Page 21 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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l3;-::r,~l3;-~;iJll%'%-'1'('. New lear I i 3llappy Vol. 32, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 7, 1954 WMC To Receive GammaBetsPlan Statues Highlight Trumpeters Sponsor Banquet; $91,400 Fund Yuletide Dance Vesper Service SCA Schedules Communion Western Maryland College has been For the past month, the Gamma The annual Christmas vesper servo declared beneficiar-y of estates total- Bets have been sllOving a sinister snow ice will be held December 12, at -1:30 The traditional Christmas banquet, sponsored annually by the ing $91,400 to be used in a scholarship balI closer to the quivering doors of in Alumni Hall. The pageant is pre- Trumpeters, will he held Wednesday, December 15, at the regular fund. Gill Gymnasium. By the time its bulk sented jointly by the Department of dinner hour. Following this, the S.C.A. will present a Candlelight Judge Het-man M. Mos!'!!"ruled that has been pushed through every avail- Dramatic Art and the Department of Communion Service in Baker Chapel at 7 :45. the estates should be presented to the able opening of that brick building, Music. 'l'he theme of the banquet this year will be Silver Bells, and the college after a legal suit was, brought all clock radios should }'egister: "Sat- The pageant, under the direction of dining hall will be decorated in red, green, and silver. Even the 10 court concerning the wills of J ames urday, December 11, 8:30 p.m." Miss Esther Smith, has as its theme menus will have silver bella on them. H. Gaither and his wife All's. Eleanor Collector's Items "0 Come Let Us Adore Him", and Mr. Rice, the steward, is planning the menu which will in. B. Gaither. However, these last few days have consists of a series of statues portray- elude turkey and all the trim- The couple was found dead last yeai- made it rather tough on the 'straining ing scenes based on the scripture. The Little Symphony mings. Mince pie, and mints and in their- Baltimore home. Evidence muscles. In its cross-country trip, the series are; The Annunciation, to "There nuts will finish off the meal. was Room", No "Glory God", showed that Mr. Gaither shot-his wife freeaing sphere has wrapped -up col. Herod and the Magi, and The Adora- The Trumpeters, an honor society and then committed suicide. lector's items in the layers of its To Give Concert of outstanding senior women, is com- interior. First there was a pile of red posed this year of Gloria Bunting, ~lemorilll Seholarshjp and blue involving Hugb Howell, gen- The Little College Symphony 01'- Harriet Cooley, and Millie Eckardt. AIter much interpretation of their eral chairman, pinned to a background These girls, and their adviser, Dr. will give its first wills Judge Moser ruled that both of fireplace and stockings carefully it.~~:::i;'~'~he:stra n, the year at 11:30 on January concert of Isabel Isanople, have charge of all the 17, in wills would provide various amounts hung; Bob Crush and rolls of blue and ~ mni Hall. The orchestra, playing a dinner arrangements, including the for relatives and friends and the bulk white decorations; Jim Mo inger laf selection of classical numbers decorations, menus, and entertain- of each estate should go to the college swimming in frozen refr und . the supervision of Mr. Royer, ment. Theil' banquet offers the only as a scholarship known as the Eleanor Bill Tribby in newspl'inttl"" __ "'; will I' conducted by twelve students. opportunity for the students to cele- B. Gaither Memorial Scholarship. The tisement ; Henry Taitt wi two- ollar esc students, all from MI'. Royer's brate Christmas as a group. scholarship will be named after their tickets and prugra nd a yet-to- ducting clasa, are .Shelley Myers, Waiters to Sing married daughter, the former Eleanor be-swallowed clea p man, Ho conducting "Prelude in E Minor" by An effort is being made to br-ing B. Geizer, who died shortly after her Shores. Bach; Mike Converso, "Processional especially good entertainment this marriage. of Knights cf the Grail" by Bach; year. Mrs. Helen Harbaugh will sing Attorney and chairmen of the col- Meta Justice, IIGopat" by Modest 0, Holy Night, and a quautet. of wait- lege board of tr-ustees, F. Murray Moussorgsky; Ann Summers, "Inter- ers will sing Gloria in Exceli& Deo. Benson represented the college in the lude from 'Sigurd Jorsalfar'" by Using music arranged by Pr-ofesser- COUl·tproceedings. Grieg; Barbetha Goeb, "Traumerei" Alfred deLong and Lea Werner, a by Edward MacDowell; Irma Hol- group of singing waiters will render mann, "March of the Meisteraingera" Winter Wonderland and the thcme 'seA Charts Bazaar by Wagner; Pat Hameraley, "Themes song Silver Bells. Then everyone will rom Piano Concerto No.1" by be asked to join in singing some famil- The SeA will hold its annual World iar carols. shaikowsky; Sue Dorsey, "Emperor The Trumpeters, hope this will be ~~~i~:~y ~:~Yy~c~Vil~;;ea~:ldo~n~:i:~~~ a gala occasion and ask that students Ward Gl'l11 starting at 7:00 p. m. come dressed in their "Sunday Best". The proceeds of the bazaar will be Communion Planned divided. One half of the money will go vice under- After the banquet, the S.C.A. will to the TB center in Athens, Greece; again sponsor the annual Clll'istmas while the other half goes to the Inter, will con'::';'""_iililllln~gr~ t~:L~:I~ Communion Service which is one national Committee for WUS to help lege choir. The program includes: of the high-lights of its program needy Universities and students with Ki1~gBto Thy RiBing-Vlj-n Rensselaer, throughout the year. Many people at- suppllea, equipment, and medical sup- Bethlehem" Let Carol Rhl.g, We Saw tend this service for prayer and com- plies. It will also be used to create Him. Slef;lping, Let Our Gladne88Have munion. It has been well attended in No End, A1l4 The Holly The Ivy, international understanding and for GIOJ'II To That New Born K~?tg,. the past, and it is hoped that Bakel' refugee service. Galician Clvristma.g CaJ'ol 0'11. The Chapel will be filled to capacity. Every organization is urged to have se of the fine The service will begin with the sing_ a booth in the bazaar and should do Fefl8t of the Holy [Gngs and Halle· also beeause of ing of several Christmas carols by the ~o by contacting Paul Galvin, com- luja!! ChoJ·!l8-Handel. ave a chance to church choir, followed by a scripture mittee chairman. J'eading centered around the stor'y of Senior Caroling Set the chr'ist child. The responsive read· Registration For Second Se For Early Morning ing will follow', continued by the telling of a Christmas by Al Hagen. story buch. The service will then be turned Begins Today; Ends On Thurs the Members of the senior class, under over to Dr. Crain who will give the of Jim leadership Whitehurst, president, will go caroling early Fri- sacraments for the communion. He will be assisted by two pre-ministerial day morning. Both the Women's students, Ray Davis and Paul Galvin. Dorms and faculty members' bomes will be serenaded. Ensors Issue Invitations For Faculty Reception Invitations Marshall To Give ulty members have been issued to fac.· to a reception at the home of President and Mrs. Lowell S. Series of Lectures AB8igltf/l.fmt and Progromt 511 Ensor on Thursday from 8 to 11 p.m. the program is completed, two c The Ensors traditionally entertain Dr. Thomas S. Marshall is plan- of tbe Stude'llt Progra'llt Ca1'd are to the faculty at this time of the year. ning a series of lectUl'es, entitled "Four be made, and all cards then taken to Several senior girls will help to serve. Voices of the American Tradition", to the Registrar's Office. these cards be presented in the Davis Library in should be l'eturned as soon as pos- January and February. sible. If they are returned later than French Club Slates The lectures are foul' which Dr. noon on Saturday, December 11, a Bob Crush serves as business Marshall gave last year in Gr'eece late registration fee of $2.00 will be managti'r, with Earle Finley as Traditional Service Ron Wil· manager; while on a Fulbright professorship at charged. advertising Lynda Skinner in and son the University of Athens. The Finl' In ol'der to have your name placed charge of Circulation and Ex- The French Club will present iLa Art.s Committee of the Carroll County on the class r'osters, go to the de- change. Copy editor is Nancy traditional cal'ol service in McDaniel Branch of th,e American Association partments that offer your chosen I College Calendar I Banks; Dot Snider continues as -Lounge, December 13, at 8 p.m. More of University Women the Davis courses. Have scheduled periods typist. Flo Mehl contributed this than eighty voices will participate in Library and the College Library are initialled on the assignment and pro- "rednesday, Dec. 8 issue's cartoon. the singing of familial' Fl'ench carols. sponsoring the JeetUl·es. gram slip at the same time. Cantel'bul'Y Club, McDaniel Lounge, , Monique Toiaude, a student from The first I(:'cture is scheduled for Light. or Heavy Program!! 6:45p.m. ' France, will read the Christmas story January 12 and will be "Ernest Hem- 'Women students wishing to carry Saturday, Dec. 11 from a French Bible. Mr. Philip Royer lllingway-Do\lbt ilnd Belief". Sub· an unusually light or heavy schedule Clll'istmas Dance, Gill Gym, 8:15 Student Schedule. Recital and Stan Greenburg will open the pro· sequent lectures are: "Edgar Allan must see Dean Howery for permis_ p.m. gram with Schubert's Ava Maria. Poe--Syinbol and Reality"; January sion. Men students must see Dean Sunday, Dec. 12 Jean WoottelJ, junior organ student, Ann Marie Summers will direct the 26; "Hermen Melville--The Tran. David. Christmas Play, Alumnj Hall, 4:15 is plamJing a recital to be held in chorus while Fairy Frock accom- scendental Traveler", February 9; and Any stUdent who is uncertain of his _p.m. Alumni Hall in January. The date and panies the carolers on the piano. Also "William Faulkner-Compassion and adviser may obt-ain tt;; information Monda),. DeC'. 13 time will be announced later. included are group arrangements of Jean, under who is studying Mrs. Endurance", February 2? Time for from the Registrar. Frencll Club Play, McDaniel Lounge, Evelyn Hering, will play the following many of the carols. the lectures is 8 p. m. 8:00 p.m. Solists fol' the evening include Bet- A nominal charge is to be made for Friday, Dec. 17 selections: "Prelude, Fugue and ty Ely, Charlotte Ridgely, Agnes the series. Any person desiring to at- Recess begins, !:35 p.m. Chasconne", Buxtehude; "Fugue in G Bean, Joan Luckabaugh, Natalie War· Is Filled tend should register at the Iibl'ary or !'Ilonday, Jan. Club, 10 McDaniel Lounge, Minor", Bach; "My Heart "Rhythmic field, Ray Root, Hugh Howell, David \Vith Longing", French Brahms; Coffman's stol'e before January 9. 7.00 p.m. Trumpet", Bingham; "Sketch in F Balcom, Sandy Roberts and Walter On a date to be announced later the Monday, Jan. 17 Minor", Schumann; "Le Banquet Saundel·s. Meta Justice will sing the Marshalls plan to show colored slides Student Orchestra Concert, Alumni Celeste", Messiaen; and "Le Deum", Cantique de Noel witb the full chorus. the club and Miss Snader sponsors taken durirw; thei1' trip abroad. Hall, 11:15 a.m. Langlais. Larry Crist is president.
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