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:':"ibl'8-1'Y "(estern liBryland College "".'~~ CIRCLING TRACK THE HILL TEAM WINS PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 32, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 12, 1955 Orchestra Plans. SGA Discusses Investiture .Eight SeA Nominees Speak Walks, Traffic, Seniors Don Robes During Meeting, State Beliefs The twenty-fourth Annual Spring Chapel Surveys Concert of the Western Maryland Col- and Dignified Poses "What the SCA means to me" was the theme for speeches given by the lege Little Symph?n y Orch~stra wi~1 The subject of the faculty walk and Senior investiture, the ceremony Student Christian Association presidential nominees on Wednesday evening, be presented on ~rJday ev~mng, Aprtl. ... stairs through Robinson Garden was which officially recognizes the transi- March 30. • 22, at 8:15 p. m. m Alumni Hall. brought up by President, Henry Taitt, tion of the senior class to the new Alan Hagenbuch, the incumbent president, first reported that the ncminat- ').tiss Gesner at the March 28th meeting of the graduating class, will be held this ing committee had chosen the following candidates for next year's officers: Student Government. A petition signed year at 8:45 p. m. on Monday, April for president-Bruce Price, Howard Shores, Les 'Verner, Bobbie Phillips, and The members of the orchestra and by all the girls in Blanche Ward Hall 18, in Alumni Hall. Charlotte Ridgely; secretary-c-Juanne Parrish, Anna Jarrell, and Joan Lucka- its conductor, Mr. Pbilip Royer, have in complaint of the poor condition baugh; treasurer-Dottie Rach, and LeRoy McWilliams. From the floor came the Late -dedicated this year's concert to Miss of said stairs was presented. Henry women Sunday evening tradition senior of nominations of Stan Bice, Marilee Hodsdon and Dottie Rach for the office of the will follow Maude Gesner, head of the music de, said that nothing could be done about assembling in the dorm and quietly president, and Bill Cook and Jack Anderson for treasurer. partmcnt at Western Maryland Col- the stairs and walk until the ground marching through the darken halls The election of president and vice president will take place on Thursday, lege. The program includes music by thaws and probably nothing would be singing "A Mighty Fortress is Our April 14. Each student is entitled to one vote: the candidate with the highest composers for whom she has par-ticu- done then, because that improvement God." The next morning students and number of votes will be president and lar fondness. Following the orchestra is on the agenda for the summer faculty, dressed in academic robes, the candidate of the opposite sex with concert, a reception in honor of Miss months. will march into Alumni Hall to the MarylandAAUW the highest vote count will be vice Gesner will be held in McDaniel Traffic president. Lduge by the Faculty members, music same strains. Meets At WMC Lcs Werner, the first candidate to students, and orchestra members. The traffic problem was also dis- Unknown Speaker speak, likcned the Student Christian The works of John Blow and Henry cussed, because many students were After the invocation, Dr. Ensor will The thirteenth annual meeting of Purcell will be featured in the pro-. in doubt as to whether it is necessary introduce the speaker, whose identity the Maryland State Division of the Association to the bridge built by an gram. These men were both organists to re-register their cars if they had is unknown until that moment. Thc American Association of University old man for the aid of the young man at Westminster Abby in the 17th cen- obtained new license numbers. Roy speaker is always a member of the Women will be held at western Mary- who follows. He believes the SCA is tury, and were closely associated. The Etzler reported that ij; will not be faculty. land College on April 15 to 16. Mem- responsible for the spiritual welfare the bridge of the campus and therefore orchestra will play the "Venus and necessary for the short period of time Dr. Ensor will present the senior bers of the Carroll County Branch of must be built on love and kindness, Adonis" Overture by Blok, taken from left on campus. The number on the class president with his cap and gown, the AAUW will be Co-hostesses with firm faith and steady trust, and must A Masque [or the E1~tc1·tai1nncne 0/ window tag will remain unchanged symbolic of the robing of thc whole Western Maryland College. The theme "span distrust and skepticism". Lea the King. and thus cars can still be traced if class. After this, the seniors will of the meeting will be "Meeting Real- paid tribute to Alan Hagenbuch and they are parked in violation. wear their robes to every chapel ity in a Changing World." Dido and Aeneas The session on Friday, April 15 will Milly Eckardt, this year's president Action was taken to alleviate the service. and vice-president, and urged that the Henry Purcell's suite from his opera numberous complaints about the open with a State Board meeting in SCA be given the support of all. Dido and Aeneas, which was produced method of leaving the assemblies and McDaniel Lounge at 10 a. m. A Board when he was 22 years of age, wiII chapel. The use of ushers as in our FAC ApPOints Luncheon will be held in the home Bobbie Phillips follow the overture, This suite is com. last assembly was explained by Henry cconomics dining room in Old Main Bobbie Phillips, the next candidate It is hoped Council Members poscd of eight parts. Taitt, who also repeater the procedure from 12:30 to 1:30 p. m. Tea will be to speak, has been secretary and served registration during Me, in Symphony No. 12, in G Major; by for leaving the auditorium. Daniel Lounge from 1 to 5:30 p. m. publicity chairman 'for the SCA in the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, is sched-" that all will cooperate with these The Freshman Advisory Council will The annual business meeting will 1954-55 school year. She said that uled as the next work on the program. plans. have its first meeting as a group on open the first session at 2 p. m. in many people fail to recognize the This is an early work by Mozart and Chapel Survey Wednesday, April 13, at 8 p. m. in McDaniel Lounge. The speaker will value of religion, and that many on a is written in foul' movements. McDaniel Lounge. The chairman and college campus do, "unfortunately Dean David brought an announce- be Dr. Elizabeth Holt, Status of feel ashamed of it." The SCA is not to co-chairman for tbe coming year will women Associate. Dr. Holt's topic will a "pious" m:~li~:r~~~~: ~:~fee~:i;i.t~:a;~~; j~~~ ~~~n:~:n t~: i:~~eo~t~~:do!h:h;e:eUl~;e:; be eleeted at fhfa ttme. be "Status of \Vomen in a Free be thought of as strictly but one by organization, she stated, ~~eP:l~:!~:lt~~le a~~:~()t~OJ;;)ct;trom;;:~o;,.....a survey conducted to determine the At present, the council is in the pro- Society." and through which religious unity may Op. 37, in C minor, by Ludwig von average number of chapel cuts allowed cess of reorganization. A committee An informal dinner will be held in be obtained at Western Maryland. Bob- Beethoven. The concerto is in three by different schools. Western Mary. meeting. was held at Dean Helen How- the Western Maryland College dining bie said that, if elected, she would from office, and new members ery's hall at 6:45 p. m. Dr. Rosamonde Boyd, parts: Allegro con brio, Largo, and land was included in the survey along the Freshman class were chosen to Vice-President of the South Atlantic strive to make the SCA more active Rondo allegro. with twenty other schools. It was an- serve in the fall. All planning and Region will speak on the topic, "To on campus in the following ways: 1---, nounced that WMC was ver_y lenient chsnges will be carried out by the Educated Women, the Challenge of the SCA and SGA should work more closely. To achieve this end, the SCA this line, for the majority rri Beta Members along schools did not allow any cuts of council. The suggcstions submitted by Meeting Reality in a Changing World". should be allowed a voting representa. the the Freshmen, Following the dinner, at 8:30 p. m., an faculty, and council without sufficient excuse. It was also members will be takc.n into considera· Rrt exhibit will be held in the exhibit tive in the Student Government cabi- have net. 2-the SCA could effectively Attend Convention :;:ooo~:c~!d t::n;O~:r:f C:::Clo~~~~ tion. room of Old Main, featuring art a stronger foothold in the social activi_ Faculty mcmbers on the committee awards. ties of the campus. This could be ob- sions pel' week than we do. A few had On Saturday, April 16 registration Last Friday, March 25, Dr. Sturdi- include Dean Helen Howery, Dcan Wil- tained through sponsorship of a major vant and three Tri Beta members went it six days a 'week; more had it from liam David, and Professor Robert will begin held in McDaniel Hall from social function, such as a dance. 3- 9 to 11:30 a. m. The second business to the Northeast Convention of Tri four to three times a week. Adkins. session will open at 9.30 a. m. in Mc- participation in the boys' intramural Beta at Oneonta, New York. The three Daniel Lounge. Mrs. W. Clayton sports program would create more members were Betsy Bowen, secre· Club News Lytic, Vice-President of the North interest. 4-the SCA should definite- tary of Alpha Mu, Mary Louise Mc- Atlantic Region will speak on "Women ly ,have a more active Week. part in tIle Orientation Freshman Clay, and Robert McCormick. At the and Civilian Defense." The speaker Charlotte Ridgely compared the last minute it w~s discovered that FacultyClub ToHearBarbershopQuartet at the luncheon meeting, to be held at campus to an apple, with the core· as Nancy McWilliams, president oj Alpha 1 p. Ill. in the Western Maryland Col- the Student Christian Association, Mu, could not attend because of illness. The Faculty Club will hold its regu_ mc lege dining room, will be Dr. Harold Even though only one officer was pre_ lar meeting on Thursday evening, A speaker from India will be the Taylor, President of Sarah LaWreJ1Ce and the seed within the core, God. ideals on "The SCA has the highest sent, W.M.C. was adequately repre- April 21, at 8:15 p. m. in McDaniel guest of the IRC at thcir next meeting. College, wbo will speak on "Reality the campus," said Char., "but the sented. Lounge. Mr. Dean Snyder, first vice- It Viill be hcld Monday, April 18, at and Illusion in Education." manner in which these ideals are ac. president of the Society For The Pres- All senior women are cordially in- The Convention lasted from Friday ervation and Encouragement of Barber 6:45 p. m., in McDaniel Lounge. complished is what makes the organi_ through Saturday, March 26. Dr. Shop Quartet Singing in America will vited to attend these sessions. zation effective." She feels that one Sturdivant, who is the Eastern Dis· be the speaker. The Columbians, of the SCA's biggest jobs is "putting trict Director, presided over the busi- .champion quartet from the Washing- Dr. Fagin To Speak ColonelAnnounces over" Religious Emphasis Week, the ness sessjon. Delegates from states ton chapter of SPEBSQSA, shop har- At Assembly Here Christmas Communion, and other such will pre- such as Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, sent a program of barber Cadet Promotions events, but that the biggest job of all New Jet'sey, Pennsylvania, and New monles. The assembly on April 26 will fea- is "giving the campus the seed of the York were in attendance. Also present Home EC Club ture a talk by Dr. N. Bryllion Fagin, Lt. Col. Robert J. Speaks announced apple_God." was Dr. E. Duane Sayles, who is the Mrs, L. Kirby, bridal consul ant of associate professor of English at the following ROTC promotions. Howie Shores Reg-ional Vice-President. AI! of the Hochschild Kohn and Co. will be the Johns Hopkins Univcrsity~ Dr. Fagin Those who were promoted to the The Student Christian Association meetings were held at Hartwick Col· guest speaker at the Home Economies will speak on the topic What'8 W/'011i'J rank of cadet sergeant were David L. means brotherhood to Howard Shores, lege, which is situated so as to com- Club meeting on April 26, in IIfc_ With Ow, Theat,.c? Downes, Richarrl I. Hcrsh, and David at present the vice-president of the mand a magnificient view of the land· Daniel Lounge at 8 p. m. Dr. Fagin received his A.B. and A.M. M. Autman. Methodist Student Movement on cam- scape surrounding Oneonta. Tours , All the girls on campus are invited degrees from George Washington Uni- New cadct corporals will be Charles pus. The combination of religious or_ were conducted through the biology to ask questions on problems which versity and a Ph. D. degree from M. Cock, James R. Hayes; William F. ganizations in SCA offers "fellowship rlepartment by the Alpha Omega they have concerning wedding pro- Johns Hopkins University. In 1952 he Muhlenfeld, Michael A. Sava,l'ese; and with one another and with God." Howie Chapter members from Hartwick cedures, different types of dresses, served as visiting lecturer at the Uni- Bruce S. Taylor. feels that the ideal of One Church is Promotions College. and articles which should be included versity of Salzburg in Austria, and clude Richard to private first class in_ E. represented on campus by the SCA. Stanley Bohn, lf elccted, he feels he will be serving E. in the trousseau. On Friday night a banquet was in 1953-54 he was a visiting professor Dennis, George E. Euler, .Ronald I. God; he urged that the election not given to the visiting Tri Beta dele· Argonaut Banquet at the University of Rochester. Glaeser, William B. Holbl'uner, Jr., be considered a popularity contest, but gates. Saturday morning was the time The annual Argonaut banquet will At the present time, Dr. Fagin is John H. Hort, Gene A. Jenkins, James the election of a leader on ~ampus in scheduled for the presentation of be held on April 25, in St. Paul's associate professor of English and B. Lackey, Lee L. Lockman, Robert a "spiritual office". In closing he re_ papers. A sex reversal in fish, the ef_ Evangelical Reformed Church at 6 director of the Johns Hopkins Uni- A. McCormick, Jamcs E. May, Marc ferred to one of the stained-glass win- fect of thyroxin on chick embroyos, p. m. All students with a scholastic verity Playhouse. He is a member of J. Meyers, C. Wray Mowbray Jr., dows in the chapel, "Christ Knocking induced mutations of bacteria, and a average of 2,1 or higher will be in- the Board of Directors of the Ameri- Coleman I. Paul, William J. Spaar, at the Door", and reflected that just degeneration of kidney tissues in fish vited. can National Theatre Association, Geol'gc S. Trotter, Peter R. Urquhart, as Christ is the door by which we wcre the subjccts included in the vari- The present senior associate mem- former president of the Middle Atlan- Fred W. Walker, and Josef W. Wilke. gain eternal life, so the SCA leaders ous papers. Afterwards,~Dr. James bers who will be graduated with honors tic Collegc Engli!lh Association, and Annual government inspection is would be the door by which the campus Buz7.ard, a Norwich biochemist, spoke will be inducted into the fellowship of Director of tbe Edgar Allan Poe scheduled for April 19. The Second would gain religious unity and to the conventio.n delegates. the society. The speaker for the even_ Society of Baltimore. Army Inspection Team will attend brotherhood. illg will be Dr. Richard Weight, who is Dr. Fagin is also an auth9r of note, ROTC classes and inspect the whole Stan Bice assured those present Following a runcheon in The Com. o.n the staff of St. John's College in having written The Hi8tl'ionic M~·. dcpartment. mons Room the Northeast Convention Annapolis, He will speak on a phase of Joe and John Bartl·am. He is now tion and a There will be an inspec_ that his whole heart would be in the of review at drill and work if he were elected president of Tri Beta was brought to a close. the Far Eastern situation. writing a book on Dotiestivesky. assembly in the morning. (Continucd 011 Pag.v 4, Colu7nn 3)
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