Page 7 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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·The Gold. Bug,. Oet.l.t, 1953 Terrors Hope To Stretch Win Streak Over LaFayette The green and gold warriors - I of Charlie Havens tangle with by Jim Roach the maroon and white hosts of Lafayette this Saturday. The Now that the rigid orientation of freshmen has passed, we sports en- Terrors will he looking for their thusiasts can look forward to the fall encounters from all our young athletes third win in four starts when they with an interested eye. meet the Leopards on Fisher field in The World Series victory of the Yankees proved conclusively that the Easton (PR.) Bronx Bombers are a money ballc1ub. Despite all the Dodgers' well-advertised Having been beaten by the maroon power, they couldn't cope with Casey Stengel's men, nor could they bring their and white in their two previous meet- band-box (Ebbits Field) with them. It was a question of not enough Erskine ings, the Terrors will be gunning- for and too much Yankee clutch hitting. their first win. Lafayette defeated A new woman wrestler called "The Blonde Bombshell" has arrived on W.M.C. in 1940 by the score of 40 to campus. Her manager, Spike Dennye, wishes to start her in training immediately 7 and again in '41, shutting out the and needs sparring mates. Those interested (boys or girls) contact the GOLD green and gold 26 to O. • BUG Sports Dept. for employment. , The soccer team has swung into action, and from all indications they Lafayette enters this contest with a I-arid-l record after failing to win should have their best team in years. Quoting the venerable Ray Davis: "We've but r think this is the a lot of room for improvement, been spotty and there's - a single game last year. In the first best team I've ever played on." game they were edged by a strong In a practice game against Mt, St. Mary's, our boys came out on top of Princeton team 21-13, and last week a 6-1 score, with Bruce "Buster" Mills scoring four goals and Denny Harmon took the measure of Albright.26_7. two. The team had little difficulty with the Mounties, but their harder tests Though coming into this game with are yet to come. Mr. Uhng's boys are eager to tackle a very tough, imposing an unimpressive record, the Leopards, schedule. Coached by Steve Hokuf are to be Will wonders never cease? The well-co-ordinated Don Salganik, former ccnsldered a formidable foe for W. M. member of Cohen's Cookies, and now serving Uncle Sam at Camp Pickett, did C. Coach Hokuf will send a strong YOST OF GETTYSBURG scores in the 1,6-7 victory over the Green the athletic impossibility_for himself, that is. He scored three baskets in a team against the terrors. Terrors in Hanover, Po.. u.s Carlucci and Needleman try to stop kim. Snove'r company game. On top of that, he was chosen outstanding player on the court. Dan, dan, dandee .. The Green Terrors will be count: and DlIhl follow the play too far Ot~t to help. G-burg scored in every period ing on good defensive play from the in their victory 01J8T W.lIf.C. It was the Ten-ors' only loss so far this S6aSO'1I. The football team had a good afternoon against Dickinson, and indications line composed of Parks, James, Duhl, were that they should have rolled up a larger score. Al Bopst surprised every- Lennox, Chuck Frank one with his running and clutch passing. Freshmen The line this season has held the op- 1NMC Trips No Hockey Unless Bohan, Wash White, Fred Burgee, Harry Parks, and Ed Heflin .reeewed their Rausch, Lennox, Bohan. and Hunt, position to about two touchdowns a baptism of fire. The line, led by Jack Duhl, "Paws" Hunt, Gene Hedgcock, etc., held Dickinson well in cheek. game. The backfield consisting of R-M By 20-7 Aid, Almony Says It was an unhappy group that faced Gettysburg when the latter turned Burgee, Needleman, Bopst and 'V. red hot. It wasn't that WMC WI\S so had; the Orange and Blue were just good. White will be out to stop the pass Western Maryland rebounded from Barbara Almony, president of the Couldn't their backs find those holes, though? The boys' tackling looked slop- play of the Leopards. their 46-7 defeat by Gettysburg last W. A. A. announced that there will py; especially when those snake-hipped backs made like a whirling dervish. W.M.C.'s offensive has been good week, at the expense of their Mason- be outside hockey games only if the Like typical Gettysburg teams, though, they resorted to their usual tactics- in the previous game averaging two Dixon Conference ehallengers-c-Ran- girls are willing to support the phys- slugging. Nice guys. Almost every Western Maryland player who entered touchdowns a game. Arnie Needleman dolph-Macon, with a well deserved ical education program. the game was belted-in some cases, right in front of an official. That game and Chuck Smith le~d the scoring 20-7 victory in their first home game "In the past years, interest has can be summed up in just one sentence: It was a long night for the gridders. drive with two touchdowns apiece. Al of the season. been lacking," she stated, "and there Attention females! All those girls (regardless of class) capable of and Miller and "Junie" Bopst have scored The Green Terrors sparked by t:e- is only -one way we can have inter- interested in playing sports please help those interested in girls' athletic ee- one each. Nick Rausch, with four turn lettermen, Neddleman and Bopst, scholastic games-that is to have the tdvifiea by joining the field hockey team. Unless enough of you girls respond placements, and Charlie White, with and frosh Al M!lIer and Charley girls come out and participate in the to the call, the athletic program will be discarded, we hear. Since sports are sports. intermural one, round out the scoring _.picture so Smith, the last three scoring respec- enjoyable to so many girls, it would be a shame to cancel them. So, one inter- Hockey games have been scheduled far this season. The Big Three of tively, scored twice within the open- with Gettysburg on October 23rd and ested gentleman believes the girls field hockey team will lose to the Gettys- Gals, help a worthy cause burg team unless more spirit makes itself evident. Needleman, Miller and Smith seem to ing minutes of the first quarter, and St. Mary's at an indefinite date. The and you'll be helping yourselves. be the pivot point of the Green 'I'er- added another in the third quarter for meeting with GettysbUrg marks the The smile that Jim Boyer wears resulted from the Yankees' winning the "" point t.ota1. They h~ve fad a hand good. measure. The conversions were firstvttma in a number of years that Series. Jim called the American League his haven dur-ing his umpiring days. m each point so far this season. made by Nick Rausch and Charley W.M.C. has faced their traditional News has reached us that fourth-seeded Merrill Trader defeated the The starting line-up for the Ter- White. rivals. ranking A.T. & T., 6-1, 6-2, in a tennis tournament held during the summer. rors has only two seniors: Needleman The Green and Gold defense of An- The Women's Athletic Department What's this about a crcaa-country team being formed this Fall. The Ath- in the back field and James in the tones, Burgee, Hunt, Kelly and Co. announced..,. that practice for class letic Department was seen charting a course within the college campus. If line. The J unic'rs represented are also held our visitors virtually impotent teams will be held every Tuesday and such a venture reaches reality then things are looking up. Thanks Rudolph. two in number: Bopst in the back- . until the last quarter, when Kenny Thursday' for upperclassmen and Orchids: to the cheerleaders, who kept cheering our boys on, even when field and Jack Duhl in the line. Seals crossed over from the eight Monday and Wednesday for Fresh- things looked darkest; to the football team, for behaving like gentlemen, even Kickoff is slated for 2 p. m. yard line, and Stiles converted. men. Everyone is invited on Friday. while they were getting slugged; to Rocky Marciano, for disposing of big-mouth class competition 'an honorary After winning the World Series. Roland LaStarza; to the Yankees,'for team will be! selected of girls who Onions: to Barry Winkelman, for have displayed sportsmanship and a In Our Next Issue: being so skinny; to a fine team like high degree of skill. This honorary Don't Miss The Co m pie te Gettysburg, for using foul tactics to WILL YOU team will play the outside games only Coverage Of The 1953 Terror win against WMG-guys don't get and if the girls show enough interest are prepared to compete against Soccer Team. bloody faces and broken teeth from clean playmg ... to those guys livmg HAVE ENOUGH skilled varsities. Compliments of on the third floor, fourth section GREEN FOR- l r PaYI To Look Well j. R. EVERHART ~;~~~;i:~r ~~~I!s~~~ ~:;~spaper in THE NEXT HOP? Visit The COLLEGE BARBER Mortimer. Pr~diction. At the Forks winne,.." tonowin!!' In tootball I pl'
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