Page 21 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 21
The Gold Bug, Nov. 21, 1958 Age-Old Campus Mystery SCA Conference Sketch Of County History Still Remains Unsolved' TOjJie Of Speaker Cited By Local Professor "Miss Winnifer Wygal of the While talking to a well-known Coach Waldorf nor a member of YWCA brought to the SCA many by Dr. Theod01'e M. Whitfield lieved that Western Maryland Col- actor one day last week, I learned the football team. One can. prove notes of interest concerning the lege was the first institution south that one of his unconquerable ad- this by attending the games. coming National Student Assembly At the in1)itatiO'fI. of the GOLD of the Mason-Dixon line to make dictions is to a. magazine named Coach Waldorf is plainly visible in Illinois, December 28 - January BUG,Dr. Theodore M. Whitfield has the bold experiment of offering col- art'iole on Monster Parade. Now this maga- and so are the members of the 3," said Allen Spicer, SCA prbi- written the following legiate instruction to men and zine is all right, but never have I team. This may prove 'something. dent. some interesting, but little known women alike, but in separate seen - in any edition _ that prime One thing I notice is that his at- Attending the conference will be kietorica.i facts concerninq Carroll classes. example of atrocity. our own Green tention is usually centered on fe- two representatives from the County. Besides being head of the Terror. males. I mean he swishes his tail neighboring schools of Morgan history department here aJ; the col- at them and all that. Well, moot State and Hood College. Approxi- lege, he is also pre8ident of the people who do that are males. mately 1000 students are expected Cal'Toll County Historical Society. In course of tho annual meeting This also may prove something. at the conference this year. The Though his identity is a mys- SCA at WMC hopes to send four of the Historical Society of Carroll County early in November, pictures tery, his purpose is well known. students to the assembly. It is ex- of br-ick-end barns were shown. He is there to boost morale, and the pected that $110.00 will be the job is aptly performed in one way average expense for the student at. Probably some Carroll countians or another. He has more pep than tending the conference. have never cast an appreciative Ie a pep rally! Two minutes before In the open SeA cabinet meet- glance at such barns scattered the game ends he is still seen ing, Miss Wygal discussed the aims throughout the county; this possibly die- even fewer that realize prancing around. I feel he de- of the forthcoming assembly. serves a letter, if only for purposes Negro representatives will be sent tinctive architecture is scarcely to of discovering his identity. to participate and discuss the prob- be found outside of a few counties Pennsylvania. and in Maryland Many people wonder what be- lems of integration. The YWCA comes of this creature after games has selected thirty white students Recently Mr. Audrey Bodine pre- and rallies. It was at one time from the South and is giving them sented a number of these barns in the brown section of the Sun. suggested that his residence was financial aid to the assembly so with Dean David's dog. He was that they might have the oppcr- toric Carroll has other objects of his- On tho interest. western questioned about this, though, and tunity to meet Negro men and worn- side of the county is Terra Ruba, indignantly stated (in Terror talk) en of leadership and see them in that this was a. base untruth, prob- action. It is hoped that this will the site Key. of the home of Francis Union Bridge Scott Near ably originated and spread by a be one of the means of better un- Dr. Theodore Whitfield was group of John Hopkins' alumni. derstanding between these groups. the sculptor William Rinehart home, her father's born. From Well, with all the controversy, Students present at the cabinet he prances merrily on his way, fol- meeting encountered such questions ~~~~:!~d;e;~~~ f~~k:~~~~~r!~~~ Evaluations Yield lowed by glances and wonderment. as "What do you think about the marriage to Jerome Bonaparte. (Can't. from p. 1, col. s) Upperclassmen are pelted. with trend toward conformity today?" Springfield was later the home of and the fifth, social probation from questions because "they should "How does God speak to an indio Frank Brown, the only Carroll Western Maryland College and the know." However, in the end, his vidual?" Students discussing the countian to become governor of town of westminster until gradua- creation, residence and identity are question said that they believed Maryland. The home of the His- tion from this institution. This always a mystery. It is accepted that parents, friends, and other torical Society was built during the term, social probation, in this case that he is a student, though facul- people were a means by which God early part of the 19th century. indicates that the individual In- and The Green: Terror ty members haven't been ruled. out, answered Miss our prayers asked quee- Here a youthful occupant and her volved may not be seen in the town tions. what Wygal and that his residence is in the playmates were interrupted in of westminster or on the college This wicked-looking creature has dorm, under the disguise of Joe most people sought out of life to· their games by the unexpected campus at any time for any reason been the subject of campus mystery College. This is mere surmise and day. In reply, economic and emo- pearance of General J. E. B. Stuart ap- except t hat involving academic for ages upon ages. Many theories other feasible theories will be tional security were given. Also, on the road to Gettysburg. Fur- pursuit. have developed about him, most of gratefully accepted. Perhaps he, a freedom and quest for knowledge ther on, Stuart and his cavalry The second case considered at which have been dispr-oven. somewhat like Venus, rose from and the mysteries of life were a spent the night about the Shriver this time concerned the disobeying Two things can be stated most the center of a huddle and was part of the desires of men and homes on Big Pipe Creek. One of of freshmen study hours. The In- clearly about him. He is neither swept on to fame in Terror history. women today. these is currently opened to the dividual concerned. here that was "These are but a few of the thoughts that will challenge the public
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