Page 43 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 43
The Gold Bug, March 22, 1955 3 B_aseball Begins Firs t Da,Y Of Apri I Trackmen Train For Opener: Preachers Continue; Open With Hamden-Sydney And now its baseball's turn. A bright new season will get underway on Improvement Over Last Year Dominate League April first and prospects with a burst or-success. Thus far the campus hasn't Mary- picture at Western are good that the sports land may be completed Honors in the Intra-mural league had too much to wave banners about on the sports scene, but with baseball With the first meet less than two weeks, the track team has been doing definately go to the undefeated team comes an opportunity to reverse the pattern. some hard work afield. Coach Harlow has been putting the team through a of the Preachers' this year.' It has One asseat to the team will be in its coach. Jim Boyer will begin his sixth series of sprints and pacings in order to get them ready for the Gettysburg strictly been them all the way and season here as coach. Mr. Boyer has meet on Aprill. even though they have a few games certainly proven his ability in pro- un- I NevertheLES I The team this year seems to be much stronger than it was last year. Of yet to play it seems definite that ducing winning teams and is Whipping course, it is much too early to tell, they will continue to hold their another strong competitor into line but the boys are expected to put in a blemished streak. The squad has com- by Lee Werner this year. very top performance. Last year's Sigmas Triumph; piled a 11 win, no loss record. Six graduation did not hurt the team to have come in the Frat league the Spring made its official debut yes- VarSity Members Return a great extent and with the addition others against the additional teams \ terday, and according to WMC's Sport Thc team will be greatly strengthen, of a very promising number of fresh- Take Hoop Title involved in this year's competition. Calendar, two of our teams will open ed by the return of many of 1I1styear's' men the material for a great season Directly behind the Preachers are t.heir seasons within the next week varisity members, plus the needed is there. . The Sigmas proved to be too much the Bachelors, who show 9 wins and and a half. depth of the team coming from new Freshman, John Hort is expected for the other teams in the Sorority 4 losses. They also have number two Weather conditions have somewhat freshmen additions. A few players to be one of the maingoes for the league as they went undefeated in spot in the Frat group although play, hampered the daily practice sessions, have been shifted around though and Terrors. John has run some excellent the tournament. In a series of three ing even .500 ball with three and but this is nothing new to Terror a brief rundown of the positions will times and if he continues at his consecutive victories the leaders three. • coaches, who face this problem every bring these alterations to light. present pace should be a winner in dropped the Ictea 44-15, the Phi The season enters its final week of year. Beginning with the pitching staff the quarter or half mile. Also in one Alphs 61-41, and slaughtered the ,play with little chance for alterations Jim Boyer seems to be pleased with we find two returnees among the of these two events will be Bob Butler Delta 59-17. in the Frat standings. Most of the- the squad he has this year, and why starting hurlers. Bill Clem, noted right who, as most of you will remember, Taylor lead the Sigmas in their games will be make-up contests with s~ouldn't he. be? ~ith the exception of bander who turned in a 6-1 record turned in a fine job with last years's first victory over the Iotea hooping the outside teams. Wednesday night one man, DIck Linton, who graduated last year, will once more be toeing team. 18 points. Baum followed with 11. the league leading Preachers will last June, Jim has the same team, the rubber. Walt Sanders, ranking The pole vault also has found some The losers were paced with Holt's 7. meet the Seminary team, who holds that just missed winning a conference directly behind Clem last year with added depth. Along with last year's Pock and Rill collected 4 counters down the cellar slot, at 7: 00. title last year. 4-2, will provide the southpaw talent. valuter, Tom Eng lar-, two freshmen each for the Iotes. With a 17-9 lead The Bachelor's Rauch is still lead- With several new additions, talent is The aiding of these two starters when are now trying for the ranks. Jim at half-time it was easy for the win, ing the league in scoring. He has now all over the diamond, especially in the they get in trouble is once more to be Hendrickson and Jim Shugars are net-s to coast to victory. raised his season's total to 181. Fol- outfield where at least nine hopefuls handled by Andy Tafuri and John presently accompanying Tom on his In the next contest Baum shone lowing closely behind him is Snyder are vying for the three positions. The ~auffman. Boyer feels that Kauff- trips over the bar. Both boys show brightly and collected 31. Pennypack- of the Black and Whites, who has question is, who gets the jobs? The man's trouble with wildness is being promise and should later if not at er supplied the greatest scoring ef- racked up 169. Urkhart for Scratch's next few weeks sho'uld give Jim a overcome and looks for him to turn the beginning of the season, help to fort for the Phi Alphs, but was still Batch falls into the third spot with few answers anyway. ' in a good year. bring in points. held to 14. _It was another case of an 154. Other leaders are Phipps of the If Coach Boyer has any prob- A number of field men are also early half time lead holding up, the Preachers totaling 127, Etzler for lems, they can probably be con- Catching Material available for those much needed points. Sigmas lead 31-18 at the mid mark. the Gamma Bet's and Sansone of the fined to the pitching staff. Of the Following the moundmen let's next Bill Spaar, Jim Hayes, Ray Crawford, The final encounter once more saw Rebels are tied each having 117. An half dozen or so hurlers out for look over the catching material. Back and Hugh Correl are supplying the another top .scorer, this time in the interesting thing about Sansone is the team, only Bill Clem and Walt for another year of. tough work is competition for us among the shot person of Weber, who racked up 22 that he has played in just seven Sanders are regular starters. Charley white, Charley has proven to put and discuss hurlers. Jim May and counters. Angell collected a total of games, four less than Etzler and the John Kaufman appears as a good be the most consistant hitter on the Gene Jenkins are high jumping while 14 for the Delts. other leaders. Ireland is high for tlie prospect to fill team and last year was second in Larry Hall is preparing for the Vets, having dumped in 66 counters this vacancy in RBI's. The entire burden of backstop position of broad jumper. In the field on the year. the mound falls on him this year but due to past of distance runners the team is very staff. He has _performance it's certain he'll come strong with Dale Wood and Les Wer- Fresh! League Standings been showing through in his usual manner. ner carrying the burdens. These vet, POPCORN W fairly good , From catcher to infield for a quick erans promise to bring home many a CARAMEL CORN Preachers. 11 form and wiII glance at whose on first, what's on victory as they use their past experi- Bachelors probably get second etc. Brad J ones, the type of ence. PEANUTS Rebels ._ 6~ the nod from ball player who has become noted for The sprints and hurlers are ably HOME·MADE CANDY Black & Whites 6 Coach Boyer to the long ball, will this year shift manned by Chuck Smith. Lynn Mayer Salted Nuts and Home-Made 4 take a starting role. from the outfield to first base. Brad's has also been working out with Chuck Mints To Order for Parties Gamma Bets With all this talent the Terror only improvement need come on de- on the sprints. Charley Clarks prom- Scratch's Batch _._ nine should have one of its best fensive work, but his record of bust- ises to certainly lead his field in the THE TREAT SHOP Seminary _ 10 seasons and might capture that ing up games over shadows this. At 220. Brant Vitek and Dick Holbrunner Frat Standings title they just missed last year. second base we find a rotation of will fill in some valuable gaps in the opp. Carroll Theatre W L Also opening, Its schedule on players. When Clem pitches Moylan running events. Preachers the same day as the baseball will cover the midway point of the Bachelors team is Coach Harlow's track base pads and when Clem isn't hurling Black & Whites .. squad. it's his spot. Clem's strength at bat Gamma Bets .. In the issue of the GOLD BUG demands his playing as much as which appeared on February possible. 22nd, I made a statement con- Third base duties center around Phil France produced 60 million tons of cerning the track team which Jackson. Phil's early appearance has coal in 1953. The same amount is pro- was born of enthusiasm rather' been up to par and he looks for a duced in the United States in two than of fact. Fact shows that the better season than last. Denny Harmon months. thinclads are much improved will hold down shortstop and supply over last year and should make good defensive material for the holes a much better showing 'than last oj the infield. season. Wilson's Resturant Though the facts don't show Freshmen Hopefuls them to be the team I predicted Among the freshman hopefuls are Sub's they would be, I still feel that Lockman and Lambert. Lockman may this year's squad will be a good possess some unknown qualities along Pizza Pie one. with Lambert but in the opening drills The '55 Golf team races a big re- they were both rather questionable. Sandwiches building problem. Only Jim Marshall, If they should come through it will Dick Hill, and Ted Klenski remain as add much needed bench support to the Over reminents of last year's fine squad. pitching staff. The Hill Gone are the men who played in the Shifting now to the outfield Hirch, number one and number two positlons. Miller and Savar-is are the first choice Also missing is Dick Carvel who play- for the pasture positions. Each of ed in several positions. the above are looking exceptionally I have been informed that the golf good in pre-season work outs. Miller team will hold a meeting t.his 'I'hurs- is the squad's longest ball hitter and Stationery day for all new candidates. If anyone is potentially the best looking man out. and is interested in this sport, here's your Rauch will share the duties with Hirsh chance to show your talent, Greeting Cards Prof. Hurt held a meeting for his throughout the year. Rauch has also hit very well thus far. racquet squad last week and had a Boyer praised Lou Fogler very at good turn out, Back again for another highly and felt he was the key man season are Henry Taitt, P. G. CmFMAN prospect Al Bopst. Probably Ray Davis, on the team. Lou can play any posi- the hottest and and tion and play it well. Tankersly on this years team is fresh- are two additional Times Bldg.\ man Ray Mowbray. Ray hails from Coullihan the outfield and catching assets re- playing the shore and can swing a mean spectively. racquet. The opening game is an away game with Hampden-Sydney. But let's not "Westminster is the County seat, wait until Thursday the fourteenth 'of BENNY'S is the Place to Eat" G.C. Murphy & Co. April, when we play our first game at home with Gettysburg, to get be- hind the team. The material is there The Friendly Store for an even better season than last. After all we only coped second place Dormitory and Clanroom in the Mason-Dixon Conference last Supplies year, this time we're shooting for the top. .OntfD UNDER AUTHORITYOF nlE COCA·COLA COMPANY BV 6-10 ~est Main Street Agriculture in Britain requires a- WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Weahninster, Md. "A distinctive restaurant" bout 48 million acres of the total of -Cou"hore"llIeredtrade·mClrk. about 60 million acres of land area.
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