Page 16 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 16
The Gold Bug, Nov. 7, 1958 Western Maryland Cage Team Club News Wrestling Squad Starts Has Fifteen Men Turri Out Canterbury Association Association has The Canterbury While footballs still sail through the outstanding freshman candi- started a new religious service on Daily Practice In Gym the air on Hoffa Field basketballs date is 6' 2" Dave Martin from An- campus this year. Every other Wrestling, another Western have begun to fly in Gill Gyrnnasj , ncostto of Washington, :Q. C. Dave Wednesday at 5 :00 pm, Father Maryland winter sport, has started terested in wrestling should contact urn. Fifteen cage candidates have woosan unheralded but steady per- "White of the Ascension Church in daily workouts in the basement of him as soon as possible. answered the call of Coach Clower former in his scholastic career and V,iestminster conducts a communion Gill .....Gymnasium. Coach Mohl- College Wrestling and a few more are expected to re- he has shown a good eye and is a service in Baker Memorial Chapel. henrich was extremely pleased with Collegiate wrestling is entirely port at the end of the fall sports strong rebounder- in practice. He On the alternate Wednesday an the fine turnout of sixteen candi, different from the "he-hum" type program. will be a strong contender for a evening prayer service is held. dates. However, he has mentioned of drudgery that is viewed over lo- Turnout Is Small starting position and could develop The Canterbury Association ex- that several weight classes still cal television channels on Satur- The squad is somewhat hampered into a key performer for the 'I'er, tends an open invitation to all have need of men, and anyone in- .lay nights. Any freshman who has never seen collegiate wrestling lry the poor turnout but Coach members of the campus community is invited to come over and observe in these services. to participate Clower is well pleased with the tile practice sessions. candidates who did repor-t, Sev- Beta Beta Beta Past Homecomings There are several- fine-looking eral experienced varsity players freshmen candidates who are show- have returned, and along with the The annual initiation of mem- Traced Over Years ing that they know what this few freshmen and members of last bers into Beta Beta Beta was held A~ we approach November 8, "grunt and groan" business is all year's jayvee team should balance on 'Vednesday, November 5, 1958, 1958, the date of this year's Home- about. The new candidates include the loss of several key players at the home of Doctor Sturdivant. coming, it brings to mind the past Art Alperstein,. Roger Haskell, from the H157-58 squad. Those received as full members of WMC and in particular, the past Steve Berman, Carl Sta-ein, Carter Although the turnout of fr-esh; were Toni Steinacher, Lawrence of our traditional Homecomings. Harnmersla, Robert Warfield, Fred men for the team was poor, several Dowler, and Ronald Sindy. Pa- This day, set aside fot- memories Rheinhart, Eldridge Ward, Wil~ of the frosh have outside chances tricia Hill, John Bowen, Paul and happy reunions, started far Iiam Schweikert, and Homan Kina- of becoming starters. Probably Hughes, and Kenneth l"Ifohlenrich back in the history of Western ley. Som1:J of these men have became provisional members. Maryland. Homecoming has been scholastic experience and some do Miss Winnifer Wygal furnishing of a Biology Seminar held on a wide variety of dates ex- not, but thcy are all gqing about Plans are also under way for the October 15, to No- new holds and techniques learning from tending To Discuss Sea Work the late Dr. Willis. The room will vem 29, but always consists of the with applied vigor and should'pro_ to the one honoring Room similar . duce results. of events. program same general At the open cabinet meeting of be used for small classes and meet, The football game seems always t-o Returning Veterans the Student Christian Association, ing-s. Member-s are also aiding the be the highlight of the day and the Among the veterans of last Thursday, November 13, in Me- Coach Clower views eeason. biology department in setting up teams have an impressive list of veer's team are such familiar Daniel Lounge at 4 :00 pm, the en- with optimism the new stock room in Lewis Hall. victories over the years. names as Porky Tingle, Fred tire student body and faculty will On occasion the Homecoming fes- Stoever, Lou Price, Charles RUIl_ have an opportunity to attend. The team is made up of predom, PTA tivities started on Friday evening, klea, and Ray Assay .. They have Miss Winnifer Wygal, executive, of inately freshmen, sophomores and Last Wednesday, November 5, but usually the Saturday morning shown that they have the goods the YWCA will tell of the coming junior-s The only senior is War- 195!~, FTA and SCA held a COm_ soccer game between the alumni and are working tediously to im, National Student Assembly of the ron Schwartz who will not report bined meeting in McDaniel Lounge. and the current team members was prove or better their respective reo- 1 WCA-YMCA and discuss the until football season ends. Also Members of each organization were the initial activity. The football orris from the previous seasons. work of SCA. Refreshments- will expected to turn out is 5' 9~ John represented on a panel whose topic game followed after lunch. Pol, Although several key men are be served after the meeting. Holter and three freshmen: Skip of discussion was the place of re- lowing the football game many absent in a graduation, namely Brown of Annapolis, Tom Watson Brooks Euler, Charlie Cock, and Hill Visitation of Falls Church, Virginia, and Jack ligion in Public Education. events were usually scheduled. Miss Wygal will be on the hill Baile, after soccer. At a short business meeting held 'I'eaa, fraternity and sorority open Bill Kunkle, Coach Mohlhenrich is uptimistic over the squad's chances Thursday and Friday, November Small Team Viewed on Monday, November 3, 1958, Pa- houses, and smaller reunions occu- for the coming campaign and he is 13 and 14. Students interested in The 1958-59 edition of the Ter- tricia Welk was elected as chapter pied the time until dinner. Then doing his utmost to present a cred- spon- activities of SCA and the SCM con- rors will be faced with the fate of representative to the state conven- many went on to banquets or other itable team to represent Western sored by the fraternities ference may schedule a personal in- every WMC coach, a small team. tion which is to be held at Towson Maryland College. terview with her by contacting Dr. Height is prominently absent al- State Teachers' College on Novem, organizations. Elizabeth Match Charles Crain, professor of re- though Bill Bruce, a strong candi- ber 15, 1958. Tn the mid-twenties, the WW scheduled The is ligion. date for the pivot, stands at 6' 6". club, which is now Sigma Sigma againta first match College, at Eliz, Elizabeth Assembly Theme Several other players, snch as Bill Home Economics Club Tau, gave a banquet honoring the abethtcwn, on December 7. The "The Search for the Authentic Moore,' Dave Sullivan and Jim The Home Economics club is now football team at a local restaurant. Mawn-Dixon Tournament is sched- Self" will be the theme of the Na- Brown are 6' 3" but compared with actiVely engaged in its money mak- After the banquet plays were quite often presented. tional Student Assembly to be held the average team they are small. ing projects for this ycar. They Homecoming has been marked by ~i:~sf::c ~~~~~;-~o ~~s!h!a~~:;' at the University of Illinois in Ur- However, we should have.a fast are selling note paper with an en_ many special events in the past. with an envious eye. bana, Illinois, December 28-Janu_ and smooth, ball-handling club graving 9f the Baker Memorial In 1931 Homecoming was the occa- ary 3, 1959. Highlighting the as- with the short but elusive quartet Chapel on the front of it as well as sion for the presentation of the DIPLOMATS TUMBLE sembly \viii be featured platiorms of Ozzie Stewart, Mike Byrd, John seiling Maryland cookbooks spon- including such outstanding leaders Long, and Bob Vaughn operating sored by the Maryland Home Eco_ flagpole by Roger Whiteford of the (Cont. from 8, col. 5) class of 1906. The hardships the as Vera M. Dean, Associate Direc_ in the backcourt. Lonl; is a junior nomics Association to the student depression brought W('l"e recog_ ior; Don Rembert, sophomore; tor of the Foreign Policy Associa.- and the rest are sophomores. body. Their next re~ar meeting Canoll Giese, sophomore; George nizoo by the fact tion; Mr. Mordeeai W. Johnson, Stewart, Moore, Bruce, Long, will be held on November 17, 1958, football game was that the as 1931 a Wellings, junior; and Fred Burgee, played President of Howard Ulliversity; Sullivan, and Vaughn all saW!":.C_ in the clothing lab. It will be an junior, are ali producing immensely It was Mr. Gardner MUrphy, Research di- tion as starters in several games open meeting on Christmas decora_ uenefit for the unemployed. entertain_ this season. also at this game that redor of the Menninger Founda_ last year and should be even better' tions at which lIfrs. Ralph Day will Seniors to be .Missed tiOll; and Mr. Paul Lehmann of aftel· a year of experience. be the speaker. ment during the halftime was fur_ The bench strength has proven Howard Divinity School. "Con- Coach Clower plans on using a nished by four marching bands and. adequate so far and should con- scienco on Campus," the official rna'"!and zone defense, as Le Cercle Francais one drum and ,bugle corps. tinue to do so because of experience Homeeoming was The 1935 study book of the WMC Sunday the occasion calls for and will use Le Cercle Francais will hold its marked by two big events. Pre- gained every week. War I' e n School, will be. the study book at a fast-moving, fast-break offense in montlliy meeting in McDaniel Schwartz and Don Dewey, the co_ the assembly. order to take advanta~ of the Lounge on Monday, November 17, viously the dance had been held off captains, will be severely missed team's speed. Ht 7 :00 pm. A scenic movie fea- campus at the Westminster Ann- next season as wili Jim Lewis, The schedule is comparatively turing the· chateaux of the Loire 0l"Y,but this year it moved to the the same as last year ,vith the Ter- Valley will be shown afterwards. campus and was held in Blanche Prank Thye, Ed Baxter, and Dave all of whom wiii gradu~ NEW PRESIDENT rors competing in the Mid-Atlantic The French Club has nlso begun Ward Gym. It was not until 1935 Edington, spring. It wili be diffi_ at.e this that began to Maryland Western OFANW and Mason-Dixon Conferences. as practice for its annual Christmas elect the now traditional Homecom_ cult to fill the shoes of any of these Although, key players such Spaar, Chandler and Sloan Stew- program which \vili be given. on ing Queen, whose coronation is now players, bnt coach Bob Waldorf has Robert Fothergill was re- art are missing from last year's December 15. This presentation ~o much a part of the Homeeoming many young Terrors who are will_ cently elected as President of club, Mr. Clower is optimistic will be conducted by Patricia Gar- dance. ing to try. .. AlbeIt Nonnan Ward Hall. ria and is entitled, L'En/allce du This is only a small sample of Three Games Remain He 'will fill a vacancy left by about improving last year's record Christ. All members of the Le the fun and festivities of past The Terrors play two of their re- :.nd we, the student body, should Robert Cuthrell, who is no support our team to the hilt-win Cerele Franca:is will participate in Homecomings. May Homecoming maining three encounters at home, lon~r a student at Western or lose. , the singing of the Christmas Carols J 958 join their ranks as (lne of the their only foreign clash being at Maryland. in French. best. Drexel. By playing the caliber of Mr. Fothergill is an eeo- football Western Maryland is cap- nomics major and his home is able of playing, the team could weil in Frederick, Maryland. Bob Western Maryland College Students win two, or even all of their re- is a member of Alpha Gamma maining games. This would chan~ Tau and is currently serving their comparatively gloomy record as the Business Manager of Develope Taste For 'Better Things' to one of more respect. the GOLDBUG. Coach Waldorf has contributed Here's a happy note to our pro- of people who came prepared for a so much to the success of the Ter- fessors. We believe that Western boring hour with letter paper, still received an evening of the rors, it is unfortunate that the ;o,-raryland College students are knitting and homework for the fol_ higher type of music, and what is breaks, which are all important in FROSH GIRL RELATES gradually developing a taste for l0willg day, now students attend more, they really wanted that eve- any sport, haven't fallen his way. ning. WMC he has at Since- arriving (Con't /TOm page S, eol. 5) the better things· in life. with the anticipation of learning Many students in Dr. Riding- gradually improved the team to a Colleges in the United States are could possibly be unaware of His bccoming increasingly harder to sQmething new. The scant group tcn's classes are having problems. point where they should break studcnts often find guidance and presence. enter. Only our best high school of non-attentive dropping stitches or It S€'Cmsthere just aren't enongh loose next fall. themselves These are some of the impres- students are being accepted. Col- ears to acconunodate the lar~ If student support continues to sions of WMC that we admire, but lege-mindM_ high school students writing parts of the leeture to boy number of students who signed up hold true next fail, and there is no there are a few things that we lllU.<::tbegin working harder, carli- friends. The muncherS' go home to at $1.50 a head to attend the pre- reason why it shouldn't, the Ter_ WQuid like to improve. We won- er, in order to make the grades ac- their rooms and wash out melted sentation of the Medea given by r;)rs should not only have a good (leI' if more activities could be c('ptable for our institutions of chocolate from forgotten candy in the Hopkins players. The price season, but one of which everyone the coat pocket. scheduled for weekends. Beeause higher learning. was lowered, but cars find tickets will be proud. of the lack of activities, many stu- Perhaps this accounts for the Perhaps it is the increased wor- are still causing dismay to a great dents go home or off campus for real interest our stndents are show_ shipful atmosphere of the new number of students desiring to at- entertainment. ing in the intelleetual activities of chapel that produces the upturned tend a highly intellectua:I Greek Compliments of Of course, we have the familiar the campus. faces in the congregation, but we Drama. complaints about courses and as- The recently initiated Faculty prefer to believe that the memoc-rs The exhibit of modern alt, now J. R. EVERHART sig:r.ments which leave us baffled. Forum has received exceptional at- nre actually absorbing the words of in Old Main receives visitors any COLLEGE BARBER Hut since "W'C did not expect college tendance. The speakers have done President Ensor. In one year the tim(> during the day or evening. At the Forks to be a Utopia of accompJishment_ a lot to aid this. Their talks are attitude toward reading books in Though many of us don't complete- without-effort, we are detennined llliormative plus that essential ex- chapel has changed from compla_ to dig in a little harder, and hope tra-they're also interesting. Such cency to a disdain for anyone who ly understand what the artist is trying to put across, we desire to that we '-vill soon have a better un_ lectures would have had a sparse does so. see. in order that through enough derstanding of what is expected of attendance in the past. Not only in these fields but in TOM MILLER u,. that of appreciation for higher art, obs€l"vation, the shining light of in_ On Monday nights th(' dorm is Though we have been on the practically empty. Each student music and drama, does our outlook sight will finally flash upon us. CAMPUS AGENT Someday we may understand! campus for only a month, we have h:ls gone of his own free ,viII to at- l'e('m different. For the present it is enough to for the begun to feel a bit of the nostalgia tend a meeting which is not only In the case of Catherine Crozier, Modem G. I. Laundry that upperclassmen and ahunni of enjoyable, but infonnative. From the organist who app~ared here know that our stUdents are trying, WMC express concerning their these meetings he gathers a fund of last Friday, many students who and liking what they try. We alma mater. As the months go by, knowled~ not obtained from class went were disappointed. The fact firmly believe that our campus is and Cleaners we feel confidcnt that we can and lectures and books. remains, however, that they at- becoming more interested and ac- 223 E. Green St. tive in intellectual affairs. will, take our place in the student There seems to be an inereased tended because of their desire to TIlden 8-6670 body, cherishing the inheritance interest in the speakers the college to In the future it may just so hap_ which college life 11as given us so flifers during assembly periods. listen good music. Though pe'"! that Beethoven's Fifth Sym_ All Laundry and Dry freely. many of t.hem slipped a nickel in phony and Salvadore Dali may re- Cleaning Work Guaranteed WJlere there used to be a number the juke box next morning, they place Tom Dooley and Dunster Poe.
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