Page 17 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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qoUB"9 - NEW DORM Z28. PAGE 4 ------------------------------------- Vol. 32, No, 5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 23, 1954 CivilD.I.ns. Frosh Name Hice '55 Who's Who Includes 11 Senior Leaders SGA DrawsPlans Class President of Chosen For Character, Activities, Potentiality Paul Hice was elected president For Practice Raids the fl"eshm~n class in a class.merting November 17. Other officers are: Eleven seniors have been named to the honor of representing Western Maryland in the an- Caryl Ensor, vice-president; Ray nual publication, Who's Who in Americasi Coueoe». and Universities. They are: Henry Taitt, Har- by Kay Mehl Gold Bug New8 Editor Wright, treasurer; and Lori Jones, riett Cooley, Jim Whitehurst, Alan Hagenbuch, Mildred Eckardt, Edward Smith, Gus LaMar, Dick secretary. Judy Corby and Wray Brenneman, Harold Posey, Gloria Bunting, and Manilyn Rigterink. What would happen to Western Mowbray were chosen as Student The eleven were chosen on the basis of character, scholarship, leadership in extra-curricular Maryland if a surprise air-raid was Government representatives. activities, and potentialities for future usefulness in society. A biographical sketch of each will ap- not just a practice one and enemy Paul, a Baltimorean, is a Southern pear in the national publication and all have access to the organization's placement bureau and may planes were really flying over West- High School graduate. He held many wear the gold key of the society. minster? Would the students and per- high school offices and was chief v Henry Taitt, president of the Student Government Association, is a psyslcs major. He served as sonnel be prepared? judge of the Student Association. He president of his class during his junior year and was vice-president in his freshman and sophomore That's what the Student Govern- plans to major in English. , years. Other activities include four years of soccer and tennis varsity; mem- ment Association has been asking it- Caryl Jives in Westminster and is a ber of Gamma Beta Clli fraternity; and a member of the Social Activities self in its regular Monday meetings graduate of Westminster High School. Musical Notes Committee. Henry is an Easternshoreman, hailing from Cambridge, Md. . and recently the SGA has decided to She was vice president of the National Before her election to the vice-presidency, Harriett Cooley represented take some steps toward preparation Honor Society and of the Girls' Ath- her class on the SGA for three consecutive years. She is a Trumpeter and an for a real air-raid. eletic Board. Royer, Spangler Argonaut with a long list of activities to her credit. Some of them are; An assembly on civil defense is be- A Frederick High School gr-aduate, Social Activities Committ~e;, Freshman Advisory Council (co-chairman, junior ing planned for the near future. Hugh Ray is from Libertytown, Md. DUring year); class teams in hockey, basketball, and volleyball; Sigma Sigma Tau Howell has been placed in charge of his high school days he was secretary Schecu/e Recital member; Future Teachers of America; French Club and Glee Club. Harriett it. Plans are to have a speaker and a of Hi-Y, a boys' club, and treasurer of is from Bel Air, Md. and is a math-educat.ion major. movie. the Future Teachers of America. Philip Royer, violinist, and Oliver Jim Whitehurst, also from Bel Air, is president of the senior class, rising The SGA feels that the question of History is his planned' major. Spangler, pianist, will give a recital" to th t posltl fit e . hi f h SGA tat' civil defense is an important one and L01'i Jones, of Pitman, N. J., grad- that the student would be helping uated from Elgin High School, Elgin, r~~~~4ft~E:l-"" reasurer r ra res man year representaerve himself as well as others by attending IlL She worked as a conffdental this assembly. Henry Taitt, president, secretary in Philadelphia for a year commented that new methods have after graduation and attended night been developed and old ones improved courses at Temple University. Her in the civil defense program. "The major is chemistry. instruction received in high school Judy, an art-education major, is may no longer be adequate in the pres- from Carroll Park, Pa. and attended Taitt Cooley JVhiwhurst ent program," he.said, Lower Merion High School. Wray is Glee Club Slates in his sophomore year and vice-president of the class during his junior year. Thc possibility of shortening fresh- from Cambridge, Md., and plans to He was co-chairman of the Freshman Advisory Council in 1953-54 .. A sports- man rat rules and improving student major in history. Carol Program minded lad, he is on the varsity basketball team, plays intramural football and assemblies have also been topics re- softball and was on the lacrosse team in his sophomore year. He is a member cently discussed in SGA meetings. The Women's Glee Club will pre- of Gamma Beta Chi, Social Activities Committee; Future Teachers of America: At last Monday's meeting it Wag Yearbook Budget sent its Christmas program for the and the College Choir. agreed that freshman rat rules lose American Association of University Al Hagenbuch, destined for the ministry as plans stand, is president of It was decided to send a memo to next 'Tight' Ads Needed Women on their Guest Night, Decem- the Student Christian Association and is District Chairman of the Student their effectiveness after a few weeks. area of the Middle Atlantic Movement of colleges in the Baltimore year's sophomore class recommending Budget- for the '55 ALOHA is ber 7 in McDaniel Lounge at 8 p. m. Christian During his -four years at WMC he has been active in many of the This will include Region. The program that the length of time the rules are "tight," and more ads are needed by Morning Star, Practorius ; Sweet Was religious organizations----commission chairman of the SCA, sophomore year, in effect should be shortened. the yearbook, according to Barry member of Wesleyans, serving as president in his junior year; Sunday School SGA members discussed student as- Winkelman, Associate Editor. The Song the Virgin Sa,~g, Ballet; and the Westminster Fellowship. He is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha; Bel/s, semblies and decided to draw up a list The book costs over $8000, Winkel- Hu.llelRia, Bach; Carol. of the Niles; Gamma Beta Chi: the Calendar Commi"he.e: Social Activities Committee and Rejoice Leontovich; All Men, of suggested improvements to be pre- man recently said, and the staff has to The Slumber of the hi/ant Jesus, is on the soccer, lacrosse and intermural sports teams. AI's hometown is sen ted to the assembly committee. raise over 50 per cent of this cost. Gevant. Princeton, N. J. and he plans to go back there after graduation for further "It's a big business," he says, "which Also included are; On This Good study at the Princeton Theological Seminary and eventually study in Scotland. Graves Slated For campus." the help of every person on Ch1'istmas a Night, English As Carol; It Fell He is a religion and philosophy major. is a Trumpeter and secre- Morn, needs Cain: The vice-president of the SeA, Milly Eckardt, Upon Lee Though the price has been raised A'!ges Dans Nos Campaunes, Old tary of the Argonauts, besides being class historian, a Wesleyanette, and a Lecture On Future to $5.50 per copy, "this stili doesn't French Carol; and Chel·!tbim Song, Sigma. Since her freshman year she has been active in SCA and the Wes- come close to meeting costs. Each Bortniansky. ".,....".=..':' publicity chairman and secreteary for the former and Dr. Mortimer F. Graves, who is ad- book costs us about $26." , Several of these carols will be sung ministrative secretary of the Ameri- Winkelman also made an appeal for at chapel on December 5. can Council of Learned Societies in help from "people interested." "we Washington, D. C., will be the guest need typists, ad sellers and subscrip- speaker at an assembly program De- tion-takers." close to picture and GuidanceService ccmber 7. His topic will be "The Fut- "We are fairly ure----the Scholar's Business." copy schedules," he went on, "but co- Organiza- Offers Interviews In 1939-1940, Dr. Graves was chair- operation is still lacking. man on the Commission on Aid to tions could help out a lot by meeting China and during World War II, he our deadlines with pictures and wr-ite, The vocational guidance service is vice-president of the later at various times. Milly is also a past vice-president organized an extensive wartime Ian- ups." ' again offering a program of tests and of the Sunday School and was secretary of her class last year. She is an guage program. interviews designed to help the student English-education major and makes her home in Towson. of South I College Calendar I He has been an active member of choose future employment according Ed Smith, student director of sports publicity, is currently president of the Middle East Institute to his capabilities and interests. Gamma Beta Chi. lie has been recognized as a distinguished military student Asian Studies in India since 1940, and Wednesday, Nov. 24 D,". William R. Ridington, who is and is on the ROTC Batallion Staff. A history-education major, Ed has served at present is a member of the Lin- Thanksgiving Recess begins, 1:35 in charge of this service, announced as class president and SGA representative during freshman and sophomore guistic Society of America, the Far p.m. that any student interested in the pro- years; inter-fr-ater-nity representative: and was for two years a member of Eastern Association, and the Oriental Sunday, Nov. 28 gram should see him before December the GOLD BUG staff. He's from Cambridge, Md. Society. 4. A fee of $10 is charged. Gus LaMar, GOLD BUG editor, was co-author and director of the Junior Thanksgiving Recess ends, 8 p.m. Dr. Graves received his A. B. degree Friday, Dec. 3 According to Dr. Ridington, the pro- Follies last spring. He's a Gamma Bet, member of the Social Activities and at Harvard University and did his Recital, Philip Royer, Oliver Spang- gram will not give an answer in terms Calendar Committees and is an English major. His home is in Washington, greuate work at Harvard and the ler, Alumni Hall, 8:15 p.m. of specific occupations, but will help D. C. University of Pennsylvania. He is a Sunday, Dec. [I show areas and groups of occupations A history major from Stewartstown, Pa., Dick Brenneman is the president member of Phi Beta Kappa. Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:30 which should be considered. Informa- of Pi Alpha Alpha: local vice-president of Alpha Kappa Alpha and editor of occupations is also national an Argonaut and commission a.m. tion about various students in making the society's of the SCA. publication, Philosoph; of the Interfraternity Council; available to assist He is also treasurer chairman Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p.m. Mr~. Veale To End Monday, Dec. 6 choices. president of Sunday Fellowship; past representative to the SGA and a Wes- leyan. IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 6;45 p.m. WMC Dorm Stay Tuesday. Dec. 7 Harold Posey, perhaps best known on campus as a leading man in the Mrs. Nina Veale, former house AAUW, Girls' Glee Club, McDaniel Gamma Bets' 'Snow B.II' College Players, is a philosophy and .religion major from Woodbine, Pe. He is vice-president of Sunday of Gamma vice-president Chi; a Wesleyan; Beta mother of Blanche Ward Hall, will Lounge, 8 p.m. Mortimer Graves, Stars River. Ch.mbers Fellowship: secretary-treasurer of Alpha Kappa Alpha: past treasurer of his Dr. Assembly, end her two-week stay here tomorrow, American Council of Learned Socie- class and a past interfraternity representative. Pete is the pastor of Barnitz replacing Mrs. Virgie Jefferson as ties, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a.m. The "Snow Ball" has been selected Methodist Church, Carlisle, Pa.' house mother in McDaniel. by Gamma Beta Chi as the theme for College players, Argonauts, Sigma president, Blanche Ward Dorm Council Mrs. Veale, since her retirement in the annual Christmas danc~. The and president of the Home Economics Club are a few of the activities which September, has made her home in dance will be held in Gill Gym, De- distinguish Gloria Bunting. A home economics major, she is also subscription Salisbury, Md. She had been house cember 11 at 8 :15 p.m. and will fea- manager of the Aloha; was co-director of the Junior Follies; a Tri-Beta mother in Blanche Ward for thirteen Elizabeth Simkims, librarian, ture Rivers Chambers and his crcbes- member and also has years. reported that the total receipts tra. Tickets may be purchased from been a member of After the Thanksgiving holiday, from the annual book sale were any Gamma Bet for $2 per couple. the SeA. She is Mrs. Jefferson wiliretuJ"n to McDaniel $51. Plans for decorations are not yet from Baltimore. following her first visit to her sister All but 15 books were sold, completed, but committee members Ma,-:ilyn Goldring in San Antonio, Tex. and those remaining were given have been named. They are Hugh Rigterink transfer- general Mrs. Veale and Mrs. Jefferson at. to the Salvation Army. Howell, decorations; chairman; Bob red to WMC from Monninger, Jim Crush, tended Weswrn Maryland together, Suggestions for the use of the refreshments; Bill Tribby, publicity; MacMurray College, Ill., in Jacksonville, and their daughters were also students money will be welcomed. Henry Taitt, tickets and programs: here. her junior year. She and Howard Shores, clean up.
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