Page 27 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 27
Jhe Gold Bug, Jan. 19, 1954 3 - I Sports Heacllines Terror Five Meet Baltimore U. Tonight; by Jim Roach Thirty Years Ago Tangle With Mt. St. Mary's Tomorrow (GOLD BUG 81Jf}ris writer Jim, Roach:s last eolnmn will appe~r in the Febr/uzry 9 is8'lw of the paper. Ji1ll i8 graduati11,g in February.) To commemorate the thirtieth anni- . Western Maryland's basketball five will suit up twice in a row For the first time in many years, Western Maryland College has been versary of the Gold BUg, the sports this week, meeting the Bees of Baltimore U. tonight in Gill Gym, graced with a large abundance of snow on two occasions. Some people like the department has dug into the past and and mushing up to Emmitsburg tomorrow evening to reface .Mt. white flakes, while others don't, However, it would be nice if some enter! come up with some interesting head- prising young person set up shop and rented out skis and sleds and skates. lines and a story from the first issue ~:~i~s~r~~~ ~~:es~eTho:'sB~~i~~~~og~~n~~~ {hil~~~~~on4t~a~~inbe:~ . Speaking of skating, Roland Baughman has arranged a game of the Gold Bu!, ~an~ary 22, 1924. playing good ball, will be expected to use a "fast break" against With a fine hockey team in Baltimore (Carlins) for the first week Coach Ferguson's men. in February. Players are needed, so contact Roland or AI Hagen- Western Maryland Starts Wrestling . Baltimore V. will use their high scoring aces, Ed Malin, Ron- ... buch or Don Wallace if you're interested. Makes Fine Showing at Morgantown, me Hall and John Salvadore. In the way of comparative scores, rtfany people are cenvlneed ineligible (for basketball) Phil Raimondo Thri!ling 2,500 Fans the Bees have defeated Catholic U. ranks a close second to the incomparable Art Press. Phil has played great ball 109-75, a team which the Terrors de- for the JV's, as his scoring and all-around playing indicates. Phil would be in St. Andrews Defeated 35 to 18 feated by 76·58. the starling Varsity line-up if he were eligible. If Mr. Raimondo has to leeve Green Terrors Fast Five Wins Aneth- Al Bopst is still high man for the school because of financial diffteultles, which seems to be the case, WMC would Terrors in the scoring column having lose a potentially great athletc. Leroy Byham Elected Captain hit for 150 points and an overall The girls' basketball team has five games scheduled, all for February and Football Letter Men of 1923 Select average of 16.6 points per game. On March. Home games possible will be played in Gill Gym. Dates: February the foul line he has a .500 average. 20, Goucher; February 25, St. Joseph's; March 4, St. Joseph's, away; March New Leader at*A~nu~1 Banquet Arnie Needleman is right behind 6, State Teachers. Boys, watch a fine player like "Rags" Baum perform. The Bopst with a 10.9 average and a other girls aren't bad, either. Co-eds Victorious 98 point total. He has hit from the The height of conceit: quote Nick Rausch, "Nobody funs through The Win over Strong YMCA team After 28 out of 54. for a .500 Rock. I deserve my name in the paper. I'm great," Grueling Contest foul line for in the nine games for a 562 points Congratulations go to "Enke" Carvel for passing the referees' test. Dick 62.6 point average. can now referee college games. Don't be surprised if someday you see him Rille Team Freezes and Loses toting a whistle in a pro game. As a whole, the team has scored How many people know that Fred Burgee, blocking back on A Girls Rifle Team for WMC 500 points in the eight games for a the '53 grid team, has been in Frederick Hospital since before The officials of the ROTC contem- 63·point average. Christmas? While Fred still feels weak, and will have to stay in bed plate forming a rifle team for the In their last five games the 'I'er- for some time to come, he might not be as bad off as at first pre- girls of WMC. This must be approved rci-s have a 2·3 record. On December sumed. Fred's illness has been the result of a high school injury. by the administration. If this be done, 16 the Mountaineers from St. Mary's He would apreciate hearing from his friends here on the campus. the girls may rest assured that an op- downed the Green and Gold 89.65. Intramural basketball league finds the Bachelors and Preachers portunity will be given them to show Charlie White took the scoring honors fighting it out once more for the title. In their game last week, the their ability with a rifle. We can 01'· with 13 points. blue and white scored an impressive victory over old Delta Pi. The ganize a rifle team for the girls this ARNIE NEEDLEMAN is second ill On the 18th Catholic U. went down Gamma Bets, in the second half of the doubleheader got hot and year and by next season scheduled scoring tumors [or the Torrore, He 76·58 on the home court against a scored a decisive win over the Black and Whites. It remains to be matches with such institutions as has scored 98 points [or a. 10.!J coer- determined Terror five. Bopst was seen whether the Bachelors have what it takes when the teams Drexel and the U. of Maryland. There age. Twenty·eight of those 1)oints high man with 21. meet again. is no reason why we can not have an have come by 1vay of the foul line [or: Gettysburg proved too tough for Bob Jackson (AGT) leads the scorers with 8!J points, followed by Ray efficient and effective girls team as a .500 average. From: the/fool' he has WMC after the holidays winning Davis (87), Charlie Wheatley (73), and Hank Taitt (60), (all GBX). A other first class colleges. a .333 average. 86·54. White again led the Terrors' few injuries have happened as a result of earnest play. Del Kohl lost a tooth losing cause with 12 points. and Walt Sanders suffered a lacerated scalp when they hit accidentally. The 011 January 9th the Terrors de. disappointment of the league (the Black and Whites) depend a great deal on Wrestlers Lose To Ieatcd Washington College by a 69·52 Chick Silberstein to do their scoring. Things are bad for Pi-A·A when he's Rifle Team Wins score, after leading at the half by two off. Congratulations go to Denny Harmon and Dick Linton for be. Catholic University The Western Maryland rifle team points. Arnie Needleman showed that ing chosen third-team Southern area All-Americans in soc;er. Also traveled to LaSalle College on Janu- being married doesn't slow you down, to Nick Gwynn, who joins Denny and Dick as honorable mention in The experience of the Catholic ary 9th for a triangular match with by leading the way with 18 points. University wrestling team won out Temple and LaSalle. The Terror team Last .Wednesday the Terrors trav, Maso~;~~fdos~Cf:f~h~~~e~eop{e who contributed to the March of over the Green Terrors of Western came through with a victory in their eled to Loyola, only to lose one of the Dim~s show.. either through money or talent; to Rev. Werner, for Maryland 33-2 in a match at the first interscholastic match of the sea- closest games of the season, 66.62. an interesting Chapel speech; to those clubs that contributed Washington school. W.M.C.'s only Al Bopst was high scorer with 20 Christmas baskets; to Sister Broken Wings, for carrying on Vesper pointe came from a deadlock contest points. services in the infirmary; to the steadily improving basketball with Andy Tafuri the Terror's half. Results were as follows: Friday night the Terrors lost a teams; to Pat Rogan, for his football contract with the l;'ittsburgh Andy battles in thc 130 lb. class. All Western Maryland _. _ 1299 heart breaker to the Tigers rrom Steelers : to the Dramatic art and Music depts. for staging such a other contestants wei'c defeated ill Temple __ __ _ 1292 Hampden-gydney. After trailing by fine Christmas .program; to Michigan State, for its great Rose Bowl the one-sided evenll1g. LaSalle _ 1284. only one point at the end of the half win; to Dr. Makosky, for being first news editor of the GOLD BUG. Next regular match is February 3' Paul Lambertson high for and thc third quarter, the Western Onions: to those basketball teams which don't play the game with the opponet being Dre~el Insti- 'VMC with 278. Maryland five finally suceumbed to for enjoyment; to "Doc" Schmall for his growls ("Nobody likes tute.of Philadelphia. The enCQuntel' the deadly accurate set shots of their me.") ; to those people who rap the GOLD BUG and don't offer any \vill take place in the Penllsylval1ia The rifle team's next match will be opponent, 73 to 62. Only eight foul city. against Frederick on February 10th. shots out of 26 were made by the ~~e~~el~~~o~~i~:ta;;~~I~e~~;g~~:;~~~i~l~~~~.rf:~~a~.' b:us~~~t~h~~~~ Today there was a practice match It will be fired on OUl··home range home team. Al Bopst was high scorer have been there, if U. of Md. had won. with Hopkins at the Gill Gym. underneath Yingling Gym. with 18 points. Compliments of ~------------------e~------------------~ J. R. EVERHART COLLEGE BARBER WMC Sports Quiz Is Now Being Discontinued In The GOLD BUG; At the Forks It Must Have Been An Indication OF Something Lacking Somewhere by Lea lYerner To the checrleadeJ's I suggest that they tJ'Y a little harder. You're never "You're Good For It At" GOLD BUG Sp"rta FAitor too good tbat you can't improve as a squad. J know you give a lot of time DAVID'S JEWELERS U...cently it has COllieto my attention how lax the college has become to· and effort, but let's give a little more. If its practice you need, practice more Above all leVs be there when we're often, and if it's new cheers, get them. 19 E. Main Street ward school sports. This Condition has existed for some time, and as sports supposed to cheer with plenty of pep and spirit. Remember the better you editor for the GOLD BUG, I feel it is my duty 10 say something about it. Westminster, Md. This feeling of indifference was first brought to my attention when this chcer the mOl'e the students wiU cheer. Phone Westminster 1167 paper published a quiz; on WMC sports, and offered two tickets to the movies' And finally to the student body I'll say that it's easy to stand Bulova - Longines - Elgin as a token for the winning answers. All it took was a little effort on the part by a team that is good and is winning consistently, but it takes guts. of the students to look up the answers if they were not known, and to wJ:ite Benrus • Gruen them down and submit them to the GOLD BUG. But two frie theatre tickets real guts to support a losing team. And this is something few people on this campus have when it comes to team support. Wittnauer didn't seem to merit the effort, for in the two preceding quizzes less than /iVf; Anybody can make up an excuse for not coming to a game, and many of people even bothered with it! It seems that it would be much easier to walk OPEN AN ACCOUNT down town and purchase two tickets. Anyway it might not take as much them are given. The most popular being study. Did you ever stop to think effort. that players have to study too, that they have the same tests the next day? What am I driving at? Just this, the WMC sports program is Besides studying they have to represent the college on the field and court. in a dangerous position and unless something is done about it by I can't argue against the fact that you have to study, but many use it For that special everybody we're liable to wake up and find ourselves without a as just an excuse. During halftime 6f a recent basketbaU game, I went through Norman for the team. every section of Albert Of the Ward to get support program at all. date, Corsages A sports quiz may not be important in itself, but it call be an indication thirty people I found, less than five we!'e studying, and three of these five offered of a general attitude of indifference toward the college athletic program. to come to the game. The point I'm trying to make is that you can find time from The question now to be raised is, where does the cause for this attitude if you want to support sports activities. It a150 seems to be a fad on campus that it is beneath the dig- lie? Who is to blame? The cheerleaders, the student.s, 01' the team! I could nity of those who do attend sporting events to even open their easily put myself in hot water by saying that the blame should be put on the The Flower Box student body and not on the team or cheerleaders, but that would be hardly mouths for feal' that somebody will think they're crazy for cheering. of the matter Many are just content to stare at the cheerleaders and make a sar- is that everybody is to blame from the fair or true. The truth team right on down through the cheerleaders and the student body. castic remark about the team's poor play. And their excuse for this Phone 1420 14 W. Main St. But the real tragedy is that few of us realize this. Most of us are content is that you can't have spirit without a good team. 10 pass the buck and blame everyone else. The cheerleaders tomplain that the To these people I say "nuts" with a capital ''N''. The real reason students don't cheer, the students say Ihe cheerleaders lack pep and that the is that you're afraid to cheer or to put it more bluntly, a coward. team isn't up to par, and the team complains about support. To some people these are words, and I hope it makes some- Let's get wise to ourselves. All this complaining isn't helping to remedy body mad enough to want to give more support. one single thing. What we need to do is to look at this problem from our own Let me give you an example of what a little cheering can do. At the J. WM. HULL, Jewel.. standpoint. Ask yourself: "What am I doing to help the situation?" same basketball game which 1 mentioned earlier, we were winning by two My answer to all of this would be a plan of less stonethrowing and more points at half time, and there was littlc support from the crowd. But by the cooperation between all three groups. Its easy to put this on paper, but carry- determined effort of the cheerleaders and a few people around them, a con· For OveJ: Half Century ing it out is another matter. For this reason I propose the following plan: tinuous barrage of cheering was kept up during the second half. The team Expert Watch, Jewelry To the team, any team, as a whole and as individuals, I would won by 17 points. I'm not saying that the cheering made the difference or say this. Don't worry about support from the students, play the that the team might not have won if there llad 110tbeen any. But I am saying and Eye-Glass Repairing game. If you play the way you should you'll get your support. and that it helped, for the team scored more points the second half than the first, plenty of it. To deserve something you've got to earn it. You've a feat which has not been accomplished on the home court this year. shown your capability before and you can show it again. Above all, Let's not wait until the team is good and then cheer, let's cheer 105 W. Main Street playas a team and don't down the other fellow. A great athlete and make the team good. never complains. What's most important to us is not whether you With a Jittle more cooperation among all three groups, we can won the game, but how you've played it. make all our teams winners. Lees give it a try.
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