Page 12 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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4 The Gold Bug, Oct. 25, 1955 Terrors vs. _Drexel In Homecoming Battle , JI Football Due For A Revival Soccer Squad)J ops Philadelphians Provide Action To Match IIGood Old Daysll, DelawareBlu~Hens For WMC·s Annual Classic For Second'VI~to~y by Dave Bailey Amidst the gala floats and good looking gals, the Western Maryland foot_ Homecoming 1955. The annual picture old acquaintances renewing past By ROgCT Wol/6 ' ball squad will take to the field against Drexel Tech next week-end in the an- friendships. A picture made even more colorful with II football game and . 1, nnal Homeeoming game. is in the city of brotherly love. The Drexel eleven, whose home stadium evening dance. ~wa':eesi:~ M;:~~;d :~~vel~t::dDet~; will meet the Terrors of WMC for the fourth time since 1950. As of now Wl'IlC Football 1955. For the Terrors of Western Maryland there has thus far tables on the favored Blue Hen team holds the edge in vietories with three of them. this season been little to become excited about. They show II one win, three with a tremendous first quarter show- Last year the game was played in Philadelphia and in a real rough and loss record and will meet one of-their toughest competitors in Drexel Tech. on ing. The Terrors scored four' big goals ready contest Drexel won 34-13. It was homeeoming for the winners and every- Homeeorning afternoon. and were able to hold that lead the '" thing seemed to break just right for Homecoming' is certainly a time for remainder of the game, winning 4-2. them. Dick Holbruner, who now is key the honors .,or the I NevertheLES I thinking about the "good old days". Denny Harmon led the attack with man on offense, displayed his first Although the football games aren't go-- two goals, while Stan Entwistle and class ability in that game and gained ing [ust.the way we would like them Den Seibel shared a starting role. to this year, there have been seasons byLe8 Werner WMC has met Drexel one other when our Terrors could do no wrong. ot~:la~:;e kicking 'Off, booted down When the Terrors take the field time in Homecoming competition. The For the benefit of our readers who field to fullback, Bill Clem. Handling against Drexel next Saturday, they date was 1951. On a rainy, snowy, know little about some of the WMC the ball precisely, Bill punched I'it all will be plaeing on the line a string windy afternoon, the Terrors eked out greats and football's history in gen- the way to the other end of the 'field. a 6-0 victor-y. This was the year of eral let's review a few of the high- Denny Harmon awaiting the pass re- of eonseeutive Homecoming victories the undefeated, untied WMC football lights of our first 64 years in the ceived the ball and sent it sailing which date back to the early Twenties. team. sport. . through the goal posts. Just a mere Drexel, because of their impressive The remainder of the series went thirty-five seconds after the game's reeord of eight win in a row, will like this: 1950, WMC 26-Drexel 25; We'll have to go way back to the naturally be the year 1891 for the first Inter-Collegiate start. the pregame fav- 1952, WMC 6-Drexel 0; H153, snow. game at WMC. The beginning was Rive Minute Score orite. But previ- So you can see they have all been quite a discouraging, and even though Harmon againseored within five ous records don't tight battles with the exception of last year. this is a matter of review for moat minutes from the ,previous goaL on a c o u n t in this of you I will repeat the score. We fell pass from Don Tankersly. This shot fray, as many of that gloomy fall afternoon to the tune was also exercised with complete eon- you 'upper class- of 66-0. And guess who poured it on trol and the ball went bounding by men may know. us? None other than the University of Dick Harlow the Delaware goalie into the net. Remember a Pennsylvania. But don't be disheart- One final compilation of Harlow's At this point, Don Seibel, who had year ago. The ened by the poor beginning, for the reign here at WMC. In the seven been hustling up and down left end, score stood 0-0 in the third quarter Terrors only victory was a crushing years from 1926-1932, the Terrors decided it was his turn to score. While against a strong F and 1\1 squad. The 68-0 massacre of a team from New only eight minutes had elapsed, he outcome didn't look too prcrrriaing, un- Windsor. Final showing for the sea- had 1441 points compared to 299 for received the ball about mid-field, drib- til a freshman by the name of Hal- son, 1 win, 3 losses, 1 tie. their unfortunate competitors. bled to the penalty area and fired a brunner calmly dropped a pass into Charley Havens, now serving in the 1894-1896 were anything but spec- capacity of Athletic Director for the beautiful shot right past their goalie the waiting ar-ms of Charlie White, tacular. In the three year span we Hill, is a big part of the football pic- for another; score. Delaware had had in a play that covered Inety-three played just four games, including a ture. In 1928 Havens was chosen AU- it, but another goal was yet to come. yards to pay dirt· and victory. 64-0 loss to Gettysburg. Terror oppon- Maryland. It was in the year 1935 W1tIC's cohorts won't. be denied ents chalked .up 132 points in this that Havens returned to his Alma- Firs~ fo:r"flntwistle next Saturday either, for this is one same span, while WMC collected 42. By now the entire Terror team was game they want to win. It will take Mater as head-coach. The season end- About this time, 1893 to be exact, we ed with a 6-5-0 showing, including" in high' spirits. Halfback Stan En- more than Drexel has to stop them. started to playa team which has since two losses to Penn State. twistle lifted the ball into the air- gained national fame. In fact lau Since 1935, with the exception of about thirty yards out from the Dela- week it was ranked second in the na- the war years, Havens has been at ware goal. The bait arched beautifully Bachelors Ju~P.,,:r~ tion. In the days of your grand- the helm of our Terrors. His finest over both teams"ll.!*t came to'·a· halt couldn't believe it as this was his first Early Frat Lead parents it was called the Maryland team was probably that one of 1951 in the opposing team's' goal. Entwistle Agricultural College. Today it goes by erowned undefeated, untied Mason- the name of Maryland University. goal of his soccer career. The score, Dixon Champions. by Gordon Hurlbrink Well, regardless of what it was And so we could go on. If any col- now four to nothing, was not .tc Bob Butler called we used to really have some ball lege has an accreditable football his- increase in the remaining three quar- Touch or tackle? This is the ques- Defeat has thus far been an un- games. The first meeting of the two tory, it is our own Western Maryland. ters of playing time. tion that runs through a spectator:t> known word in the Terror's vocabulary dubs took place in 1893. This initial Look fer more of our team's history Delaware Scores head as he watches one of those great as far as homecoming games are eon- contest went to the U.O.M. eleven, 18- from time to time on the sports page. and glorious fr ater-rrity football games. cerned. 10. It took the Terrors four years be- Delaware's first score came when I guess you could say they are typi- To recap just a few of the Terror's fore they finally turned the tide, but Paxon booted a penalty shot past cal games with the usual yells of "kill past Homecoming victories we'll go from then on they were unbeatable. Terrors Tamed In goalie, Bob Crush. The stellar player the bum" and "cream him." Of course back to 1947 and cover up to the pres- Put this down in your little book, again scored in the third quarter mak- there are the other sideline remarks ent. Dickinson was WMC'S rival in and brag about it all you want to. In ing the score four to two. Due to our which we will not mention. Now lets '47 and provided very little action for the next nine meetings of the Uni- 31-12 Tilt. At H-S strong defense composed of Crush, have a look at how the teams have the huge crowd on hand. The Terrors versity of Maryland and Western Clem, Reed, Turney, Entwistle, Jack- been doing. walked off with a 19-0 victory. Maryland, our Terrors were not The long journey to Hampden-Syd- son, Delaware was unable to score On October 11 the second game in Another runaway was reeled off in seared on once. It was not until 1910 ney proved very fruitless. The hard again. The offense, Harmon, Kohl, the intramural league was won by the '49. Hampden-Sydney was the unfor- that the U.O.M. boys scored and then driving backfield and hard charging Seibel, Tafuri, and Tankersley came Preachers as they downed the Semi- tunate foe that year. WMC put to- it was just a field goal, as we won ~ line combined last Saturday to tUrn dose to seoring many timess. Coach nary 6-0. Other games during that gether four td's and an extra point 17 _ 3. back the Terrors of Western Mary- Phil Uhrig, spendi'ng late hours with weei( included the Black & White vic- to rout the visitors 25-6. Our last game with our friends land, 31-12. It was the 10th straight his team, was well pleased with the tory over the Gamma Betes 34-0. The Competition beeame a little tougher from College Park took place in 1942. win for the victors, and third consecu- results of the game. Baehclor-Preacher game was called in '50. In a thrilling game with Johns It was a tragic finale to a great ser- tive loss for WMC. Western Maryland played host to off, until a Jater date. Hopkins, the Terrors gained a 14-6 ies, the Terrors fell 51-0. Actually the Despite an early display of strength Drexel and Mount St. Mary's pre- The Black & Whites started out the win. That was the year when a fellow U.O.M. has the edge in the series, by the Terrors, eonsistent pounding vious to the Delaware game. Drexel next week by beating the Neat Guys called Ed Rydzewski captained the thus far, we may renew relationships by the forward wall of Hampden-Syd- went home with a 5-2 victory over us, 24-0. However, in the game of the squad. someday, and swing the balance our ney turned the game into a one-sided while Mount St. Mary's lost 4-l. week between the Batchelors and the A discouraging outlook on our game way. vietory. The Terrors are now a winning Black & Whites, the latter finaily met with Drexel is the eight game winning Under a Coach who went by the 307 yal'ds were gained on the team, losing only one game. Saturday their match. In this hard fought game, streak that the Dragons have com- name of Dr. Whitehurst we gave an- ground hy the Tigers, as they racked they take on Catholic University on Ralph Close scored the only Black & piled. Drexel has this year won four other football "giant" quite a tussle. up 15 first downs. Only three passes our home field at 2 p.m. White touchdown during the first in a row and copped their last four This was during the seasons of 1902 were attempted by the winnl,lrs and quarter. Both teams remained score- in the 1954 sehedule. and 1903. The opponent was Columbia none were completed. less in the second quarter, but in the In the Dragons game last Saturday, Girls Hockey Team third the Bachelors came to life as the 22nd of Odober, they romped ~:i~~;:~t~~:~~ :~r;;?t~~a~e:-~n~o~~:~ ha~~e~::"le:lt:r~I:~!r ~~n~~~ilI~~~: Jim Pearce intercepted a Black & over Lycoming College 33-14. Scoring in all but the third quarter, the Drag- ~::c:ti~~e~o ~:!'i::t!i~~~ ; Terrors chalked up only six first To Meet Towson White pass and went all the way for ons displayed their tremendous offen- the first Bachelor tally. Again in the 1897 was the first year in which a ~~:~~~ga:~da 5t;t;~S~~:;~ge of 126, 75 fourth quarter Pearce came through sive strength. Terror team compiled more wins than Organized and ready for their first with the second Bachelor T.D. The Keep your eyes on Bill Zador, Art. losses. The season was composed of If the game eould have continued at game are the "Hoekey-ettes" of West- final score was Bachelors 14, Black & Campo, and Frank Russo for back- only five games, with three going to the pace initiated in the first period, ern Maryland College. This Saturday field work. Vince Vidas and Jack Eid_ us, two to our opponents. WMC could have altered the score the girls' hockey team will initiate Whites 7. After this game the Bach- berg are Drexel's two outstanding No historieal picture is complete considerahly. After Poland had car- their season against Towson State elors were undefeated with two wins linemen. without mention of those great teams ried over for Hampden-Sydney's first Teachers College 9n the WMC field. and the Black & Whites had won two With the sting of defeat still fresh turned out by Coach 'Dick' Harlow, TD, the Terrors bounced right back. For two weeks now the team has and lost one. The Preachers had won from last year's trouncing, 22-14, at Harlow eame to WJ\.\C in the year Joe Shilling, a frosh on the squad, been in the process of laborious prac- one and the Gamma Bets and the the hands of the Drexel Dragons, the 1926. This was the beginning of a re- took the kick-off and raeed 75 yards. tice, under the tutoring of Miss Todd. Neat Guys were batting zero with no WMC Terrors would like some sweet markable record. . Joe was nabhed from behind on the The starting team will be eomposed ,vins to their credit. revenge. It would be nice to snap out Take for instance his first season's five yard line, just short of pay dirt. of girls Miss Todd chooses as having The Neat Guys played the Semi- of this slump and get moving, maybe record. Six wins, one loss, no ties. The scoring was left to Dick Holbrun- done the best job thus far. Next game nary last Thursday and the Gamma Drexel will provide a stepping stone The Terrors carried over 214 points, ner, who crashed through the left side. an entirely new lineup could be used. Betes and Bachelors went at it on to victory. while holding their rivals to a mere A 6-6 deadlock ensued until near In other words the team has no defi- Monday. Today's game was between 21. the of the first half. With nite roster. the Neat Guys and the Preachers. By now if you are still saying so eight minutes remaining two fumbles In the near future we are' looking This weekend the Terrors will what, check this. During the year of by the Terror squad set up drives te~~iSar::~~-~~~'Sfoi~::n;~r~:: ~~: forward to the clash between the Neat meet the victims of last year's 1929, "Harlow's horde" rolled up the whieh carried the Hampden-Sydney na Jarrell, Joy Nuttall, Mary Jane Guys and the Gamma Betes on Octo- Homeeoming victory. In att first undefeated untjed reeord for eleven to eonsecutive touehdowns. Davidson, Ardie Campbell, Joanni ber 26, and the game between the away game, WMC will taekle WMC. And it wasn't just an eight These two scores wrapped the game Hutter, Billy Mae Gill, Mary, Tomblin- Black & Whites and the Seminary on t.he always difficult F and M game schedule. That year there were up. son, Jean Luckabaugh, Sue Davidson, the 27th. team, WMC registered a 6-0 win eleven games to he played. As if this Mary Ellen Weber, Jo Siehler. St. Ag_ in the two teams last meeting. wasn't enough they came right baek nes will be the next eompetitors for the next year to win nine, tie one. LET'S WIN TERRORS the "Hockey-ettes;' on Novemher 12. LET'S WIN TERRORS