Page 17 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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The Gold Bug. Nov. 7, 1958 Claremont Quartet To Give Food Problems Library Committee Sponsors Chamber Music Concert Bring About Exhibits, Open House Investigation The Claremont String Quartet the four met in the spring of 1953 A committee- representing stu- The Western Maryland College will be available to persons in the will present a concert tonight at and decided to form their own dent complaints on the cafeter-ia campus library will be the scene of community. .P.:15 pm in Alumni Hall, as part of chamber music group. As part of situation has been formed by the much attention on November 10, Volumes from the Music Depart- the winter concert series sponsored their educational program, the five 1!i56. From three until five o'clock ment dealing with that particular Fil- by the college. Open to the public, performers held a workshop this SGA. The chairman, Joanne Rhea in the afternoon and from eight un- field. bey is aided by Kay Payne, the program will include works of morning at 11: 30 to show how such til ten o'clock in the evening, open An exhibit on city planning by Beethoven, Martinu, and Schu- a group is put together and how Ireland, and Melba Lou Nelms. house will be sponsored by the Li- the Sociology Department. of Allen Gil- This action is part mann. each member contributes. - more's campaign program of last brary Committee. During these 'I'he bulletin board will have Also performing with the group The program for tonight consists hours, Dr. Ford K. Brown from the posfed a list of suggestions for the stu- in a piano quintet by Schumann of the Quartet in G Major, Opus 18, year, when it was felt that to have English Department of St. John's new library that will be built in dents should be permitted will be Daniel Abrams. Mr. Ab- l';umber 2 by Beethoven; Quartet a voice in the cafeteria's menus. College in Annapolis will be pres- three years at WMC. rams -received his artist's diploma NI.lmber 3 by Martinu; and the As part of the committee's pro- ent to talk with the visitors. At Letters have been mailed to the in piano and composition from the Piano Qua.l·tet in E flut Major, gram, a suggestion box was posted 11: 30 that morning, he will also residents in Carroll County invit; Mannes College of Music. Besides Opus .H, by Schumann. speak to the student body in the ing them to use the facilities of the this, the pianist studied for two in the Grille for three weeks .. Stu- assembly. The Library Commit- library. To aid in explaining and dents were urged to make construc- years at the Royal Academy of tive suggestions at this time. "Of tee, headed this year by Dr. Theo- showing people around the library, Music in London under a Fulbright PMS&T Announces dore M. Whitfield, has been consid- the Argonauts have offered their grant and has given numerous solo course," Joanne said, "we won't be ering this project for some time. services. able to follow through all the com- concerts throughout Europe and Academic Awards They hope the people interested in responsible committee The for the United States. ments that were made. Regard- the library and its activities will refreshments at the open house will less of the opposition to 'mounds of The Quartet was first formed as For Past Year joy' and liver, they will still con- take advantage of this opportunity be composed of wives of the faculty the result of two close merging The ROTC department of West- tinue to be part of the diet. There to come in and express their inter- members and headed by Mrs. Sam- friendships: Marc Gottlieb, first ern Maryland College has an- is always someone who likes it-- est and ideas. uel Schofield. violinist, and Vladimir Weisman, nounoed numerous recipients of and they do add variety to the Among the exhibits on display second violinist, first played to- outstanding annual awards. The meals." will be: of the books in Some examples gether in the eighth grade in New official announcement came from A consistent complaint among the colJection given to the library Sponsors Chosen York. The second of the friend- the office of Lt. Col. Dayton E. Ben- students is the fact that many feel His many interests By ROTC Cadets ships was that of William Schoen, nett, PlIIS&T, on Octo~r 28, 1958. they are not getting enough to eat. by Dr. J. T. Ward, first president violinist, and Irving Klein, cellist, The Reserve Officers' Association At this point there are no solutions cf the college. who have known each other since Ribbon for academic achievement to offer, but cafeteria service is varied from "raising your chil- from puge 1, col. 2) (CQnt. their school days in Cleveland in Mllltary Science and Tactics for definitely out of the question. dren" to "running a farm." one of the members of the cheer- twenty years ago. During this the school year 1957-1958 was The committee is a link between Also, there will be other ex- and of Phi Alpha squad time they played together to win awarded to the following cadets: thc students and the dining hall amples of. books given to the library leading Besides these activities, she Mu. a string quartet victory in a na- George H. Thomas, Manfred K. staff. It has no power to enforce by various people and oz-ganiza- 'is also interested in traveling. ttonal contest. .Jceres, and James I. Lewis. these suggestions; its purpose is tiona. Only a few examples will Sponsoring "C" Company is After extensive study and asso- The Western Maryland College to point out to the dining hall staff be displayed, however, because of Miss Shirley Ream who comes from ciation with many other groups, Ribbon for academic achievement. the existing situation and hope that the large number of books donated. Oakland, Maryland. As a senior in Military Science and Tactics for they will see fit to carry out the U. S. government documents that this year, she is majoring in Eng- was 1957-]958 Mr. Byron Rice, the year WELL.PLAYED GAMES the school to the following- cadets: suggestions. of the dining hall, is one SCA Announces Plans lish-education. C1'1u;ible, Junior Plays Besides participat- awarded steward ing in The PROVE TO BE IN VAIN Cleveland W. Bateman, Karl H. Si- hundred per cent behind the stu- For Fall Schedule and the Thanksgiving of the French play, Shirley lex, Ronald L. Sindy, Powell R. An- dents. is also a member DESPITE HANDICAPS derson, Joseph F. Bender, Birge D. of proposals to present to the din- "Enjoy coffee and donuts for club, FTA, and Sigma Sigma Tau. The committee is making a list Musselman K. Lloyd Reichard, Chosen as Honor the Guard's Last Friday the Green Terror (second award), Ernest Colwell, ing hall staff. Rather than sug- breakfast in President Ensor's din- sponsor, Miss Katherine Mitchell soccer team, handicapped by the .rere P. Brehm, Car-roll T. Giese, gesting new foods and dishes, it is ing room Sunday morning Novem- hails from Cooperstown, New absence of Geor-ge Var-ga and John John H. Holter, Charles F. LeFew, tryIng to have the present ones re- ber 9, at 9:15 am" suggested Al Yor-k. As a physical education- Wnghe1stein, traveled to Lycoming Gerald S. Bluehdorn, Carson F. arranged. Student suggestions Brown, president of the Sunday sociology major, Kay plans to teach only to lose 2 to I. Chandler, Albert N. Ward, William will be acknowledged on the bulle- school. The topic of the "coffee in New York state. Included in The Terrors scored first ,vith sev- E. Moore, and W. Baine Yates. tin board in front of Old Main. chat" will be an informal discus- her interests are sports, music, and en minutes gone in the' second quar- sion on "The Unending Question, reading besides being a member of ter as right wing Sam Corbin boot- Love." the octette, WAA, Newman Club, the ed one in. Lycoming (If the third Board Appoints New Member; Every Wednesday night at 6:30 yearbook staff, FTA, and Sigma tied score at 10 minutes fifteen minutes before the Student Sigma Tau. wing Renames Campus Buildings quarter when left wing- Dave Trav- Christian Associabion begins meet- "I am very happy and proud to is scored, assisted by right ings, there will be the opportunity be the band's sponsor," commented Bob Bender. With six minutes to for students to enjoy informal Miss Lynne Sterling when she go in the game Lycoming center Three new members 1;Q the Board now being held by these men are singing and favorite hymns. To learned she had won this position. forward Jim Eichinger broke the of Trustees were named at the reg_ lifetime positions. add to the features of SC'A are new While serving in this capacity last deadlock to Win for his team. One nlar fall mooting of' thi~ group on Also at the fall meeting the name song books entitled, "Sing It year, Lynne not only distrihuted of the outstanding features of this October 24, 1958. They are Rev. for the seminary building pur- Again." awards but also was selected queen game was the fact that Terror John Bayley Jones, George A. chased by the college was decided. Mr. Robert Mickey, professor of the Military BalL Lynne is goalie, Lloyd Musselman, blocked a Meyls, Jr. and F. Kale Mathias, all The building will be called Elder- from Franklin and Marshall Col- from Crisfield, Maryland, and penalty kick, his second in the Iast graduates of Western Maryland dice Hall for Hugh L. Elder-dice, a iege, will be the speaker at the plans to teach high. school English. three games. Bob Hyde played College. western Maryland graduate and membership meeting of the SCA, Interested mainly in music, she is well in place of John Waghelstein. Rev. John Bayley Jones, class of president of the seminary for a November 19. Students having at- a member of the Glee Club, FTA, An interesting sidelight of this ]941, who resides in Washington, great many years. Mr. Elderdice tended three religious meetings are and Phi Alpha Mu. game was the fact that time was D. C., will be filling the vacancy was a trustee of the college for elig'ible for membership in the called because a truck was stuck on left by Rev. William H. Litsinger, f:Jrty years. SeA. the field. Lycoming is building a who died in the spring. The ep- In addition, Science Hall has Miss Melba Nelms, SCA vice new student union building and a pointment of the other two men, been given a new name--that of president, says "the SCA cabinet Patronize Our Advertisers truck bringing materials to this for their distinguished service in Memorial Hall. In the entry to extends much appreciation to all of building got stuck in the mud tuId alumni affairs, will bring the Board Memorial Hall a bronze plaque will tho~e who had a part in making the hay at the corner of the field. The up to the legal limit of forty mem- be pJaced containing the names of Goblin Hop a success." mud and hay also cut down the ac- bers. Mr. Meyls, a resident of Plans are being made for a tire- HAMPSTEAD tion of Terror left wing Bob Cole Baltimore, Maryland, graduated in the buildings which comprised the ~ido sponsored hy SCA Sunday RIDING SCHOOL for half of the game and Lycoming 1922, while Mr. Mathias, class of Old Main Group, including Ying- night, November 16, after chapel. for the other half. This caused 1935 and president of' the Alumni ling Gym. Also on this plaque will Horsemanship Classes m{)st kicks and regular play to go Association, is from Wcsbninster, be the names of the persons for to the right side of the field. Maryland. Trustee memberships whom these buildings were named. ealllUJ/l <7"eabue Previous to this game the Ter- SATURDAY and SUNDAY ron; had suffered a heartbreaking 'kI~,M~ 3-1 double overtime defeat at the For Al·tistic LECKRON Trail Rides hands of Washington College. Corsages Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. The well-played, close-fought game Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. STUDENT RATES was tied at the end of regulation To Complete Your GULF SERVICE Evenings 9 p.m. time on the strength of goals by Homecoming Danc~ Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on center-forward Bob Bragg in the W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Saturday and Holidays second quarter and Terror right DUTTERER'S half back Jim Gibson in the fourth Westminster, Md. Fri., Sat. Nov. 7-8 quarter. It remained a deadlock 114 Pennsylvania Ave. TI8-9781 DAMN YANKEES Helen's Restaurant through one five-minute overtime Tab Hunter Gwen Verdon and through two and a half min- TIlden 8-9350 Each Day 60c Specials utes of the second overtime. At Bob Borden & Ted Kinter Complete Motor Service Sun., Mon., Tues. Nov. 9-10-11 THE NAKED AND THE DEAD this point a Terror defender touch- (Campus Reps.) Brakes Relined Aldo Ray Cliff Robertson Platters - Sandwiches ed the ball ,vith his hands giving Technicolor & CinemaScope Of All Kinds Washington a penalty kick which Bragg converted. With 18 seconds Wed., Thurs. Nov. 12-13 Subs - Milk Shakes left in the overtime period, Wash~ ME AND THE COLONEL Just off Campus ington's left wing Dick Skinner Rasinsky' s Pharmacy Danny Kaye Nicole Maurey made the score 3-I. It Pay. To Look Well Techmcolor on Penna. Ave. On Saturday the twenty-fifth of Fri., Sat. Nov. 14-15 October, the Terrors lost to Cath- The "Reliable Prescriptions" THE RELUCTANT DEBUTANTE (Formerly Spaghetti House) olic University 5-0. Ray Vincent Rex Harrison Kay Kendall had two goals as did George Orales Avenue Barber Shop Drugs and Technicolor & CinemaScope and Ruben Torn! who converted a Everyday Needs penalty kick. However, Mussel_ Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. Ralph's man stopped another penalty kick Where The Students Go 30 W. Main St. Nov. 16-17-18-19 Crown S~rvice ONIONHEAD by Luis Suarez. The Terrons gave Westminster. Md. Andy Griffith Felicia Farr up four goals in the fin;t half and Penna. & Hersh Aves. then held Catholic U. to a single 8' Pennaylvania Avenue TIlden 8-7100 Thursday Nov. 20 Westminster, Md. goa.' in the second half. THE DEVIL'S GENERAL Phone TI 8-8352 \ Curt Jurgens Marianne Cook_, WELCOME ABDO You've tried the rest Baugher's Restaurant Students & Faculty Representing Now try the best. LAUNDROMAT Delicious JUST OFF THE CAMPUS FOR ALL YOUR STATIONERY NEEDS 5 LOCUST STREET Foods FOR A MEAL OR SNACK DAILY -7:30-5:00 P. G. Coffman Co. Closed Wed. 12;00 Noon AT Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milk.hakes Times Bldg. TIlden 8-8677 Westminster, Md. Free Delivery Service Griffin's OPEN EVERY DAY To College
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