Page 11 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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mijt''''~nlb1iug Experiment Libr8l'Y Guide In To Symbolism Culture Page 2 Page 3 Vol. 34, No.3 WESTERN MARY~ND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 26, 1956 Dr. A. Middleton Bequeaths Symphony And Military Department Names Four Personal Library To WMC Choir To Give ~Distinguished Military Students Western Maryland College has become the recipient of the per- Concert J.¥OV. 5 sonal library of the late Dr. Austin R. Middleton, former director The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra of the Department of Zoology of the University of Louisville. The together with the choir will present a books are primarily science books, and include several first editions. program of Viennesemusicon Novem- One of these is an Embryology book dated 1883. Other journals are b 5 t 8 15 . Al . H II being bound for student use, T~C ~;ogr~m ~~~.,il:clud~m~~il7al: Dr. Middleton was a personal friend of Dr. Harwell P. Sturdi- and well-loved waltzes by Johann vent, head of the Biology Department here. They met in Kent, Strauss, Jr. as "Beautiful Blue Dan- Kentucky, where Dr. Sturdivant resided for twelve years. Dr. ube", "Tales from the Vienna Woods", d. Middleton was then Secretary of the Rosalinda's aria "Ceardaa" from Die D Kent Academy of Science. SGA ron ers Fledermam-s, and excerpts from the f"S"tnd'd~ip tcontinUto'dW',,~tl- ~(CI'tl'Ze-n"Issue Infrequent Meetings Operetta Wiener 8lut. "Play Gypsics; Th'hi'n Dance Gypsies" by Emmerich Kalman th oug r. ur IVan came "'.. - will be sung by the entire choir. Next ern Maryland and the two of them on the program will be three pieces by only met infrequently at science meet- At an open meeting of the SGA Fritz Kreisler-Licbcslied, Caprice ings. At one of these in New York, held in McDaniel Lounge on Monday Vien1Wis, and Tambour in Chinois. two years ago, Dr. Middleton an- night, the Outstanding Campus Citi- "Yours Is My Heart Alone" from The nounced his intention of leaving his eens' List was discussed. Larry Hall Land of Smilcll and "Vilia" from The library to some institution other than opened the meeting with the reading Merry Widow by Franz Lehar will fol- the University- of LouisviIle. Dr. of the Penalties and Rewards as low. Last on the program will be ex- ~~~:~;:n~aS;y~~:~~;~: ::~V;e;\~~ ~~~~~a~ne !h:h:r~n~~:!~ :~ !:rtts~ ~~:~~s:rom A Waltz Dream by Oskar college was notified that the books had and read its aims and purposes. A Miss Ellor, soprano, and Andrew been left to them by Dr. Middleton's general discussion followed. McKinley, tenor, will be the guest will. The subject of penalties was dis- soloists and will also sing with the Hopkins Student cussed briefly and it was decided that seventy-seven member choir. Massimo Dr. Middleton was born in Balti- that section of the program had Freccia will conduct the orchestra. DISTINGUISHED MILITARY STUDENTS-Lt. Col. Dayton E. Bennett, more, Maryland, in 1881 and his proved very effective. The idea of a This same program will be presented PMS&T and head of the Western Maryland Military Department, presents father was a Methodist minister in numer-ical point system as a concrete at the Lyric on November 17 as the the Distinguished Military Student badge to (left to right) Cadet Officers this district. He was graduated from criterium for selecting names was dis- first "Pop Concert" of the Saturday Robert W. Butler, G. Eugene Krantz, John W. Kauffman Ill, and William E. Johns Hopkins University and re- cussed and quickly dropped. The gen- night series. Higgins. ceived his Ph__., Genetics there. eral concensua of opinion was that a Four members of the senior class in Liked Wl\IC student, to be placed on the List, the Advanced Course of Military The only explanation that Dr. qualities that make up a mature, sin- Karl O. Schade Frats Accept Science were designated Distinguished those intangible demonstrate sh6uld Sturdivant can give for the gift is Military Students in a ceremony held cere person. It was agreed that with that "he said he had always liked the more faculty and student interest, the Directs Exhibit Fifty-Nine Men on Hoffa Field September 27. Lt. Col. college, and' had considered going Dayton E. Bennett, PMS&T, made there." When Dr. Sturdivant sug- List, if kept, would prove much more the presentations. gested Western Maryland as recipient effective. An exhibit of water colors and wall- Bids tc'tbe four local fraternities ap- The DMS badge, significant of out- of the library, Dr. Middleton had re- However, when the subject of re- paper designs by Karl Schade will peared in the mail Wednesday, Octo- standing performance in all fields of plied, "I just might do that." wards was brought up, there was be featured from Wednesday, Novem- bel' 17, and were accepted or rejected the Reserve Officer Training Program, much disagreement. The privilege ber 14 until Saturday, December 8 at by midnight Thursday. A week of was presented to the four cadets on Book Sale To Open Nov. 5 causing the most dissension was that the exhibition room in Old Main. Mr. pledging began on Monday, October the basis of their ratings Course at after. one Schade will be present for the opening of Chapel and assembly cuts. Those full year in the Advanced 22, and the traditional Hell Night will Concludes Following present agreed that it was against of the display, and plans to demon- climax the activities on Monday. college and on the recommendation of strate the preliminary steps in sketch- of WMC to the aims and purposes Saturday encourage students to cut chapel, ing and designing wallpaper pat- byT~~::!IO;!~~~e~g::.:w~~~1 r~~~:~~ . ~::~lo:~~e:hc:~;i~:~d t;:;s:~o:~ Second Army the area The annual book sale will begin which is just what the extra cuts terns. The exhibit itself will include bach, Don D'Angelo, -Ron Atkinson, in George G. Meade, Maryland. at Ft. series Tom Davies, Skip Dawkins, Stewart illustrate a panel which will Monday, November 5 and conclude on were doing. The size of the list was the various stages of work necessary Dodson, Al Dworkin, Dave Edington, Recipients of the award were also discussed. the following Saturday. Books that to complete a design in wallpaper. Bob Fothergill, Mike Friedman, Ken Cadet Lt. Col. Robert W. Butler, of have been duplicated in the library Showing In York _J;iddes, Roy Kennedy, Dorsey Hawk- Frederick, Md.; Cadet Major G. Eu- and some textbooks given. by profes- Parents' Day Several of Mr. Schade's paintings ins, Jim Lewis, Ed Lukemire, Ray gene Krantz, of Frederick, Md.; sors will be put on sale. The first day have been shown at the Art Center McLaughlin, Duane Myel', Ken Ntch- Cadet Capt. John W. Kauffman III, the books wiII cost twenty-five cents Parents' Day has been sched- in York, Pa., and some of his work is ols, wes Pang, Joe Shilling, Henry of Westminster, Md.; and Cadet Capt. with a five cent reduction for each uled for Sunday, October 28. A now on exhibition at the library there. Shorreck, Phil Skalinski, Hal Taylor, William E. Higgins, of Westminster, succeeding day. On Saturday, the re- tea for freshmen, transfer stu- Born In Germany John Waghelstein, George Whelpley, Md. maining books will be given away. dents, and their parents will be Mr. Schade was born in Peusa, Ger- The DMS award is based on leader- The money from this sale is used held in McDaniel Lounge .in the many, a small town in Saxony. He and Roger Wolfe. ship, proficiency in drill, demonstrated Delta Pi AII,Jha welcomed Kenneth to buy something for the library. In afternoon from 3 to 6 p.m., and previous years, books and chairs have the dorms will be open for visi- atended the College of Art in Plauen, Day, Pete Hemenway, Larry Hyatt, adaptability to military life, interest been bought. Last year the sale netted tation. Germany, and took graduate study in Manfred Joeres, Tom Lewis, Bill and enthusiasm, and achievement in between forty and fifty dollars. Berlin, Hamburg, and Cologne re- Soheuren, and Jack Sheridan. practical field training. The four cu- spectively. He became an independent Gamma Beta Chi pledges are: dets who were recipients of this designer until 1930 when a wallpaper Gardner" Annis, Be~ Bulloc~, Jim. award were among the best-rated company in Toronto paid his way to Cole, Stewart Dcrweis, Al Gilmore, cadets in summer camp company Canada. From 1945 to 1940 he owned Donald Hale, Stan Howell, Tom Kay- evaluations. a small shop in Canada, and in Janu- lor, Jerry Leather, Bruce Lee, Ron WMC Plays Host ary of 1949 he came to Pennsylvania. Litto, Tom Miller, Ralph McCulloh, Since that time he has been employed Ted Neil, Bob Otto, Bob Paaserello, To State Schools with the Eisenhart Wallpaper Com- Vaughn Smith, AI Spicer, George pany in Hanover, Pa. Summers, George Thomas, and Ron High School Guest Day will be held ' Weiland. tomorrow, Saturday, October 27. Stu- Pledging Pi Alpha Alpha are Don- Trustees Meeting Held ald Beckerman, Bill Biehl, Sam Cook, dents from the public high schools in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, In McDaniel Lounge ~uther Martin, and Paul Stevens. and Washington, D. C. have been in- vited to attend, as well as students of There was a meeting of the Board the private schools in the Baltimore of Trustees of Western Maryland area. Mrs. Lucille Norman, assistant College today. F. Murray Benson, In Appreciation director of Public Relations, bas an- president of the Board, presided. Mrs. nounced that the students, parents, Lowell S. Ensor entertained the Trus- Homecoming 1956 was one of the and counselors wiJl be conducted tees' wives at tea during the after- most spirited weekends Western Mary- through the events of the day by mem- noon. After the meeting dinner was land has ever had. This was largely bers of Western Maryland's F.T.A. held in McDaniel Lounge. due. to the many unsung heroes who The schedule of the day's activities gave their time and effort without due will commence with the arrival of vis- MoneyCol/ectedFor recognition. The editors of the GOLD itors between 10 and 10:30 p.m. Dor- will be open for visitation mitories Fischbach Memorial BUG take this opportunity to thank until 2 p.m. Tours of the campus will participated. Special who everyone thanks are due tbe Military Depart- be given, and various departments of The Lee Fischbach Memorial Schol- ment under Sergeant A. c,. Algire. the school will be visited where dis- arship Fund, established by the Class The Band under Mr. Donald Key, the plays and activities of interest will be of 1959 in memory of G. Lee Fisch- majorettes, and the Pom"Pom Girls shown. Guests will have lunch at Har- bach, has now reached a total of all contributed to a very colorful half- vey Stone Park, and later attend the $3203. A collection taken at the time. The Pep Club was very success- football game with Franklin and Homecoming game brought in $73 of ful in coordinatin.g the cheering sec- Marshall at 2 p.m. that amount. The goal is $6000.00. tion. An outstanding array of floats The purpose of High School Guest '-During the course of the year there and displays dotted the campus. The Day is to provide an opportunity for will be three voluntary dormitory col- cooperation of these groups and many high school students in their junior THE QUEEN IS CROWNED~Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, president of the college, lections .• Any contributions would be other individuals made this weekend and senior years to see the campus, officially crowns Miss Marilyn Rae Eccleston queen of Homecoming. The crown- greatly appreciated and may be given an outstanding one for students, and talk with the faculty members in ing highlighted the dance held last Saturday evening in Gill Gymnasium. Miss to Carol Petterson, or anyone of the friends, and returning alumni. whose fields they are particularly in- Eccleston is from Takoma Park, Maryland. dorm chairmen. terested.
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