Page 9 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 16, 1956 High On The Hill Ninety Accept Bids Leonard Griswold Joins Faculty' Top Seniors Hold Key Positions To Local Sororities on As Assistant Sociology Professor In College Religious Program Monday, October 1st. Then followed Dr. Leonard E. Griswold, our new full time research jobs, which shows Pledging' began sororities for three da~ of informal inititution. A Assistant Professor of Sociology, came his interest BY QUINCY POLK formal initiation was held at the end to W.M.C. from the University of Ken- teaching. in research as well. as in Joan Luckabaugh is the president When the cry of ('Beetle" is of this period. tucky where he was working for his First Impressions of the Student Christian Association echoed across the hall everyone knows Delta Sigma Kappa received Betty, M.A. D~gree which he received in So far, Doctor Griswold has been for the year 1956-57. The S.C.A. (as immediately that this cry heralds the Bailey, Elaine Bartley, Virginia 1954, and his Ph.D. which he com- well impressed by W.M.C. He finds it is called) is so organized to guide entrance of diminutive Dave Bailey. Beatty, Nancy Britner, Angela. Bu, pleted last August. He also taught that the class procedure is much the students in their religious activities. the Penns Grove Parson. Dave is ehal, Mary Barbara Chapman, Aun Sociology there for two years, and did same as in a larger university, so he arc numerous activities These J:~:d.a~:~~ff:~o~c~~e:~f:n~~ SeA vice president. Crisp, Ann Crumpacker, "Doc" Fossett, substitute teaching in closely related feels quite at home. He feels that and Eileen Dit- this year's area is familiar the Freshmen period was Orientation the hill was be- Dave's arrival--on fields. The Baltimore man, Annie Fontaine, Joiner, Eva Duvall handling its various activities. Joan Billie Mae Gill, Dot Gross, Rebecca to him, since he did his under.gradu- excellent, better than would be possi- House, Lallaa, Univers- Hopkins ate work at Johns ble at a large university such as the Bev Lockbaum, Terry Mancuso, Car- ity, where he earned his A.B. degree ones from which he came. He hopes olyn Markle, Linda Mason, Aun Off- in 1949. He chose a small, liberal soon to become bette'r acquainted utt, Ann Palmer, Barbara Patterson, arts school because he feels that there with more of. the students, feeling Martha Reifsnyder, Betty Reid, Car- is a definite place for this type and that there is a better chance to get to olyn Ritchie, Juanita Sellman, Pat a growing need for it in our society. Smyth, Jeanette Tyler, Priscilla Von Bomber Pilot Eiff, Ann Voshell, Lorraine William'S, DUring the Second World War, and Martie Williams. Doctor Griswold was a Heavy Bomb- \ Iota Gamma Chi received Gail er Pilot in the 8th Air Force. He was Armstrong, Felicity Fletcher, and promoted to First Lieutenant in 1945, Helen Denham. then put into the Inactive Reserves. Phi Alpha Mu received Jeannette It was while he was in the Reserves Anderson, Millicent Beutel, Beverly that he attended Johns Hopkins Uni- Bosworth, Donna Brown, Anne Clem. versity. He had been married during mitt, Joan Crimmins, Sonja deBey, the war in 1944, so he lived at home Vi Fonner, Joy Gowland, Patricia in Baltimore. During this time he Lunak, Mary Lou Maddox, Leanne also worked as Director of Boys' Manning, Melba Lou Nelms, Ruth Work at Baltimore Central Y.M.C.A. Overton,"'Kay Payne, Janice Roberts, where he knew some of the men now and Joan Robinson. here as students on "The Hili." In 1951 he was called back to duty in the Sigma Sigma Tau received Martha Korean war, where he worked with Anstedt, Shirley Barnes, Kitty Bond, the United States Air Force Psycho- has these qualities and a great many Carolina. It is rumored that "the Pat Oooper, Elaine Copes, Donna logical Warfare School. He was other capabilities as well. champion of the campus-fried chick- Darrow, Butch De Flora, Diane De- promoted to Captain in 1952, and First of all Joan enjoys people. en" developed his taste for the fowl land, Virginia Dreyer, Betty Eding- then discharged. She likes talking with them, finding during his year at this institution. ton, Phyllis Emig, Norma Etzler, J o· Raises Sheep out their problems, and, if she can, Last year Dave was active in eev- - anne Filby, Pat Garcia; Ruth Glenn, Doctor Griswold's home is now on know his students in a smaller college. solving them. As my roommate this era l phases of campus activity and Karen Helbig, Ann Hisley, Nancy a sheep farm near Westminster where His welcome has been warm from the year she has already impressed me this diversity won him a spot on Jones, Ann Kinney, Jean Leather- administration, faculty, and towns. with the idea that if you search you the Campus Citizens Lint. He boasts wood, ~otty Mathias, Margie Miller, he lives with his wife and three chil- people. can find out many amazing thing's membership in Pi Alpha Alpha fra- Kay Mltch.ell,. Carol Pette:sen, Sherry dren. He and"his wife enjoy the cut- of-doors, especially gardening, hiking, ~;o;~i~~O~I~hin~h~n~ab::Se~:~n t~u~::i ~l::~y t: ~h~~:,:id~~:~~n:t~~e::s~ ~~~:is~ G~~;~~o~~~t, ::;rle~Ch~;:;: and camping, which they have done Heagy's Sport Shop United all over northwestern States. so successiully the office of President In addition to participating in rra- Cess Sewell, Marianne Shears, :a~;; He is on the Southeast European Re- Now Located Sally 16 W. Main of the S.C.A. ternity sports the New Jersey native ~:~~:n'p;:;;n~a~ra~;~c~, search Team of Associates for Inter- Phone 1350·W Cam- Research, at za;i~:~ i~e~i:Sac~~: i~.~~!~r ,~~~an:~ \!~nd~h~~:e t~;~~n~~e :;eOst~~~n~:~~ Wishom, and Margie Woodward. national Massaehusetts, located and has had A .Qomplete Sports Line bridge, president of Le Cerele Francais, tlfat In his maiden season with the Terror for those other than French students matmen he displayed a great deal of is the French Club. She still main- potentiality and a fine sense of For Your tains modestly that the reason for spor-tsmanship. , Rasinsky's Pharlnacy HOMECOMING It Pay. To Look Well ~~~i;:f;;e~~h~:j:. Sh;h~~o~~:no;~~ This fan Beetle returned to the CORSAGE "Reliable Prescriptions" Visit The tiO;~!iZ:: ~::, t:!s. active member of :;:8 h~s ~~:~ed inm~~is::sto~~ Order From Drugs and Everyday Needs Avenue B.rber Shop the Lutheran Student Association, :~:;~0:1s o;~!:to~ile~~v;so~:r:i:g: DUTTERER'S 30 W. Main St. :~:v::te~ m~~r f~~~aC;r!:~~~~~~ will enable him to concentrate on one 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Where The Students Go Also, Joan may be found every of his hobbies - cooking. Another Westminster, Md. Westminster 350 Thursday and Sunday nights in the ;:~g~:n~eheB~:t~~;u~O:b:~sh~~/!:: Phone 101 SEE 8S Pennsylvania Avenue al~e:e~!~:r:f :~:~~~:f:d~h;:'duate of the most potent paddles on campus. Earle Finley (Campus Rep.) study and teaching. Wherever she goes and whatever she does we who are familiar with her record here on G.C. Murphy & Co. LAUNDROMAT the "Hili" know she will be successful. Baugher's Restaurant 5 Locust Street Homecoming Court The Friendly Store JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Opposite Parking Lot (CONTINUED FRon PAGE I, COL. S.) DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 list as her favorite subjects. Miss Dormitory and Cl • .,room I FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Piram is interested in intramural Suppliee FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 sport.s _and dra~a~cs~ Homemade Ice Cream and Thick MiIkshakes Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon 6-10 Weet Main Street Westminster 1287 At the same assembly. an amend- ment to our constitution was pro.. Weabnituter, Md. OPEN EVERY DAY FREE DEIslVERY SERVICE posed to the student body. This TO COLLEGE amendment placed a representation in the Student Government Association from the Intcrfratemity and Intra- so'rority Councils to represent the fra- Campus capers call for Coke ternities and sororities un the hill. Letters (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3. COL. 3.) Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. cannot, and must Dot, and will not let Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. these problems drag us down to the Evenings 9 p.m. 2 p.m. from bottom, but we will meet them coura· Continuous Shows and Holidays on Saturday geously and solve them in such a way to benefit us and all those around Wed., Thurs. Oct. 17-18 us. When we can accomplish this we CONGO CROSSING will be able truthfully to say we are It depends on the point Virginia Mayo George Nader mature human beings. of view, of course, but almo,;l We have a long, hard way to go everyone enjoys these Technicolor before 1960. But at the end of these antics. And when there's Fri., Sat. Oct. 19-20 four years we will have gained three a quick need for refreshment THESE WILDER YEARS of the greatest things anyone could possibly obtain, (1)--education, (2)- •.. h.we a Coke 1 Barbara Stanwyck James Cagney lifetime friendships, and (3)-a Walter Pidgeon knowledge of the God around us. Good luck to you all fellow freshmen. I hope I can go with you all to the Graduation Ceremonies in 1960. CHESTER G1BERSON Westminster, Md. October 12 Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 an~d 4 p. m. Compliments of Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows continuous from 6:45 p. m. SOTTLED UNt!H ,",UTHORITY OF THE COCA·COL'" COMPANY BY Rice's Bakery Mart Fri., Sat. Oct. 19-20 WESTMINSTER COCA,COLA BOTTLING CO" INC. ··Coke'· iJO registeredtrode·mork. © 1953, THE COCA·COLA COMPANY DISTANT DRUMS Gary Cooper Mari Aldon
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