Page 19 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 19
Terrors Beat Johns Hopkins; BasketballSquacl Booters End In Deadlock For FinishSeason With 4-4 Ma.rk s~:~~~:~~~~~~~~"n,MA Title; Tie Johns Hopkins The Green Terrors closed out the 1954 campaign with a 12-7 win whose charges last year lost 17 of over their traditional arch-rivals, Johns Hopkins University. The their 21 contests, is looking to several The Western Maryland soccer team ended in a three-way tie for victory gave Charlie Haven's squad-an overall 4-4 record for the holdovers and a batch of newcomers first place in the Southern Division of the Middle Atlantic league. season. to aid in the rebuilding program Drexel and Washington College share the honor with the Green and Gold team. Dick Hersh and Dick Holbruner scored for the victors, the latter which must follow after the hoopsters' The last game of the season was played at home against Johns winning margin as:the Blue Jays I which I record of last winter. a nucleus around Hopkins. The teams battled to a 2-2 tie with neither eleven able to crashing through the line on a 61 yard TD jaunt in the final period. This six-pointer proved to be the Ferguson has break the deadlock in two over- ~::t!tetl;'e~!~go~~c~::fai~~~NevertheLES Bopst, to {build ~is club in 6'3" the Al time periods. The game scoreless Charley Hockey l:eamSplits man. rangy pivot for the first half. to bolster White will also return drive, cutting the lead to less than a squad, as will John Kauffman and EveniJV's Win1st Except for the tie, Western -touchdown with the conversion. The by Lee Werner Harry Tull. Maryland would have been el- for the Mid- igible to play Haverford Terrors were able to take the kick and GOLD BUG Sports Editor At this point, itis still far too early The varsity hockey team has split dle Atlantic Conference title. hold the ball until time ran out. With the fall sports completed, let's to tell anything about how the squad even in their two games with other Hersh Scores From Four take a 'rundown of Terror achieve- will shape up, but at first glance, the colleges this season, while the junior Hopkins Game Thriller Hersh banged over from the four- ments in the world of sports. loss by graduation of big Arny Need- varsity has won its only game. Tow- The Hopkins game proved to be a yard stripe after Al Miller' had set First, Jet's look at the football leman will leave a huge gap to fill. son downed the varsity November 7 thriller to the end. "Johns Hopkins up the marker by racing 33 yards. situation. Despite a 4-4 record, Another loss will be Jim Whitehurst, by a 3-2 count, while the JV's beat the scored first in the third quarter. Not Both of Dusty Martinell's extra point whose absence will be felt strongly. Teachers by a 2-1 score. WMC evened long after Don Seibel tallied to tie tries-were low. the Terrors proved by their play Basketball Schedule its record November 18 b:r defeating up the game. A Hopkins booter scored that there wasn't a team, with Gettysburg College dumped the the possible exception of Gettys- J)".~"'b~r St. Mary's Juni~ College 7-1. Big gun again in the final quarter to put the Green and Gold by a 27-0 margin the burg, that they shouldn't have 6 Catholio U. in the Green and Gold attack was Blue Jays ahead by a goal. The score week prior to the JHU game. The beaten. 13 16 Hampden_Sydney Mary Jane Davison, who tallied six remained this way until the mildle of Lebanon Valley Bullets were held to a 14-0 lead at January of the seven points. this period when Denny Harmon came halftime, a highly commendable per. Injuries, as I predicted they 5 8 Gettyaburg College. With the completion of the intra- through with a penelty kick resulting Washington formance by any team. An intercepted WOUld,kept WMC from having a 12 14 Loyola U. mural hockey season, we find the from use of hands violation. Two Ameriean pass and a blocked punt handed the better season. MacFague and 18 Mt.. St. Mary'$ Freshman A team on top by virtue of five-minute overtime periods netted home team two scores, -otherwise the Bimestefer, both fine backs, a post-season play-off with the Soph- no results. outcome might have been different. were out for practially the entire Radio waves travel at the speed of omore A team. The winners' final rec- Have 7·2·1 Record Failure to get an attack going cost season. light, or about 186,000 miles per sec- ord was four wins and only one de- The Terror team concluded the sea- the T.etrors this contest, as they netted Look for next year's squad to ond. By comparison, sound waves are feat. son with a 7 win, 2 loss, 1 tie record. only 34 yards for the game. be much improved, stronger on much slower, traveling only about Badminton Tournament Leaders They defeated teams representing Lose Eleven PJayers the line, and faster in the back- 1,000 feet per second. Jay Nuttall, WAA badminton man- Georgetown, Loyola, Catholic U., Western Maryland's record was very field. ager, urges all girls playing in the Franklin-Marshall, Mt. St. Mary's, good considrring the rugged schedule On the intramural front, the heavily tournament to complete their games Gettysburg and Bucknell. They were they had to plow through. An effec- paddel preachers wrested the football fOrabitd because the deadline is November 15 stopped by Washington College and tive offensive attack, or the lack of for the first and second rounds, and Baltimore U. The tie was in the last same caused a lot of trouble, although crown from the batchelors. The ~am- the tournament must be completed game of the season against Johns they were shut out only twice while rna Bets, probably the most improved by December 1. \ Hopkins. holding their opponents scoreless three club in the league, grabed third place The up-to-date. results show Baum Denny Harmon was the main threat times. They lose only elevelli:lPlayers with the Black and Whites taking ofa.trip... leading the Seniors, Artigiani, Davi- of the team. His great play, both fourth. through graduation, retaining the son, and Seihler pacing the Juniors, offensively and defensively, helped to nucleus of what may develop into a Th e soccer and Nuttall, Weber and Cline ahead spark the team. Denny netted Ig of the high-powered football machine in a squad had one of in the Sophomores' race for 'top hen- total number of goals registered by year or two. their best seasons, the Western Maryland. Foll~wing are the complete statistics finishing with a Freshmen Class Divided through the final game: '7-2-1 record. Hen- The Freshmen had to be divided American automobile tires now have ry Taitt, Roy Etz- into two divisions due to the large an average life of about 25,000 miles, In Gen..~al: WMC MI First Downs ler and Al Hagen- number of girls participating in the five times longer than it was 30 year-s 1~~:i:~~:;::i~: buch will be mlss, tournament. Thus far the entire affair ago. 84 P ses Attempted ing from next has been pronounced a success. 27 P Completed year's line-up, but A hockey team, four ping-pong 18 Intercepted by with the return of Denny Harmon and players, four swimmers, officials and 2!~~~r~~;::,~IIUec. Bill Clem, the Green and Gold should spectators will represent WMC at It Pay. To LOOk Well 1333 Pun! Yllrldpo;nu.,,"!o[La>u:.der,P,, Get the Full Facts from Modern G. I. Laundry Your Railroad Ticket Agent Well}n Advance 223 E. 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