Page 22 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 22
The Gold Bug, Dec. 7, 1954 Vi.ewJ,~- d ...lUt"" ....... .... for. ""hea1'll of penin."l. ",,11.1 Kore.! "Pollc. Action". Ii you call follow the genelogy, observe that th.y named II. It .... n·1 a w.... Or "' •• II! Santa Claus is derived from archaic German Christml;ls 1954, The bells ring out. The people proclaim, "Peace on earth, good will to- Sankt Nic'laus, who is actually Saint Nicholas, wards men." And yet the sirens screech in prac- a Greek who lived about sixteen hundred years air raids. Young men are continually draft. ago. Saint Nicholas, it seems, as a child was a ed in the armed forces. Russian planes fire on very wealthy little boy indeed. He lived with a American planes. capitalistic family~of Patara, in Asia Minor. Over 19 centuries ago the refrain, "Peace on Active in Church earth, good will towards men," was heard for Singularly enough, he was extremely active the first time. A shining star marked the stable in the church, and was anxious to devote his where a new born Babe lay in a lowly manger. life to the work of the Lord. Thus it came that It was for peace this Babe was born. he was sent to the home of his uncle, Bishop Through the centuries man has been re- Nicholas of Patura, under whose loving care he peating the words of the angles. was instructed in all the wisdom of the church Words! Is that all they've become- as known in that day. words? "Yeur son still in college, Sam?" It cccprred that during this period it came to This Christmas take a few moments and with the knowledge of Nicholas that a good and buwed head slowly repeat, "Peace on earth, learned man who at one time had been quite good will towards men". Then allk God to make wealthy now was in very sad straits indeed. His your words a reality. Yuletide Leave Brings Mass Exodus three small daughters were starving, and he was not doing a bad job of it himself. Nicholas, Will This Work 7 touched by the misfortune of this man, resolved to help him. Some students are tired of being shoved To Holiday Atmosphere Of Home Story Became Legend around, squeezed and nearly trampled upon in He gathered together several purses of gold, the mad stampede into the dining hall each The exodus of a student body at Christmas sented with a preponderance of socks, ties, and and 011 successive months he left them in the mealtime. (Aren't we alI?) time is rivaled in speed only by that at the end handkerchiefs. These thoughtful gifts are mnch bedroom of the children during the night. At Recently a group discussing this problem of the year. However, one must keep in mind appreciated, but one is tempted to tactfully last, he was discovered, but the grateful recip- analysed the situation and proposed a solution that the Christmas Holidays do not begin with suggest that one could do with a pair of pants ient agreed to .honor Nicholas's request that his which we feel is workable. the departure to alien fields, but on the contrary and a shirt, as it gets cold at Western Mary- identity never become known. Such was not to d,J;~~d.n:::n t~~t~~~lain·d8t~d:.t.oBt.::.!I~~'l'o~~t~ :;~o':.~ as early as several days before. These days, to land in the winter, Someone could at least eon- be the case, however, for the three daughters soon let the cat out of the bag. After that, when- E:~into''';~~· t~~~ePb=~~~:..:m~!n~"'~.:~~n;~c!~!'snl~I.1; be sure, are of necessity characterized by classes tribute a pocket flask for the purpose of pro- ever an act of good will was done, townspeople and not infrequent tests, but evenings are rre- viding a little self-kindled inner fire between The group suggested a system of reserved, not quently spent at any of. several noteworthy chapel services. Yet all in all, the gifts are much would say, "This is the work of Saint Nicholas!" grew throughout and the world The story assigned, tables in solution of the problem. 1t bordellos in the environs of Westminster. These to be appreciated since mother and fatljer have Saint Nicholas became a legend. He is our mod- would work this way: affairs, it must be pointed out, are entirely in thrown in a bathrobe and several suits of under- ern day Santa Claus, and as can readily be A group of students may sign up for keeping with the Christmas spirit of "eat, drink, wear. These will do nicely for erter-boura any table in the dining hall. That table and be merry, for tomorrow examinations be- tete-a-fetes in the dorm. seen, he is a very real one indeed. would then be reserved solely for those gin." Comes New Year's in all The Christmas Story students who wish to sit there. For stu- Such illustrious landmarks as the Town But stilI a week remains. This is a week of dents who do not wish to conform to House, Shipley's Cafe, and a scenic rendezvous visitations to relatives who are scattered the plan and rather scramble for their located at the end of Main Street commonly manner of inaccessible places. One feels a triHe . . . And th.ere Wlwe in the sa'IJte eounh-y seats a section of unreserved tables will known as The Gardens have for years catered awkward when it comes to approaching a distant ahepMl'ds abiding in tho field, keeping watch be set np. It's as simple as that! to college men in quest of a little Yultide good cousin seen only twice previously in the last over th8'ir flock by night. There are many obvious advantages to the cheer. (For doubters and skeptics, let it here ten years, especially when he presents you with And la, the qmgel of ths Lord eamw upon them, adoption of such a course. The first, and fore- be pointed out that Yuletide good cheer is ayail. an electric razor and you present him with a and the glory of the Lord shone rott'nd abol~t most being that there will be no need for th~ able in both cans and botties, in quanities of package of razor blades and a bar of shaving them: and ~hey were sore afmid. headlong mass shove into the dining hall. twelve oz. and quarts, sold over the bar or in soap. Yet he realizes that you are a college man And the angel said unto them, Fear not: [or, Second, it would eliminate the long long wait convenient car-ry-home cartons of stx.) It may and that all your assets are tied up in unre- behold, 1 bring you good Udings of great jo'1/, before the dining hall doors are opened. Stu- be said that in some instances, Yuletide good funded deposits on beer bottles. He understands 'whick 8hall be to all people. dents, assured of a seat, could set out for cheer is available in such quantity to certain to that you will come through with a shaving For unl.o you is born this day in th6 city of that one is inclined fortunate individuals Science Hall when the five minute bell rings at remain in Westminster, rather than travel brush at such time as you become sufficiently David a. Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. mealtime, instead of 15 to 20 minutes earlier in well-heeled. And thi8 8hall be a aign -ouo yOl~; Ye 8hall order to be first in line to get "our" table. hundreds of miles merely to sample some of the And so it goes through the week, up until find the wra.pped in 8·waddling clothes, Third, a more accurate count could be taken h_?me-grown variety. New Years Eve. This is a time of great celebra- lying in a ·m.(M~ge,·. by the dining hall staff since the students Home Sweet Home I tion, although no one ever seems to know ex· Ami suddenly the?'e waa with the angel a would all have definite places. If it becomes But tc those who reluctantly leave, there is actiy why. The point is that everyone does, at 1II1tUitude of the heavenly host praising God, and necessary to close several of the larger tables some consolation. At home they will be able to least to the extent of drinking a toast to t,he flaying, because of a weekend exodus of students, the meet their parents, who will badger them about r'elevision set in the living room. The more haxdy Gwry to God in the highe8t, and. Ott cal·th remaining students at these tables could be tne quality of their marks and inform them that congregate at mammoth parties, frequently held peM8, good'wtil towal'd men. shifted to smaller reserved tables during that they are spending money at- a rate approxi· in hotels, night clubs, ball rooms, and private And it came to pallS, £l.e the angels wer8 gonc time. A notice of such a change, which would mately twice as fast as it can be made. At homes. These amount to a great hodgepodge of away /1'Ot)~ them into heaven, the 8heph6'rds 8aid rarely occur during the week, could be tacked confetti, shouting, and alcohol, and all succeed one to anotluw, Let 1~8 It.ow go even ttnto Beth· on the bulletin board in Science Hall. ~:7:fi~:~i;~n~e;:i~~~e~:~s;h~r~~;:c~~: ~~~ in getting soundly enebriated by the end of the lche1l!., and Bce this thing which i8 come to pMS, Fourth. because of a more accurate count, be in the company of long lost l'elatives who, old lear. The irony of this is that no one ever which the Lord hath ?lWde k1WW)~ 1{.nto us. the amql1nt of food needed in the dining hall if of the younger variety, will climb all over seems to remember the beginning of the new And they came with hMte, and fowld Mary, could be more nearly computed, eliminating him and generally make themselves obnoxious, one, which is why everybody came to the party and Joseph, atul the babe lying itt a manger. much waste both of the food and the student's or if of the older variety will insist on showing in the first place. -ST. LUKE, CHAP.2:8-16 muney which is used to pay for the food. him off to all and sundry as "my fine son" who And The Return the Letters ... ",~~:Afn;':I>H~~i.~r:ri$ t~'i::!.,r .dvanlag ..... There Brc is making himself a name at Western Mary_ At last, the return to the campus. Heavily The adoption' of such a plan needs t11e sup. land. Of course, this latter is quite complimen. laden with socks, ties, and handkerchiefs, jJOJ·tof every student in favo\' of it. tary and is entirely acceptable, except for the heroes inevitably return. The dismal prospect Think about it. Talk about it. Then do fact that he who is told of such prowess knows of semester examinations loom up in the dis· to the Editor something about it. very well that "my fine son" is rather failing tance, and the sight of textbooks brhigs a nau- See your SGA representative and ask him to every other subject and drinking himself out of seous sensation in the stomach. The tumult and Editor:. , The other mght four men were conVlcted by bl'ing it up in a meeting. school. being what they may, the the shouting dead, and the long stsetch to Spring the power that be of being drunk on campus. The!e preliminaries [~~~~~\~?~~~{~:~j~~~~~{,~~~~&:~~~~i when the vote was counted they wl!re Vacation just beginning, there is little to look true )'eward awaits on Christmas This case was bl'ought before the Men's Council at morning, forward to. If someone should ask, "How was and which time the college man finds himself pre- your holiday," it is not hard to reply, "Great". ~ampused. sensational. Any
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