Page 28 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 28
4 The Gold Bug, Jan. 19, 1954 eAbfh (!)/f. <7'"- eAdJ Letter To The Editor Gilded InsectusSets Many Tales Aglow (Continued frmn page 2, colulII,n 3) Dere Massa Willy, bug-he kick and he bite ebery ting Two Bobbies Participate In SGA, Therefore, I believe the administra- U shore had betur reevurt dem what cum near him ... I wouldn't tion should take these offenses into lektrified poateriura uv yore'n t'wards take hold ob him wid my finger; but Sigma And Dorm Prexy Activities serious consideration and clamp down dis end uv kreashun. whtn u dee- I cotch him wid a piece ob paper dat in some way. pass partud frum dese heal' parts las sum- They shouldn't I found. I hap him up in de paper them off as typic'al college-boy stunts mur, wid yore 01' sellin' sachul uv and stuff a piece of it in he mouff- since the fact that there are mature dem lamp lite snuffura, we wuz livin' dat was de way." students at Western Maryland Col- a lubrlkatud livelihood. But, masse, An, wood u beleevc sich a eat's lege proves that there is hope fOl' since yore tail lamp ain't ben alter- apostrophe? Dat sulfu rin bug in de some of the "characters". A couple of natin' in dese woods, my DC wife, car won'd eat anudder tarnal elemint years ago the University of Delaware Cal paraphernalia, has ben AC'in on but pl'illtud paPlt?· since dat Po man expelled such students. Since these me. Here's mi eVYdense--BVD'd so's dun actud! He expressily limitud his incidents are net something to be two give u a littuf idee uv de circled recepshun too foure intake valves- taken lightly, why can't the adminis- stamps: One early a.rn., 'bout thurty and de more we shove in, de more he tration of this school find some pen- - or so=weeks ago, I come flittin' slowly digesturates, and de shinier and 100- alty just as strict to pin on the up too our. nook undur de eaves- sier he becums. rowdies. plumb glowed out aftur a all nite Now, here's my wondurment for The trouble with most of these shift of litin' eighth and Madison. which u gotta addvise: I an't rilly "characters" is that they forget -ebat Trippin' my phosforated sternum cornplainin bout de offstrung hisself; being able to go to college is a gift OVUl'de rains pout, I sputtered intoo I ject want u two tilt yore reesores- which can prove to be very valuable. our room-and plied de brakes. Dere full self twarda horne so's u can con- Do those of you that do these things sat mi wife, 'mongst a heard of an- sterpete and tell me if'n dis karat kid realize that you are wasting some- tinnied femails, holdin' scmethirr' dat is mine. If'n tis, den I'se guin two one's money? Why don't you drop out peered mitey ausptsshy. I wadduld kaputolize on futchur preeokupash- of school and give your place to some- closer, and den I seed him-a genu- uns. But, if'n he ain't, dell I got only one who could take advantage of it? wine, nu-hatchcd brat. one questun too let off: CHICK SILBERSTEIN,'54. Den, Massa Willy, is whin I began lIla$.sa Willy, is dcre sich a ting Bobbie Summers Barbara Plu,sket to rumYllaite, deducerate, and pro- as a gold-plated ice bug? "Bobbie, would you do me a favor McDaniel's prexy, when not avail- ciamate. I checked mi speckuld tackles Yores-til dey git shandurleers for and taKe me downtown to pick up able in room #48, can be found in FOR TBE FINEST 'til my probossirus wuz worc cleen tail lites, Combusted. some things for the party tonight- anyone of seven places: Blanche IN FLOWERS away; 'cause, dere beefour mi patur- I'm just too tired to walk." And off Ward, room #113, fixing burnt out nul toes, wuz n shore lIuff gold kid. they go! Bobbie, you see, is the pos- light bulbs, shoving couples out of the See Us First While mi lawyur and me has been It Pay, To LOOk Well sessor of a green Plymouth on which, lOUnge, locking up the dorm, sitting loctrokutin bout Eave's appul, fig I might add, bears a New York license up for late leaves, at work in the leaves, and sevunth cummande- plate~ and a sticker-that says "T.O.B." dining hall, walking to and from the DUTTERER 'S mInutes, dat kid ain't ben waitin: which means to you foreigners-Town mail box, or sitting in the music He's ben panned 'out, siftud thru, of Oyster Bay. Bobbie is very often building, smiling bravely while listen- ~ 114 Pennsylvania Ave. an'd conkreatud intoo a regulur effie Avenue Barber Shop called upon to carry one of many, ing to Perk and Lee practicing. Westminster 350 demic. In the pratexshun llV public hither, and yon to do various and Bobbie's hometown is Moorestown, safety, de honurbul mistur Edger- sundry things. N. J, She is one of Earp's Soc majors aniu'm Alley Po has writ de proceedin Where The Student' Go But operating a taxi is only one and plans to go into some form of discribushun uv de kid dey kall of many things that occupies Bobbie's work in child care. In the coming fall 7)dllfJ: 85 Pennsylvania Avenue time. On Monday you can see her she will be repeating the marriage "Claws enuff , and mouff, trotting o,ver to an Intersorority vows. With her fiancee ill Korea, Bar- loa, I nebber did see sech a deuced Council meeting, because she is vice bara is finding it hard to fit in her president of the Sigmas this semester. studies around the daily letter-writ- After ISC comes a meeting of the ing sessions, especially when it means G.C. Murphy & Co. Woman's Athletic Association, of learning 66 slides for history of art Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. DELICIOUS FOODS which she is treasurer. or the almost ended struggle through Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. The Friendly Store SGA Meetings contemporary drama. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4. p. m. And because she is house president Sigma Secretary Evenings 9 p. m. AT of Blanche Ward, she is often on her Bobbic is finding her senior year Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Dormitory and Clalsroom way to a Woman's Council meeting an exceptionally busy one. Along with Holidays Supplies or to a Student Government meeting. being McDaniel's very able president, Griffin's Bobbie is also a member of the she is secretary of the new organiza- 6·10 West Main Street Social Activities Committee and the tion on the hill called the Sodal Ac- TUES., Jan. 19 Student Calendar Committee. tivities Committee. Besides writing. HERE COME THE GIRLS Wutminlter, Md. But Bobbie's talents lie not only in postcards and minutes, etc., for this Bob Hope Arlene Dahl the executive area, because she also committee, she will be writing out the (Technicoior) occupies one of the chairs in the Col- weekly minutes for Sigma Sigma Tau lege Little Synlphony Orchestra. The ncxt senlester, as our newly elected WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., upperclassmen might well remember secretary. Last year she held the posi- VALENTINES her in the concert two years ago tion of Intersorority l·epresentative. Jan. 20, 21, 22, 23 WHEN YOU CARE ENOUGH TO SEND THE VERY BEST playing the cornet lead in "Branden- SCA Chairman EASY TO LOVE YOU'LL FIND TIlE VERY BEST AT burg Concerto" by Bach. It was a job Student Government meetings are Esther Williams Van Johnson Times Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO. Westminster, Md. well done. also on her agenda, plus a position on (Technicolor) the Woman's Council. She is co-chair- Badminton Champ man of the World Relatedness Com- She is also skilled in the athletic mission of the SeA, and her ability SUN., MON., TUES., Jan. 24, 25, 26 line. For the past thre? ye~rs she ~as ~ for leadership was seen in'the out. GIVE THE GIRL A BREAK been her class champion I": badmm- come of the recent WUS campaign. Marge & Gower Champion ton. Other than that she actively par· With all these attributes one musn't Debbie Reynolds ticipates in basketball and softball. forget that Barbara was not only a Bobbie's warm personality and loyal participant in the Junior Fol. (Technicolor) friendliness have won her many lies but a "Sneaker Girl" as well. friends. She delights in helping oth- Bobbie and I have been called sis- WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. ers and is always on lJand to spend tel'S, even twins. Sorority pledges are Jan. 27, 28,29,30 endless hours in counselling a student inVariably Writing us apologies for THE EDDIE CANTOR STORY for one problem or another. Keefe Brasselle Marilyn Erskine Her sincerity and reliability have having called Lee or me, Barbara. After our four years of close friend- made her a true friend and compan- ship you can see why I am sincerely (Technicoior) ion. All of these qualities and posi- proud to call her high on the hill tions of responsibility have truly placed her in a position to be high on the hill. You Are Always Welcome a! Wine's Sport Shop - 46 Pennsylvania Ave. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- GOLD BUG Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Ev:ening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows LAUNDROMAT Good Health continuous from 6:45 p. m. 5 Locust Street Opposite Parking Lot To TUES., WED., THURS., Jan. 19, 20, 21 DAILY-7:3.0 • 5:00 All CLOSED FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 From FRI., SAT., JAN. 22, 23 Closed Wed. Afternoon SHARK RIVER Westminster 1287 REXALL Steve Cochran Carole Matthews FREE DELIVERY SERVICE SUN., MON., JAN. 24, 25 TREASURE OF SIERRA MADRE John Huston Humphrey Bogart WED., THURS., Baugher's Restaurant TUES., JAN CLOSED 26, 27, 28 JUST OFF THE CAMPUS FRI., JAN. 29 STAMPEDE FOR A MEAL OR SNACK TEXAS On Stage TEX DANIEL & HIS Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes LAZY H RANCH BOYS OPEN EVERY DAY SAT. JAN. 30 'OTTl£D UNDl:R AU11iORlTYOF THE COCA_COLA COMPANY n VALLEY OF THE HEAD HUNTERS WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Johnny Weissmuller ~Cok."11 0,le'ed I";lde-mork. © 1954. THE COCA·COLA COMPANY
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