Page 25 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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The Gold Bug, Dec. 12, 1958 3 Freshmen Select Chr~tm~----------------------------------------------------- Faculty Members Qualified Leaders Yuletide Spirit Displayed Abroad Receive Honors Undertaking Christmas decora- --------------------~-------------------------------FuAway Two of Western Maryland's fac- tions in the women's dormitories Universally Christmas means the dish of which is usually goose. In is approximately the same as in ulty members are recipients of re- and Carpe Diem as their first class same to all Christian people. How- some sections of Germany beer is America except for the fact that cent honers in their fields of en- project, the Freshman Class, under ever, customs concerning' the cele- the main drink on this afternoon electric lights are considered too deaver. M/Sgt. Crawford G. Coy- the leadership of class officers and bration of Christmas vary widely and all during the season. modern. Candles are preferred in- ner of the ROTC department has SGA representatives, added their from country to country. Below Unlike Americans, most Indo- stead. been promoted to the special grade touch to the holiday spirit on the follow accounts of how the foreign nesians celebrate· Christmas more Around eight o'clock the family of E-8; while Doctor Kathryn B. WMC campus. students on this campus would in the church than in the home. gathers together and the children Hildebran, professor of modern Elected November 24 and 25, spend Christmas in their native Christmas programs and services are brought home. Then someone languages, has been elected to the officers are: William Sitter, presi- lands. Those represented are Cat- are presented in the churches shakes a small bell which indicates Executive Committee of the Na- dent; Judith- Meredith, vice-presi, alino Garcia from the Philippines, which are elaborately decorated that Jesus and the angels have left. tional Federation of Modem Lan- dent; Juanita Hell, secretary; Karl Silex from Gennany and with pine trees. The whole family enters the room guage Teachers Associations. Downey Price, treasurer; Maureen Henry So from Indonesia, Also Church Attended and surrounds the tree which is Sergeant Coyner was among the Filby, .SGA representative, and George Varga tells of Christmas On the evening of the twenty- lighted. AIl other lights are turned first to be promoted to the E-8 rat- Arthur Alperstein, SGA represen- in Hungary, while Abdo Futaih off and before opening the presents ing. The new grade is designed to tative. and Amin Jurf relate how Christ- fourth of December, Indonesians go the family prays and sings a tra- give greater responsibility to men mas is celebrated in the Arab to church with their families and ditional Christmas carol. Every- of the M/Sgt. rank and is recogni- President 18 Experienced lands. relatives. Some of them come to one wishes Merry Christmas and tion by the Anny that some men During the meeting when quali, American Influence Felt church on that particular day with kisses each other and then goes of the former top enlisted. grade fications were discussed, the class a purpose to celebrate Christmas searching for their presents. have additional capabilities. America has influenced the Phil- discovered the rocord each candi- ippines so much that Christmas is in its truest significance and others The Christmas Eve supper fol- Sergeant Coyner has been assist- date had achieved in high school. celebrated in an almost identical do so merely to profit themselves lows with its traditional specials, ant instructor here at Western by getting gifts. President Bill Sitter served his such as a highly-seasoned fish soup, Maryland since September, 1956. class in the same position at Alle- manner. The biggest differences Most churches give presents to chicken or turkey, and Christmas In 1957 he began coaching the rifle are that there is no snow, which gany High School during all three the Sunday School children. Some pastries. Alterwards, the family team and under his direction it has years. He was also a letter-man means no sled for Santa, no chim- of them also give presents to the goes to church to attend' the mid- made a winning record. neys, which means there is no place in football and track, receiving the for Santa to come down and fill the poor, the aged, and to people who night service. The cadet battalion honored Student Athlete Award at gradua- are less fortunate. Exchanging Sergeant Coyner by conducting a tion. On the state level, Bill was stockings, and no mistletoe, which presents, however, as the Ameri- Relatives Visited special parade on December 2. At explanation. needs no further Youth Governor of Maryland, and Weeks before the day people cans do is unknown in Indonesia. The day of Christmas is one of this time Lt. Col. Dayton E. Ben- has served as vice-president of the start celebrating by sending Night Service, making New Year's visiting relatives. Gifts are given nett officially presented him with resolutions just as the Americans National Tri-Hi-Y club during at this time to them if they were his new rank. gifts cards 1957-58. Christmas On the front and window of to do. not present at the Christmas Eve M/Sgt. Coyner holds a Bachelor friends. Christmas Vice-president Judith Meredith, every house hangs a paper lantern from December is usually celebrated ceremony. of Science degree in Military Sci- 24, until January hailing from Cambridge of the usually in the shape of a star. In 1. They come step by step to its Compared to Christmas in Amer- ence from the University of Mary- Eastern Shore, gained executive the sala, the family Christmas tree climax on the thirty-first of Decem- ica, the Hungarian Christmas is land and has done graduate work There are not as commerciafized. experience as president of her and the Nativity are located. in cartography at the University school's SGA. A member of the Carolers drop by from time to ber, when they have a Watch no lights and decorations until the of Washington. Night Service, making New Year's All-Maryland Chorus, she also co- time singing both American and resolutions just as the Americans day preceding Christmas and the Doctor Hildebran's election oc- religious aspects effec- are more edited her school newspaper and native carols. However, permis- curred at the annual meeting of yearbook and served as a varsity sion must be granted by the local do. On the morning of January 1, tively brought out. the Middle States Association of Christmas in the Arab lands is cheerleader. .At graduation she ·government for caroling. they have a church service at which a time when people have a deep Modern Language Teachers which received the most outstanding About two weeks before the ac- offerings are made. This can be was held in Atlantic City on No- journalist award and a scholarship tual day, religious services are held likened. to Thanksgiving in Amer- faith in God and His goodness is vember 29. The term of office is families it is an oc- from the "Homemaker of Tomor- every morning from five to six. ica. _ revived. of For special significance. for four years. was casion This fall Doctor Hildebran row" contest. After the service worshippers stop There are some people in Indo- Families and friends gather to- also appointed. to a special commit- From Eastern High School in by food stands along the way, nesia who celebrate Christmas in Baltimore comes Juanita Hell. which are built especially for the their hearts only. These are the gether, usually in the elder's home, tee studying language instruction arrangements where in Maryland in connection with the for special There Juanita served as represen- season, to buy native rice cakes and poor who are too far away to even the holiday celebrations have been National Education Act. In addi- tative to the Student Council dur- hot tea. attend church services. Perhaps made. tion she is the Maryland represen- ing her freshman year, later be- these are the ones who know the 'Ilrees Trimmed tative on the national committee coming president in her senior Christmas Story Portrayed real meaning of Christmas, "peace A tree is usually decorated with of the American Association ()f year. She also served as chairman On Christmas morning. special with God and with oneself." cotton and gifts are placed under Teachers of French and is vice- of several class committees, was Christmas services are held. Al- In Hungary Christmas is the it. Parties are held on the eve of president of the Maryland associa- active in tennis and basketball in- ter these, the rest of the afternoon holiday when the family comes to- Christmas and sleep is scarce at tion. tramural sports, and worked on the is spent paying and answering gether to celebrate the birth of this time. Good food and early Doctor Hildebran has been on the senior class yearbook. calls. In the evening the Christ- Jesus Christ. The main part of morning Mass mark the climax of faculty since 1940. She is a grad- mas story is portrayed on the stage Graduated from Allegany and in a. concert at the churches. the celebration is Christmas Eve. the festivities. uate of Oberlin College and re- The striking Treasurer Downey Price, also Back in the house afterwards, the According to the belief of Hungari- Christmas in the difference is that is ceived her Master and Ph.D. de- an children, the little Jesus brings of Chi- grees from the University Bible lands from Allegany, was president of family gathers around the Christ- the presents and the decorated purely spiritual where memories cago. the school Hi-Y and the Senior mas tree to exchange gifts with Christmas tree. -Saint Nicholas will sink deep enough to reach a Choir. Elected to the House of everybody. Then in conclusion a has no part in the Christmas cele, genuine inspiration from the hu- Delegates at Boys' State, he was a big, extravagant midnight dinner is bration. He has his own holiday, county winner in the "Voice of served. December 6, when he brings his man message of Christ. Nazareth Ralph's lived and the home where Christ Democracy" contest and recipient Christmas in Germany is also presents to the children. These are living symbols of His birth and Crown Service of the school's speech award and celebrated very much like the are mainly small and inexpensive most outstanding student award at American Christmas. It starts on items like candies. life which commercial smell and Penna. & Hersh Aves. replace. cannot color The new graduation. the Eve of Christmas when the en- Westminster, Md. Maureen Filbey, SGA represen- tire family attends church. The Parents "Decorate year starts with a deeper faith, PhoneTI8-8352 The children write a letter to the tative, served in that capacity also Christmas story is usually pre- little Jesus and tell him what pres- hope, and humbleness. at Dundalk High School. In addi- sented by the Sunday School at this ents they would like for Christmas. tion, she was on the editorial staff service. of the school yearbook and took an After the service the family goes They put this letter in the window a week before Christmas. On the active part in women's varsity ath- home and opens the presents left letics. by Der IVeinactmann. The tree is afternoon of Christmas Eve the children are taken to the movies or Arthur Alperstein, representing always a short needle pine. freshman men in the council, con- December twenty-fifth is a na- to the homes of relatives. The cludes the slate. Having grad- tional holiday. On this day the parents then decorate the Christ- mas tree and place the presents un- uated at City College, Baltimore, famiJy has a big dinner, the main der it. The decoration of the tree Art served as president of the Senior Class of 1958 and received the award for having done the Compliments of most for his class. He was also a TOM MILLER member of the Executive Board of J. R. EVERHMlT the SGA and lettered in track and CAMPUS AGENT wrestling. COLLEGEBARBER for the e~ ~"eabu. Modem G. I. Laundry At the Forb and Cleaners 'k/~, M-,I-J 223 E. Green St. TIlden 8-6670 Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. in All Laundry and Dry Evenings 9 p.m. Cleaning Work Guaranteed Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on New York Saturday and Holidays Fri., Sat. Dec. 12-13 An unulua/ one-year Robert Taylor Cyd Charisse college program HAMPSTEAD "PARTY GIRL" CinemaScope - Technicolor RIDING SCHOOL -also- Tom's Photo Finish News Writ"'or Horsemanship Classes ~~~i~~~~.,Tues. Rich~rd\~td~~;~ • SATURDAY and SUNDAY ''THE TUNNEL OF LOVE" CinemaScope Trail Rides Wed., Thurs. Deo. 17-18 Joyn Gavin Lisa Pulver STUDENT RATES "A TIME TO LOVE Out of this world! AND A TIME TO DIE" CinemaScope - Technicolor Happy Holidays! ! You've tried the rest- Space travelers-be on the alert! 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