Page 15 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Nov. 7, 1958 Around __ Freshman Tells Frosh Girl Relates First Impressions Obstacles To Peaceful World Cited InitialWMCViews ________________________________ ,..- the World by Wesley White by Judith. Meredith. Unfortunately, 1 was unable to by O. Ruth Russell of their people. told us of the great areas of the No doubt you have been com- visit the campus of Western Mary- Everywhere we went we realized country that had been freed of ma- menting about the many little pro- land before entering the school this On my recent trip around the that great progress is being made. laria and tuberculosis. Great be- tozoa-like characters darting from past September. The knowledge I world, my traveling companion and There is no longer the fatalistic ginnings have been made, but they building to building in the manner "had of Western Maryland was 1 sought to learn what we could of resignation of past ages to human are only beginnings. Malaria still which freshmen are known to move. composed of that which I had ae- people of other nations---especially misery. We were reminded of the kills three million people a. year in Yet underneath this exterior of be- qutred through literature about the those of the Far East, South and statement of Arnold Toynbee, the the world and 300 million suffer wilderment, we freshmen have college and of that which my high South-east Asia, and the Middle eminent British historian, that this from it each year. been weighing and balancing the school teachers and friends had East. We wanted to see the living is "the first age since the dawn of Not only In the field of health are various aspects of our new life at history in which mankind has giant strides being made. In Western Maryland College. ~~~~:::~ ~::~;fo2;;s p~~~~~~ ~:;!~iO~t ~~e~;hep=fe~s,an~he~ dared to believe it practicable to Egypt, as we looked' at the lush Our experiences are yet limited, experience and contact with the ,hopes, ar:d thel: plan~ for the f~- make the benefits of civilization vegetation in one area of the Nile but we have formed some very college I was not really quite sure LUre during this period of rapid available to the whole human race." Valley, we were told that they now favorable opinions. Probably our what Luhould expect when I would change and struggle for order and With half of the world's population harvest four crops a year there first impression was that of con- arrive. stability. in t~eir new still living near the starvation line where formerly they had only one. tagious friendliness which seems to 1 had developed, however, some - and nationalism. Of the co:urltries and nearly two-thirds of it illiter- Tn rural India we visited a school permeate the campus - in student v ague idea of what life at Western of S?uth and South-east ASia, only ate, the task ahead is truly great where, for the first time, children and faculty relations, in the class- Maryland would be like. I had the Thailand was never a colony of a and difficult; 600 million children were being taught to read and room, and in social activities. Our feeling: that I was due f6r a differ- W.estern power. All o~ t~ese coun- of the world still suffer from hun- write. Ana across from the school senior advisers were helpful in ent type of experience. I also felt trres have g-ained their independ- ger and sickness. a new little health clinic had been f:nding solutions for our "daily can we problems such as "Where that r would be facing a new and ence since the end of world War II built where mothers- were getting unusual challenge. I· was well in 194~. They are now forc~ to People Afflicted help and training in child care. iron our clothes?" or, "How do we aware of the fact that there would t~ke gIant steps from the Middle But, it is thrilling to see and India was very proud of such dress for chapel 1" Academic prob- lem!';were directed to and answered be much work, to be done, (at least Ages to th: Jet age. What .m!1.y learn of some of the achievements achievements. that's what everyone told me) but, ?ften seem Iike chaos and c~nfhct IS to dato. On the island of Java in We were glad to find, in a,lm.ost by members of the faculty who J also anticipated having a great III fact a struggle for survival and Indonesia, for example, where the took the time, in spite of their busy country, deal of fun. I was really looking for self government. . horrible, disabling skin disease every appreciation people expreaemg schedules, to explain why we needed great for the assist- forward to participating in school . 0:verdue Aw.ake~ng . known as yaws afflicted thousands ance given by the churches and certain courses. Before very long, the upperclass- activities and Becoming a part of ThIS :ISC of nationalism IS not of people of all ages a few ycars government agencies of the United men returned and we saw more the college community, .to use an something to deplore an? fear or to ago, we were told that it would he States as well as for what has been im- 'overworked expression. I disliked lab~l .as eommunist-inspi red. Some difficult to find a case of yaws there done through the United Nations. things we liked. We were that pressed by the many traditions leaving most of my friends behind of It IS, no: doubt, all of that ". But, today. This miracle has been While in Bangkok, Thailand, we surround the "Hill." Traditions made possible by the combined ef- but, I believed that college was gc- I am convinced that of It IS a forts of the World Health Organi- had the good fortune to hear Mr. are the recognition of many under- ing to be fabulous! !~:~:fv~r;~:~y~';~~~~~n~eo~~est~ zation of the United Nations and Spurgeon Keeny, Director of lying feelings - feelings of spirit, Favorable Feeling their right to a better standard of the new national government of UNl CEF for the Asia region, of respect, of competition. School When 1 arrived at Western living and freedom from exploita- Indonesia. Some of the "pennies" speak at a luncheon meeting of the spirit was immediately evident as Maryland and saw, for the first tion or domination by any foreign contributed to UNICEF, the American Assoeiation of Thailand. the upperclassmen expressed feel- time, my new home away from power. No longer are they wilfing United Nations Children's Fund; at He told us of a conversation with ings of sentimentality; "You'll home, the immediate impression it to have their great natural re- Halloween time have helped restore a group of village elders who were learn to love the "Hill," they said. had upon me was a favorable one. sources taken by other countries to t') health children who would trying to improve the life of the Respect \Vas easy to recognize - in we- learned that seniors' priority I had been told by more than one make the rich countries richer otherwise have been disabled for people in that village. Mr. Keeny person that the campus here was a while they t.hemselves remain hun- lif!!. One injection of ten cents asked one of them what he wanted leaving assemblies had a special beautiful one and I was not disap- gry and tormented by disease and worth of penicillin cures a child of most. for himself and his family. significance. The third part of pointed in what I saw. My opinion lack of education. Also, as one yaws; yet, it is estimated that His answer was: tradition, competition, became ap- of the campus has not changed as professor in Indonesia told us, af- there are still 50 million children A good crop. parent during the colorful sorority and fraternity pledging. Rat Week lllany of my other first upinions of ter all they have experienced of in the world suffering from yaws. No fever while I work. the college have. I soon realized bloodshed, destruction, and povor- Another heart-warming example My child'Ten to grow up not taught us class competition as we why the campus was often referred ty. they arc not willing to get in_ of achievement in the conquest of '·writing with thrir thllmbs." learned that good sportsmanship is of utmost importance. to as "the Hill." 1 had hE\en in- volved in a war either on the side disease was in Burma. We talked (i.e. not illiterate) and formed also that: the students and of Russia or the United States to with the regional director of WHO Plenty of clean water. Although we complain about faculty were very friendly and I defend an ideology. Their chief in Rangoon, a Burmese doctor who To accomplish these basic human study hours, we must admit they found out the first few days that desire is to get ahead with the task wa3 filled with joy and pride as he needs, the villagers must have help. are helpful. They aid us in sched- study this was generally true. My en- of improving the living conditions pointed to his maps and charts and In Jordan we visited one refugee 1.1Iinga time for concentrated If prop- in our busy college life. thusiasm was definitely not lowered camp near Jericho, where 40,000 of erly enforced, they afford each stu- million the Arab refugees have that ,first day but soon it was. I dent time when he may be reason- was' completely happy with WMC Librarian Recalls College been living for more than ten ably assured of undisturbed, quiet initially but, within a few days my now. Here the problem is compli- surroundings. Children ("ated by political strife. feelings were pradically the oppo- One of the hardest intangibles to site. As Stopping Place Of Many are growing up in an etmosphere define, yet one of the strongest in- of hopelessness and bitterness arid Although testing occupied a fluences on this campus, is an large portion of the first few days by Minnie Marsden Ward understanding was to cost $32. hate. Children, born and reared awareness of Christian ideals. I was here, I was able to get a bet- The history of an institution is Next time we made the call in guch an atmosphere, must one Through the weekly chapel service ter look at the campus and the sur- made by its people. Western Mary- through a pay phone and $16 for 3 Jay be reckoned with b;Vthe rest of and the other religious programs, rounding area then I had previous- land's years have produced begin- minutes used a lot of clinking quar- the world unless a solution is found is he beginning ly. Although the students were nings of college presidents, doctors, ters as they dropped into the phone very soon. one feels his faith in his own be- to strengthen friendly enough, the people of the lawyers, preachers, bisbops, mis- box Our experiences strengthened liefs and better understand those town seemed quite the opposite. sionaries, merchants, and many Then Puerto Rico, Israel, India, our conviction that basic human of others. 1 feel that living on a needs in all countries must be met Westminster didn't seem to have average men and womell. Arabia, Germany, Indonesia, Hun- rampus as beautiful as this no one too much to offer in the way of Some interesting people of WMC gary, the Philippines, and other before \ve can expect or have a (Can't on page 4, col. 1) right to expect a peaceful world. l"ecreation, and the college didn't have been the foreign students. countrieS have sent students to seem to have much either at that In 1924 Yuri Takemura from Yo- -Western Maryland's campus. time. Not being able to have a car kuhama, Japan, graduated, then Sw€'den, France, or EngJand came Campus Reactions Recorded summers students Several from became increasingly distasteful got her master's degree at Colum- those first-days of college and is hia University, and now as Mrs. for a short period to tryout "The still one of· the policies of the Akira Muraoka is a homemaker }ixperiment in International Liv- On WTTR Game Coverage ~hool that I dislike. Not being and ardent PTA worker in Yoko- . illg" by visiting our classes, homes, able to belong to a fraternity isn't hama since her twin daugllters and places of interest in nearby too difficult to understand either Aiko and Hiroko are still in school. Baltimore and Washington. Those hI answer to the request of actually a rooter at away games; but, I do believe that it limits the Several displaced American born ml'f'ting and knowing these foreign WTTR radio station, several stu_ mainly because of the enthusiasm social life of a to some Japanese havc been here. Our students have made real friends. de'flis ha-ue been polled concerning of Kaye Kolb for our team. Real- extent. There are many things graduates have sponsored Japanese The foreign students es well as their reactions to the broadCfUlting izing it is the first year, a mix-up that a freshman realize are men and women. James Tone of those of our own country could tell of our football g(17n6S this season. in a play by naming the wrong 1.e8t for him but, after being ac- Tokyo is a graduate. Aya Toku- nlany interesting tales of life at Both CQ'n8tructive criticism and player is understandable." corded senior privileges in high ggwa, livilIg nolV in South Amer- WMC if they were asked. That is favorable comment were asked for. David Schwartz: "At times, I sfhool it is difficult at times for one ica, is the ,vife of a coffee planta- the reason the reunion classes have Annabel Wright: "I think it's often get the wrong impression of to conform to college policies. tion manager. Shizu Yamaguchi, such a good time when they return nice to be able to listen to away how a particular play was exe- However, it is good to sit cuted. Orientation Analysis Hi47, is working ,vith cerebral pal- in June, for they live over somc>of' games and know what is going on. back, turn on your radio, and heal' better school it promotes The "mixers" and other activi- sied children in the New York City their college days in classroom, I think and gives the college more your team playing." spirit 1941, is ties which were provided for the schools. Tane Takahashi, Christian dormitory, library, and Baker prestige among small colleges." Chapel. librarian of International freshmen during the orientation l.'nivcrsity in Tokyo. She was College Changes Norma Lee Etzler: "IWith a little period were excellent as far as mere experience behind him, Kaye facts few A of some about getting acquainted with other stu- ~.1:rs. Elizabeth Vining's secret:~ry WMC's people of other days folloW. Kolb's play'- by ~play description and interpreter when Mrs. Vining dents but, otherwise, I found them will become more accurate and in- not too enjoyable. I met a number visited Japan to teach the Crown The old dining room where the teresting. The broadcasting of of otller freshmen students along Frince. Taeko Kamiyama, 1952, is Recreation Room stands today games by WTTR should promote English of .in Aoyama hQu:;jedCook Whitmore and his spa- professor with some of the student leaders better ties between the college and and yet I failed to enjoy myself. I Cr.kuin University in Tokyo. Mrs. ciai pumpkin pies. Once girls sat the community." missed my friends back home and Etsu Sano Reid is returning this eat'h afternoon in "Carpe Diem" Nancy Cunningham: think "I found..myself feeling a little home- month to do, with her husband, and awaited the bell of the baker's they do a very thorough job of in- sick. missionary teaching in Japan. wagon which they approached by terpreting the plays. Being able Hidemi Ito and Kazuko K.obayashi running to Col- down the terrace When classes began, most of my time was occupied by studies. Tsuchiya were here last year. leg~ Avenue. College Avenue was to hear the cheers from the stands makes me feel like a part of the Students Cited When I did have some spare time I There were Pak Pakvong Suid- a continuation of the drive in front game." of the Library and had homes for began finding things to do. 1 Mary Lou Eaton: "The pre-game played golf, played football, or ,,-ongs from Thailand, land of professors and the night watch- coverage gives the students an in- went to a show. Then I joined the "Anna and the King of Siam," nlan. band.. This gave me some con- Helen and Eva Lindahl from Swe- There have been students whose side look at football and the half- serves a useful time presentation structive recreation to fill my time den, Alice Haagerup of Copen- parents paid for their education purpose in informing the commu- 3.nd gave me a chance to take part 'hagen and psychologist in Glast- with shrubbery, trees, or land in a worthwhile activity. Intra.. rup, Sonya da Silva, Brazilian-a which make the beauty of the nity about our activities. Broad- casting of the games arouses more mural athletics provided a way to home economics teacher in Brazil, present campus. Mr. Harvey get needed exercise and "let off five Chinese students: Dr. Yi Yuan Stene, a former Superintendent enthusiasm among the students as well as among outsiders." steam." I welcomed the opportuni- Yu who is a professor of enginwr- d Buildings and Grounds, left his Judy Younger: "I think the ty to play. I began enjoying my ing in one of our universities--his savings to the college find it was new life and started th.inking that wedding was pictured in LIFE, u!'td to build Stone Picnic Pavilion broadcasts are very good, but at times they fade. It would be help_ Western Maryland wasn't so bad Joshua and Doris Zia-the former and the outdoor stage in his mern- ful if something could be done to after all. My original enthusiasm a college professor in New York \ ory, amplify them and make the sound was practically restored. St.ate and the Jatter a teacher in Baker Chapel was erected by a Kaye Kolb views game Within a fairly short period of Riverside Church nursery school, grateful father as a thank offering better." James Dennis:. "It's a step in the James Thomas: "I feel as though time I have come to like Western En Tao Chi-a research worker in for a son's life being spared. the Saturday program is quite im- right direction. Time should give And so, as present students walk Maryland. Generally, I like my Washington, D. C., and Dr. Lionel across the campus they may look to portant'to the college. 1especially us the result of a superior play-by- courses and professors. I am be- Lee--first assistant resident physi- play account of the games." ginning to learn to study all over cian at Union Memorial Hospital the beauty of mountains and sun- enjoy the five-minute news feature If you should like to comment on program, 'Around the Campus'." again. Now 1 feel as if I am ac- this year. set;:, see the unusual brilliance the broadcasting of the football complishing something. I'm proud Ki JuUJ Ohm, one of our three which ivy retains on the buildings Gerald Bluendorn: "Generally, games, just address a letter to the to be a student at Western Mary- Korean students, was put in my in the Fall, and realize that many the program is good. The item GOLDBUG, or directly to station most striking to me is that a West- land and am very pleased with my charge when he made a telephone wonderful people have also passed new alma mater. call to Korea, which through a mis- thi~. way. ern Maryland student feels he is WTTR.
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