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Library "res ter-n lvaryland College ','iostm.i nster, MICE OR STUDENT.FACULTY MEN? GAME PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 31, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 9,1954 LaMar ApPoints New StaFF Sophomores To Calendar Group Announces To Edit Campus Newspaper Take Educational Revised School Club Program Gus La Mar, Editor-in-Chief of the GOLD BUG, has announced GED Board Test The Calendar Committee, which is a sub-committee of the So- the list of appointments for the 1954 Spring semester. The selections by Dr. Jokn D. Mu,kosky cial Activities Committee of the S. G. A. has been working this year have been confirmed by the faculty adviser, Dr. Evelyn Wenner. Dean of the Faculty to organize club meetings and other events at Western Maryland Carol Coleman, formerly News Editor and reporter, has been Western Maryland, through the into a more workable and efficient calendar. Sophomore Class, will again cooperate Most of the organizations on campus have already been placed with national testing agencies in on the calendar at a regularly scheduled time. However, there are validating new Tests of General Ed- still a few organisations, such as the ucational Development. Octet and the Classics Club, which of the college to Preachers Present February 17 and 18 will mark the have not decided on a definite meeting second contribution the evolution of these, tests; it will be time. When they decide, they will be the third opportunity in the last four 'Sweetheart'Dance placed on the calendar accordingly. years for sophomores to compare Cut Out Overlaps standing with sophomore students The annual "Sweetheart Ball", Although the committee has set up it is still neces- a regular calendar, throughout the country. sponsored by the Delta Pi Alpha Fra- sary for clubs and organizations to Used by Armed Forces ternity, will be held Saturday, Feb, sign up in Dean Schofield's office for The G. E. D. tests are used by the ruary, February 20, from 8:30 until Armed Forces to establish the edu- 11;45 p.m. in Gill Gym. scheduling events. The calendar as cational values of the student's total The theme of the dance is "St. Val- it stands is an attempt to cut down experience to date, including his errtine' Day," which will be used in on overlapping meetings which would military service. Because of the re- the decorations and refreshments. cause a conflict in student attendance. liability of the tests, colleges through. Lea Michener's orchestra will pro- All money making affairs, such as out the country have been able to vide the music for dancing, They have dances and movies, must still be handle students returning from serv- played for dances held on campus cleared by the Calendar Committee. ice more justly and more edvan- last year. The Michener musicians To assure a free afternoon or evening tageously for both student and insti- are from Gettysburg, Pa. for a party or meeting, organizations tution. Ed Kelly is the general chairman should consult the committee concern, JAMMED SESSION of new "Bug" 8tu,ff in u, corner of tke New tests have been needed for of the dance. In charge of the pub- ing free time. This is for the purpose licity is Al Bopst. of avoiding as many conflicts as pos- (left to right, fl.8 usual) Craig Schmall, exehu,nge and eireulation; Kay M"hl, some years, and' the present tests sible and assuring larger attendance The St. Valentine theme will be car- newS" feature editor; Cu,rol Cowman, managing editor; Bev Reiber, typist; represent the last stage of a develop- rled out in the decorations, according at the functions. Getn"ge Gipe u,nd BiU Tribby, feature edi~r8; Jim Marshall, advertuing 1n.t.tn_ ment which began over two years to Al Wahlers, chairman of the dec- Schedule Follows u,g,er; Mary Lee Younger, news editor ; u,nd Le8 Werner, 8pm·tB editor. In ago. Western Maryland's present sen- oration committee. There will be dec, The calendar, which is set up on a a1wther part of tkc room ere Mu,,-ilyn Goldring, news editol'; Jim Rocwh, ior class participated as spohomores, orations of red and white hearts and monthly basis, is currently as follows; S"portB col~tmnut; u,nd an u,s80rted group of "contributors." taking both the old G. E. D. and the Monday new tests in social studies. cupids. Firat W A A 5:15 named Managing Editor. She is a Multiple Choice Tests Bill Harvey, the refreshment com- I R C 6:~5 mittee Home Eo. Club junior and a member of the College f:~l! t~:~: chairman, says that the usual ge.:ond Uonday 7:00 Players and Sigma Sigma Tau Men Students Form on~h~~eY::~\e~~~~o~o;~: fare of sandwiches and soft drinks InterMrorlty Council 4:15 Club 7:00 Frencb sorority. D . C -I - of the series they will take two, the will be on hand. Thf:::S~~: News Editors for the new semester orm.tory Tickets for the Sweetheart Ball will are Mary Lee Younger and Marilyn eunei ~~!;r~~~ be on sale for $2" and may be pur- Fonrth MondRY , Goldring. Mary Lee, also a'Sigma, is Ed Kelly was elected chairman of multiple choicf_ type, calculated to chased from Bill Pfeifer, ticket com- Council 4:15 a junior biology major. Marilyn is a the recently formed dormitory eoun- consume less than two hours, though mittee chairman, or any other mem, recent junior transfer from Mac cil of Ward Hall. Al Wahlers was there is no time limit. ber- of the Preachers. Murray College, Jacksonville, Ill. She chosen secretary. The representatives In addition to the satisfaction of The entire fraternity will be re- is an English major. are Jack Duhl, Phil Lawyer, Dick helping in a national educational ef- sponsible for the duties of the clean, Wits on Page 2 Betters, Dick Hoffines, and Walt Pres- fort of considerable importance, the up committee. George Gipe and Bill Tribby will ton. tests have several other advantages continue as Feature Editors. They are At a meeting Thursday, February for Western Maryland College as well both Gamma Bets and English ma- 4, the residents of McKinstry nomi, as for members of the Armed Forces. Club News jors. George is also the GOLD BUG's nated candidates for representatives. No cost is involved as both tests and very able cartoonist. The chairman will then be elected by grading are furnished by the super- Les Werner will take over the re- these representatives at a future vising agency. The Sophomores need French Club sponsibilities of the sports page. Les, time. contribute only their time and con- The annual Soiree de Bingo given a sophomore pre-ministerial student, Dean David pointed out the er- centration; the staff only their energy by the Cercle Francais was held last may also be recognized as the only fectiveness of a dorm council at this in preparation, supervision, and dis- night at 6:45 in McDaniel Lounge. maie member of WMC's cheering meeting. As an illustration, he used tributing the results. Mlle. Anne Marie Summers and M. WMC Welcomes squad. the case of Ward Hall. Before the National Scale Larry Crist were callers. Kay Mehl, formerly a reporter, will council was formed, seven fuses were Although only advisory use of the 23 New TransFers handle the back page. Kay, a ecpho- blown in a 24 hour period. Now there tests will be made, considerable infer- Wesleyanettes more, is an English major. is a system whereby a limited number mational values may be derived from Miss Shirley Fry, a student at Phil- The second semester has seen 23 Frosh Copy Editor of electrical appliances are used at the tests. The college will receive adelphia Bible Institute will speak at new students come to the hill, either· Lynnda Skinner, a freshman, will the same time. definite impressions from the average Wesleyanettes on February 19 about as freshmen, advanced students and Haiti where she went this past sum_ help keep mistakes at a minimum as scores as compared to scores else~ mer to aid missionaries. Shirley, special or day students. The seven new women on 'VMC's is Bev Reiber. Bev is a Phi Alpha Mu State 'Queen' To' where of the achievement of students whose plans for the future include a roster are: Jeanne Blair from Ard- Copy Editor. The new Typing Editor in two areas of the academic program. and the sophomore SGA representa_ Individual scores and relative return to Haiti this coming summer more, Pa.; Mary Doub, Cumberland, tive. Helping her will be Dot Sneider Reign At BeneAt standings will be furnished, through and later work as a missionary, will Md.; Nancy Lawson, Reisterstown, and Gloria Hodges, both freshmen. their faculty advisers, to all students illustrate her talk with slides which Md.; Mrs. Gertrude Powell, West.. she took during her stay on the isll!nd. Continuing in his role as Business Meta Justice of WMC, Miss Mary_ who take the tests. minster, Md.; Ruth Roberts, Towson, Manager is Jim Marshall, assisted by land of 1953, will crown the March of Tri-Beta Md.; Sally Smith, Glen Cove, N. Y.; Hugh Howell, Advertising Manager. Dimes Queen at the annual March of The Beggar's Operu" the well known and Ellen StickelJ, Waynesboro, Pa. Jim is a junior and a history major. Dimes ball in Westminster, Saturday, Sororities Accept Pledges work by John Gay, is the benefit movie Slightl~ outnumbering the women In charge of Circulation and Exchan- February 13. • to be sponsored by Beta Beta Beta on newcomers are the following 16 male ges is Craig Schmall. Craig, a junior, Each dime contributed to the con- Thirteen new members were wel- February 24 and 25. Starring Sir students: William Biehl, who hails four the is a biology major. Both Jim and testant gives her one vote. Contribu- comed into February 3. sororities on Laurence Olivier, the new technicolor from Baltimore; Albert Bleakley, Wednesday, Pikesville, Md.; Jay Blum, Baltimore; Craig are Gamma Bets. tions may also be sent to J obn Dono- New Iote pledges are Joanne Lew- spectacle will be featUred at the reg_ Herbert Bowers, Vienna, Va.; Don_ Mrs. Essom, Dr. Sturdivant's sec- frio, Popularity Contest Chairman, is, June Parker, Pat Saunders and Jo uar price Of 50c. retary, continues as the photographer. stating for whom the votes are to be Ann Waffensmith. The movie is for the benefit of the ald Brice, Westminster, Md.; Ernest Burch, Swedesboro, N. J. Also t:aking pictures will be "Rags" counted. The Sigma "skunks" are Dorothy Milton Hendrickson Scholarship Fund. Baum and/Carlos Gosnell. The contest ends officially Friday, Through this fund, money is allotted Also Thomas Foster, Takoma Park, February 12. Before the dance, Meta Rach, Bobbie Phillips, Mary Warner to worthy biology students for sum- Md.; Robert Griesmyer, Renovo, Pa.; and "Miss March of Dimes" will pose and Pritchie Crist. mer study. Paul Luthy, Cambridge, Md.; Guy Phi Alpha Mu welcomed Judy Horn, -Grant To Lecture for publicity pictures at the home of Georgia Kapp, Jan Chase and Ellie S.C.A. Mitchell, Philadelphia, Pa.; Craig Phillips, Pa.; Mrs. Gladys Wimert. Louis Phif'adelphia, Contributions of the speakers heard Meta is a junior and a member of Lawson. during Religious Emphasis Week will Richman, Baltimore; Herbert Sell, On World Affairs Sigma Sigma Tau. Bobbie Scheubrooks accepted Delta he the topic of an S. C. A. discussion Littlestown, Pa.; Carl Tate, West- Sigma Kappa's hid. at the February 10 meeting of the minster, Md.; and Henry Wah, Balti- Prof. Frank Hurt, chairman of the association. Also, second semester the Hall Wins Award lecture committee, has disclosed speaker for the assembly to be held W. Lawrence Hall has received the membership cards will he given out on Thursday February 18. He is first Freshman Chemistry Achieve- Freshman OFRcers to all who have attended three or SOloists Give Recital Mr. Donald Grant, lecturer on world ment Award to be presented at West- The following freshman class more S. C. A. meetings. affairs. Mr. Grant's topic will be ern Maryland. This announcement was officers were elected at the class M. S. M. Carol Herdman and Carol Bauer combined will adress stu_ Rev. William Firth "Germany and Europe-Now." made by Dr. Edward Arnett who pre- meeting held Tuesday, February dents attending M. S. M. Banquet to will present a respectively, piano and voice recital, in Levine The Institute of. International Ed- sented the award Wednesday, Febru. 2, be held on Wednesday, February 17 Hall on Tuesday, February' 23, at ucation in New York City engaged ary 3. Mike Savaresse, president; 4:20 p.m. The program follows: Mr. Grant for a tour. He is now mak. Hall is a freshman stUdent in the Joanne Parrish, vice president; at the Westminster Methodist Church. Bach. ._ Suite ing his seventh tour of Amerie'an introductory. chemistry course (101). Dot Snider, secretary: John Anyone who wishes to corne to the Allemande colleges. Thirty-five colleges have The prize is the current "Handbook Kauffman, treasurer. banquet, whether or not he is a mem- Cou.rante Gigue already heard this lecture. of Chemistry' and Physics" published They \viU hold office until ber of the M. S. M. will be welcomed Mo....rt_ __ ~~ Sonata. No. U in F Major _ Cbopin. a ticket' from one of and can secure Mr. Grant has lived and worked in by the Chemical Rubber Co. In addi_ next October. The historian has the members. Tbe entertainment wiU three continents: Europe, England tion to the books ordered, an extra not yet been elected. and Scotland, and America. one is sent to be given as the award. include Stan Entwisle on the trumpet, and the Sigma Quartet.
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