Page 25 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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Licl'gry "-'estern Mat'y.laLdCollege :c5t:!.i~~;'3ter, l.~d. The Old Bow Out THE GOLD BUG Dusk Dims The GOLDBUG Approximately eleven months ago, the now-depar-ting staff WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND of the GOLD BUG declared in its first issue: "The college paper _V~ol~.~39,;,.~N~o~.~12============="",==========="",;J,;;a;;,nu;,;a;;rY;,,;;1;..:9',.;1;;,9=62:~rSf~I~:!Sd~~~:d~r~;e:hea;:u~!n7i~~:;i~U~n;O~at;:n;~I~;\~: = same time, we wish to make the GOLD BUG an even more impor- Uncommitted Generation Is Cabinet Selects Sixteen tant cog in the machinery of life on the campus." Issues have come and gone and we have now reached the final our direction. under edition of the GOLD BUG The production SubJ "ect Of Rel".g".ous Week ror Fir.rt Bonor Court ~~':';I~~~:':n~':"w~lI:;:;':n:,:~,:!,~i:.~ti:~:,w,;;~;..~~:,.it;:':o:~; ,. rt of sentimental effort are to be goodbyes and praise for individual sp:ne~~~~~usE~~!as~\u:~ktI~~an!~za;ar:~ymbeonhe~~t~~OJ~:~e~v~r!f::~:~d~h~~~~~~e:e~~:~~~'R~~i:i~ar~:rti~e;:~:::t:~:~rOe~i~;s~~a~~d~rs~,:::I:d;~~~~~i.;u~t~;iSs~;~.ndedtothe Christian . will be- day evening Various campus and recorder, respectfvely, of sentmg the JUnior class are During the past year we feel that, Indeed, the newspaper has ol'ganization~ will s p on S 0 r the newly. selected Honor Court Leslie ~Jperstein,. Dagmar J,cr grown in stature on this campus-c-out- initial goal. Articles, par. ~~sthtunt; raise money to aid ~!r~ ~:.etmg on Tuesday, Jan- ~:e:;~~::~~~~ld~I~~i~~N~~t~~~;r~!~~e~~~~~:sm~::;~~e;: ~:v~h;e~e~~~~et:da~~~hvao~:ec:fa:~ Concluding Religious Empha- The other seniors on the and Bonnie Shelton. Sopho- minority, but this is as it should be. Above all, the most pleasant . will be the Sunday Court are John Grove, Marga. more members are Earl Arm- surprise encountered has been the total absence of censorship, or service where in~r, Barry Lazarus, Robert even hint of any. will M. Friar Com- Ji'"A 7'. r. Pl'lc.e, and Janet Shanholtz. Upperclassmen may recall the rather sarcastic attacks (Re- topic "The .Flve members ?f the Court ligtous-De-emphasia Week, etc.) that appeared in the widely dis. l :~~li~~::;1::;~~~~J:i~;Dr. Friar at Johns "L,.~'/tyBllz"", w'.ll serve a~ a Jury at. each cussed "Chuck's Caustic Corner" of last year. What is significant is a "J'II 10 "PDRSO' a . layman and articles of this nature Corner" and other .' trial or hear-ing. They will be about the "Caustic surgery Court who will also c~oose ~wo The entire judgment was leit up to the GOLD BUG staff, creating University, A fire- """i ....I selected by t~e chairman of the is that no restrictions whatever were placed on printing,them, to 7:45. in McDaniel Lounge will Western Maryland's, SCA o.thers to act as an inveatig-a- an ideal newspaper situation, In at least this respect Western Starting the series of pr-o- follow the service. will present the annual WUS bon tea~. M~m~rs of the Maryland is far better off than many other colleges and univer, grams wiII be Rev. Richard F, The religious groups partici- Bazaar, February 10, in Court Will ma,mtam' ~omplete sit.iee. Weith, who will speak Wednes· pating in the preparation and Blanche Ward Gymnasium sec;ec? conce~nm~ lea~t ca:e, The switch to a weekly one-sheet format was the headline day evening on the . organization of this week are from 7·11 pm. Sororities, rre-! . u~~ng eac tr~a ~ er H ear· story in the management of the GOLD BUG by this staff. So far "Are the Students of the Baptist Student Union, the ternities, religious groups, and:;g ~ I~ccu: bet o;~r we consider the move as havin'g been extremely successful. It is Really the Uncommitted Canterbury Club, the Lutheran other campus organizations I ~urtF s a vo bY secr; ~ - possible that in the iuture the paper will be further expanded- eration?" Rev, Weith is Student Association, the Meth- will sponsor booths and will .0, OU\ :~m ers 0 tt.e to that of a weekly four-page issue. More money is all that is tor of the Wesley Foundation odist Student Movement, the present entertainment. JU~Y mus d r In agree~~n I~ needed. at the University of Maryland. United Campus Christian Fel- The World University Servo or .~( to The Iv~r a vel' Ict 0 Thus the present staff of the GOLD BUG bows out--with a The following evening Dr. lowship, the Wesleyans, and ice, supported by students in 41 gUI y't e t,ourt t~an then sigh ting~d with relief and satisfaction, the Wes~ ~~!Jl!~sti~~ ~;:~el;~n ~~~:~ Dr. B W ~:~,tri:~d ~~~I~er b~~r ~a:~~ul~~lic~~~:~C ~:~ a~~~~ber.shiP JPW Smith, a member of the class arnes, arner counterparts in other areas. IS open .to sophomores, Jumo~s,1 ~==========~==---- Committed To?" Being avoiding be~n an c;;~.ra average of C.or CENSORSHIP SNEAK·S IN of 1945, received his Doctorate R " C I inal The Service encourages orig- ~.d semors. wl~ohold and mam· projects while at Bosto,; Univer~ity. H_e is ecelve ave S duplication o! p.rograms from wate~ade ~s ~~ars~1~1~tJon _ ~~~h:e;;:~!y ~h;'~~~~~s~~~~ Officers for second semester ~~~j~tsorg:~~:~~~:~ b;o~: F!~.~ever, inYtheefuture, ~:n::~ Through the centuries, censorship has assumed many forms in Washington, D. C. were ele_ctedon January 12 by WUS in 1961.62 were: the or. t!~mg of the Court and has been applied to an equally varied range of persons, writ_ . evening will D~lta Sigma Kappa and Delta ganization of cooperative stu. Will choose their successors, ings, and movements. This week Western Maryland College was . of the PI Alpha. . de~t hostels in Greece, Burma, The Ho~or Court plans to surprisingly the scene of one of the more crude types of the old ~elta, Sigma Kap~a. India, Pakistan, Indonesia and meet sometIme after the semes· censorship disease-the quick, silent firing of an individual who MOVIng .mto th.e pOSitIOn of Korea; the support of student tel' break to formulate a set of had dared to voice an opinion which critically viewed his em- K~i~~ by·laws. ii:~~C~~~adR~:" Ira Delt pr!~~~e~an~~ T~~~~n~: ~~:It~u~:~~r;;~a:l:n~o~:d of proj- S h CI plOY;!'hiSopinion was presented in a "letter to the editor" in this Miss Patterson is a '. Leadame Hac· nam; the establishment develop- Op omore ass newspaper last week and was clearly and ?~cently stated. The graduate and a former mission- . lS recor~mg secretary and ects for community autho.r .of the letter commen~d on the declslon by the head of ary to Japan; she is presently I? a .Gnscom" treasurer. ment, under university O:t~~~~ Plans Big Sweep the dm~ng hall, Mr. Barney Rice, to apparently revamp the cam. spon- • t.:a~~i ~o~ra~n w~~es:;:~~~:t ~:;::in. ~~\~a}onI:s, !~~ge~~~~ :~~Sh~~di:s::::~!a~!~ ;~SQfn;l~e~~~r s~s~~~'g;i~l:ost~:i~~~e~o!h~;s t~;O:7sI~~S ~~:e~ of las~ y.ear's Student Christian ~~~~~, r Marga~et Z~chanas, printing and pu?lishing centers On Saturday, February 10, the proverbial "exit" wI~hno exp1anatIO~from the high command, ASSOCiation and has recently b ...f estntatJVe, With Bar- for the productIOn of inexpen. from 1 to 5 pm the boys' dorms Freedom of speech lS one of .the baSICelements in the founda. returned, from a !'MCA·spon- D~~~a plfl~ mg ~ alternate. sive textbo_oks and materials, will be invaded by members of tion of A~e~ican. de,?-ocracy. Wh~n. an indiv,idual is prevented sored tl'lP to RUSSia. Dr. Mc· , ettIgrew I~ .corresp_ond- Inf~rmatlOn about WMC's the sophomOI'e class who will from exerClSlllg hiS nght to an .oplfllon or unjustly suffers fro~ Gill is a member of the Reli· ~ng. secretary; etty Tibbs, part in this program will ap- offer their cleaning services having expressed it, the oppressor is greatly in the wrong. gious Life Council and is the t~~~~e~av:~~~;;:r~an~nd Pa· pear on the bulletin boards. ior $.50 a room, in order to T~e. sudden dismissal oi Mr. 1?avi~ Warner from ~is po_stin sponsor of th~ Canterbury! Delt a Pi AI h V'b t T PI earn money for charity. The the gnlle was, we feel, a gross IVlolatlOnof the American Ideal. Club. Rev. Zepp IS. also a WMC David W n path wil~ I rano es 0 ay sophomores, in search of dirty It is fair warning to all to 'note- that such a step can be taken. graduate: ' . Preachers' n~: ~:;ide~s F V I t' B II rooms, will travel in pairs The GOLD.BUG condem~s the a~ti?n ~aken ag_ainst :'Peanut" and . FolloWlng the panel .dlscus- be assisted b J~ A~' armed with their mops and supports hIm completely III any action concermng thiS case. JPW :~~~ed. reireshments WlU be ~ice-president~ Ja::: W;;d:t or a en me a dr;~~ ::te~::~~~e:n thiS serv.I================== The World Umverslty Servo B~~~~~~~ ::ec;:~;:, ~~~l El~~wl~e~~~d ~~IS~~a~~s :;::::~~ Ice should sIgn up on the dm- SEGREGATION A!J' ITS ULTIMATE .. " °d mlger IS correspondmg 17, from 8 30 mg hall and student umon bul· secre- Ball on February SCA FIresl e talY for the Preachers along to 12 pm lfl GIlJ gymnasIUm letm boards of the committee, ChaIrman Balh. from The Vlbranotes With Robert Shaw, sergeant-at· Tomorrow evemng from ~{a~:;n S::~le?ho;~~d~,l~n~, m~le's Celebrity Club Will pro· ::;;;~lP~~~:;us'so;~!m~~! ~ 8 30-11 30 In the Student ~ey, socI~1 ~h~:nan Shan:~ ~;a~lt:~::c d::;t~; e!~~~ L~~ :~~ b!h;ro~7:e~u:y th~q~:;a~7;; t:n;~~k~~~p~Gc!m;;~t!'°~t~ t:rn~~1I a:e, J~llll~f~~~;n~e~~d :;wi~:mbers, to the prImitive ~::~ ;:1'0 t:lilr r:~~~. refresh. a warm :fireside. Music will ThiS makes the Bob Grace, chairman of the be in the fonn of groovey straight year that Mc- dance committee, states that discs, ca~~sci~;~dthe position in ~~e:~i~~p7ei,ll probably be about LETTER TO • THE EDITOR Hill To Hear Lisa Sergio, ~:~~~~i~!~~rs-Pro Lecturer On World AI/airs S~i;;;ou:~~;ko:'o~~O~:':::.t';; he read the Proposal For C"eek Revolution" Lisa Sergio, ia~lOus special. an IRC'sponsored program :l~:ht~~t~e;t~~mc~!n!~m~~mt~ =========,=======" == on and .lecturer lTI world ai_ the topic "A World's·Eye View the United States WIll be on campus of Ourselves." On Tuesday she following two books: Wi6nC88 and L"b rt F t °t 0 E I"t • ., a February 12, give two talks, "Wider by Whittaker Chambers ley, ra ernl, y r qua Iy February 13, ~~~~~?':nd ~?~iS~~~ y~::;~:a;, 1:::::a1~~t:I~:b:~!or~~~ Today, and Tomorrow." The Kennan. The continual prep- Recently someone attempted 'Freshmen would be less afraid times for these lectures will be aration to deter communism in to initiate the organization of that their every act could be announced later. the United States is a vital another fraternity, in light of interpreted as a reason for be· Miss· Sergio was born in necessity. WMC's expanded population. ing blackballed; they would Florence, Italy, the daughter A nuclear war, at this point, We need another fraternity feel less need to go out of their of an Italian nobleman and an unless fought under limited or sorority as much as we need \Yay to act unnaturally to im- American woman. She grew conditions, would be disastrous another incompetent professor. press particular people, There up in an aristocratic environ_ to say the least. The building One's observations, rumors, and would be far fewer cases of ment and showed literary tal. of bomb shelters is only one of conversations with frat and hopefuls being on trial for the ent at an early age. She also many steps that need to be sorority members and alumni majority of their college ca- worked in the excavation of taken, (And there are many indicate the need ior an alter- reel'S. A blackball would not ancient sites in Italy others.) native to these organizations be the "end" of things. 1932, when she entered As for "the menace of god- as part of the social system, The need for closed groups the field of radio. She became less materialism, moral decay, In the preseJ;tt system, frats representing social security to ~he first woman COmmentator and easy·going seli·righteous- .and sororities are the basis of many people is not denied, nor III Europe and was also Mus- ness," it is quite reasonable to social status, and are the only is the need for blackballs etc. soIini's official English and assume that each pel's 0 n way for an individual to be ·Rather, w~ affirm the need for French interpreter. She soon chooses of these himself ' , , considered "in." a choice, fol" greater social flex- became disgusted with the freely! But, the menaoo of An alternative to the present ibility, and for a democratic Fascist regime and used her communism concerns the Unit- system is the addition of an In_ system. . .to (,xpose its shortcom_ ed Sta~ as a whole communi· dependent Student Association. It is up to this year's fresh- poi~ts she was forced to flee ty fightmg ~ pr~serve th~ ~ree- Any r:on.~ember of a frat:er.nal men, currently independent up- als, the after ~er arrival in ~m;o:~~;~IC~olt ::i~:i'~~~; ~~:a~:~~~~sh7;UI~h~e el\~!:~ ~~~~Ia:~~e~~er:n~nd:::~en;'~ can be country, .M'ss Sergio be- stai?ility as the, greatest fre_e be certai'; a~vantages to such start .the process which would dependently 'by broadcastmg, and by the n~!lon on earth IS th~ r~ponsI- an, or.gam~atlOn. Students n?t make such a choice possible. tion, , the Danforth the war began, s.he had be- blhty oi everyone; thI~ mc1udes bel~evlflg m frats coul~ at~m Someone must lay the ground_ rel~~~u~ouc~~~i~r~s~:ts of;~ ~~l S~~~~:he on ' ~ome one of :::~ nah~n~s lead· the prepa;edness agamdst com el SOCial,s(atus, and. bhe"m~ w:'th work for an organization which their adVisors under the lead- Youth and World Affall'S" ~';!eiv:mm~:ny rShonorse ~:~ :n~ni~':~tr~t:th~ro~~:~ ~t~~y ~ s~~:np:;~~;e w~~e~:t ~~~~:. ,~_n·be more Urgentr needed i~ ership of Dr. Crain. Each of That same evening at 7:30 awards for her broadcasting pose. No one would be barred from t IS campus, expan, s to 100 the religious groups has one pm in the small Baker Chapel work, among these the French Sincerely, joining and achieving status by stUdents, as IS prOJected. vote in the Council. she will address the students in Legion of Honor. Theodore Pokorny the pettiness of individuals. David W. Littlefield
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