Page 23 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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College Vol. 36, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND December 12, 1958 School Yuletide Activities Herald A Festive Spirit Christmas activities, which be- at the regular dinner hour. They gan on the Hill Sunday, December will decorate the dining hall, and 7, with the presentation of Han- entertainment will accompany a del's lI1es8'iah, have brought a fes- special dinner menu. tive spirit to the student body Communion will be held at 7:15 which will continue through the en- pm following the banquet. For suing week until dismissal for the the first time it will be held in holiday vacation on Friday, Decem- Baker Memorial Chapel. Presi- ber 19. dent Ensor will officiate, assisted On Sunday evening, the College by Dr. Charles, Crain. A poinset- Choir presented the Christmas por- tia is being donated by each soror- tion of The Messiah by G. F. Han- ity and fraternity on the Hill for del, to an audience of students and the decoration of the chapel. townsfolk. Held in Baker Memor- Dorm Party Ends Festivities ial Chapel, the performance was Minutes after the dorms close under the direction of Alfred de- Thursday night, all women stu- Long with Oliver Spangler, organ- dents will go to McDaniel Lounge ist. Patricia Garcia, soprano; for their Christmas party. Santa Betty Ely May, mezzo soprano; Claus will be present as well as Harry Loats, tenor; and Robert Dean Howery and the donn moth- Johnson, bm-itone, were soloists ers, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Jefferson and with the choir. The program was Mrs. Alnut. Entertainment will attended by a capacity crowd. be provided by the freshman class, and refreshments will be served. Tree Lighting Held To terminate Christmas on the Following the choir's presenta- Hill, the senior class will sing tion was the traditional tree-light- carols very eary Friday morning ing ceremony on President Ensor's at some of the professors' homes in lawn. Dr. Ensor made some open- Westminster. ing remarks, and then Allen Gil- more led the students in prayer. After the lights were lighted on "Silver Bells" Set the tree, carols were sung, as di- As Dance Theme rected by Don D'Angelo. A fireside was held afterwards Gamma in McDaniel Lounge, which was Beta Tonight at will 8 :45 pm, Western Chi present gaily decorated with a tree sur- Maryland's ann u a I Ohristmas rounded by presents. On the Dance for students, faculty, and mantle above the fire, were char- guests. The dance will continue acters from the nativity scene. HALLELUJAH: for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hostesses, serving hot chocolate until 11 :45 pm. Providing the music for the af- and cookies, were dressed in green. The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of Hi8 Ch,rist; Faculty and students joined togeth- fair will be the nine piece orchestra and He shall reign for ever and ever, er in singing some popular season- of Ken Griffith from Baltimore. KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. HALLELUJAHI al songs. -This group is no stranger to the Hill, having played for Christmas THE MESSIAH Tonight is the night- of the "Sleigh Ride" last year under the Christmas dance, "Silver Bells," name of Braden Reldner. sponsored by Gamma. Beta Chi fra- The Gill Gym interior will be Gill Gym will come alive "Caniique de Noel" Slated Trumpeters Giving ternity. students at 8:45 pm when appropriately decorated displaying with symbols of the holi- the traditional Ken Griffith's orchestra begins to but season, emphasizing day For Monday Presentation Traditional Dinner play. Sunday afternoon "Christmas in Christmas in a modern vein. In charge of this phase of the dance The annual candlelight Christ- Sculpture" will be presented by the are Larry Cain, Richard Grubb, The French Club will present its Ervin Szilagyi of the Art Depart- mas Banquet sponsored by the Dr-amatic Art Department in and Robert Borden. annual Christmas program on ment will combine their talents at Trumpeters will be held Wednes- Alumni Hall. Curtain time is 4:30 General chairman for the dance Monday, December 15, 1958, at the violin and piano, respectively, day evening, December 17, at 6 pm pm for the play depicting five is James Gibson. In charge of 8:30 pm, in McDaniel Hall Lounge. as they begin the program with a in the dining hall. The Trumpet- Christmas scenes in sculpture. tickets is Norman Davis, while Under the guidance of Miss Marg- prelude. This will be followed by ers, an honor society of' senior Assisting Miss Esther Smith with Charles Pugh and Rod Ryon are aret Snader, French instructor, a special mixed chorus performing, women, includes Joanne Filby, the program will be Mr. William handling publicity. Responsible the Christmas program has become "The Shepherd's Farewell" from Karen Helbig, Sherry Phelps, Joan Tribby, staging, and Luther-Mar- for programs is John Karrer, while a pleasant tradition on the Hill. the Oratorio of Berlioz. Three Robinson, and Joanne Trabucco. tin, lighting. Ted Kinter is handling "clean-up" It has become the custom to have quartets will also participate, and Under the guidance of their ad- In McDaniel Lounge on Monday activities. An added attraction to a music major with several years several carols will be sung by the visor, Dr. Isabel Isanegle, the at 8:30 pm the French Club will the dance will be refreshments at of French, direct the chorus in mixed chorus. Solos by Constance Trumpeters will decorate the din- present its Christmas program. no cost. Tacking care of this item its Christmas music. This year Arvin, Beverly Cox, Joan Hesson, ing hall with pine boughs for the Under the direction of Miss Marg- is Thomas Miller. Patricia Garcia will conduct the Christine .Reichenbecker, Nancy occasion. There will be an evening aret Snader, the program consists Attending the dance as faculty carols. Pat, who is well-known Roelke, Robert Johnson and James of entertainment in addition to a of carols sung in French, led by sponsors will be President and Mrs. for her fine solos in the choir and McMahan, Jr., will be featured in special menu. Patricia Garcia, and several solos. Lowell Ensor, Mr. and Mrs. Philip glee club, is well qualified for her several of these numbers. Instru- The program will. conaist; of the Patricia Cooper will be the narra- Uhrig, and Lt. Colonel and Mrs. first attempt in a task of this na- mental entertainment will be pro- traditional carol singing, led by tor. Dayton Bennett. Other sponsors ture. Pat will also participate in vided by Elzbieta Adamska on the Communion To Follow Banquet will be Dr. and Mrs. Allen Spicer, the entertainment as she sings flute and Donald D'Angelo on the Karen Helbig; and a solo by Patty Trumpeters Joanne Filbey, Kar- Mr. and Mrs. William Tribby, and Garcia. Something new will be the "Canttque de Noel." trumpet. appearance of the College Octette en Helbig, Sherry Phelps, Joan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foutz. Miss Snader, who sponsors the Robinson, and Joanne Trabucco Tickets priced at $2.50 per couple, French club, takes great pride in CollegeSymphony and songs sung by the waiters and will sponsor the Christmas banquet will be sold at the door to those will de- waitresses. Cooper Pat her annual Christmas program, liver a Christmas reading. 'to be held next Wednesday evening who have not yet purchased them. and is on the scenes at all rehears- To Give Concert als in order to insu-re excellent pro- conduc- nunciation in the songs. Too, Miss Directed by the student conducting Dramatic Art And Music Departments Snader encourages her French stu- tors of the twenty-fifth dents to participate in the musical class, the Little Symphony Orches- program. tra will be presented on Monday, Collaborate For Christmas Sculpture The program will be narrated by Jannary 12, at 11:30 am. Patricia Cooper, president of the Students to Conduct French Club, who will relate the Following the singing of our Na- The annual Christmas service mcnt was very fortunate in secur- was no room," "Glory to God," Christmas story from the scrip- tional Anthem, Donald V. D'Ange- will be held on December 14, at ing Carol Chandler, an aecomp- Herod and the Magi, and the Ado- tures of Luke. Mr. Philip Royer lo will conduct the orchestra in the 4 ~30 pm in Alumni- Hall. The lished and professional harpist. ration. The cast consists of the reader, of the Music Department and Dr. Symphony in D Major by Sarnmar- Music Department and the Dra- She was one of the first persons to Luther Martin; Mary, Patricia play this number and has presented will eel- President Sends tini-Scannelin. Included in this matic Art in Department this per- it in New York City. are Beatrix Gill; Joseph, Thomas Mill- Angel of Annunciation, Schaeier; laborate presenting symphony will be the Allegro Mod- to be included The carols formance. Yule Greetings erato, Andante Eapressive and Ma The first part of the program Balu1alow, As Dew In Aprille, This er; Herod, Charles Pugh; Innkeep- Is No Rose, Then) Woltm7!1 Yole, Evelyn Todd will conduct Estoso. Shep- First er, Theodore Kinter; I appreciate this opportunity, the Song of Jupiter by Handel-An- will be Tfw Ceremony of Carols by Little Babe, IntC?'lwle, In FreezillY herd, Albert Dawldns; Second organ Britton. Benjamin The through the courtesy of the GOLD derson, and Dorothy Mathias will prelude consists of J. S. Bach's In Winter Night, Spring Carol, and Shepherd, Roderick Ryon; Third BUG, to pring this brief word of lead the orchestra in Beethoven- Dulci Jubilo and Johann Pachel- Deo Gracias. Shepherd, John Blair; Young Weaver's Allegretto from the Seo- Christmas Greeting. Even as I bel's Good News From Heaven. These carols are to be done in the King, Theodore Kinter; Ethopian write this, the first Christmas tree tmth Symphanll and Gounod-Her- This will be followed by the brass Old English style which includes King, Fred Stoever; Old King, processional, Queen of She- furth's lights are beginning to peep out ba. ensemble, Angelus ad Pastores Ait dancing as well as singing. The Charles Pugh. from behind frosted windows and by Claudis Monteverdi, and a can- singers join hands and stop to clap The Angels will be portrayed by the first doorway decorations are Dvorak-McNaughton's Largo dlelight -processional. at the refrain. Parts of the cere- Jacqueline Cook, Helen George, taking their festive form. These, from the New World Symphony The Ceremony of Carols will be mony will be sung in rounds. The Barbara Heflin, Jean Jeffrey, and Anderson's The Phantom Reqi: of course, represent the outward Cerem(J1lY of Carols is one of the Elma Koons, Barbara Sauer, Pa- celebration of the most joyous sea- ment will be conducted by Patricia presented by the '\Vomen's Glee most brilliant and most important tricia Scott, Nancy Smith, Brenda Garcia.. son in Ollr calendar. Club. This group is not inexperi- Christmas pieces for women's Stevens, Beverly Winters, Susan enced since they have already pre~ This outward festivity, however, Helbig to' Conclude voices and ranges from lullaby to Wheeler, and Martha Woodward. is so much shiny tinsel without the Concluding the performance sented their part of the program of American the to Association inward incarnation of the spirit of Karen Helbig will conduct the Li~ ve~hi~ra;:::~:;ig!~~ical service th!I~~:y~S~~~~;::hun~~~ t~~r~~ the Christ-child whose birth as the tIe Symphony Orchestra in the University Women on December 2. Savior of the World we are about Ballet Parisien. Written by Offen- Miss Margaret Wappler will direct will be followed, by the Dr~matic ~e::~:~l\~~rt~~'an;:i~:;ne T~!~~~ to celebrate. bach-Isaac, the Ballet includes the the presentation. Garcia The soloists will ~rbo~~p~~;m~~tld~;:s~:~lO~(~! , ett are in charge of ligh.ting. be Patricia and Sandra Mrs. Ensor joins' me in wishing ali of you a Christmas season filled ~:e~~rs:~~~:t::!ci:~Ge:::I!~ Reed. ~iffer~nt ta~leaux will be. pictured \Vi~hnytoP~~~~~d :~e O~!s::i~~y wi~~ with happiness and all good things. from La Vie Parisienne, Valse from Mr. Oliver Spangler will be the III thiS Christmas story III sculp- vited. The offering ,vill be used Lowell S. Ensor, OrpMua and the Finale from organist, and Carol Chandler will ture. The sculpture piec'es will il- for the World Student Service President OrplwU8. be the harpist. The Music Depart- Iustrate the Annunciation, "There Fund.
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