Page 22 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 22
2 The Gold Bug, Dec. 15, 1961 , . "Shotgun" Klitzberg Paces Cagers TERROR TAL~ As Terror Quintet Downs Lycoming SEVERA~!A~~;;:~h\h.:t~:\:~:n! · ~p,~rked by" sm?oth shooting from backcourt ' !h:!h~e~~;C~~~!ro~:~,o~h:~~d ~~ I:; RIChIe S~otgun Khtzberg and answer, apparently, is NONE. ~y Toll'l:0 Mal.ley and Dave , at least, concerning the intramural sports. There rmprovmg qumt trounced huy administrative policy concerning varsity night in Gill Gym, securing the and large, the athlete is not financially protected, young campaign for the twice-beaten injured, the medical fees would come out of his Shooting mostly from far outside ' . , tion's defensive set-up with his adding a tap-in and other under-the-basket Richie dented the cords ten assed by Indian fouls, the classy junior also net seven out of eight times from the foul line, his log to 27 points. ' Teammate Tom ========= also varied his shots fully, hitting from the the key, the side, and hoop, to add 18 Captain Dave Martin 15 markers. Equally cisive, Dave Markey down 19 rebounds for rors, almost half of the total, .and stuffed 7 points through the hoop as well. ~~n~~~~'1 O~!tt~~;t~~;i:~. five, Leading the invading Indians 44·32 at half time, the deter- , mined Terror five turned back , an, early second half rally being eonaidered, there appears to be a definite of insurance that covers the athlete and the p,,;'o,d ["",'.n' body. the policies be of the type mentioned is concern, the urgent problem rests in obt-aining 'them.' are insurance companies which provide low cost in- urerne I surance 10 college students, and who provide it on a campus-wide Why haven't any of these companies been allowedto .sell policies on the Western Maryland campus? Are there valid reasons? Or is it just an !ccent:ic p~l~cy Of the administration? WONDER WHY THE LETTERMEN are the only ones re-, the belt buckles for their part in the captu-re of the Conference football championship? Didn't the CQntribute to their winning the crown? Seems a bit unfair.' WANTED: ALOHA PATRONS HOW MUCH: $2.50·$5 WHEN: Immediately!! WHERE: Checks to 1962 Aloha EVERHART'S WHY: Urgent need JIM LEPORATI money Representlnr BENN'S, INC. Barber Shop Remind your LAUNDROMAT Men's and Boys' Wear At The Forks parents 5 LOCUST STREET Tuxedo Rental DAILY - 7 :30-5 (with complete accessories) Closed Wed. 12 Noon $10.00 Carroll Theatre Tilden 8-8677 WESTMINSTER Free Delivery Service SHOPPING CENTER Hamilton House Sun., .Mon., Tues. To Collera . Dee. 31, Jan. 1·2 Kirk Douglas Gifts for All Occasions in "TOWN WITHOUT PITY" Opposite Post Office Cartoon VILLAGE Westminster NORCROSS CAHDS Wed., Thurs. Jan. 3·" "THE MASK" Free Magic Mystic Mask RESTAURANT Laundry to see the movie of t.hrills and Dry Cleaning Also 2 Cartoons THE B~ST IN SUBS - PIZZAS s.. MRS. BUCKINGHAM LECImON Fountain Creations GULF SERVICE STUDENT UNION Ac}oss from Carroll Theater BUILDING COLONIAL DINING Westminster, Md. ROOM TI8·9781 What's New- in the Bookstore?? 59 W. Main St. Winter Either we've got an incredibly thirsty 0''-. Recommended by • Not new, certainly, but. most. sincere, our very best CHECK· UP wishes for.a wonderful holiday. Duncan Hines • In time for Christmas giving_a two-pack case, lm- ~'. , , . , printed with the WMC seal, containing two decks of The other day our vice preaidentin charge of good playing cards, score pad and pencil. White & gold. 52.95. BAUGHER'S news announced that someone, somewhere, enjoys Coke • ",Silly Putly"-the perfect "Cun" gift or stocking stuffer. AVENUE TAILOR 58 million times a day. You can' look at this 2 ways: r • Best of 'all, we have books-for all tastes and interests. 46 Vz Penna. Ave. RESTAURANT ',. A brace of paper backs, gif't-tied, makes a wonderful \4 Mile Off' the Campus gift! Delicious FuJI Course Meals Individual on our bends. Or -.CO. ca-C~la is the. .• • best-loved sparkling drink in the' world. Quick Repairs • In response to your requests, the Bookstore will be open Try Our Hamburg Subs . We lean to the latter interpretation. on Saturday, December 16, until 2 prn. and Alterations Homemade Ice Cream BE REALLY REFRESHED . and Thick Milkshakes THE BOOKSTORE Suede and Leather Coats Bottled under tlulhority~f Tlie Coco:Colo.Comp;ny;bY· ~ 8:30tiIl4 Cleaned and Finished Parents' Welcome ._ >, Sat. till Noon Winslow Student Center OPEN EVERY DAY
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