Page 19 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 19
Fourteen Seniors To Appear In Who's Who Fourteen members of the elesa Editor last semester. An English years, she has been active on the been a member and president of tapped a Trumpeter at the end of of 1959 have been chosen to repre- major from Baltimore, Maryland, College Players, Argonauts, FTA, the Wesleyans. He is a member her junior year. Joan is a com- sent Western Maryland College in Kitty was business manager of the and SCA. In her junior year she of the SCA, Ganuna Beta Chi, the bined biology physical education the annual publication of WHO'S Junior Follies. This year she is was treasurer and is now president Student Life Council, and partici- and education major, residing in WHO IN AMERICAN COLLEGES on the Blanche Warc1 dormitory of the French Club. She is on the pated in the Leadership Conference Bridgeton, New Jersey. ; AND UNIVERSITIES. This is a council, the FAC, and the Aloha Contrast and Aloha. staffs. A held this past fall. Allan now PATRICIA ANN SCHAEFER greater number than have ever be. staff. She has also taken part in French-English major from Linthi- claims Westminster, Maryland, as fore been given this reeognltlon, intramural sports and the Horne cum Heights, Maryland, she is pre- his home. The editor-in-chief of the Aloha., Those seleeted were Katherine Economics Club. A member of paring for a. teaching career. Pat Pat Schaefer is an English educe- Elill:abeth Bond, Beverly June .Bos- Sigma Sigma Tau sorority, Kitty also participated in the Wesleyan- MANFRED KLAUS JOERES tion major from Catonsville, Mary- worth, Patricia Alice Cooper, AI- was alternate representative to the ettes, Women's Glee Club and is Manfred J ceres. president of land. This selectee has appeared l;Jert Thompson Dawkins. Jr., Allen SGA last year. a. member of Sigma Sigma. Tau. Beta Beta Beta, is a pre-medical on numerous courts of beauty; Randall Gilmore. Manfred Klaus student from Baltimore, Maryland. ROTC Sponsor in her sophomore Jeeres, Roy Webb Kennedy. Jr .. BEVERLY JUNE BOSWORTH ALBERT T. DAWKINS, JR. This year he is acting as vice-pres- year, the May Court in her fresh- and sophomore James Irwin Lewis, Sherry Ellen Beverly Bosworth represents the Editor of the GOLDBUG, Albert ident of Delta Pi Alpha fraternity. man and of Homecoming years, fall. Queen this Phelps, Joan Marie Robinson, Pa- Maryland Association of Future Dawkins has served in various ca- He was appointed chairman. of the tricia Ann Schaefer, Clyde Allen Teachers of America here at West- pacities OIl> the paper since his Judicial Board in his junior year She has been active on the staff of Spicer, Jr., Harold James Taylor, ern Maryland. This year she is freshman year. He is a. biology and was also on the SGA. Man- the GOLD BUG,where she has served editor. The Porn as news feature and Joanne Marie Trabucco. state president and in her junior and pre-medical student from fred has been on the Interfraterni- Selection was based chiefly on year served as first vice-president Easton, Maryland. This year Skip ty Council and the Reserve Officers Porn team, SeA, FT A, the College leadership aod s e l' vic e to the of this organization. Hailing from represents the senior class in the Association for the past two years, Players, and Sigma Sigma Tau school, eharaeter, and promise for Silver Spring, Maryland! Bev has SGA, is a member of the Albert an dhaa also servea on the FAC. have claimed much of her time. the future. As scholarship is re- a duel major in English and psy- Norman Ward dorm council, the She is also an outstanding Argo- warded in other ways, it is not one chology and plans for a teaching FAC, and the Aloha Staff. He has ROY WEBB KENNEDY naut. of the main considerations of the career. A member of Phi Alpha participated on Cont1"lut, the Col- Roy Kennedy is company com- nominating eommlttee. A student Mu sorority, she is presently servo lege Players, Fischbach Scholar- mander of Company B of the West- CLYDE ALLEN SPICER, JR. m u s t be average stholastically, ing on the Judicial Board, the ship Committee, and the SGA Co- ern Maryland College ROTC Bat- Allen Spicer's greatest contribu- however. Aloha staff, and the FAC. She ordinating Committee. A mem- talion. He is from Arlington, Vir- tion to the campus lies in the re- A biographical sketch of each has been captain of the Porn Porn ber of Alpha Gamma Tau fraterni- ginia, and an economics major. ligious aspects. He is currently student will appear in the national team since her freshman year and ty, Skip was corresponding secre- His activities include being presi- president of the SCA, a member of publication. They will also have is secretary of the senior class and tary in his sophomore and junior dent of the Argonauts and a mem- the Canterbury Club, and an official access to the organization's plate. of the Argonauts. Other interests years. ber of Alpha Gamma T6u. of the Sunday School. For the ment bureau, and may wear the have been Tri-Beta, French:" Club, past four years, he has served as gold key of the society. intramural sports, and the local ALLAN RANDALL GILl\-IORE JAMES IRWIN LEWIS the college's athletic statistician. ' FTA. As president of the Student Gov- An economics major originally A member of the IRC, Gamma Beta KATHERINE ELIZABETH BOND ernment Association, Allan Gil- from Westminster, Maryland, Chi, Classics Club, the Aloha. staff, Since her freshman year, Kath- PATRICIA ALICE COOPER more brings to this poaition a tra- James Lewis is the Cadet Battalion the Argonauts, and a past pillar of erine Bond has been a member of Senior co-chairman of the FAC, dition of leadership. He served as Commander and Distinguished. Mil. the GOLDBUG, it is understandable the choir and the GoLD BUG staff, Patricia Cooper's. interests have president of his class his first itary Student. He eervedi thia year that he should be selected for rec- for which she acted as Managing been diverse; For the past two three years on the Hill and has as co-chairman of the Freshman ognition. Allen is majoring in Advisory Council and also claims history and makes his home ill member-ship in Alpha Gamma Tau. Westminster, Maryland. Jim is a member of the varsity , football team and has par-ticipated HAROLD JAMES TAYLOR in sports throughout his college Current president of the Inter- fraternity Council, Harold Taylor is also president of Alpha Gamma SHERRY ELLEN PHELPS Tau. He has been active in intra- The vice-president of the Student mural sports during his college Government Association, Sherry career, as well as serving on the Phelps is a history education major soccer team during his junior year. from Baltimore, Maryland. She His major- being chemistry, the was vice-president of her class in Chemistry Club elected him as her sophomore and junior years, president .last year. Hal is cur- and has also served on the FAC, rently a member of the Aloha Staff, SCA, and on the Porn Porn team. FAC, SGA, and the Argonauts. Proposed Plan Of Expansion Dean Reminds Sherry sings in the College Octette Returning from his home, which is located in Havre de Grace, Mary- and in the Women's Glee Club. for the Stu- land, he was present In her junior year she represented To Cover Three Year Period Students Of her sorority, and Sigma Sigma Tau, in dent Leaders Conference in early last spring September. SGA, was the New System She now pre- sides as president Beginning June 2, 1958, with the laboratories from Old Main as tapped a Trumpeter. of the Women's JOANNE MARIE TRABUCCO breaking of ground for the stu- well as the Management House. At The following notice comes from Council. Joanne Trabucco, being an Eng- dent Union Building and up such time McDaniel House will no the office of the Dean of Faculty, lish education major, naturally has through the proposed plans for a longer be considered the Manage- Dr. Makosky, and is a reminder to JOAN MARIE ROBINSON participated widely in the jour-nal- new college library, the Western ment House for Home Economics all students, particularly the mem- Joan Robinson, Blanche Ward istic realm of our campus. She Maryland campus is passing majors. bers of the senior class. Dorm President, has been in the has served as feature editor and co- through a period of change and The razing of Old Main will not In November, 1955, the faculty FTA, Women's Athletic Associa- news editor on the GOLD BUG, as rearrangement. be started until work in both the adopted several resolutions apply- tion, and Tri-Beta for the past two make-up editor and a member of of Contral3t, The split-level Student Union Student Union and Elder-dice Hall ing earliest to the class of 1959. years. During her college career, the Literary Board editor of the and is an associate Building, which is to be finished is completed. Since the work is ex- The most prominent of these was she has been seen at meetings Aloha. Joanne has been active in of the ISC, SGA, and Wesleyan- this spring, will house various IOf- pected to be finished by spring, the deduction of one quality point the work of the following organi- flees and facilities that are now Old Main should come down be- from a student's total for every ettes. She is a member of Phi zations: ISC, SCA, FAC, FTA, the' located in Old Main. A student tween May Day and Commence. hour of 'F.' This regulation has AJph Mu. After holding several Blanche and lounge with game rooms, a facul- ment. 'I'he area now occupied by affected members of the class of offices in the sorority she is cur- Newman House Club, Council. the The vice- Ward ty lounge, plus meeting rooms and Old Main will be landscaped, plsc- '59 since February, 1956. rent serving as president. She was president of Sigma. Sigma Tau is offices for the Student Govern- (Con't. on p. 3, col. 1) A second regulation placed drop- ment and the GOlD BUG,, ~~~CyW~l1~~~s t~~r~~~~sr: t~:;Gamma Bets, Preachers a Trumpeter, and-lists her home as Bladensburg, Maryland. on the Former Professor and Aloha staffs will be on the upper level. Ijownatalrs, ~:~r:eJ':c~~t)~ either points or Win At Homecoming lower level with the roadway, areas, Speaks At Forum Homecoming Evaluations Yield will be the dining and fountain A third regulation prohibited the The awards for the post office, and the bookstore. graduation of a.ny student who is floats and displays were tradition- Just Decisions In September of this year all Dr. Allen McDonald, assistant ~oo:s !~~~p~~n T~i~i~~le ~i~~ ally made by the SGA. biology leborabcriee and classrooms director of the Baltimore Museum course not affected anyone as yet. First prize in floats was awarded The combined Men's and wom- of Art, will present the fifth for-urn were moved to Lewis Hall, while of the year on December 4 in Mc- It will first apply in June of 1959. to Gamma. Beta Chi, second prize en's Councils met on wednesday, departments other than the sci- Note that the rule does not apply to to Sigma Sigma Tau, and third November 19, 1958, to review cer· ences were moved to Memorial Daniel Lounge. here students who entered prior to Sep- prize to Delta Pi Alpha. __ tain cases for which disciplinary The speaker is no stranger Hall, the new name for the former tember, 1955, and have never been Display awards went first to action was needed. The main case Science Hall Building. at WMC. He was professor in the under the new system adopted in Delta Pi Alpha, 'second to Iota in question was one involving the art department before his appoint- At the same time, 'Work which m'ent to his present position. the fall of that year. Gamma Chi, and third to Phi early morning entrance of two men is still in progress, was begun in Dr. McDonald will speak on the Anyone who seeks clarification Alpha Mu. into the Chandler House, a tempo- This incident rary girls' dormitory. Elderdice Hall. Into this building, "Art of West Africa." He will as to his or her status in relation' Extra incentive this year was which once housed the Seminary, discuss masks, and statues, showing to these regulations should come to given to the exhibitions by a dona- occurred on the morning of No- will go offices from both the Ad- their use in various tribal cere- the Registrar's office for injorma- tion which raised first prize for vember 9, 1958. ministration Building and Old monies. tion. floats to $20,00. The Dean of Men, the Dean of Main. The first floor will house Women, and the housemother of the president, the adntissions coun- Role of a Student Teacher: the Chandler House were in attend- selor, the registrar, and the trees- ance during the entire 6 ~ hours of urer. There will be offices on the "Meetinq Tne Needs Of Youth" ~~~~;~~~~~;:~:':~:';:~:It:::''::!;: second floor; at one end those of Dean Makosky, Dean Schofield, 'decided. These ranged from a let· Dean David and Dean Howery, That time ha13 come a.gain for planned group work folls through. ten minutes of the end of the cla811 ter of warning to social expulsion. plus their secretarial help, while WMC to send out its shining light You would be 8urprned how in- period when, to her dismay, there This range is indicative of the seri- on the other end will be the mili- into the surrounding communities" teresting and enlighten~ng it is to is a.bsolutely nothing to do for the ousness of involvement of each in· tary and public relations depart- in the form. of senior education ma.- sit down for an evening and wa.tch rest of the time. Joke time, any- dividual. ments. Living quarters for women jorll _ fondly refwred to as IItl«Wnt these eduea.Uon ma.jors go crazy· OM? Somelww, SM ca.n't quite re- The following penalties were des· members of the faculty, now resid- tea.chers. oh, I mean prepare lesson plans for 1ne'lI~ber how, these ten minutes ignated: one received a letter of ing in Smith Hall, will be provided "Student TCMhing" ie a drarlta.. the next day's class. However, if pass, an{l the studemt teacher warning;· the second, one adminis. on the third flQOr. Also located in It is lltaged in what a.ppearll to be you're one of the fortlDna.te ones brea.thes a. deep sigh of relief. But trative warning and one weck of the new Elderdice Hall will be the a. peopled with ?lor- planning Q1t this career, maybe only for a while - for sooner than room confinement;.- the third, two central calendar for the campus. mal students a.nd tea.cherll. This you'd better go to bed to store lip she wishes - w new class is at her administrative warnings and one In order to facilitate entering prtLctice is ca.lled "habitua.ting the sleep. beck a.nd call. week of room confinement; the Elderdice Hall, an entrance will be educamd." This drama, more often In order to a.pprecw.te fully that Fi1w,lly, this day is over. Tired fourth, two administrative wa"p"n- provided in the rear of the build· tha.n not, doell not turn out a.ccord- voca.tiJn you're entering, it might and wea.l1/, our friend, the student iogs, two weeks of room confine- ing, in addition to the present ing w script. be well to go through a.1wrmal day teacher, drags herself to the curb ment, and probation until the end front approach. The writer of this pliable epic is of an-education major. to, a.gain, a ride. The ride of the first semester at which time Once the Administration Build· Mary Muldoon - God'lI gift w the Up a.t the crack of dawn, she back to the ca.mpU$ brings a. wa.rm the tase will be again reviewed; ing is vacated, the Home Eco- the education departmlmt. Motto utters several Balllouri.sms to sta.rt glow in her heart. (Con't. on p. 3, col. 5) nomics Department will move in- in":': !c'~;~vb~ ~:~t:g;:omG~:; ~'::a1:!e°l, ~:e~!'cd,~::;o~e;~!:l;~ M::::ri/!L-'ditt:;~~~tie~~r~~!: covered." ha.nd, she stridcs ermfidently to the sta.y up a. little longer, those extra. TRI-BETA TEA As thorough all the Tekea.rsals curb to await a ride. (We won't ten minutes could be filled. And 10, an open On December JUDICIAL BOARD for this are, they fail ro cover tlwse consider what ha.ppens if the ride after all, that critic tea.cher did house will be held in the re· The Judicial Board has located biology department. found two (2) students :~~C;:C::dl~~ac~:: ~::ai;:n:'p t~:~:~:;:f~~FyW t~P'~c1w~~Vi::nX::!~~ ~~~:t;~u:;gtfi11;:t:;re=~n o!ra!~~ Under the leader$hip of Beta guilty of dishones- ~~:~~~~'~~ni::et1reo~~~:;' ~~u~~ :;~i:he l:el~!;:U~ ~l: across tlu>room. JUa.ybe, a lIuccells Beta Beta, those interested ty. The penalty consisted of the first time you catch one of the is greeting 53 facell _ all of which - maybe. in seeing the new science fa· an Administrative Warning, "lIt~dents," shall we sa.y, getting she would give w be in meth- Yes, our hats a.Te of! to thesc cilities will be taken around respectively. a8B1.Bta.ncefrom the paper on the ods Clasll She'd give the brave souls. After all, they aTIl the laboratories. next dellk; Qr when that co,refully whole school when 8he comes within meeting the neelh of youth.
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