Page 10 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 10
, The Gold Bug, Oct. 16. 1956 Gettysburg College Routs Western Maryland 45-0 Bullets Lead Throughout Test Another ,/ Soccer Team Wins SIDELINE Opener, 5-1, From As Local Attack Fails To Move GETTYSBURG,PA" October 6-0ut- With Dick Plasket Mount St. Mary's manned Western Maryland received in the third period. Again in the third period sophomore halfback Jim Flood EMMITSBURG, October 6-The West- its worst defeat of the season, 45-0, crashed one yard off tackle for the ern Maryland Terrors romped to a 5·1 at the hands of mighty GettysbUrg score. There is quite a race between Hank Schorreck and Dick Hersh for punting victory over the Mt. St. Mary's soccer College here today, before a crowd of Western Maryland compiled seven honors. At the present time Schorreck leads with a 33.79 yard aVerElge. Hersh squad in the season's opener here to- 3,500 football fans. yards net rushing while managing is close behind with an average of 82.42 yards. day. This victory sets the Terrors on The Green Terrors just couldn't get only two firSt downs. They were pres- While the Terror varsity squad was up on the Gettysburg battlefield the the road toward their second straight started. From the very first series of sured so by the big, swift Gettysburg Jayvees journeyed to Baltimore and defeated Baltimore Junior College: One Mason-Dixon Conference title. plays they fell apart. Dick Holbruner Hne that they were forced to punt 11 point of intereat i the J.Y. line was heavier than the varsity line. The Mounts of St. Mary's had pos- had a pass intercepted on the third times with a remarkable average of session of the ball to start the game play from scrimmage by junior half- 32.8 yards. Believe it or not, the Terrors had a better passing percentage than Get- but the familiar green and yellow back Don Hailey, who raced 62 yards The final tally in the game came tyeburg. The Green and Gold completed four of nine passes while the Gettys- quickly took command and with the into the end zone. This was the first with very few seconds remaining. burg Bullets completed five of twelve attempts. game just 45 seconds old, center for- of the 440 yards rushing that the Bul- Scamp Pingetore went three yards To the delight of Western Maryland's racket squad, the new tennis courts ward Denny Harmon booted the lets made. around end. are beginning to take on a dark appearance. Which is to say that construction Terrors into the lead, 1.0. The The Bullets gained another 66 workers have. begun to add the blacktkop surface. Western Marylanders never re- yards passing for a total offense of ~l~~:~~:-;~bi;g:::::::::w":~;::",,,. linquished the lead from that time on. 506 yards, as they won the twenty- FI,."t downs p8.$$lng _.__ .. The Western Maryland gridders have made thir-ty-one first downs so far Yards gained rUBhlng _. __ . ..._ YBr
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