Page 20 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 20
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 21, 1958 The Editor Speaks LETTERS THE WORLD SITUATION Landslide For Democrats To The in perspective In Recent Off-Year Election EDITOR David Clark is our guest columnist. life, ~haring his views in this issue on some facet of contemporary In 1956, Mr. Clark graduated from Wicomico High School in Salis- At this time, the results of this year's national election To the Class of 1961: bury, Maryland. He is majoring in the' field of Political Science. During are just being realized. Yes, it has been almost a month since Your kind gift to Kwansei Ge- the spring season, Mr. Clark is a capable member of the college varsity the election, but the results have not. yet affected any of our guin University came through Mr. golf squad. lives since the victorious ones have not taken their respective H. Ito, and our president has writ- oaths of office. The editor feels that it is fitting to mention a ten you our thanks and recognition Our Responsibility As Students few words on the past election. some time ago. It is normal for the party in power to lose Congressional \-Veare very glad that we can re- It is almost impossible to glance people, their only hope for~surviv- port now the use of the $100 and strength in an off-year election, even when things are going how our students are appreciating at a newspaper or magazine today al. We must, and are, lending ac- well. That is the penalty that comes with responsibility. But your good-will towards us. and not find at least an oblique rei- tive support to their crisis. things have not been going well for the party in power. We made the furniture cabinet, erence to the undeniable fact that I offer as only one example From the beginning of Mr. Eisenhower's second term, a sofa and four comfortable chairs America is a leading nation in the of the influence and active leader- difficulty has piled on difficulty. Some have been of the Ad- and small table for writing for the world. A few examples of this ship the U. S. is called upon to ministration's own making; some,like the recession, have been girls' reading room at the student are: we entered Lebanon at her exert continuously. We are ex- support to fortuitous. For these reasons, it is safe to assume that the Christian Centre on the campus. government's request to forestall pccted to lend monetary of the world. strife, we are leading the internal the underprivileged loss in Congressional strength shown in the, recent election is The girls are using every day and fight in the United Nations for nu- It is expected that we take up the not an average or normal loss, but an anti-Republican surge appreciating your friendship. clear test control, and we send cause of freedom and democracy of formidable proportions. The girls are saying that if you troops to the Formosan Straits to thrQughout the world, but, most Many predictions were anticipating a drop of Republican could kindly send us the picture of insure the safety of the Chinese important to us, we are to commit strength in the House of thirty or forty, and in the Senate of your school, so that we could hang Nationalists. These, and there are ourselves militarily when all other it in the room and make it the five or six. The losses roughly doubled such estimates. Except. "Western Maryland Fellow-Ship many others just like them in the means fail to insure that those for some of the more isolated areas, the tide 'Was definitely a Room." past 15 years, are visible evidence blessing's of liberty for which our Democratic one. Perhaps one could say, it was an anti-Repub- Again we thank you very much to all that we not only speak leader- ancestors fought to gain shall not lican one. It was an expression of generalized dissatisfaction for your kindness. Please visit us ship and' action, but practice them be lost. We like to visualize our country with things as they are at present. It is a dissatisfaction that when you come to Japan. as well. There is, I feel/ a great as strong, respected and feared. tendency on the part of the college plainly overrides the local considerations which enter into an Yours very truly, student, living in the sheltered at- We swell with pride when our off-year election, where concern for national policy must share Mitsu K. Kawabe mosphere of the campus, to remain country is publicly recognized as the spotlight with state-wide and local conflicts. Dean of chaplains uninformed: and uninterested in a world leader, yet when we face How wi1Ithis ejection affect us? The answer to this ques- Kwansei Gakuin University these problems which confront our the responsibilities of this suprem- tion cannot be completely surmised until after this new trend Editor's note--TMs is a follow-up country. acy our a.ttitude reverses, You be- takes office. However, our college is located in a state that is letter concerning the clewnup proj- For example let us take the situ, gin to hear opposition to foreign an illustration of the anti-Republican landslide. Our commu- ect held last spring by the Class 0/ ation today in Formosa, for this il- aid, to high taxes, to committing nity might indirectly feel some of the "certain to be" Demo- 1961. The first letter referred to lustrates the active use of Ameri- our armed forces. These are our cratic forces. All in all, the results of the November 5th elec- was publ1·shed in our October 10th can youth in our foreign policy. responsibilities a e individuals, its government, not Since tion should be watched. It will be especially interesting to see issue. This second letter was Communists 1949, when the Chinese America is is each and every indi- seized control of the America how they will affect the Presidential Campaign of 1959. ATD mailed b·om NiBhinomillrL, Japan, Chinese mainland, Chiang Kai-shek vidual. If contributions are to be on November tet, After reading and his loyal Nationaltats have in- made in the name of America, the Christmas ISsue Thanksgiving Means that the Class of 1961 is- to be com- habited this island off· the China individuals are to make them. this letter, you will probably ag1·ee in the The intelligent leadership To Be Puhlished Giving of Thanks mended for a job well done. They coast. They remain in constant ruture of our country will rest on alert to the threat of the mainland, have spread the name of this insti- the shoulders of the college student the normal confines By Underclassmen Our 'Phanksgiving holiday tution beyond this size, pl1.Ulhelped always remembering that their only of today. To make qualified lead- chance to again see their homeland of a school The next several issues of begins next week, so pf>rhaps make life for the less fortunate lies in bitter conflict with the Reds. era knowledge must be acquired, it It is out of the 'question to con- is not hereditary. Here, at West- the GOLDBUG will be edited we should think about our more enjoyable. ceive of this army, well trained but ern Maryland', as at no other time by underclassmen in prepara- many blessings. We, as West- Debating Society small, even attempting to over- in our lives, we are given the op- tion for 11. new editorial staff. ern Maryland students, have come the hordes of Communists on portunity to gain this knowledge, Each year one or more issues so much for which to be To the Editor, the mainland, but this situation through intimate association with are put out by a group new to thankful that it is difficult r would like to see a debating so- changes color when you visualize learned men and women, and the their positions. This practical to select a few items for ciety on this campus because of the this army, supplemented by the great literature of our world. and benefits it added opportunities experience is helpful to both recognition at this time. would offer many of our students. might of the United States, supply- Here we become confident in our- those trying out and to the Each citizen can say, "I'm (A good argument should always ing and strengthening their effor-ts. selves and in our ability to face our responsibilities. by Congres- The United States, regular staff as it gives each glad that I am an American", begin with a. definite statement of sional Resolution of 1955, has It is my thesis, therefore, that an opportunity to study the and to each it may have a the point in question.) pledged itself to defend this island while we have the opportunity we various capabilities. special significance. To us as A debating society on this cam- republic from. the danger of the must take full advantage of it. If The staff for the tradition- students, perhaps it means pus would crrer an opportunity for mainland. We are actively en- we, and the many college students al Christmas issue will in- firet of all that we are grate- more individuality among many of gaged in this at the present time. like us, fail to benefit from this ex- elude: editor-in-chief, Charles ful for the privilege of attend- our students who now have no such The United States' Seventh Fleet perience we are inviting the de- Pugh; managing editor, Tom ing college, for such was our outlet. It would also act as stu, a is at this moment patrolling the struction of the heritage for which for thought stimulant many Albertson; news editor, Don- choice. There are so many dents, not only those participating Formosan Straits. This does not so many have lost their lives, and na King; news-feature editor, factors, involved in selecting in the actual debate. As far as constitute an act of aggression on in which future generations will enjoy their lives. our part, it does not mean. that we Mary Cay McCormick; sports the pa1·ticular college 01' uni- those who would participate are will follow Chiang Kai-shek wher., Our responsibilities are great, editor, John Weagiy; and versity in which to enroll that concerned, it would be very educa- ever he goes, but it docs mean that but our weapons are greater. Our copy editor, Joan Wood. It we do not stop to think that tional not only because of the re- we have, in a manner of speaking, ammunition is knowledge, we must is probably evident to many under other circumstances we search involved but also by the fact put our foot down in the Far East. direct it in the right direction-self readers of the GOLDBUG that might not be able to choose to that it would help eliminate some we have taken a stand, we must improvement. They 'call us "from these people are all either al- attend any institutwn of high- of the biased opinions of people. nat back down. The United States darkness into light." Do we ro- By logical, hearing well-sup, a ready editors of the various er education, ported argument from both sides is the symbol of strength to these _ spond to the call or not? pages or at least contributors. DUling our four years here many people might learn to think There should also be some in- no agency censors or distorts more openly about some subjects. dication of the various open- the material which is avail- r also think a debating society I A LINE FROM ROOM 29/ ings in' staff positions. Most able for us to learn. No pro- might bring into the spotlight peo- of all this should prove that fessors are relieved of their ple whose abilities which as of now it is possible to advance if duties without wa.rning or have no way of being recognized. How many of you are noticing a scratching noise in your waifs at enough interest and effort are just cause. No professors are r do believe that this sort of so- night? Not a few girls have been seen standing on beds and hanging from put forth. replaced: by others indoetri- ciety would be accepted by the stu- rails in the bathrooms, chased by what Robert Burns calla a "wee The editor and his present nated by the state. No text- dent body, not only by those partie; timerous beastie", known to the unread as A MOUSE! It must be the ipating, but by the rest of the stu- senior staff would like to ask books are burned and others dents. If the subjects for debate wet weather that causes this intrusion. Next time you find yourself in the entire campus community issued in their place .. This is are well chosen so as to be of in- the vicinity of a hardware st~re, in a can of wood putty. to give these underclassmen important to us as students tereet to the student body r am Ohiva)ry A certain ta,ble in the dining hall carries it is not dead. the same support and confid- for it means that we have ac- sure a debating society would be on in good form. The lucky girls Bitting there (eight of them) are re- ence that you have thus far cess to the facts concerning supported. There are many is- lieved of th!1ir coats and helped into their seat8 by two· gentlemen. shown to them. The new edi- any situation. Also, we can sues circulating around campus That's a big job for two boys, but it's more than appreciated. This- is tor and his staff will be an- learn both sides of the issue, which might be debated and that one fad that I'd like to see c~tc! o~. .. .. nounced sometime before the whatever it may be. by using this as a medium might spring recess. ATD So'rnetimes we are not too be brought to action faster. An I've been seeing quite a few girls walk out of the Grille in a daze example of this might be the issue pleased when the examina- concerning dining hall food. clutching a piece of paper with the scribbled signature "Skinner" on it. art Boys--if you want roses and feminine attention, take a dramatic These are my arguments GOLD BUG tions contain "thought" ques- porting a debating society sup- for tions, but here, again, is some- I sin_ OJJldal "tudent newspaper of W... tern thing that is more vital than Western Maryland College. are those Public thanks to Bob Borden for me get into the Home_ there cerely hope that Maryland Coll"ll'e, publi.hed "ernl_monthly we realize. To us who are en.- on hiday during October. November. Feb_ couraged to think for our- who agree with me and I would like coming Game. Dea.n David didn't remember me. By the way, the game. ruary. March and April; and monthly dur_ to hear any argumen.ts in opposi- was excitfng even though- sad. The boys had a lot of fight. Iffan_y people ing September, December, Jan;,ary, and selves, it is difficult to picture May. Entered 8.8 .""ond d8.8g milt!"" ..t tion. didn't realize the significance of the plane that flew over the field a the POll! Office. Weotmin.ter, Maryland, the reverse situation. Still number of ti'I'Ms. For you less inquiaitive people, banners were attached under Act of March 8, 1879. more important is that we can Sincerely, to the sides reading Beta Chi and. Phi Alpha Mu. Hard work Member j1'eely voice OUt· thoughts and Dorothy Glotfelty deserves credit, so next time flY ..the.. p,!"ne..a little lower. Associated Collegiate Press opinions - not only as ·stu- TURKEYS REVOLT clubrooms are taking The sorority on a new look. Why not slip Subscription Price $2.00 a Year dents but also as citizens of over Sunday afternoon durin! o~en..ho~rs ..and view the improvements? Albert T. Dawkins, Jr. the community. Dear Sir: my This is to inform you that Editor-in-Chief As students and citizens, boys of the Reserve Overstuffed That suggestion box placed in the GnUe doesn't even rattle when Robert Fothergill we can also w01'ship as we it is shaken. Don't tell 'I'M that all this groaning over dining ha)l food Business Manager Turkey Great Corps will be ready for 27 is for 1W reM011.. While you're eating that cheeseburger for which you Encounter come the EDITORIAL STAFF please. Again under other Nov58. For years and years we paid money because you jU8t can't stand the lunch, slip a pieee of News Edltore --_J~!~ege R~~~~~~ c'ircumstances, we might not turkeys have gone peacefully be- paper in the box. Your suggestions are being heard. The more received, , AS1!'t. News Editors __ Barbara Horet even be allowed to worship. fore the axe in wholesome num_ the better and faster the act~n ~ill .. Donna King Feature Editor _ Without the profession of a bers. Our allies, the S.P.C.A. will News Feature Editor faith, would our count1'y be not even help us in our fight to Raincoats are so much in style this season that the faculty is really As"i.tant New" Featul'<> have yogurt and wheat germ for conflised as to who's trying to hide Bermuda shorts. The fad is even _ Sports Editor M.~ free? The churches wiU all A•• t,tant Sports Editor hold their -respective service.'j Thanksgiving. carrying over to the boys. Opinions differ, but I think that they look as Copy Editor __ ~ Vi.....inia ott Therefore, we give you notice nice or nicer than most jackets. Mayhe the next item will be a fraternity A...i.tant Copy Edito,.. __ Joan Wood on Thanksgiving Day, and as that this year will be different. raincoat! Sarah Kaidl Typing Editor ~ __ Ann Kinney we attend the one of OUt· This time we intend to fight to BUSINESS STAFF choice, we should give thanks the last drumstick! What happened to Tom Dooley? He really must luwe died at sun- Advertising Manager _ Ronald Harman to Him for the many blessings Aggressively yours, rise. Guess it must be true that partial reinforcement gives -more last- Circulation Powell Ande,...,n Exchange Sandra Eaotwood that are ours to cherish and Lieut. 001. Nimrod WattJe ing benefit8 than complete reinforcenwnt. lIfrs. Warren might benefit Advioor .Or. Richard B. Hovey R.O.T.C. from holding classes in the Grille. Living exwmples are easier to re_ protect. ATD Terwhiliger's Turkey Terrace member.
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