Page 12 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 12
The Gold Bug. Oct. 26, 1956 Two Short Sketches Poets' Corner Experiments In Symbolism One of the most remarkable pects of poetry is its flexibility. as- A look back over the writings of Western Maryland students in Poetic expression "1114yrange in recent yearB reveals a marked trend toward symbolic expression. tone from the serious to the hu- MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS This trend has been particularly evident in student poetry and drama morous and still succeed in eou, Snbsm)tion Price $2.00 Per Annum and now seems to be swinging slowly in the directMn of the eSBay and veying a With 7Mod, this conviction we or anl,llysis of the motivations short sfAnll. An for symboliBm in the in mind thouu;ht. short storiee printed below would require more careful consideration have included in this week's WILLIAMF. MUHLENFELD,Edit()T-in-Chief than an editorial introduction will allow. However, the editor does feel Corner two distinctly different CLARENCEL. FOSSETT,JR., BUBineBs Manager justified 'il~ presenting specific instances of this type of expression, poetM which we hope will inte1'_ and in noting that it appears to be maturing into a defined" literary est our readers. Typing Editor __ -----Deloreo J Goode nwde here on the hill. Ph(ltog..aphY~__ Henrietta C: :Easom STORJI[ Exch..nge----Lynnda L. Skinner Clrculatlon._---..Lynnda L. Sklnne.. The Complaint "Yes, ma'am?" The sergeant sound- The birds eorcam out, warning. Advel"tilling Manager_-.!taymond Wright ed bored. The woman was hysterical The small animals look for -protec- By lIIARIANNE SIIEARS and she was not making much sense. tion, scurrying. Silence hung more suddenly than Her knuckles were white from hold. The trees become silent, awaiting Our Advertisers one type of individual has joined any ;~~a~:;:rb:~:s;l~~a~:e::;t::r:i~~:~ ing the mouthpiece so tightly and the The onslaught and fury, patiently. earpiece shook. held the Realizing. The merchants of Westminster are, specific group, that racial or religious and clung leadenly to the dark oak hand that forced the words through And "1114ncontinues blindly, not Her throat in one respect, a persecuted lot. This intolerance is non-existent, and that trees. Day had not really dispersed tightened lips and her words ran all is, to those who may not be aware of ~~r:~~I;j~~~n~~:~er~~ty aea:r~p un~f the October miasma that was spread- together. The sky parts with lightning, the circumstances, that they are bom- "Someone on the porch-trying to /lashing. barded by a great number of ageneies "haves" or "have nota", The contrast ~:;leo;ei~ ~~:t~~~~~ :~~:er: aanb:U';h!~~ get in - Halloween - evil ehildren L, The thunder ridcs oV(Yrhead, grum- for subscriptions in advartlstng, These ~~c~~ f~::o~~:n;i~~~lo~:e~~s:h:\:~~ isolated .manslon. Rays of musty light knocking at door-on the porch-get- bling. agencies include church publications, ting in." As she talked she felt an The wind moans in protcst, sighing. the various papers of Westminster lime the charges of Mr. Wilson. :!~::e:ndt~~~~!h e!!:~~r~~~:ow':~f increasing chill come over her. And m.a,n continuos blindly, not High School, the college publications He would be interested in exemtn, the rusted iron fence on the frosted The sergeant tried to calm her but Realizing. such as the Aloha, the GOLDBUG,and ing, perhaps, the extensive social pro- ground. Cold bit into the bones of ~e she was screaming at him. He finally the football programs. 'grams these "bigoted" and "Intoler., old woman as she sat in the faded took her name and address and prom- The creatures hover in denB, trem- Of course, one can readily say, ant" seet? sponsor on behalf of the 'chair. All day she had felt a, differ- ised to have the patrol car ride by the bling. ence in her world; even the lethargic "Well, were it not for the churches, campus as a whole. He would be in- cat was restless and nervously paced house. When he no longer heard her The treee bend tlteit· trnnks, obeying. terested in-recognizing, too, the many the schools, and the college, and the welfare ageneies which benefit from the window ledge. voice he hung up. He started to write The storm gathl.J1"sin SWC1!gth, lash_ people who attend them, these mer- her name and. address on the desk ing. chants would starve to death." And direct financial contributions from It was strange but since she had calendar when an expression of sur- And man continues blindly, not this, to a certain degree, is quite true. campus sororities and fraternities. locked the gate and bolted the door prise and disgust flitted across his Realizing. But the point is that advertising."is As the sociologist says, he might too she felt safer. Not that she really face. He turned to the captain and be interested in considering the parts a co-operative thing, and that both these organizations playas "primary feared the Halloweening children but said, "Funny thing about that woman. The fury deca-caeee. withdrawing. they always came begging like urch- the publisher and the advertiser ex- groups", groups in which the close ins, willing to take the food out of her Tonight isn't even Halloween." The animals leave their dens, emerg- pect to benefit by their collaboration. In the ancient house the cat ing _ relationships characterized by the mouth if she would give it to them, Into the bright light, blinking. It is justifiable then, to request crouched motionless and watched the with no hesitation whatever, that the ~:7eth:~~ :e~~:~as~li~hr~dSI~~nc~fs~~ ~~~g~~:lfn;nw:::~::~n;ou~:ege~a:hde~~ telephone receiver swing in slow, wide And "limn continues blindly, not readers of the GOLDBUG make a sin- would not be interested. hands on. She would lock and bolt Realizing. cere and conscientious effort to sup- ,Vulture A CONTRIBUTOR port our advertisers in every way that High School Guests them out and no one would come to By JOANNE TRABUCCO UNPINNED LASSES they may be able. The products they her door or take anything from her. Off to the ree hall filled with anticipa- advertise and the services they offer The big Homeeoming weekend now Night slowly and unmercifully The hot sun beat down upon the tion are distinctly organic to many needs past for another season, followers of smothered the light with a black boy in shimmering waves as he made Go the unpinned laBBes, faces showing and activities of college life. They traditions will now view with some scarf. The clouds draped the moon in his way across the fiery sand. It elation. - seemed as if the sun were trying to make them available to us in an et- anticipation the anti-climactic, but mourning. Only the wind wept for the push all its heat into his body and he For within each empty heart is a traetive and convenient way, and it nevertheless notewor-thy, High School dead day; it howled in anguish, frequently stopped and gasped for speck of hope should be something of a moral obli- Guest Day. This is an important Set- thrashed in its grief and then it, too, Thllt [or one dance w·ith them some subsided. gation to encourage their continued urday every fall, not so much because breath. His faded blue trousers and crazy guy might cope. co-operation by patronizing these people from neighboring high schools The cat leapt to the floor and in- shirt were stained with great patches Then the big 'IIwment comes for they various businesses whenever possible. are visiting the campus, but beeause sinuated itself about the hem of her of perspiration and he often reached walk in the door. up with one grimy hand and wiped the dress. She lifted him up and ran her Examples of these "co-operative they arc visiting tbe campus as gnarled fingers through the velvet moisture from his forehead. Heat Lo--boys, 1IUI-nyboys, st.anding all advertisers" are G. C. Murphy and prospective students, and they have a such as this was not uncommon but around the /lOO1'. Co., whieh hold an annual open house critical eye. They will take away from fur. Suddenly his claws unsheathed and he still panted and gasped in his at- They gaze at the pinned couples for the benefit of college students; the campus a myriad of impressions, his sable coat bristled on his arched dancing. Tis sweet, Baugher's Restaurant, whieh caters and they will go back to wherever spine. Then it seemed that she, too, tempt to move even faster. His stag- But for the unpinned lasses only a gering progress was suddenly checked heard a sound; the leaves rustled as particularly to the eollege clientele; they came from and comment at if great, striding steps were crushing as the cruel sun succeeded in what sign of defeat. Benny's Kitchen, which serves ex- • length to their. friends about Western them. She shuffled to the window and seemed an intense effort to stop the The brave ones Btand there a little cellent full course dinners at reason- Maryland. boy, for he fell to t:he"ground and lay . longer and wait, able prices; the Westminster Times, It is superfluous to say here that peered through the rough curtains. there, his. mouth open, his eyes closed (Tis harder for some to accept their which, as a printing agency, contin- this is a friendly campus, that its The gate was still barred and a sud- against the glare. cruel fate.) den was creating a brown storm ually disrupts its schedules to aceom· academie standing is high, that the whirlpool of the leaves on the de- As he lay, trying to gather the en- Then back to the donn to mope Illl modate fraternities, sororities, and liberal arts background is sound, that serted walk. ergy to arise and continue his jour- alone, clubs on campus at prices, in com- the extracurricular program is varied, The heavy door-knocker fell three ney, a black shadow crossed his figure, To hold only their books and to quietly parison to competing firms, whieh are that the athletie department affords times, then only the night sounds disappeared, and a few minutes later aetually dirt cheap. an ample intercollegiate sports pro- were heard. Rigidly she waited for crossed it again. The boy mumbled AN UNPINNEDLASS The readers of the GOLDBUG will gram. It will be even more superflu. the prankster to leave. The knock was incoherently and brought himself into feel, we hope, that this is not a selfish ous to tell these people who come to repeated, sharp and quick. a half-kneeling position. That he was appeal on the part of the paper to the campus tomorrow about it. They "Go away-you will get nothing terrified was evident by his expression LETTERS obtain more revenue from increased have, we suppose, already been told here." ~ and the uncontrolled quivers that ran or more luerative advertising. It is, thes~ things, and it is logical that it There was no reply and she listened throughout his frail body. As the To The quite to the contrary, on our part a is for this reason that they are both- expectantly for the retreating steps blackness crossed 11im once again he long overdue recognition of the im· ering to visit here at all. hut no boara creaked and no heel sank onto the sand and covered his EDITOR portant part the merehants of West- The important thing is to impress clicl.ed. She went to the door and eyes, as if by doing so he could close minster play in supporting many these high school seniors by action. grasped the knob. It was icy. out the shadow. To the Editor of the GOLDBUG: campus activities. We feel that it is It is important to make the friendship "'What do you want?" There was no Ever since childhood the great fear Modern convenience versus tradi- not out of plaee to encourage the read- which prevails on the campus a con_ answer. She hissed, "Go away-leave of huge black vultures had haunted tion could be the battle cry of dis- ers of this paper, if! all sineerity, to tagious tbing on this particular Sat- me alone." In the silenee that fol. him. Vaguely he could remember one couraged female stupents at W.M.C. "stJpport our advertisers". urday, so that these visitors take making a swooping flight to the eal·th, The modern convenience is a house- lowed Fear clawed at hcr throat and Pledges In The Fold home with them an accurate picture of the voice that escaped was cracked. llis wings spread so far tM'y seemed hold utility referred to as the washing to obliterate the sun, and, with talons the school and the people who go to reiterated; would be a this was The summons machine. This appliance it. High school people are quick to be time it was imperative. She opened extended, picking up an infant from delight to the girls and yet has nevcr Congratulations are in order to two critical of new plaees, especially the door and as she did the storm his Indian village and carrying it off graced the dorms ,vith its e.ppearance groups; first the sophomore ladies who places where they envision spending whipped in in a burst of fury, She into the sky. The screams and sobs of of gleaming white enamel. There are recently committed themselves to four years. If they are to find criti- the native women had rent the quiet other defects in the laundry facilities membership in various sororities on cism of Western Maryland, let them saw a dark form standing there peacefulness like a knife and the'ir in the dorms. Reporting that the fa- in vapor. An arc of light- wrapped campus; second, to the men who at be accurate ones and not those based ning allowed her to see that a long frenzied terror had been indelibly cilities are inadequate would be a present, pending the outcome of on misimpressions. Just as the admis_ cloak swirled around its body and that printed in his mind. negative understatement. This year, various hell nights, are engaged in sions committee is a very selective its eyes were staring at her from Now, as he knelt there groveling in ,vith the overerowded conditions of the somewhat tl'¥ing process of pledg- body, so are these visitorj from cavernous sockets. the sand, this dread welled up inside the dorms, better laundry facilities ing. around the state. Let us give them a him until he could contain it no longer have become a necessity. Last week, in a story in the Hearst strong impression, and let us make it She slammed the door and threw and he screamed out at the bird, the What would better laundry facili- Pictorial Review, the author of the a good one. - her shrunken body against it. Terror vulgar and coarse words he used float- ties include? The chief facilities would welled up within her and flowed to !Jan in the Gray Flannel Suit, Mr. the surface in waves of trembling. ing on the still air and hanging there. be washing appliances, more station- Sloan Wilson, presented "The Case New Chapel Through the door a low, grave voice The bird began flying in great clos- ary tubs, and a larger drying area for Against College Fraternities". His spoke to her. "I have come.for what is ing circles descending ever nearer to clothes. attitude, which is of eourse sug- This week marks the beginning of mine." The wind caught the words of the boy each moment. As he per_ For years the plea for washing gested by the title, is one of narrow_ ground breaking behind Old Main in the night and repeated them; the ceived this he attempted to rise and machines has gone unanswered. There mindedness and misinformation. He preparation for the laying of the branches of the trees scratehed them as he did so and began to stumble are many reasons for their absence in aecuses fraternities of being puerile, foundation for the new Baker Chapel. on the panes of glass. along, a sinking blackness suddenly the dorms. Below are listed a few useless-indeed, harmful----caste or- Seniors can remember over four years "Leave me alone--Get out!" Self- enveloped him and it seemed the earth familiar answers. ganizations, which deliberately en_ the construction of Daniel McLea, control left her voice and Fear became had opened and was rushing up to Washing machines are: courage bigotry and intolerance and the recently renovated Albert Nor- master. She swallowed convulsively, meet him. He felt himself sinking 1. Not in keeping with college tra- seek to separate into easily recognized man, the building of the new hard- trying not to scream. further into this strange pit and the dition. groups the "haves" and the "have- surfaced tennis courts. Now in antici- black began choking him until sud- 2. Too expensive: nots!'. pation there is the new chapel and for "Please, go away. I have nothing denly, he could breathe no longer and 3. Extra work for t~he housemoth- you." She begged and implored The substance of his opinions are the still-in·the-future Student Union but the black form remained compla- the sinking stopped. ers and maids. not worth printing at any further Building. cent and implacable. Her eyes scanned Examining the first reason we find length, but are mentioned here as a the room for a refuge. H~r sanity The sun continued its incessant very little sense behind it. Perhaps contrast to the recent hell weeks It is appropriate, we feel, that the groped for some help. "The police-- beating on the barren land and there washing machines aren't one of the which have been staged on campus. A pre-centennial decade is one fillJd with was nothing to be seen but a few scat- Hill's famous traditions but automo. look at the rosters of pledges to dif- so much progress. And, in the case of that was it-I'll call the police." For- tered cactus plants and the prostrate biles weren't traditional in the ferent organizations reveals that no the new chapel, how timely it is that saking the door she scurried to the figure of a young boy and a huge eighteenth century. However, they telephone. (CONTlNUED ON PAGE 3, COL. 2) vulture that had landed upon it. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3, COL. 2)
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