Page 44 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 44
4 The Gold Bug, March 22, 1955 Women's Council Solves Problems Baltimore Civic Opera A Message To The Students House Councils Keep ~ residents of the dorm. There is no CompanyPres'ents"Flust" By Al Hagenbuch regular meeting time, ,but meetings, The story of "Faust" combines SOA President 'Houses In Order' are held when a problem arises. humor, romance, tradition, tragedy, I am writing this article as more or less an informal letter Duties of the House Council include action, and tense drama. In operatic since it will probably be the last chance that I will have to com- The Women's Council is a campus locking up the dorm at night, holding form, all these features are combined munlcate with the student body as a whole before the new SCA organization that is frequently not' official room inspections, checking with familiar, easy-to-hum melodies, elections .take place. given the credi{ that it deserves. The late leaves and sign-out slips, and re- colorful scenery and costumes, a large Religious Emphasis Week proof of its effectiveness is shown by porting the need for repairs through- soldiers' chorus, ballet, and full crcbes- Many of the students I have talked to agree that Religious the fact that ~only one case has been out the dorm. The House Council also tra. Emphasis Week was a great success in every sense of the word. I revciwed by the founcil this year. is in charge of the proctor system in To people who enjoy seeing a real heard- many wonderful comments concerning George Harper, Nan III answer to the question, "Just the dorms. show, Gounod's "Faust" is more than Doggett and Ira Zepp. Of course I realize that no 'matter what who belongs to the Women's Coun- A demerit system is followed in re- 'grand opera'-it is a full afternoon speakers were chosen, n-ot everyone would be satisfied with the cil?" the enumer"ition follows. The gard to closing hours. Girls are given of entertainment. The opera is so response at the meetings and the personal comments I received Woman Student Government Associa- one demerit for every five minutes popular that it has been preformed seem to indicate that the student body was well satisfied. tion representative from each class, that they are out after closing hours. more thau 2,000 times by the Metrop- The problems which disturbs me at the present time is the the president of each dormitory, and A girl with four demerits is asked to plitan Opera Company in New York, class distinctions. This is an age old problem which presents itself the vice-president of the SGA make appear before the. House Council. and is as well known to theatre-goers on all the colleges and universities. Here I am not just thinking of up the Council. Penalties are imposed by the House as any popular musical comedies of the fraternity or sorority cliques, but I'm seriously concerned with The Women's Council has regular Council for lateness, excessive noise I today. the isolationism between the supposedly religious groups and the who do not-at of students group religiously least openly-a-feel meetings every other Friday at 4:15 in th'e halls, and continual trouble- The Baltimore Civic Opera Com- inclined. I know our Lord is definitely opposed to Ivory Tower p. rn. with their advisor, Dean How, making. pany has selected "Faust" as its third religion. Students can learn to mingle with other students in the ery. Any major infringements of the Penalties which may be imposed in- presentation of this year .. It will be various social and recreation centers on campus and still have rules are brought up before them then. clude suspension of social privileges, performed at the Lyric Threatre on Minor problems are dealt with by the suspension of late leaves for upper April 15, 16, and 17. The Friday and sufficient time for their studies .. I would like to see more inter- mingling of the different will be formal Saturday performances House Councils. elasamen, suspension of "nights out" productions in the evening, and the the advantage o~ scholastic groups on campus, not only because of of their because but co-operation, With the approval of Dean Howery, for freshmen, "campus", or. "room Sunday matinee on April 17 will fea- earnest desire to get to know each other. This would certainly in- the Women's Council makes the confinement". When a girl is campus- ture all the same artists and soloists, crease our understanding for all peoples with whom we might come women's regulations and has jur-isdic- ed, she is not allowed to leave the but will be informal in style. A nar- in contact with throughout life. For me, this is as important a tion over them. However, when it campus. Room confinement means rator will be an added feature on Sun- lesson to be learned as any course the college offers. comes to penalties, they can gener-. that a girl must be in her room with- day afternoon. He will set the scenes SCA Elections ally just recommend certain action. out visitors from 7 p. m. to 7 a. m. In and describe the action. The SCA elections will take place April 14th immediately after Aside from their regulatory chores, the case of twenty-four hour room All students will be admitted to we return from Spring vacation. Please take this matter seriously, the Women's Council has complete confinement, the girl is not allowed the matinee on April 17 at half price and start thinking of eligible candidates for the offices. You can charge of May Day. This includes to leave her room at any time except on presentation of a coupon at the make your suggestions to the nominating committee which will publicity, the parade, and the crown- to attend meals and classes. ticket office. Half price coupons are be meeting next week. Please submit your nominations to Milly ing ceremony. As the female portion Members of the House Council in available from all music instructors Eckardt or to me during the next few days. To make your Student of the SGA, they also take part in ail Blanche Ward Hall include Char in the school, and tickets range in Christian Association a success, take this election of next year's SGA activities. Eggan, president; Gloria Bunting, price from 75e to $1.75. The coupons officers seriously, and above all each-of you get out to the polls and Two years ago, the Women's Coun- Nancy Bearinger, Joan Durno, and can be exchanged for reserved seats vote for the candidate of your choice. cil originated the idea of a House Lorrie Jones. The House Council in at the Bonney Concert Bureau, 327 One of the main factors in my estimationthat makes Western Council in each of the women's dorms. McDaniel Hall includes Mary Lee North Charles Street, or at the Lyric Maryland College a' fine institution of which to be proud, is the The House Council is made up of a Younger, president; Irene Pope, Char- Theatre on April 17 before curtain friendliness of the faculty and students. If your interest in your dorm yresident and one representa, lotte Davis, Sarah Ellen Price, and time at 2:15 p. ill. school organizations is as strong as your" interest in one another, tive from each class, elected by the Claudia Payne. Leading- singers in the Civie Opera then get out and support the candidates of your choice in the SCA Company's "Faust" cast include: and SGA elections. Then, these organizations will be able to grow Bette Hankin, Garfield Swift, Joseph and better serve you. LAUNDROMAT Rasinsky's Pharmacy' Laderoute, Phyllis Frankel, Joshua 5 Locust Street Hecht and Patricia Bruchalski. For Submarine Sandwiches, More than: 4,000 Baltimore students Opposite Parking Lot "Reliable Prescriptions" attended the first two student matinee J. WM. HULL,Jew.l.r performances of this season by the Thick Milk Shakes, and DAILY-7:30, - 5:00 Drugs and Everyday Needs Civic Opera Company, so it is sug- gested that students get coupons early FRID,AY UNTIL 8:00 30 W. Main St. from the music department and ex- Good Food, Come To For. Over Half Century Closed Wed. Afternoon Westminster Md. change them for reserved seats at the BILLY DEMOREST Expert Watch, Jewelry Westminster 1287 Opera Company's ticket office, 327 (THE WINDOWS) and Eye-Glass Repairing Phone 101 N. Charles Street. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Just Past the Overpass on 105 W. Main Street Prizes A wait Lucky The Gettysburg Road "Buckle" Down College Play-Writes It Pay, To Lock Well with '(Release from Talent Associates BARD Ltd.) Talent Associates, Ltd.-the This Price Is Right Visit The television producing and packaging School Pins and firm which is responsible for "Jus- Avenue B.rber Shop tice," "Armstrong Circle Theatre," Vole For Buckles the Philco-Goodyear Television Play- see house, "Mr. Peppers," (all on NBC- Where The Students Go TV) and the forthcoming "Appoint- BRUCE PRICE RUBIN BARD ment with Adventure" (CBS-TV, be- 85 Pennsylvania Avenue ginning April 3)-arlnounces the Tal- (Agent of Trochinbrots of BaIt.) ent Associates Television Awards com- (Paid P"liti~QI Alnrtisement) petition for the three best original half-hour television plays by under- graduate students in any accredited Flowers For All Occasions EASTER American college or university. The Awards She's your special girl! Candies all-$1000 First will total $1750.00 in Prize, $$500 Second She deserves the best when it and Novelties "Prlze, and $250 Third Prize. The dead- comes to flowers: line for the competition is June 14, -AT 1955; and the judges are three of Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. DUTTERER'S television's most accomplished dramat- SundayMatinees: 9 p.m. day shows continuous 2 and 4 p. m. from 2 p. m. 2 and 4 p.m. Richard Nash, Alan Robert ist-N. Matinees: Sunday Evenings and David Shaw. from 2 p.m. 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Griffin's Aurthur announcing the competition, Continuous Shows and Holidays on Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows In Saturday Westminster 350 which Talent Associates plans to continuous from 6:45 p. m. make an annual affair, Alfred Levy, . March 23-24 March 23-24 president of the producing firm, de- THE BOB MATHIAS s'ronv FIGHTING MAN OF THE PLAINS clares: "The fantastic rate at which Bob Mathias Melba Mathias Randolph Scott Janet Nigh Baugher's Restaurant television us'f->up dramatic material March 25-26 William Bendi~rthur Kennedy March 25-26 CRASHOUT has been a source of concern to every- one in the medium. There is abundant THE WHITE ORCHID opportunity for good writers in tele- William Lundigan Peggy Castle JUST OFF THE CAMPUS March 27-28-29 vision, particularly in the half-hour Technieolor UNCHAINED dramatic field; and we hope to en- FOR A MEAL OR SNACK courage college students in Amertea March 27-28-29-30 Elroy "Crazy Legs" Hirsch Barbara Hale to consider television writing as a JUPITER'S. DARLING March 30-31 Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes career that can be immensely satisfy- Howard Keel Esther Williams CASANOVA BROWN ing and financially profitable, espe- 'I'echnicolor-Cinemascope Gary Cooper Technicolor OPEN,EVERY DAY' cially in the matter ,of subsidiary rights. The need for thoughtful and . March 31-April1-2 April 1-2 LONE GUN competent eraftsmen is presaing, to MANY RIVERS TO CROSS George Montgomery Dorothy Malone say the least." Eleanor Parker Robert Taylor April 3-4-5 All inquiries and communications , 'I'ecbnicolor-Cinemaecope GOLDEN MASK Associates to the Talent pertaining DANNY MOYLAN Television Play Awards should be ad- THE SILVER CHAJ..ICE Van Heflin Technicolor Wanda Hendrix April 3-4-5-6 dressed Tal- to Play Awards Editor, ent Associates, Ltd., 41 East 50th Jack Palance Virginia Mayo April 6-7 _ OVERLAND PACIFIC is the Man Street, New York 22, N. Y. Technicolor-Cinemascope Jack Mahoney Peggy Castle FOR April 7-8-9 April 8-9 Compliments of LONG JOHN SILVER GUNBELT More Student Representation in Your Robert Newton. Kit Taylor George Montgomery Tab Hunter 'I'echnicolor-Cinemascope Technicolor S_G_A_ J- R. EVERHART COLLEGE BARBER April 10-11-12-13-14 April 10-11-12 At the Forks THE COUNTRY GIRL Jane Russell UNDERWATER Gilbert Roland Bing Crosby Grace Kelly Technicolor-Cinemascope
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