Page 15 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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Waldorfmen Expect Aerial Attack Edition WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Page 4 VoL 39, No.8 November 17, 1961 Committee: Selects Thirteen To "Who's Who" Mr.MusaAmalembaToTalk OnKenya &Mot/ern Africa November 20. He will answer "Breakfast at Tiffany's," co- starring Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard, will be the movie sponsored by the Inter- Sorority Council on Tuesday, November 28, at the Carroll Theater. The story by Tru- man Capote concerns a New York playgirl. Tickets for the show may be purchased from any sorority member for $.65. The movie be shown at the regular times, 7 and 9 pm. On this ing the play, while Mr. Byron night freshmen will not ~~ve Avery is desjgning the sets and st~dy hours, and .the SOl:Ol'ltles taking care of the technical will not have then' meetings. production. ISC Holds Open House There is a general admission . On ~ovember 11), the sorOl:i- charge of $1. This will be tIes. wtl! have an open hous~ m used to defray' the expenses of their clubrooms from 2 until 4 WMC Hosts Examinations other productions during the pm. f?r all freshm~n meet women. for the T'his IS an opportumty year as well as the Thanksgiv- the ing Play. upperclassmen to For Teacher ,Applications ,---__;:_----J!;;;;; refreshments. sororities will The freshmen. Tlleotlore lowe ha~v:~:ndeS:;'7t~~n~s ~o~~~ ~~~m~::!~Oe~~\~~11t~\:e ;:;~:p:~ ~g ~:n~; hf~rr!heE~a6!i~~~~~~ ~~~;:;~l~~~e t~n c~:epa~:a~~:!~ Speaks OnRuins .;;:iSad~;~~~:~:~ 1~0~~~ru~'~~ ~i~;Sth;i~~u~~;:'idates through- I L _j I "Provincial Roman Ruins" on the college campus. These College seniors Mrs. LeRoy Takes Over will be the topic of an ilIus- teach and J',II·S. Grace Zumstein Leroy trated talk by Dr. Theodore for positions in became the new manager of Lowe on Monday, November Preachers Pick ;~~~~ts to ~:rYI~~kstore at Western ~~un~te.6:45 pm in McDaniel Diane Kanak ~~a:~~~:;~O~~~ible to take November 15. ~~~ Ed~~~t~~~Ve~tw~~ei\~i~:~~rA~~ tests. The examinations , Gallery and who has directed Delta Pi Alpha fraternity prepared and administered sent a concert of dance and dance is cJQsely connected with such television programs as serenade~ thei: Sweetheart for nually by Education Testing music on the stage of Alumni religious rites and festivals, "Key to the Ages," will show 1961, MIss DIane Kanak, by Service, Princeton, N. J. Hall, Friday, December 1, at she chose to learn first the slides taken on a recent trip to candlelight last Wednesday The one-day testing program 8:15 pm. Bllarata Nat yam, a .classical Europe, including ones of an- evening. . . ,;ill be divided into two Indrani's company performs form of the South Indian ~m- tion. cient sites in southern France Appearing beneath her wm- .trons. The Common more styles of classical and re- pie dance. Later she received Prior to joining the and northern Italy. dow, the Preac~ers oflic!ally r-e- .tions, ~hich . gional dance than that of any instruction fro~l .Pandanallur staff in August, 1958, Mrs. Thi.s talk is sponsored by the ~~:Ie~r:~e ti::.lces~~ ~~~e c~~~ ~;::eS:~f~ua;e, ~i~~~~~~~:n:::~i~~~~s~~eYfl~~~ ~:~te~~ene;~~n;~~:I~;nt~:f n~h; ~~~dh~~e eS:ab~i~~~~ ~~us~~er~ Classics _:C:_iu:.::b:_.__ ~i~~etio~So:;e:t~~~~~ for the ;:~I~' b:n~ffered. a perct~~~~ni~~:end d~n~:r~- fO~drani has chosen other ~~~~~~~~e~nh:e~m~~:!e~.p !~I~ Contrast Launches ma~~: ~t!~a~:~ s;:!:in~?fli.!~ I~o;aa~didate may \~~o~.ei~r:w!h~a;ti~~;~~ :~!U~S \~~ic~a;~~ ~oev:;P~~~ ~~st:r,~:~s~or~h~u~~:r ~:~~;~~ Subsc.ription ~~ive . the Hili, with her activities itwo will danced by women but were a medical secretary at the Contrast s subscl'lptlOn drive ~~~:~In!di~~om(/~U;t:ie~rs th~! r~~:~: ::-:stery Asia Society ~uppor~s sP~~~e;~~:i:c:s;tce~e:i the In- ing wo~t:~n:r ~Io~~i!a~asDs~~~:ag~~~: i;V~i~inth:ellil~~r~~;. year) to Junior Follies ro mem- ~ter in which has a part 0 a c~ - dian government her company retary to the director of a 35 cents. per copy. Business bership on the Freshman Ad- Idates may be . exc ange i~ogra~ e- has visited many countries. sion of the Pittsburg manager Bruce Drenning, aid- visory Council. Diane ha~ Applications I t? present f ~hmo~ .r~r These include England and Glass Company. ed by Mary Crawford, Rae been a member of the GOLDBUGlinformation can be resent~tJv~ a~ts.:;; te e slal~c eight other continental coun- Hengren, Theodore Pokorny, staff in former 'years and is from Doctor Josepb.-R cou.ntl'les ot e. ~~ rnro_r . tries; Australia, Thailand, Sandra Riggin, has as- now working on the Aloha. education departmelJt 'Western ~hls program IS ~ c~ ml~a- China, Indonesia, Egypt, and Problems of teaching will one person to cover each P f;ill ~:~reac~;~~U~aveR~;;~ l;;~::la~~ C~!~f:~at; T~~c~!~~ ~:u:;~/~~:s :'sia ~~~~0~;~~~~~n~~ ~:6t~eS~:c::.~e P~~ ~h~E~Pic Of. discussion section of, the dormi- sponsor, Presidents' Club, Best- Examinations, Educational . Arts Program. low Dance Festival in the at 7 pm . i Dressed Girl and Ph! Alpha Testing Service. Princeton N. IS a native of Mad- Berkshires. This is, Students will able to Mu sorority, of which she is J. ,Promptness 'i~, registr;tion She !nherited her apti- her first transcontinental tour how student teachers now vice-president. is advised. . for the dance from her of the United States. coped with these problems.
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