Page 22 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 22
4 The Gold Bug, Nov. 21, 1958 Terrors Face Varga Scores Nine Goals Johns Hopkins In Successive Hooter Wins On Saturday on home ground. This was a Mid; Bringing down the curtain on the itsL~:!!~d~a!~:_~~::~ ~:eW~~ Atlantic encounter giving us a 2 - 3 '58 football campaign, Western five starts by defeating American record in the league. At half time Maryland will tackle Johns Hop- University 5 -1. Four goals by the score stood at 1- 0 with the kins, their arch-rivals, Saturday at George Varga sparked the Terror lone goal by Bob Cole. In the Hoffa Field. The Green Terrors offense. This was Varga's third third quarter the Terrors dominat- will be looking to revenge the 19-0 appearance in the center forward ed play with goals by Silex and defeat the Jays handed them in spot, the others being in the Alum- Varga. Delaware's entry in the 1957. ni and the Delaware games. scoring column occurred in this Having lost two encounters in a For the first twelve or fifteen quarter with a goal by Fred Wal- row, Coach Bob Waldorf is hoping minutes, the ball was in the West- ters. Varga scored once again in his team will rebound to win their ern Maryland end of the field, us- the fourth per-iod. third game as oppposed to six set- ually being shot at the goal. How- On Homecoming day, the squad backs. Fred DUkes, who last week ever, the defense held and at this defeated an Alumni team sparked against Drexel raised his total in point, the Terror offense began to by Denny Hannon, Don Tankersly, yards gained for the season over click. Stan Entwistle, and Ray Davis. 600, is expected to carry the Ter- Fourten minutes deep in the sec- The final score was 4 - 2 with Var- ror offense. The defense should ond quarter Varga converted for ga and Silex dominating the scor- prove adequate if the offense gives the first tally with an assist by ing. Other -members of the Alum- them some assistance in the scoring Don Shure. Karl Silex and Varga ni team were: Gene Michaels, Bob department. scored one apiece in the third, Var- Crush, Al Hagenbuch, Dick Linton, In their past two games the 'rer- ga being assisted by Bob Cole. Dan Seibel, Brant Vitek, Walt rors experienced some extreme mia, Entering the fourth period WMC Sanders, John Clayton, Jack Tur- Ji"!}_ Boyer, found "at home." fortunes. After leading 26-8 at led 3 - 1. In the fourth, Varga ney, and Terror coach Phil Uhrig. halftime over their Homecoming booted two more in with one more For a special sports personality the American Association, he adversaries, Lycoming, they lost assist from Cole. Silex pushed this week, the GOLDBUGhas chosen handled the Little World Series in 27-26 in an unbelievable finish. another through giving the Ter- Jim Boyer; trainer, coach, and all- 1941 and 1942. Jim moved to the Despite the loss the crowd was not rors a 6 -11ead which was the final LACROSSE around "g-reat jg-uy." Jim came to American League and proceeded to displeased with the Terror effort score. ANYONE? the Western Maryland campus in umpire there for nine years. He and the team was ready to show On Wednesda.y, November 12, the 1935 to serve as baseball coach and topped off his umpiring career by them their thanks against Drexel soccermen defeated Delaware 4-1 Another movement is un- trainer. He has filled' these posts handling the 1947 All-Star Game when the virus crept in and stole derway to organize a lacrosse as well as coaching J _V basketball and the 1947 World Series. the show. team on the "Hill." A simi- ever since. He lives on his farm in Finks- boys were ailing and many more I Sports Personality I lar effort was made last year, Two days before the game nine As a trainer he has no equal, and burg and is the father of three but it occurred too late in the every athlete at Western Maryland children; two boys and a girl. He had felt the toll of the virus, but, year to obtain any results. has great trust in Jim's ability. raises cattle and deals in antiques determined to win, all of the men by James Gibson A meeting is slated for Sci- Many doctors have commented on in time. ence Hall, Monday, Novem- Jim's competence in handling var- ::SdeDt~!t~l~e~r:~~~t I::;!~:.. This week's sports personality is ber 24, at 6: 30 pm in room Jim is very close to the athletes ious injuries. Jim treats all equal- at W,MC and he calls himself the 203. All interested men ly whether team captain or third ~::i~: ~~ei;of~~. in:: ::~: ~~:~ !~~:s ~=jor~r,~~~ ~~lss~~~o:: ~i~= should make an effort to be string bench warmer. world's worst loser. Jim's heart is on hand. Jim is closely associated with all in on every play of every game, and ;;:ddfi~: i:~~es!:~ ;:ri!l~ six ;~ ~~n~~~:r:~a~~~ s~c:~efi!f~~ The various aspects and sports but his background in base- he suffers as much as t,he players The Western Maryland line con- while ID th: spnng he S\,:IDgs a problems of fostering a team ball is unsurpassed. He was a pro- after a loss. will be discussed. Anyone fessional umpire for 15 years. His Jim Boyer has won the respect ~i;~e Do~~~i~v!h~ti~~~~b~eal:~ ~:~ve~~~s ~:~~!~s~er~~~~ who would like to see the "In- first six years were divided between and admiration of everyone with jell and the game ended as the first ty that concerns us now. dian Game" return to WMC the Eastern Shore League, the whom he has come in contact and half had 20-0. Actually the 2-6 Scorekeepers give credit to the should spare a few minutes Eastern League, International we of the GOLDBUG staff salute record the team has compiled' this goalie for the number of "saves" Monday evening. League, and American Association. Jim Boyer for his many years of season does not really point ou~ the that he makes. This Satur~y In the three years he umpired for loyal service. type of year it has been. With any count the number of potential breaks at all the 'terrors could be scores Bruce kicks, heads, dribbles, enjoying a winning season. deflects, and just plain hustles out On one point Saturday should have a lot to do SIDELIGHTS .... with the future success ofthe Ter- of the danger zone. Then First be sure Connoisseurs agree you have a sharp pencil and a sup- them- watch ror eleven. ply Benny'ssuits of paper. the The.y should be in top by JOHN WEAGLY flight condiiton for the game. The number of different players he cov- To a tee ere. seniors on the squad will be play, Getting in the way of a loose ing their last game before their lineman is his speciality. No mat- classmates and friends and the un- ter what the opponent tries Bruce Roundball Really Rolling! derclassmen will be playing their seems to recover instantly and is Shades of the lands across the sea! The Green Terror soccer team hearts out to show the coaches they back on him. His "big foot" is the is coming under a foreign influence (influences plural is more to the are ready to take over next year. bulwark of our backfield. point). Not only have they been winning (winning seems to be quite Hopkins is having' a banner year He never gives up on a ball and foreign around here these days), but two recent arrivals to the New and is high up in the standings in fears no opposing lineman. His Coach Uhrig but World, George Varga and Karl Silex, have provided the "shots heard the Mason-Dixon conference, past go-power is amazing. come to believe said, when the two schools, meet has "I've 'round the campus" (not to mention the opposition's goal). Since our TIlden 8-7830 last issue the Terrors have won three straight games, including a records mean nothing. Bruce Lee has as much stamina as Maryland's Western victory over the WMC Alumni. starting line-up will find tentative Denny Hannon." It is fine praise Our New Addition indeed to be compared to Western Carol George Varga, a recent arrival to this country, has been the scor- The Colonial ing star during the victory string. George, playing center forward for Giese at center; Don Dewey and Maryland's' All-American of a few the first time, has scored nine goals during the three games. This in- Fred Burgee at guard; Don Rem- years back, but well deserved . in Dining Room this case. bert and Jim Pusey at tackle; and cludes a four goal effort against American University last Friday, No- vember 14. A magician with a soccer ball, George has been the star Jim Lewis and Frank Thye at the Because he is known to be the first to practice, always putting out of the team throughout the season. He is a strong candidate for AlI- ends. one hundred per cent, always The backfield will be composed Conference and All-American honors. TOM MILLER "Shoelesa" Karl Silex, a new citizen who formally called Germany of John Holter at quarterback; ready with a constructive word of his home, has scored three goals in the last two games. Playing with Dave Edington at right half; Fred Al advice, and never one to shift the CAMPUS AGENT Stewart blame, Bruce well deserves to be at left half j and one soccer shoe and one tennis shoe (there seems to be a shortage of Dilkes at fullback. chosen as sports personality of the for the soccer equipment in this age of "King" Football), Karl has displayed Everyone is expecting great week. fine footwork and timely scoring. He has even added color to the game. Modem G. I. Laundry During the Delaware encounter Ole Shoeless got tired of his tennis ~~~n~~e~f~~;k~:~rCo::I~n;!I~ ::~h: .-- • shoe (he never liked tennis, anyway), so he discarded it. After being sign to success in the future. Compliments of and Cleaners called for a dangerous play when he attempted to use the opponent's head for a tee, Karl was asked why he did this dastardly deed." He J. R. EVERHART 223 E. Green St. replied that the calluses on his foot weren't hard enough to harm any- TIlden 8-6670 one and, besides, what's a foot in the face among friends? FOR FLOWERS COLLEGE BARBER All Laundry and Dry The soccer team plays their final game tomorrow against our arch- At the Forks rivals, Johns Hopkins, at 10:30 A.M. A win will even their record for Artistically arranged Cleaning Work Guaranteed the season. This also will be the last game for seniors Bruce Lee and for each different John Waghelstein, so everybody be there. Right? Right! personality Let's Beat Hopkins! Tomorrow the football team plays Johns Hopkins. Hopkins has DUTTERER'S been this school's traditional rival for many years. Through the years Western Maryland has maintained a slight edge over the Baltimore 114 Pennsylvania Ave. boys. Lately, however, the following altered quote from Shirley Povioh TIlden 8-9350 SPECIAL OFFER has become applicable: "Beating Hopkins, for Western Maryland, has been the closest thing to an impossibility since Custer tried the flying wedge on Sitting Bull and ran into savages, three deep. at every posi- tion." A little harsh, perhaps, but true, nonetheless. Our warriors have failed to score against Johns Hopkins for three consecutive years. Get 11 WINSTON or SALEM Now I don't have a ready-made, sure-fire, black magic method to produce touchdowns-the team either can score or it can't. I do be- lieve we have the talent to beat Hopkins. In order to bring this about, Cigarette Lighter! you as WMC fans and supporters can help. By looking forward to this Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. game, by considering Johns Hopkins our natural enemy and team to Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m, beat, and by showing the team tomorrow that we want to beat Hopkins, Evenings 9 p.m. maybe an upset can be accomplished. One thing is certain---everyone Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on will enjoy the game a great deal more if they are cheering rather than Saturday and Holidays Bring 10 Empty WINSTON or SALEM sitting on their hands counting the number of almonds in a Hershey bar. A little support never hurt any team and even helped quite a few. Fri., Sat. Nov. 21-22 Burl Ives Gypsy Rose Lee "WIND ACROSS THE EVERGLADES" Packages and SOc WestJ,ninster HAMPSTEAD Cartoon -also- News Laundry RIDING SCHOOL Sun., Mon., Tues. Nov. 23-24-25 and Horsemanship Classes Stewart Granger Barbara Rush To Bookstore Dry Cleaning "HARRY BLACK AND THE TIGER" SATURDAY and SUNDAY -also- LAUNDRY ROOM: Cartoon News Offer expires Decemher 15, 1958 LOCATED IN OLD MAIN Trail Rides We Give Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon. 2 Nov. 26-Dec. S&H Green Stamps STUDENT RATES "CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF", Elizabeth Taylor Paul Newman -a1so- Cartoon News
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