Page 26 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 26
The Gold Bug, Jan. 19. 1954 } Eating Habits Still 'College Papers Aid Democracy Delicate In College By In -. Evdyn W. Wennc,. GOLD BUG Faculty AdviftOr The following Dining Hall rules are The reprinted from the GOLD BUG, No- paper first American college news- American privilege for and by young was the Gazettc Dartmouth men and women who when they leave vember 14, 1947, which, in turn re- published in 1799." Yale had its Lit- college will assume Similarly respon- Lest I be accused of falling still bumping into juniors and printed them from 1929. c-ral1J Cabinet in 1806 and Harvard its sible duties of leadership and democ- into the pitfalls of trite senti- so on down the line but the DINING HALL RULES Lycelt11~ i1l..,1810. Then, through the racy in various American communi- mentality in bidding adieu, it is situation might improve with 1. Go promptly to dining room years, came' a great -increase in the ties. with the best intentions that I've new seating arrangements. when bell rings. number of campus periodicals, the resolved to attempt to make this 15. Congratulations to Dr. Ensor 2. Remain standing quietly behind additions keeping pace with the rapid "The student of American literature final editorial a much more fact- -The President's hearty par- chairs until blessing is asked. increase in academic centers and will hardly need to be reminded that ual one than those customarily ticipation in a football pep. 3. Men will remain standing until quickened no doubt by the expanding Daniel Webster was at this time an published at this time. rally is indicative of his gen- ladies are seated. influence of journalism in the extra- undergraduate at Dartmouth. He The following candid recapit- eral cooperative attitude in 4. The host will serve plates and academic world. was, as Mr. F. L. Mott points out, ulation of editorial policy and furthering the interests of pass them. A survey of college journalism in in all probability a contributor to just plain observations that have the college community. 5. Bread and butter will be passed 1945 notes the existence of more than the Guzctt~ and possibly one of its appeared in Views. feature ar- 16. Quantity of Food in The Din- to the host first, unless he or she for a thousand college newspapers and founders. tides and this column might be ing Hall-For the most part convenience has it done otherwise. concedes the fact that these newspa- considered the Gold Bug's a distinct improvement has 6. Eat slowly and masticate well pers are the almost' indispensable "twenty points" over the past been noted in bringing the yOU}' food. laboratories for college courses in 7. Do not make a noise when eating year. quantity of meals up to the soup. journalism. They are published in the hope acknowledged good quality 8. Place knife and fork on side of The report, concerned as it is with by Harriett: Coolcy that all of us can evaluate those that has existed in the past. plate when not in use while eating, other things, finds no occasion to SGA Seercl>try accomplishments made and make 17. Fraternity Football Injuries and when passing the plate for a point out that these newspapers were further progress toward the -Maybe they weren't as bad second serving. Do not rest knife or not in general established to provide Since the last GOLD BUG ap- completion of those goals, which as painted, but whatever the fork on table, but place entirely on technical or pre-vocational training peared, the junior class and the They were case, the current basketball are still deemed desirable today. season has thus far been free plate. for aspiring upon journalists. and far marc Bachelors for have received their prizes Con- Homecoming. founded larger The comments and opinions from serious mishap. 9. Take slice of bread from plate significant concepts. gratulat.ions again to both! expressed Q,1'ethe urriier'e own IS. Parking Problem-Is is still with your fingers and not with your From 1799 to the present time the A change in plans for the rcc room and not necessQ,1'ily those of the a problem sometimes to find fork. publication of the college newspaper has been reported. The "juke box GOLD BUG staff. . a legal space on the campus, 10. Do not butter a whole slice of has been a conscious exercise in basic man" says that he is going to put a 1. Inter" fraternity Sportsman- but at least the roads are bread but break the bread in pieces. Amcrican rights, and policies of the new machine in the ree room rather ship-It is definitely improv- much less congested. Some- 11. Do not sop up syrup or gravy paper have been adjusted constantly than the eable-and-speakers-f'rom- ing but let's keep it up. one sugested that Mr. Barnes, with a piece of bread in your fingers. to the- ideals of an expanding but the-grille. We'll have good dance 2. GOLD BUG Policy of Service Baltimore's Traffic Director, 12. Do not carry food to your basically immutable American democ- music that doesn't keep playing in -We've done our "darndest" might be the answer. mouth with your knife. racy: The value of the paper depends the same groove, soon, we hope! to hold up our end of the deal -The title speaks for itself, 13. After the ringing of the belt only partly on the technical training Speaking of the ree room, the but how successful we've been but let's try it all year round. for dismissal the host will excuse his which it offers and only partly on Trustees gave a negative decision con- is up to you. 20. Support for the March of table when all at that table have fin- what it reports or how effectively it cerning having it open on Sundays. 3~Mid - Century Building Pro- Dimes-Both the benefit show ished. performs its news functions. The reason given was that visitors to gram-There have been lots and individual solicitations 14. To avoid 'congestion the ladies Far more important is what it the campus would frown on such of promises but we're all still were well received, but especi- will remain at ·the table until the symbolizes as the practice of a basic activity. waiting for the first corner- ally in this decisive year when young men have passed out. If any stone, a preventative is almost in table has not finished eating beiore 4-:-Westminster The 0 log ic a I the reach of everyone, let's the ladies begin to retire, the young Attentio/1,---E-vcryone, pUl't;Imlur/y F'cbl'!(al'Y grads! Did you read: the Seminary-The sale was an- hit our goal. men at that table will please rema!n college catalog ca1'eful/.y before embarking o-n yow' career of learning'! One nounced last year but the So that's the partial story of seated until the ladies have passed of the m(bny fine things it stalcd torrs that, "College develops ch(braet6'l'; the chief deterent now seems to the GOLD BUG's effort in the that table. yeal's of 1'igid tl'aini1l-g and eeif-dieciptine in.still thot spark of som.etMng be a little money for the past year. It is much more 15. Do not loiter for conversation 'e~tra' in an t11divid1talwhich sets hi1n off in a crowd." Well, a Sltl'lIey was American University addi- though, from news to sports and while passing in and out of the din- taken and indeed it was [ouiui that colfc'ge grads do stand O!tt in U crowd. tion. cartoons to feature stories. ing room. l!!st u_la.nce at the 1naterial below for proof, sceing if YOlt can detcct the 5. School Spirit-Lots more of Without a doubt, commenda- 16. Do not converse between tables. person with the A.B.! this intangible and elusive tion is due to Paul Lambertson 17. Do not play with curtains while yet very vital element of col- who has kept us out of jail this standing waiting for the blessing. lege life should be forth com- long in his most astute balancing of the books. He's been "the 6. ~~'dent Lounge-This proj- greatest" as a business manager I·· ect has been deemed infeas- although I sometimes wonder Letter To ible by the SGA due to the just what his business is? The Editor general feeling that the need Nancy Caskey, another senior, I for a lounge did not justify also deserves recognition in her Editm': the tremendous effort that Deal' would he required in acquir- post as managing editor in writ- I hope you won't mind my using ing such. ing "heads" and sending off the your paper (and my paper- also) to 7, SGA Panel Discussion in "pix." express my opinion on a subject which Last Alumni Hall-Judging from leaving but not least of those involves certain students in this school. Jim "the blaffer" is the fewer number of com- Roach who along with the GOLD plaints expressed, it seems to BUG is celebrating his thirtieth Lately, I have wondered when the have resulted in a better stu- year at WMC. All kidding aside, college I am attending will cease to dent - administrative under- put up with "characters" who act standing and cooperation. Jim's Athletes Feats has been more like they should be in high S. State Appropriation for WMC considered a high spot of each school or who belong on a lower level -The $250,000 was a nice edition. than that. Throughout the past year To Mr. Royer and all the swell thought while it lasted, but folks at the Times, a new type- -in fact, ever since I entered this turned out to be wistful stretcher for their roles as the college three years ago-there have thinking in the end. been many instances of rowdyism 9. Red Cross Blood Drive-As unseen editors. . exhibited in the men's dormitories, It's quite clear that like most has been the case in the past, New Year resolutions, the one the dining hall, and in the town movie WMC again reached its quota. houses. 10. Recognition for the Terror which I made at the beginning Those of us who feel that we arc Baseball Team-After a very of this article has already been mature enough to be deserving of a broken, but in giving further brief notice in the opening of recognition for jobs well done college education feel that it is un- the season, the local nine fin- just look at the names in the fail' to let the childish members of ally got some of the write-ups masthead from Gus LaMar right the student body make living condl- commensurate with their hus- on down the line. You've all been' tions uncomfortable for the rest of tle. us. There is no reason for setting off l!. Chapel Seating and Services great. of everything on the firecrackers in a dormitory just to cause a little excitement. Best -This question is currently GOLD BUG'S thirtieth anniver- under discussion in the SGA sary, to you and your new staff, There is no reason why, night after Cabinet and suggestions are Gus. An anonymous poem which night, trash cans have to be filled with being welcomed, stands on my desk might water and dumped all over people as 12. Friendship Regardless of cate that you'll need it. indi- well as on the floors of the dorm. I'm Fraternity or Sorority Choice Now with said poem I'll close sure the janitors don't appreciate this don't -Outward appearances show (after 560 words, I should). latter stunt. enjoy They also to pick par- lip ticularly ha"ing all is nice. Let's hope that the outward expressions are sin- Quote, Unquote broken bottles. There is no reason for rooms locked in their being people cere indications of trl1e feel- "What have you done?" St. Pe- and having their doors barricaded, ings. tel' asked, 13.D i ni n g H a II Entrance- "That I should admit you here?" And last of all, there is absolutely Things seem just the same as "I ran a paper," the editor said, no reason why a firecracker should be set off in a crowded room, especiaUy ever with the thundering "cattle-like" stampedes that "A;ea~r. college for one long ~: as:::: ~~~~i~~i~~ea~O~:hn;:!eo:;~ preface every meal. Maybe St. Peter pityingly shook his of the dining hall waiting to go in to we need a couple of cowboys! heruI firecrackers as these 14. Chapel Exiting--Seniors are And gravely touched the bell. eat. As small one could very easily last are, this "Come in, poor thing, select a have caused serious harm, not only harp. THE GOLD BUG "You've had your share of Hell." to people who were standing nearby but also to the glass cabinet that was in the vicinity. But it was g1'eat! The dean of men and the president of the S.G.A. have been informed of some of these things. Apparently these offenders don't have sufficient Member ioih11!e respect for these officers, because if Atlociated ColI~gl.t.Pre" MARCH OF DIMES they did they wouldn't continue to Subscription Price $2.00 a Year January 2 to 31 ~:~Si~!e~n 1~~~:~~;~S~I~~"o~~!~.:'~~~y "A special prize will bc awarded by the GOLD BUG to Ihe person who (Continued on pagc 4, colltmn 3) can dctcet the college graduate ilt this picture.
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