Page 5 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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Mfss Ward Colleg~' ~r~sents International Star OF Drama, Ruth Draper Ruth Draper, one of the world's greatest character actresses, will present an evening of dramatic entertainment on Friday, Oc- tober 30, at "8 :15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. • All of Miss Draper's sketches are original works of her own creation. In her repertoire are more than forty original monologues Vol. 31, No.2 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. October 13, 1953 including at least sixty characters. Miss Draper's first appearances professionally were at schools, colleges and clubs. In 1918 she spent several months giving performances Activities Group Debbie Meyls Chosen Queen at A.E.F. camps in France; Aeolian Hall in London in 1920; West End To Study Calendar Theater alone for several weeks in In Homecoming Election Tally 1924. III addition she has toured The former Social Activities Com- around the world, including Ceylon, mittee has taken on a new organiza- Reigning over the 'Homecoming activities and court this fall Burma, Java, Australia, New Zealand, tional plan. With more members ad- is Debbie Meyls, from Baltimore. A transfer student from Hollins South America and Canada. ded from the student body, this plan college in Virginia, Debbie has become quite well known during her Followed James' Advice i' enables better coordination between year on the hill. She is a member of Phi Alpha Mu, and is their rep- It was the advice of Henry James, the school authorities and the stu- resentative on the Inter-sorority Council. a friend Of the Draper family, who dents. Carol Sause, also hailing from Baltimore, is the Senior Attend- had often been entertained by the Under the chairmanship of Dean 'ant on the 1953 Homecoming court. playlets she devised for the amuse- William David, the group will be re- Carol is majoring in art-education, club \Itt heatley Elected ment of callers, which encouraged sponsible for studying the present and is active in Phi Alpha Mu, the Miss Draper, not only to set her calendar of social activities, College Choir, and octet. roles, but also to write them. meetings, sororities and fraternities, The junior class elected Sue Dorsey 'I'eatirnony of her hold on her audio in addition to other social problems Seni?r President as their attendant. Sue is a music-edu- ence is her annual season for more that may come up during the scho- than twenty years in London theatres lastic year. The recently held Senior Class etec- cation major from Baltimore. A Sig- ma, she represented her class on the for four to twelve weeks each. She Ruth Drape!', appearing in Almnni Fifteen In Group tions have resulted in the following '52 and '53 May courts as attendant has also performed in Scotland and Hdll OR Octobc1' 80, hag been widoly The committee's fifteen members selections. These include Charles and duchess. on the Continent. praised, not only in the leading New consisting of Dean William David; Wheatley, president; Don Haut, vice- Marilee Hodsdon, from Glen Bur-nie, A few of her sketches are her own York ncwspapers, but in those of Dean Helen Howery; Dr. Charles president; Lee Gongloff, secretary; is the sophomore attendant. This fall creation, a few taken from actual foreign countries as well, for her out- Phillips, Faculty Representative; Mr. Barbara Almony, treasurer; Beverly will mark her first appearance on a exper-ience, but most of them are Btm!ding dramatic ability. Philip Uhrig, Director of Public Re- Stringfield, class historia,n. court. Marilee is an English major. drawn from her intuitive understand- lations; Arnie Hayward, President of ing and observation of people-c-aub, Second Year President Parsons On Court conscious records of impressions of the Student Government Association; "Wheat.", editor-in-chief of the From Berlin, Md. comes Beverly types and of locale. Swanson Slated Pasty Herman, Vice President of the GOLD BUG, will preside over the Parsons to WMC and the '53 Home- 25 Years In Theater SGA; Perk Persons, President of the functions of the class of '54 for the comi~g court. as f:eshman attendant. C:hristian Association; Miss Draper, a native of New York, By Speech Group ~Student presidents, Charles Wheatley, the second consecutive year. Last year's Bev IS a mUSIC major. Day, a Each year on Homecoming class has a quarter of a century of theatre Henry Tait, Bruce Price and the Junior Class President, he is a very parade marches down Main Street in activities to her credit. She is the freshman president to be elected in active member of the College Players granddaughter of a lady whose yen Mr. Neil H. Swanson, executive January; Lou Jordon, President of and of Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity. Westminster. Jim Whitehurst is the for the footlights was frowned upon editor of the Baltimore Sun, will be the Interfraternity; Lee Kline, Presi- Don Haut, in addition to his new Parade Marshall this year, who will by the family and who visited Brook guest speaker at the assembly sched- dent of the Intersorority; Bobbie pcsi tiqn of vice-president, holds the lead the band, floats sponsored by the Farm in Concord, Massachusetts, uled for October 27 in Alumni Hall at Plaaket, President of McDaniel Hall; four classes, clubs, and organizations. where along with Henry Thoreau, 11 :30 a. m. "The American Heritage," Bobby Summers, President of Blanche office of treasurer of Gamma Beta Chi When the parade arrives at Hoffa Ralph Emerson and Margaret Fuller, a discussion of the roots of our Ward Hall. Fraternity. A pre-med student on the Field, the freshmen join and follow she met Charles A. Dana, later a heritage, will be the subject of Mr. Hill, Don is ,. member of the honor- the parade until they reach their as- publisher and editor of the New York Swanson's talk. Spacing Activities ary biology fraternity, Tri Beta. signed seats in the stadium, leaving Sun, and married him. Becoming a journalist in 1915 when One of the basic aims of the group Lee Gangloff, a music major, holds the parade to circle the field. Tug of War Staged Miss Draper attributes her interest he joined the staff of the Minneapolis is to prevent activities from piling two other secretarial positions on in acting to her Grandmother Dana, Journal, Mr. Swanson has since been up around examination time. The or- campus in addition to her new one. During the intermission of the her literary talent to her Grand- connected with the Baltimore Sun for ganization also expects to arrange She serves in the capacity of secre- game, the traditional tug of war will father Dana, and her decision to be- several years. Through his journal- weekend events during the winter tary for both Sigma Sigma Tau Sor- be staged between the sophomore and come a professional to the advice of istic work, he was instrumental in months. This project is in answer to ority and for McDaniel Hall. freshmen men, determining whether Paderowski, whom she had known obtaining the Pulitzer Prize f01" numerous requesta from last year's or not the Freshmen Rat Rules will since her childhood and who heard her 19-16 students. On y earbook Staff 00 terminated- If the freshmen JOSf', first,monologue. the Sun for the "most disinterested The committee also discussed the Barbara Almony, an economics how much longer the rules will be ap- and meritorious public eervlee." open house plan in the "frat" rooms major, holds the office of Assistant plicable is left to the discretion of the Aside from newspaper work, Mr. but decided to postpone the discussion Business Manager of the ALOHA. sophomore class. Absentee Rules Swanson is also the author of many until the fraternities could voice their Besides this job as treasurer of this Also on the agenda for Homecoming historical novels. Among them The opinions. year's senior class, Barbara presides Day is the dance for that evening. appointed was sub-committee A Alter Perspectively Porbi4.den Ground (1938), The Silent consisting of five members who will us president of the WAA and is a "Harvest Moon" is the theme of the is on Hal- dance, which incidentally (1947), DrMn (1940), Un-Conquered Mu Sorority. member of Phi Alpha and The Crossing (1951). work with Dean Howery in the super- loween, October 31. The following modifications in et- vision of the scheduling of such events Bev Springfield is not a new class tendance regulations, in effect begin- This assembly is the first in a series as dances and sponsoring of movies. officer. As historian of last year's ning with the fall term, 1953, have of lectures planned tor the college When the Social Activities Commit- junior class, she was co-chair-man of Health Department been found advisable in the interest community. Under the chairmanship tee has reached a possible and prac- the Junior Follies. Bev is a member of the educational program of W. M. of Professor Frank B. Hurt, the Lec- tical solution, the plan is then sub- of the Canterbur-y Club and the Offers Free X-Rays C. Students should note that no one ture Committee sponsors these yearly mitted to the school officials for con- French Club, has previously worked who practices good attendance will be series of cultural entertainment. sideration. on the GOLD BUG staff. Free chest X-rays will be given at affected by any absence regulations; Western Maryland College on Wed- that the college has no wish to collect nesday and Thursday, October 14 and fines from anybody but merely wishes Editor Announces New Appointments For Fall Term 15. The truck will be in front of the people to be in class when they should Rec Hall on Wednesday from 1:00- be there; that the entire sum of each The GOLD BUG this semester is in Two new students take over the Gracing the pages of the GOLD 4:00 p. m., and on Thursday from absence fine is paid into the Student the capable hands of Charles Wheat- sports page. Bud Holland comes to BUG this year will be the photo- 9:00-12:00 a. m. Loan Fund, from which needy stu- ley, who will continue in his job of WMC from the U.S. Navy, while' graphs of Mrs. Henrietta Besom, and The free X-ray program is spon- dents may borrow to help defray col- GOLD BUG editor-in-chief. "Wheat," Charles Fessenden transferred from Carter ("Rags") Baum, a junior sored by the Maryland State and lege expenses; that the attendance as he is known to his friends and ciassman and a Sigma. County Health Department with the regulations are aimed solely at the fraternity brothers in Gamma Beta Montgomery Junior College in Silver Business Manager Paul Lambert- cooperation of the Maryland State better functioning of the college as a Chi, has served during the past three Spring. Both have worked on college son is the man whose goal is to keep and County Tuberculosis Associa- whole in its true and proper work as years previous to his appointment to newspapers before. the GOLD BUG "out of the red." tions. an educational institution. the head of the GOLD BUG last Feb- Mary Lee Younger, of Sigma Paul is a senior member of Gamma There are two important reasons $10 Fine ruary. Sigma Tau, is the News-feature edi- Beta Chi. for having a chest X-ray. First, an (1) The regulation absence fine has Helping "Wheat" is Gus LaMar, a tor. Mary Lee is a junior. Distributors are Lou Spoerlein in X-ray reveals whether or not you are been changed to ten dollars. The de- junior this year. Also a Gamma Bet, Rita Ann Burkett serves as Typing Blanche Ward Hall, and Dottie Wade free from tuberculcala. Second it dis- terrent value of the old $5 fine bas Gus will continue his work for the Editor for the second year. A member in McDani'el. Both of the girls are covers tuberculosis early-when cure grown progressively weaker with the second semester in his role as asso- of the Class of '55, Rita is a Sigma. sophomores. is easiest. devaluation of our currency. Ten dol- ciate-editor. He was previously the There is no charge, no undressing, lars now has about the same buying news-feature editor. and no pain. Hhe X-ray takes only a power as five dollars had during the tew minutes. Confidential reports will Depreeaion when the fine was inau- The GOLD BUG'S managing editor he sent to students taking advantage gurated, so that the $10 figure does is Nancy Caskey, a Home Economics of this opportunity. not actually mean raising the fine but major now sojourning ill the JlIan- merely restoring it to its previous agement House. Nancy is a member position. 01 Sigma-Sigma Tau. seA Schedules Impartiality To All Front page news-editor Carol Cole- (2) Absence on either of the two man and Pat Collins retain their job Shipwreck Dance days (instead. of one day) preceding of last semester. Carol, a junior and or following a holiday is subject to the a Sigma was a reporter prior to her Blanche Ward Gym will be the tine. This amendment is intended appointment last February. Pat was scene of the S. C. A.'s annual "Ship- simply to make the fine apply impar- also a reporter before, and was a wreck Dance," to be held on Saturday, tially to all students. As it was, those freshman attendant in last year's October 17, from 8:00 to 11:00 p. m. not having Saturday classes were ex- May Court. Both are English majors. Carol Herdman and Mary Jane empt hom the regulation whenever a George Gipe flnd Bill Tribby are MUllson, co-chairmen of the event, recess began on a Saturday after- this semester's Feature Editors. have announced that there will be noon, as was usually the case at George is the one responsible for prizes for the most original, the fun- Christmas and Easter. Notice that GAG by G. A. G., the cartoon in ea('h nicst, and the best looking costumes. there is no duplication of the fine. issue. George is a junior this· year "Naturally, those coming to the Ten dollars is the maximum as well and a member of Gamma Beta Chi dance will dress just as they would be as the minimum. Fraternity. Bill Tribby is new to the dressed when the ship went down, and (3) No absences will be excused staff this fali, although he made nu- Back row, left to right: Ed Kane, Carter Bau1I!, Jim Roaeh, Mary Loo YOU1!ger, that could be anything!" for employment. This regulation has merous contributions to the featUre Paul Lambert&on, Rita Burkett, Craig Schmall, Ji1n Marshall, CluJ,rles Fos- The admission will be 15c stag, 25c been made necessary by the ever- and news pages last year, when he 8emien. Front row, left to right: Pat Coili7U:I,Gus LaMar, Ch-cwle8 Whea.tley, drag, with cost for the refreshments (Continued on page 4, column 2) was a freshman. Nancy Caskoy, CfLro/ C&le"»J.a,n,Georg_e Gipe, Bill Tribbll. of cider and doughnuts extra.