than Dead?? the spir-it We live 1fI this play With them I should give my alarming aspect of the situe- No one mentioned the most As a gIrl thli To the Editor' world where men are Imperfect means that . . " . I?r. Ashley 'Montag~'s recent :2r~veno~yr:~~~~:~ f!~ei:er~::' ~:~~~ic S;~~;!;o a~hde;:;~iti :~:pe~~!c~ ~~a::a:~r t~n~~i';;~ Developing on thIS.campus .IS a growmg un~ercur- ~ISlt to. the ca~pus wa,s both tion but not attain it. should participate as much as up homework assignments not rent. of interest regarding the integration .questIon, ~s mteresttng and lI'~st~uctlve. It There are those who would possible in the intramural completed over the weekend ?r ~~~f~~~l!~.t~e~~~~t[fie lin!~'~te:;le a~.~;~ ~~I~oc:~6::r~~ ~!r~:p~~a\l:r~r~~~~:~ ?~os~~= :rlfo~~e th~e~:m:~~iS~e~fa~! ~;:~s t~;~::e~on!h:~o~~S p~~~ !~~v~~:!~~:n.the d~mec~~r~:'y \~ breaks loose with students heatedly defending each side, ~en~, ~acul~, an~ Pt~bhc f7e ho done in Russia, but they sue- ticipate in sports, but everyone would be pleasant if the build- it would be well for us to assess our capabilities before 00 a v~n ~e 0 e. ~ rd ceed only in establishing a hell. can find his place either as a ing were ventilated better. It we waste our breath and energy in tackling something noon .seml~ar 0 ~eet w~. an The ideal which Montagu holds participant or an enthusiastic -wculd be interesting to have beyond our range. We must know.what part we a~e ~~e:~~onhelpepS:O~d:r'the l~nt:~: f:::~~1 no~~se:!~~::ntndw:~~ sP~~:rI have merely been ~~~r U:~~~:.rri;:~~t:~cti: caP!lble ?f playing before the curtain goes up on th is Iectual ferment s~ to surely abandon the W~st to the trying to say, is that we must provements can be effective .un- all-Important Issue. . . a college campus, but It l,S not forces of these fanatics. Our develop ourselves into truly less we approach the services The part we have to play IS not to de~ermme to be ex.pecte~ that w~ WIll all experience with human institu- weJl:rounded, well-adjusted peo- with reverence and attention. ~~~t~:~Mal~l;n~et~lle~~~~h~t ~~~~gm~~i:~~;~~dwm ~~::n w~~~d~~il~n~nalYSls.of the !~~~.s~:~u~~eth~e:f;s ~~Is t~: ;~~ :~~ ~~~~e~ei~af:i~l:oo:f~~d Io!er~:~~n t~~re t~~s a~~~~~i:~ handle-but, rather, if and when colored students do Personally, I subSCribe to spirit is part of our existence. world and thus be able to di- faith, with which we are sup- come, will we be prepared to meet them? 'Vill Negro the fundame~tal prin,ciple of In Lippmann's words: "In the reet those who are stumbling posedly so "intimately. assoei- students be personally accepted into the college commu- human relatIOns whIch D~. tradition of civility, the pre- around in the "dink." ated." How much ~eally nity? This issue is the students' problem, and it is ours Montagu expo~nd~d, L~ve .IS vailing view has been that the Sincerely, mean to us? What IS It all alone. If we ourselves .r~ady t? accep~ colored stu- :~: ~::!I:;::;~~a~;nf::d~e:!~~ ~7s~ar::~:sa~~e i~=~p:::1~~~~ Peggy Zacharias ~=pt~s ~~: ~~~f!~:~s b~ca~~~ dents, that wIll be one admmlstratl?r: hesl~ancy out of personality. Further, knowl- work out'his destiny in the bal- More Than A "Part" our individual goals are con- the way. Vie cannot tell the admllllstrahon what or edge of the character structure anee, which is never fixed final- To the Editor: fused? w~a~ not to do, but we can show them that we are o~ a people ,m~st be prerequi- ly between the two." In last week's GOLDBUG, al- Let's make a start by using 1Vllhng to accept Negro studer:ts. . . Slte to negotiations and agree- In our present condition we most overshadowed by the con- this one hour a week for some But are we? Do we know If we are or not? ThIS IS ments on the international must have patience and we tinuation of the "Great Contro- serious thinking about why we the immediate problem-to find out what we as a stu- level. But at this point Dr. must know our enemy-his versy," were a number of com- are alive. Eventually, a light dent body think. Then we must make these thoughts Montagu .and I m~st ~art com- language, culture, and ideolo- ments about Sunday chapel shining from our steeple could s~:;~~~~~~ :! c:~~u!~e I~~~:~:ss t~!~ ~~~::ri~~~~te t:~eth:~v:;;;:!: heard. , e~;~js The ~roblem of interna- to keep the bombs from falling. ~:r:~:s chapel is too warm, the which we are dedicated person- ~~~CI~;::I:edOlsno~o~~I~ !rop:~t:~:i:s I~w. the N D I G d Dues t:onal. relatIOns has been over- Hopefully, we may eventually speak.ers .are. too restricted to ally, not just ~fficiall~. Per- o ues s 00 !~at t~: ~h~;I~st~:V:ltlr~h~~d ~~~s'ist~~~~a~l~\:~~l:t~~~~e~~:! SI~!lficead~notbe the only ones ~~:~~u~ePO~!yWh~:e~o~~r~~~: During his four-year campus the extremist. Why do classes to turn the other cheek and to But we must also preserve our chapel steeple to show that God than a "part" of our campus career, the veteran senior has have to be classified as such? beat our weapons into plow heritage of the precious insti- is a "part" of our campus life. life. William N. Thais With the class as tual importance other than aca- reeognize that ideology is blind- than dead" is a slogan of the let "o,nr':e'/ll'e Be "••:.I ' ;~:l1et~eoU:cc:;f::xi~ar~!~e $~~ ::r:t~e: aas:nei:~o~s~f ~it~l;~~~ ~O~rl~s.b;n Su~rdal~pi~~: ~~!~t~~s~:!nandm:~~es ,?~:~~~~edr~~1=========,b,======== class dues. a whole now standing at around demically. The class names ing and that communism is a thoughtless and the ignorant. ...~ ...... 1.1 U".Ut e we 150 members, the total mini- serve as a handy short-cut for fanatical faith. The Russian It need be neither. But the' In LOI'If{ 'n*e,n'/i''''':O'/l frr••e mum of all dues paid by this designating the relative num- Communists are prisoners of must be willing to risk year's seniors reaches the sub- ber of scholastic credits the in- their 0\Vll mythology, and un- bombs or our way of life can- I~ .UI I~ II :II ul.' I~""I stantial proportions of $1,500. dividuals have; this is alto- der these circumstances they not be preserved. Without the by Pat!"icia Reycra/t stand before us and plead for ~~l~~u~~eo!lat~see~~:;;;dd~~Pi~~~~ge~:: \::;Pde~Sa;:e ~~~~~'have :~i~e::;;e~hebYsu~ju~::;sspe~ ~~s~'o~nt~/o~~~~~on,it would be "Let your conscience be your acceptance on behalf .of himself the total dues collected are to organize, elect a slate of of- pies of the world." They are Ralph B. Price guide" we are told, But what and all other Americans who probably closer to the $2,000 ficers, stage parties, and whip dedicated to bringing into be- is to 'guide my conscience? To did not have .the good. fortu_ne level. Exact records do not up--or try to--a great enthus- ing the perfect society. Under More 'Veil-Roundedness whom may. it look as an ex- to be born wlth a white skin. ~~~~~' i~n!:!~sht;~~~~/s ci~~th~~:C::'se ,~f~~~:°:O~~r~~~ se;~i:·e~~::nc~:til:~:~sing not ~~=:f;;t?th;p~~i~PO::~I\:eS! :~;~ti~~c~~~~I~~~~'So~n~u~e~~~t To the Editor:, only applies to the class of wonderful thing, but, in ~nel:- is considered t? be either _Is t~ere anythmg ~ wrong we not help but observe that reali~ation tha.t. we too. are ~!~~'~:tter!~ :~d g~Oo~~Se~~:; ~~ti~~p~~:lri~ t~~k7;;.le ~~~~~ we~~ne:g~: ~~~:~di:~t reality ;~~~~Ie~~:r? a;'e~~~~te~neor c!~ i~:rn:%r~:~s~t ~~~~~rn ~far~;:~~~~ca~U~m:i~lc~~; Western Maryland College. does a college that has a measly is other than it is-that some fines hlmself-merely to these land is how to give lip service this year. Now we shall turn ;!~~S e~~~I~~~riec!~~ t\~~thm~:! ~:r:~:~ra~:n!ll~~~ala~li~t!~' ~~~r~:tedfO;:~~ni;~1 an~h~f~~: ar~a:hould like to believe. t~at ~yC~~i~ti:~ir~c:~;n:o:~ ~~~; f~~o~~~s a~~:::sdS ofth~a:::;~: ~~~~i~~a; n::~ds~~~ 'el:~:~ii~~ ~v~~~tc~~:;ainspf;i~~it~~nsw~~~~ ~~i~~o~a~~e :~~~tl~~r:a:!:: ~::;:~~e.i;er;ul~; ~~~~in: ~~~ th;I~~';;:r:~x ~:;~ o:a!~:ll;e~:: ~~:tai:ser~:p1IU:~i ~~ o~e: e ~!~'meInntsr~~:n st~de~~e r:;e~~:~ ~ee~e~rn~ t!f ~~~~P;~dc:;i~~ ~::v:,lwa~u~~;:mfoO:e u~etoc:~ ~fsti~r:~~~~~s~:e:o \:~v~O\h~~ :nar~~~ ui~~~eoU: P::~;:g:~onn~ ~:;:~~tt~oma:~~~;n -:~:t, g1~~~' f ;~~~o:c~~~r:s,a:e:o~~ ~~~:: :~: ~~~u:~v~e.ttr~~:r~l~ti~~~eS:t:~OI~o~~; r~:~~~ ~i~~~e~\:. pIe;: ~~eb:x~~~:~el~~~; ~hr:u!~ ~~is :n~;s~me~::Or~frya ~~!: ~o;;~Si~~ai\~e d~:r %es~n;;;~~:~ ~~~rl~n:xPbe:tSi~:i~a~~i:s~o~:e~; ide~ri!t:;!;la~~g~:e~~tl~f o;re~~ :uSt~e~ak:re~U~~~y i~:~:u::~ f~~\~e l:!~~~:~;~~~~~o~~~~h ~~:d w~o~~~ie~!e.bac;v;it~a~: ~~ ~~~~;nt~ha~i~;t b~~~~tt i~ y ~~: c~~~~d~!~VYs~~~~~~tis.::~i~~ ~a~~~~~h~o~~ert':;e~~~;li;~~u~~ :~~v~; ;~:~ :at: thn;~le~~ ~?:in~tsine::s~~;I~ ac~~d.our big-hearted benevo- ~;o~~e :~Io;v~?;~e~k~l~~ardless that could be------and·are------alsothe originally mentioned point We can change them little in w?lch IS con.cerned pnmanly lence we invited a N:egro boy Benny's Kitchen and Baugh- ~~~~:~~i~~s~YinOc\~~n~~~~~r~~=~!n~~~e~o:~e~r::s fi~:;s~ial total =e::;; ~~~e~:!o~;. ti!~~Yt:!:~ ~:;~n Pa°th~!~:~tYan~on:::~!:lec~~~~~~ 2~~~r:Ss r:r:~~~!rt~:ua~~ :~~~~en~:ll ~;tr~~~~ed c~rle~e~ tie~:ond t~Orori~:S? dollars or to ~~~~O;~:~~I~:te~r~~o;~:~~ ~~:i~ve~e::;US!o~~~~:~:e!~:!al~he w61.l-rO/wdcd p er.s on ~e ~e::~~n~n~n:~;~k ~o g~S~ 3~~~~n'~a~~~n~::g:;ai~~: t~~~; 0u a just $1500 i: a lot of m~ney class during its college years is fundamental, if not inna~, s?ould reahze the \V~rJd Slt;18- this boy the opportunity to desegregation? ~~~nti~pieto rt~~~iZ~o~~ve~ ;~at ~~~iS~~!~~li:1 r~~:~~~eno~a~~t m~a~p~~~~lfDr. Montagu ~l;:vea~~. S~~UI~e~tr;~~ t~e~~~ ----. ?ot y l!~~~~P!~ili~~l;~~a:!U~:~: fewer e~ Ie seem to know thIS money are for some reason is the victim of a serious con_ deve~o~l~g as many. of my po- Cut And Cut Again m somethmg of thiS nature. h fit P U d btedl not publicly stated is another fusion-a confusion which is te'!tlahtles as posslble--:level- However, one highly embar- ~~if~n:~f:~;'i;~hi','::,;~~{~;!:2~'L:;:'~:!',~~;':fi¥,:J:~~:/'~;J~:E:~lf:~u~::1::~~g,;;:~~::~~h~:i.%;~~~f,:;:L~i:~I::::;;t:;;~~:.~:~::~~~;!!~v~:f:fi~!:~~ ~ I:: e~. ISthls a~ II class involved be made aware Plwlc Philo8ophy calls the two in all situations. I do not and that I do not fully appre- Westminster when the student ~ts~~fis n~t ri~~~se e ~c. 00 ~~en~~w-and whether_it J;~; ~;a~~i~ ~or~~iS:~~c~t~:a:;al~ ~~~~ i~ha;..e;yt~!~, noe:.e!~~~iII~;:!':~;\hf:ci~t;;es:io:iSh to ~~!Otfisth:;se~r~e~:idC~~iS~:~ . The whole concept of d!stm~- WIllat any time In my life com- I have the hlghest respect Negro members? zatlOn can be argued agamst by 'R d Th CD" N" h pletely realize do mean potentiali- I edge of every faculty member student body can do nothing and ?rgalll- for the capabilities and knowl_ t!V~class structure This situation, of course, the my I ties-but that oun COLD BUG B" g" g Odd "E d T L" ht endeavors, but and also spiritual hu- that many of them are I am a rationalization which is ap- e ampus, ay n .g t, ~;~~~n~?~nIIy ~~~t sc~~~:::i~ ~:i:~ wto:n I !:;:I;o~Ueg~~s~~:~ o~rs:ub:g a~~s!~o~~ ~~u~an~~e s n n S o.g . rln In However, they do have not board. with manitarian en- realizing their potential. ~~~~~\n~rt!il~£~~~~!:ht~~:~~itr:;One obvious wa.y to solve t?e Are the forthcoming dancing ~;~~O::;Iwn;~t~~~~I::,:i:a~~ ~~~~es:;dth~!ie~~ ,t~nth:a~:~ ~:;:~~~ces~at~~!~ng6eli:ve t~he!~ Entere
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