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~~~~;o"."".w4r ~nlb Jug Football i.ibrary College "lestern .arylend Team Page 4 Western Maryland Commences 9Ist Academic Year The anticipated enrollment fOI' the academic year 1957-58 is 675 accord- ing to figures recently released from the Registrar's office. Of this total, 238 of the students are new students. with 106 women and 132 men. There are five foreign students among the new arrivals. They are Kazuko Kobayashi, Jaime Perera, SoHock (Henry) Soli, Hidetni Ito, and Cata- lino Garcia. Miss Kobayashi is from Tokyo, Japan. and is not wor-king for a de- gree. She was grndunted from Aoya- mu Gakuin in Japan. Here she met Taeko Hamnyami, a 1952 graduate UppcrclM8men g'i1!C rats thc oxcc-cvet- as Freshmen Ra.t. Rilles go into effect. Three yea1'S ago. The faces may have cha,ngcd, but t.hc policy ,·ellla,in.~ the of Western Maryland, who interested Na.r,alic Wwrjield, pictured u.s (/I [reshnnan: at the lcft, ecce how it looks frmn SMM. Sec picttwc to the n'ght to see how at least one [1'esh1nan pictured uo~ her in coming here. Pat Patterson, a the other side. IUYl'1·evengc. 1957 graduate of this college, teaches in this Japanese University also. SoHock Completion Of Chapel Thirteen Additions To and has freshman is from Guatamala Jaime Perera standing. is from Sumatra; Hidemi from Tokyo, College Faculty, Staff Japan; while Catalino is an advanced Slated For Spring from the Philippines. student There are sixteen veterans and Thirteen new members of the faculty and staff have been wel- 1\\"0 sons of campus professors among Baker Memorial Chapel, the most recent addition to Western Maryland's comed to the college community this fall. New faculty additions in- the new students. Ted Whitfield and campus architecture, has become an imposing edifice since students last viewed clude Dr. Fichael H. Finn, Dr. William Guy, Prof. Charles A. Otto Willen have enrolled as fresh- it some three months ago. The steeple, which was hoisted into position during Morrow, Mr. Robert Myers, Jr., Mr. Richard A. Pugh, Mrs. Milson the last week of August, can be seen from every entrance to Westminster. The Raver, Dr. Ervin L. Szilagyi, Mrs. Mary Warren, and Dr. Gerald Freshmen arrived on campus Wed- college elevation is 834 feet above sea level at this point, and at completion, Weiner. 1. h R d nesday' September 18. Orientation the chapel will rise to 947 feet. This Cutl~r, JO. nston and meetings. Faculty To Be Members of the new staff are Miss ea s activities included placement tests, is one of the highest points in Carroll Oonnie Carter, Mrs. Robert mixers, campus tours, County. Mrs. Albert Shoemaker, and MISS Those upperclassmen returning Spring, 1958 Nancy Winkleman. "Contrast" Staff early to assist in freshmen orienta- On WBAL-TV The building is scheduled to be Dr. Finn, Dr. Guy, and Dr. Weiner tion were: FAC: Jack Andersen, finished by spring 1958, and it is are practicing psycholcg-iats who will The first issue of Contrast, the Charles Cock, Ray Crawford, Mike President Lowell S. Ensor, West- hoped that the baccalaureate service teach here to replace Dr. Olive Rus- WMC semi-annual literary magazine, Friedman, Dave Harper, Dick Plas- ern Maryland College, recently re- may be heJd there. sell. Dr. Russell is on a world tour will be published jnst before the ket, Wray Mowhruy, Tom Riggin, ceived a letter from WBAL-TV in- The cost of the new chapel is esti- and will return to the college after Ctn-istme s holidays, and the second Ray Stevens, GE'Or;.:....TrottR.r,.Barbara viting the college to participate in a mated at slightly over one half mil- further studies at Yale University. issue will come out in the spring. Boggs, Peggy Conover, Mary Lou new series of fall and winter TV lion dollars, including the organ. Mr. Dr. Finn is the consulting psycho- This magazine is devoted to creative Dorsey, Norma Fulghum, Jean Lam- shows involving professors. The pur- Roger Whiteford, '06, and a member logist for W.M.C. and Springfield writing for and by the students. bertson, Mildred Muckubm, Claudia pose of this new series is to provide of the Board of Trustees is present- State Hospital. Dr. Guy is a member Freshmen, as well as upperclassmen, Payne, 'Vilma Robertson, Jane Roe- programs using professors of vari- ing the organ to the college. of Dr. Finn's staff at Springfield, who have a desire to do some creative del', Winnie Walsh, Margaret Whit- ous institutions in their particular Seating capacity of the chapel main and Dr. Weiner is read psychologist writing may contribute articles and field, and Co-chairmen Tony Sar- fields. A committee has been appoint- floor will be 715, while 145 persons at Rosewood Training School. stories or become a member of the banes and Marge Hull; SWC: Tom ed by President Ensor to map out may be accommodated in the balcony Mrs. Mary Warren is assistant staff. The subscription campaign will Albertson, George Becker, Bob Cole, the program and to work in coordina- and 60 in the choir loft. professor of psychology replacing be held in the near future. The cost Ronald Harman, John Karrer, Ted tion with WBAL. The committee con- The interior nave will be 88 feet x Prof'. Robert Adkins, who is now of the magazine is 50c per issue. Con- Kinter, Stanley Miller, Lloyd Mussel- sists of: Dr. Reuben S. Holthaus, 56 feet 4 inches. The choir area will counseling in the N. Y. State Schools. trast "is a comparc.tiely new tradi- man, George Wellings, Dave Williams, chairman, Dr. Evelyn W. Wenner; be 21 feet 4 inches deep and 35 feet Mrs. warren is from California, and tion of Western Maryland College and Phyllis Blaine, Phyllis Cassetta, Sue Mr. Philip E. Uhrig, Wray Mowbray, 8 inches wide. Behind the choir is the received her B.A. degree from San is entirely maintained by the students Cossabone, Beverly Cox, Bee Gill, Judy Corby, and Flo Mehl. altar area-9 feet 8 inches x 26 feet Jose State College, her M.A. from and faculty. - Joy Keller, Donna King, Mar-y Kay Other colleges and universities in- 4 inches. Overall length of the chapel Ohio St. U. She has done additional Lou Johnston is the editor-in-chief McCormick, Jean Murray, Sue War- vited to participate in this series are; will be 149 feet 4 inches. work at the U. of California. She of the magazine f'Or the school year ren, and Pat welk. American University, Catholic Uni- Tower Height, 113 ft. has recently been at Morgan St. 1957-58. Marianne Shears is assuming Others returning were: Richard versity, George Washington Uni- The height of the tower from the Teachers College. responsibilities as the managing Apperson, Dave Baker, Shirley versity, Gettysburg College, Goucher ground to the top of the cross is 113 Prof. Charles A. Morrow is a visit- editor; Bob Otto and Carol Petter~ College, Hood College, Johns Hopkins feet. The cross itself is of stainless ing professor temporarily replacing sen are the business managers. Mrs. Barnes, Ardella Cam p bell, Bob University, Lehigh University, Mor- steel and measures 6 feet 2 inches Christian, Judy Corby, Don D'Angelo, Dr. Mahlon Peck who is working on R. B. Hovey is the faculty advisor Norman Davis, Skip Dawkins, Caryl gan State College, Mount St. Agnes, with a cross arm of 3% feet. his doctorate at V.P.I. Mr. Morrow and consultant again this year. Any- Jeanne Ensor, Jack Fossett, James Naval Academy, Princeton, St. John's The architectural firm for the is a graduate of the Naval Academy one interested in the staff or creative Gibson, Dorsey Hawkins, Karen Hel- College, Towson State Teachers' Col- chapel is O. E. Adams-E. G. Rigg. and has previously taught Mathema- writing should contact any of the big, Gordon Hurlbrink, Ann Kinney, lege, University of Baltimore, Uni_ Others concerned with the plan in- tics and English. af-orementioned people. Rusty Maryanov, Flo Mehl, Ruth Ann versity of Maryland, and Washing- clude: structural engineer, Van Ren- Dr. John Makosky and Dr. A. John ton College. nessalae Saxe; mecllanical engineer, Shears, Giunta, will also conduct math class- MacDonald Resigns Runkles, Marianne Willis, Nancy Elinor Thomas S. George; contractor, Con- Florie Snmmers, Wil- Engineering "" Mr. Richard A. Pugh and Mr. Rob- For Museum Post lis, and Ray Wright. Hort To Lead solidated and Grounds Company. The of Building Committee ert Myers, Jr. are additions to the ROTC Battalion the Board of Trustees is Carlyle athletic department. Mr. Pugh is the Dr. William A. MacDonald has re- Howery, IsanoJ:lle MacLea, chairman; G. Rnssell Ben- assistant football C'Oach, and will be signed his position as head of the John Hort has been appointed son, Hubert P. BUTdette, T. Newell in charge of J.V. basketball and base- Art Department to become the As- Return From Trips the Cadet Battalion Commander of Cox, T. W. Mather, Jr., and W. R. ball. His home is Lothian, Md. Here sistant Director of the Baltimore the ROTC unit here at Western Winslow. he was coach of the football and base-. Museum of Art. Beforc coming to Dean Helcn Howery has returned Maryland College. Hort's staff con- ball teams and assistant principal at Western Maryland in 1945, he re- to the campus of Western Maryland sists of Jack Anderoon, Battalion Lothian High School. Hc was a 1952 ceived his A.B. from Oberlin College, College after spending a sabbatical Executive Officer; Tony Sarbanes, Fall Convocation graduate of Wilson Teachers' Col- and both his A.M. and Ph.D. at Johns leave abroad. She left the states on SI; William Spaar, SII; and Ray lege in WashingtQn, D. C. Hopkins University. Dr. MacDonald February 27, 1957, and returned to Wright, SIV. Set For Sept. 24 Mr. Mycrs is an assistant football will maintain his residence in 'Vest- the country on September 3, 1957, Hort has been an active member coach and will have charge of intra- minster with his family while com- traveling both ways via the SS of the ROTC unit at Western Mary- Western Maryland's ninty-first an- mural sports. A graduate of Dickin- muting daily to Baltimore. United States. Deal,"lHowery did re- land. In his jnnior year, he received unal fall convocation will be held to- son College in 1956, he is working At Western Maryland, he was a search at the British Museum in Eng- the Reserve Officel's Association gold morrow, Tuesday, September 24, at here on his masters degree in educa- member of the Lecture Committee land, traveled extensively through- medal. He has been designated as a 11:30 a. m. in Alumni Hall. Dr. tion. and the Committee of Appointees to out Europe, and took a summer cour;e OMS, enabling him to apply for Lowell S. Ensor, president of the col- Mrs. Milson Raver will instruct in the Athletic Oouncil. He was also a at the University of Oxford. The a Regular Army Commission which lege will address the student body. the home cconomics department. A Studellt Advisor and the faculty course she studied at Oxford was can be conferred upon outstanding The yearly ceremony, officially graduate of W.M.C. in 1933, she will sponsor for Gamma Beta Chi. Art, Politics, and Literature in 17th cadets at graduation fr(lm college if markine the beginning of the school replace Mrs. Corinne ScllOfield. Century England. the cadet meets many rigid require- year, :follows traditional convocation Dr. Ervin Szilagyi, a native of Jurisprudence in 1930 from the Dr. Isabel T. Isanogle has alTived ments. procedures, highlighted by the pro- Budapest, Hungary, will teach art Ferencz Joseph University; and on the campus also after a year's Hort was born in Alva, Oklahoma cession of the faculty members and and history at the college. He replaces Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1936 from leave of absence. She also went 21 years ago, but now lives in Fort the delivery of addresses. Dr. William A. MacDonald who is the Royal Hungarian Academy of abroad, but in a different capacity Bragg, North Carolina. His father is now assistant director of the Balti- Fine Arts in Budapest. from that of Dean Howery. Dr. a Colonel in the U. S. Army. John at- upon entering Western Maryland. more Museum of Art. Dr. Szilagyi, Miss Connie Carter, the new nurse, Isanogle was a professor in the biolo- tended Midwest City High School, Since that time, he has been very ac- who speaks at least seven languages, is a graduate of the Delaware Hos- gy department at thc Protestant Oklahoma in his sophomore year, and tive in the sport. Last year, he was has earned degrees in agriculture and pital in Wilmington, Del. Syrian College in Syria. She also Washington and Lee High School, captain of the track team. Besides law as well as art. In 1927 he re- Latest additions to the Public Rela- toured that part of the world. Arlington, ViI-ginia, in his junior and track John played J.V. football in his ceived his B.S. from the Royal Hun- tions Office are Miss Nancy Winkle_ An extensive article involving senior years. While at Washington freshman year and is planning to p!a.y garian Agricultural Academy at De man and two new secretaries: Mrs. those studies, travels, and teaching and Lee, he participated in cross- varsity football this season. He re- Bressen; his LLB in 1929 from thc Robert A. Cutler and l'Ilrs. Albert of these two members of the t:ollege country and track events. ceived the Outstanding Athletic Royal Hnngarian Eczebet; Doctor of Shoemaker. faculty will follow in the next issue. John received a ,track scholarship award in his sophomore year. I'