Page 23 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Dec. 7, 1954 Terror Matmen Set For 54-55 I NevertheLES I Green Terror Cagers Open Season; Good Year Foreseen w-n .• ;.::,:':,::'::::th., rn eana Campaign Against Catholic U. "Certainly as good as last year's squad, and perhaps even better." snow, vacation, lind basketball. So This is the description given to this season's wrestling team by let's look at basketball first. Coach Bruce Ferguson 'has announced a twenty game schedule for the varsity basketball squad, commencing December 6. On that coach Victor Makovitch. Makovitch, in his freshman year as WMC fans will be seeing quite date the Green Terrors will journey to Catholic University in the varsity mat coach, will put predominantly veteran team in the a few Hew faces on this year's lid-opener for both clubs. Western Maryland has scheduled three squared circle during this winter. varsity squad. Graduation and games before the Christmas recess, the second at Hampden-Sydney, Heading the list of returnees is heavyweight Ed Heflin, last marks have dealt a low blow and year's student-coach in the absence of a qualified mentor. Other have caused Coach Ferguson to in Farmville, Virginia. It is interesting to note that the first five veterans counted heavily on are turn to the freshmen in order to games are all to be played on foreign courts. The first home game Tom Englar, Andy Tafuri, Brant rebuild his team. will be played on January 12. A new rule goes into effect on Vitek, Darryl Martis and Earl Intra-Mural League the collegiate courts this season. WAA Fall Party AI Bopat, lanky center, is being Finley. Added to this imposing counted on to carry a large share list is a fine group of newcomers, It concerns foul shooting. Last of the scoring load again this who, though short on experience, are Starts December 13 year we had the one-and-one Again Successful year, picking up where he left off at long on ability. rule. When a player got one foul the end of last season. Other returnees Seven Games Slated December 13 will mark the initial shot and missed it, he got a11- The WAA Board announced the A seven game schedule has been contest of this year-s Intramural other. This year if he misses honorary hockey team at its Fall carded for the mat men, plus any in- Basketball League. As in the past, that's it. But if he makes it he Party on November 22nd. The mem- vitatdons to tournaments lhey might each -ot the four fraternities will be gets another shot as a bonus. bel's were selected on the basis of receive. Practices are now going on represented, as will teams formed in- Personally, J think this is a great skill, participation, and good sports- under a section of Albert Norman dependently. The latter includes The improvement which will bring manship. The hockey team includes Ward Hall. They are conducted daily Rebels, Veterans, Scratch's Batch, about concentration on the lowly center, Mary Jane Dnvison, right from 3:00 to 5:00 p.rn. This year, fol' and Seminary. foul shot. inner, Joy Nuttall; left inner, Ardella the first time in history, the team has Those sle,epy-eyed males Campbell; l'ight wing, Lillian Fowler; been able t9 have a practice room of One Game Per Night ;~:~~:::~:1e:;~i,~~'(~h:r.:~;~:~~:~:?::~,;:~~r:;::::::;f£:~S their OWI1. There will be one game played each The first several weeks have been night except those evenings on which devoted to the drilling the squad mem, the varsity plays. On those occasions, bes-s in fundementals. Reports have it the games will be played promptly at mi~~i::et';;:ir \~~~e~to~~;;: a~t:r~ Tomlinson; right fullback, Mary that the groaners are shaping up into 4 p.m. Each team in the eight-club noon ever since Ellen We~el'; left ~ul1back, Sue David- a fine team. circuit will meet each other twice be- th t d son; goalie, Jo Stehler; three alter- Mainstays Return fore the regular season is completed. gr:a:!~: t:k ~nates, Jean Cline, Anna Jar-rell, and It is to be remembered that the over the base- Sue ?orby. . SPO!·t,while classified as a minor one Clem Heads Project ment for their Wilma Robertson was appointed by in the college curriculum, deserves the Allcollege men except those on the trayit;tlcing'ellsgYmm..~~:s:o::! ~:~:r~:~l~~;~eFreshman attention of the reus. Last year's var-sit.y, or junior varsity basketball team placed high in the annual Mason, squads are eligible to play in the he's got about Awards Presented Dixon Tournament, Ed Heflin, Tom league, according to Bill Clem, who is fifteen men in The presentation of awards at the Al Bopst Englar, Andy Tnfur-i and Brant Vitek responsible for the entire project. training and Fall Party included twenty-seven expected to help bolster the starting all winning points. Since this quartet The top frat at the end of the reg- expects to have a fairly good freshmen gil'ls receiving their '58 quintet are Char-lie White, John Kauff- is huck intaek with an additional veer of experience under their belts, ularseason will receive five points to- le~:! ~~;~a~~~!ibasketball program ;~7.:~·~ir~~rr!:~:~~i~;~i:nu~l:r:~sc:e:d man. and Har-ryTull. Many promising prospects for the future seem much ~~:r~l'!:la~r~~~~'!~I~C~b~:~:::.g will SOOIIbe under way. I hesitate to WM's were awarded to seven girls in- ~:::~me;i'veaIOt~~s w~:~r::tver:~e:uo~~~ bl'ighter. The Tenors journey to Towson Comp,t,'timlo Keener ~::~eSh::~d Pg~e!;~~:~,:~\;~ t~o:w~~~~ eluding Marilyn McLennan, Kate Ser· backing. Better Season Expected State Teachers College for theil' first It is believed that due to the large ~:I~Si~;e~~~~e~sIO:~:~I:i~~ a:~:h:e:~ vice, Dot Wade, Mary Warren, Jean Despite last season's lowly 4-17 re- Cline, Joy Nuttall, and Mary Ellen match on December 15. Of the seven :~17~:~~~:;ti~::n!~e c~:f:et;ti:~ to beat. Weber. Betsy Bowen and Jo Taylor .cord, the prospects appear brighter ~r:~~;~~:~f~n!o~:J\:;:. to be at play even higher than in the past. I see where lhe girls bad.hinton receiv,edp::~ ::'~yed By All ~O~;.glt;S50~,5~~~I~Sl;~~e~~h t~:a;l~;~~e~ :::i:~si':n:I~fO:~ ;~.::' I~:dh!:i~nf:~! The Fall party was a success and helm of the Green and Gold cagers, Baugher's Restaurant i:: c~~:~sm!~:. !~mh:~~n~rj:g m~!:: ~::m~:~e~v~~n:nUj:~:bl:Yfo~h:ll,b~~~J~ ~'~~lm;,~:~a~l;c~:P!~:~ ::!~e~l~~a:~!~~ k ~::~i~tt:7rJ~~u~:~s t:~:;~:Ue;~'Pi~~O:~ :~zeRf:~~:~:::I~::;n~'~~I:"::st\;i:~t: ~.e~~110Wingis the complete basket- JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Interesting Sidelights: in the games. ~:!~m::~1edUlefor 1954-1955: FOR A MEAL OR SNACK The basketball team will play The b~dminton toUl'llament is neal' If Ou/holi(! U ~~~~on~even home games this ~~:i~~~iO:l';sutRllth;irl~na;:ag:l~y Jo~~' JIJ."~rv f.nb,:~~~n·$:;:!~U Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Catholic U. edged out the their matches as soon as possible. The ! f;~~~~~~rf"o. I The "basketball spirit" has been Jo'''b~''rVIl'a#hinV/G'' c. OPEN EVERY DAY t~r:;~i1;~~g~t!~~t~~~!p~~-:r~ f~::~:a~~~:s ~~~ilbe8~~~p~!t:~~ht so H t7~aj[IJ.~" b====================" ~ :~.::ti~7n:heth~~;I·I;~~~P: !~~f!~; !~:lri~~::1u. shots. Mary ,Ellen Weber must be aim- :g ~~,,!tl/-::pn;.':f,~ l.j H~I(im""'. U. 11 I'0II01" Galhul ..1 • 11$ ~l CathQlic U. Rasinsky's Pharmacy .,,,:! ~:;;.:.:""". "Reliable Prescriptions" ========== ... the leueu etert. Then from ing for perfection of her long shots all Qver tbe free world come lucb Drugs and Everyday Needs this season, practicing every after- fommentl a8 these from readers noon. of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 30 W. Main St. MONITOR, an international daily The Class cup, awanled to the class neW5paper: Westminster Md. with the most points based on partici- "The Monitor iJ mtul read- pation e.nd wins in all SP01'ts was ins Jor strGighNhinking Phone 101 awarded to both the sophomore and people .... " senior Class for 1953-54 by Miss '" returned 10 Jchool ofler·(J Parker. l"p~e oj 18 yeGrs. I willS!!' my degree from the college. bUI my eduCtllion comel from the Monitqr ..• :' COME TO Stationery "The Monitor givu m" idetu lor my IfJOrk... :' and "/ IrulY"enjoy it! com· DUTTERER'S Greeting Cards You, too, will lind the Monitor 114 Pennsylvania Ave. informative. witb ~omplele world Westminster 350 at ne"'I. You will discover a con. ~!ru~tivevi~wpoinl in every new. .Iory. FOR THE FINEST P. G. COFFMAN U.e the foupon below for a lpe- dal Introductory lub!criplion _ IN CORSAGES AND Times Bldg. 3 monlh. for only $3. FLOWERS T~·Ch'l.II •• S,j .. ,. Mo_j,•• On•. S..... , 51•• 0••1•• IS.M..... \I.S.A... ~~;:.r::T~::£h~~·I~if."'S"."Io~"M:~i::~ RONNIE JONES 103 Old Ward CAMPUS AGENT J_ WM_ HULL, Jewel., FOI'The For Over Halt Century Modern G. I. Laundry Expert Watch. Jewelry and Eye-Glass Repairing 223 E. Green Sf. Westminster 1478 toTTlED UNCU "'UTHORITYOf TH~ COC...·COLA COM~"'NY IV An Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. 105 W. Main Street is Guaranteed
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