Page 20 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 20
4 The Gold Bug, Nov. 23, 1954 New Doromitory Shows Marked ·Improvement WMC Riflemen · I' FIrst FI oor N ears' R'd C omp etien I n Due Modern Range apl This just seems to be the year for Construction Of Me!,,' s Structure improvement at Western Maryland. Along wiih the new dormitory, anoth- by Earle Finley er much-needed improvement is un- GOLD BUG New"_~'eaturc Editor derway-a new rifle range. Approximately Ill.! years ago the state legislature in Annapolis The new range, which will r-eplace approved an appropriation .in the state budget of $250,000 to sup- the present range underneath Ying- plement college funds for the construction of a men's new dormitory. ling Gymnasium, will be located in At the time, an equal amount was alloted for Washington the rear and underneath Gill Gym- College in Chestertown, Md. nasium. Construction is well under- Western Maryland's grant came through an amendment ad- way, and Lt. Colonel Speaks hopes the ded to the Governor's Bond Bill by State Senators Frederick C. range will be ready for use by the Malkus of Dorchester County, and Stanford 1. Hoff of Carroll first of the year. County. Big Improvement The Amendment was passed late in the closing session of the Building of the new rifle range came Senate. Senator Malkus is a Democrat from the eastern shore, and about in this way. The college agreed to allow an army reserve unit to meet here on campus provided they would procure government assistance to help renovate the rifle range. Since the present range is in such poor condi- tion, it was decided that a new range would be built. The army appropri- ated $2700 for the construction of the range, and friends of the college do- nated the remainder of the money. Old Dorms Abandoned sheltered from the wind. This will A new rifle range is a facility that Ward Hall and McKinstry Hall will naturally cause the rooms to be warm- lias been badly needed cver since thc be abandoned when the new dormitory er, which will certainly be welcomed first ROTC unit was assigned to is completed. Both of these dormitor- by the occupants of Ward and Me- Wl'l1C. The plans were revised by Lt. ies are in a poor state of repair. In Kinstry Halls. Colonel Speaks for the range. The Ward Hall for instance, such distaste- Parking No Problem new range will be markedly improved ful aspects of living as holes in the The last and important feature of over the present range, which only window screens, insufficient shower the new dormitory is its parking lot. has four firing points. Other draw- and washroom facilities, and a lack of The parking lot which will adjoin the backs of the present range are defec- space plague the residents of this an- dorm will eleviate many of the pres- tive lighting, ineffective armor plat- tiquated structure. ent parking problems. It will allow ing, and faulty target carriers. In McKinstry Hall, which was more parking space in the area Six Firing Points erected in 1907, many of the same around the classrooms for the day stu- The new range will be up-to-date in conditions exist. Plaster cracking on dents and faculty, and providc an- ;:~~~n\;t1~c~!~:t t~fe;~l,\~~~ ~ev:~~i:~ the wall, loose window frames, and an other road into downtown Westmin- inadequate electrical system are some ster without having to go through the stead of four firing points. This wil!' of the faults of this old building. It allow more persons to be firing simul- THE HUGE STEEL boom of the dragline slowly lowers the cement bucket is with no particular feeling of nos- center of the campus. taneously; consequently, shoulder to vuo place. The new dormitory it is hoped will talgia or regret that the occupants of be ready for occupancy by September shoulder matches will be able to be a graduate of WMC. Senator Hoff, who is also a WMC graduate, is these shambled buildings vacate in 1955. It will represent a much-needed fired more rapidly. Secondly, the Iigbt- a Carroll County member of the state's upper house. favor of a more pleasant atmosphere. solution to a problem which has long ing will be modern and more effective, Though receiving most of its money through endowments and Better Conditions troubled the administration, and a which is very important to the marks- tuitions, Western Maryland has been granted funds by the state in The new building not only offers a great improvement in living condi- men. Thirdly, a ready room will be the past. The college library and Science Hall were built partly on remedy to the many problems which tions to the male students at WMC. fully equipped outside the actual state appropriations. were known in Ward Hall and Mc- range, where the guns and cleaning The new dormitory will bear a close resemblance to Albert Who's Who ... equipment will be kept. Norman Ward Hall. The structure will be divided into four sec- ::;,~~Yst~:~:'n:uc~iii!it:~::.o::r~n::~ In every way this 50 foot standard tions with suites in each of the end sections. There will be one csting point to note is that the north- regulation range will be modez-n and major architectural change in that a lounge and reception room westerly wind which sw~eps across. . (C~ntin1ted. from page 1, column~) compare with the best rifle ranges in wiII be located on the ground floor, and centrally situated in the the campus and up ag-ainst. Albert IS vice-president of the Argonauts, the state. building. Norman Ward Hall during the Winter" news editor of the GOLD BUG, class Other changes include painted cinder block walls and asphalt months will not bother the residents secretary, and a member of the Col- tile floor. This is a trend in modern architectural design, which of the new dormitory as they will be lege Players and choir. When con- G.C. Murphy & Co. many schools and colleges have followed in their building programs. sidered for Who's Who Marilyn was A big advantage and safety feature also credited with her activities at here is that this type of construction place. This is a favorable situation for Compliments of MacMurray. There she was a member The Friendly Store makcs the structure completely fire- several reasons. First of all, the men J. R. EVERHART of the student government; house proof. will be closer to the gymnasium, rifle president during her sophomore year, Dormitory and Classroom range, tennis courts, and other ath- COLLEGE BARBER president of Phi Kappa Delta soror- Advantage of Location - Supplie. letic facilities. Secondly, since the At the Forks ity; associated with the college radio An additional advantage of the new Delta Pi Alpha and Gamma Beta Chi station; feature editor for the college dormitory is its location. For the first clubrooms will be moved from their paper; a fre~hman adviser; chairman 6-10 West Main Street time since the completion of Albert present location to the new building, of the Freshman Follies; choir mem- Westminster, Md. Norman Ward Hall, the male students the members will not have so far to COME TO ber; and was listed in American Col- wil' all be located together in one walk to their respective clubrooms. lege Student Leaders in her freshman DUTTERER'S ycar. She and her husband have an 114 Pennsylvania Ave. THE SMALLEST Westminster 350 CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR THE FINEST Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. IN CORSAGES AND AT Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and" p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows FLOWERS Evenings 9 p. m. continuous from 6:45 p. m. Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and JANE'S Holidays Nov. 21-22-23 FOUR GUNS TO THE BORDER Baugher's Restauran1: Nov. 21-22-23 Rory Calhoun CoJeen Miller BRlGADOON Gene Kelly Cyd Charisse JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Cinemascope - 'I'echnlcolor Nov. 24-25 Delicious nOSE MARJE FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Nov. 24-25 Ann Blyth Howard Keel Foods BEAU BRUMMELL Cinemascope - Technicoloi- Elizabeth Taylor Stewart Granger Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Tcchnicolor AT Nov. 26-27 OPEN EVERY DAY Nov. 26-27 KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE TARZAN ESCAPES Robert Taylor Ava Gardner Johnny Wcismuller . Cincmaecope - Technicolor Griffin's 'Maureen O'Sullivan Nov. 28-29-30 , Nov.-28-29 OUTLA W TERRITORY DRAGNET Joanne Dru John Ireland Jack Webb Ann Robinson 'I'echnicolcr I new.poper- Dec.i-2 THE CHRISJIAN SCIENCE MONIIOR. KEEP SMILING "",~If ,,"" Yoo "" OM 0' Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2 MARTIN LUTHER ~ ';':d~r,!~m!~rC::~"fd':~~i~~e~~~~~i%g~7a~~~lt~~fc~m~r~ JULIUS CAESAR Niall MacGinnis James Mason Greer Garson ~::'-£e£~!~~~iE:~:tt~~i~u:!~;~!~$~!n~~e~ak~;~~~ itwiml)Ossible to say, Louis Calhern . Dec. 3-4 -----PB-5 "We did cvel-y~hing PQssible," Dec. 3-4 COWBOY AND THE GIRL ., me The Christian unless Chirop"actic tis included. S.A. DIAL "j\.l" FOR MURDER BOGUS ,,' BANDIT Ray Maland Grace Kelly Compliments of Dec. 5-6-7 Dec. 5-6-7 E. A. Schmall, D. C. ATHENA PRIVATE HELL 36 Jane Powell Debbie Reynolds Ida Lupine Steve Cochran
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