Page 26 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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4 The Gold/Bug, Dec. 12. 1958 SPORTS VIEWS ..... Western Maryland Athletic Stars by JOHN WEAGLY Receive Recognition At Assembly A Tribute to Mr'l.Uhrig The Awards Assembly last Munday was the -scene of a moving trib-. ute to one of Western Maryland's finest products, Mr. Philip E. Uhrig, coach of the WMC soccer team. When Bruce Lee, co-captain of the soc- cer team, spoke on behalf of the team, he was speaking not only for team members, but the entire student body. The display of gratitude ex, pressed by the students through their applause will have difficulty in being equaled. The engraving on the cup presented to Mr. Uhrig amply expressed the regard of the students for him by using the word "great- est" in his description. Mr. Uhrig is a member of the Western Maryland ColJege,Public Re- lations Office, a graduate of the college (Class of '52), and a member of the Alumni Association. It is not for his fine work in these departments that he was honored, however. Mr. Uhrig is moot widely known for his position as coach of the Green Terror soccer team. It is in this capacity that he has gained added recognition from the student body. Mr. Uhrig has been associated with the soccer team for nine years, both as a player and a coach. He has always produced good teams; in- cluding a championship in 1955. The 1956 team lost claim to the cham- pionship on the last day of the season, losing by one goal to Hopkins. Not only has he produced creditable soccer teams consistently, he has developed soccer players of topflight caliber. Several of the men coached and taught by Mr. Uhrig have received All-American recogrri- tlon. Some of his pupils never played soccer prior to coming to WMC. 1. Giese and Dewey i]!spect award. io~:~:~o~i~n~a~~~nfh:h:~obo~~~~: f~:rt~ei:1c~~~~~fw~~~~et~~~y~:~eP:~~ 2. Varga and Lee admire Alumni plaque. ways looked upon with respect and admiration. The gift of the cup at The football and soccer teams more commendable as this hard- was presented to senior end Jim the Awards Assembly exemplifies this regard of Coach Uhrig. having closed their respective sea- hitting center is only a sophomore. Lewis. Jim was voted by bts'tcam, Mr. Uhrig has announced that he is retiring as the coach of the sons gave recognition to deserving- Playing his second year of college mates the most valuable player Western Maryland soccer team. This has been unhappy news for all athletes in Alumni Hall on Mon- ball, Carroll displayed the poten- during the Johns Hopkins' game WMC soccer fans and players. His loss will be difficult to replace. He day, December 8. tial of a fine player. This ability and received a watch commemorat, served the team in a manner that will always remain an example to Don Dewey, co-captain and was recognized by the All-East se- ing his fine play. Jim, playing his those associated with him. The GOLDBub joins all those who know and guard of the 1958 Green Terrors lectors when he was given honor- last game for WMC, stood out in a appreciate his services in thanking him for his devotion and generosity football team, and Carroll Giese, able mention on the squad. Fred squad of stars during that final en- ~ist~~Us:~~i~isb~fdi:~~~:l~o ~c~~~~~d Coll~ge and to the school itself. sophomore center, led the team in Dilkes, record-breaking fullback counter. post-season honors. Dewey and for the Terrors, and Jim Pusey, Leading the Green Terror soc- Giese were named on the first star freshman tackle, also re- cer men to their share of post-sea- Hopkins Victory Recorded string All-Mason-Dixon Conference ceived honorable To climax the sea- son honors were center forward on the mention team; while co-captain Dewey also All-East team. George Varga, and center halfback Giese won the son, Carroll 1958 As Pigskin Year Is Recapped made the first team All-Eastern WMC "Lineman of the Year" Bruce Lee. College Athletic Conference eleven. This year for the first time, the Giese received award for his fine defensive play honorable mention on this squad. throughout the season. Alumni Association presented a With a crowd-pleasing 20-14 vic- derclassmen to take their place. A senior, Don Dewey climaxed Fred Burgee, the Terrors' other plaque to the outstanding lineman tory over the highly favored Johns Seniors Don Dewey, Dave Eding- a fine football career at Western guard, was named to the second and back of the Terror squad. Re- cipients of this initial award were Hopkins eleven, Western Maryland ton, Jim Lewis, and Frank Thye Maryland by being the only player team All-Methodist eJeven. This George Varga for his play at cen- finished an impressive 1958 season. will be missed when faU camp opens from this area to be chosen on the is quite an honor for Fred, since ter forward; and Bruce Lee for his Though they only won three tilts next year. However, seven of the AU-ECAC roster. Don won the while losing aix, the Terrors starting eleven in the Hopkins "Lineman of the Year" award last !~~~e:;~e~~~ti:~o~~nal~r~:;es~Olleges play at center halfback. showed the students they have the game will return to service next year as a result of his outstanding This year's final football award In addition to being voted the makings of a winning squad next fall: Leading the parade is Fred play on defense. This year his Lineman of the Year award, fall. . DUkes, who as a sophomore this a~~cTc~~d 0:', WM Soccer Squad George was named to the second Fred Dilkes highlighted the Ter- year played fullback and eetab- ~~:~~~s~~_~i~n team of the All-Middle Atlantic rors scoring against Hopkins with lished two rushing re'cords. Along Upends Bluejays Conference squad. Drexel Tech two touchdowns. During the game with Fred in the backfield are Al f~al:~ce;;t ;:a~~e ~nl~~~~h~l~~:~ also named George to its All-Op- ponent team. co-cap- Bruce Lee, he topped the 800 yard rushing Stewart and John Holter, both of team on both the All-East and All- mark for the year and also set a whom will be juniors. Mason-Dixon squads. The Western Maryland soccer tain and senior student, was hon- record for number of times carry- In the line Carroll Giese, the out- Carroll Giese's achievement in team closed its season in fine style ored as he was presented the "Back ing the ball. The third Terror standing lineman for the Terrors making the All-Mason-Dixon Con- by swamping arch-rival Johns of the Year" Award for his play score came on a 14 yard pass play this year, will return at center. ference honorary first team is even Hopkins University by a score of at center halfback. Both selec- irom John Holter to George Beck- Fred Burgee, who was named to five to two. This final game tions were unanimous choices. ". some small college All-American marked the Terror's f 0 u r t h As this was Mr. Uhrig's final The big factor in the game, how- squads, will return at guard. Both INTRA MURALS straight soccer victory. Star of season as soccer 'coach, resigning ever, was not the thrust of the of- tackles, Don Rembert and Jim the game, if a single player could because of a heavy schedule, Bruce fense but the overpowering Pusey, will resume control of the The Intramural basketball sea- be called the star in this team ef- Lee presented him with a silver strength of the defensive unit. center of the Terror line. All elev, son was officially opened on Tues- fort, was George Varga. George cup as an expression of team grat- During the game the Terror line en of the second team and the re- day, December 9. In addition to led the scoring with two goals. itude. The inscription read, "To recovered five fumbles while the mainder of the forty man squad the four fraternity teams, there are Other scores were contributed by Philip Uhrig, the Greatest Soccer secondary intercepted two passes. will battle for the remaining four four independent teams in the Karl Silex, Don Shure and Ted Coach at western Maryland." Jim Lewis, playing his last game positions on the first string. league. The total of eight teams Kinter. as a Terror end, was chosen the makes this year's league the larg- After Hopkins jumped into an outstanding player of the game for way. The Terrors have come a long est in recent years. Tho league is early 1-0 lead, lcft halfback Ted Through experienced coach- his offensive and defensive end composed of strong teams, which Kinter achieved the "back's dream" Westminster play. Along with Lewis on the line ing they have elevated themselves should make interesting games a by scoring a goal, the first of Iris were Jim Pusey and Don Rembert once more to a place of respect and daily occurrence. college career. This tied the game Laundry at tackles, Don Dewey and Fred now they are ready to do what As an added attraction, the fra- at 1-1 and provided the spark that and Burgee at the guards and Carroll football teams are supposed to do-- ternity champion will play the led the Terrors to victory. Varga Dry Cleaning win ball games. With the advent Giese at center. Johns Hopkins fraternity league quickly followed with the tie-break- The coaching staff, led by head of the new season, the Terrors champion in the preliminary to the ing goal nnd the Terrors were LAUNDRY ROOM coach Bob Waldorf, was extremely should field a team far superior to regular varsity game against Hop- never headed. LOCATED IN OLD MAIN proud of the team and of the school any other in the past few years. kins. An All-Star team will also By scoring two goals in the final and students that backed the team be chosen. This group will play game, George Varga brought his We Give throughout the season. The win the league champion. These games total number of goals for the sea- S&H Green Stamps over Hopkins made the season a Cagers Slopped' will be played at the close of the son to thirteen, scoring eleven of success in the coaches' minds. regular season. them in the last four games. Bruce Statistically speaking, the Ter- Johns Hopkins University Most of the league games will be rors were outplayed by Hopkins, defeated the Western Mary- played on weekday evenings, start- Lee and John Karrer contributed fine play on defense and Ted Kin- but Mr. Waldorf commented, "The land College basketball team ing at 7 pm. Several games will ter, in addition to scoring the goal, "For the best mark of a good team is when they 79 to 63 on Wednesday, De- be prcliminaries to the regular was noteworthy for his play in the win when they are outplayed." cember 10. The game was varsity encounters. Schedules have game. The final victory gave the In food delight Overall this year the Western played on the Hopkins home been posted on all bulletin boards. team an even record for the year, Benny's is the place Maryland offense rolled up 124 court. Hopkins jumped into Spectators are welcome and sup- winning six and losing an equal To keep in sight" points while the opposition was an early lead and was never port is greatly appreciated. number. contained to 136 by the defensive headed. The loss of Bill unit. These close figures show the Bruce on fouls early in the team is improving greatly over the second half greatly hampered meager efforts of the Terror teams the Terrors' attack. Dave Helen's Restaurant It Pays To Look Well in recent years. The Terror wins Sullivan led the WMC scor- Each Day 60c Specials came against Bridgewater, 34-14; ing with fifteen points. Vi,it The King's College, 30-0; and J 0 h n s Platters - Sandwiches Hopkins 20-14. Each win was a Of All Kinds 'kJ~,Afd_ decisive one. They lost close deci- Avenue Barber Shop sions to Randolph-Macon, Penn Heagy's Sport Shop Subs - Milk Shakes TIlden 8-7830 Military, Hampden-Sydney, Lycom- ing, Franklin and Marshall, and 16 W. Main Just off Campus Where The Students Go Our New Addition Drexel. Tllden 8-5515 on Penna. Ave. The Colonial Looking ahead to next year, the 85 Pennlylvania Avenue Dining Room Terrors find four seniors graduat- A Complete Sports Line (Formerly Spaghetti House) ing, but a host of experienced un- ABDO FOR FLOWERS Representing Artistically arranged Rasinsky's Pharmacy Baugher's Restaurant LAUNDROMAT for each different "Reliable Prescriptions" JUST OFF THE CAMPUS 5 LOCUST STREET personality Drugs and • DAILY -7:30-5:00 Everyday Needs FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon DUTTERER'S 30 W. Main St. TIlden 8-8677 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Westminster, Md. Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Free Delivery Service TIlden 8-9350 TIlden 8-7100 To College OPEN EVERY DAY
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