Page 23 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Dec. 15, 1953 3 Green And Gold Cagers To Meet 8 Teams To Start Former Terror I,(JtltkteJllj.ecd.£ I Mt. St. Mary's Quintet Tomorrow In Frat Basketball Mentor Dies By Jim ROMh FootbaU and soccer seasons on Coach Ferguson's Terrors, making their second home appearance, will With intramural football out of the the hill have ended. and in their :face a formidable Mt. St. Mary's five tomorrow night. on Gill Gym court. way, the four fraternities on the hill Dr. M. Morris Wbitehur..,t, former place move basketball and wres- WMC will be gunning for their second win in four tries and their first have started their basketball season. Western Maryland Football coach, tling. But before we ring down Mason~Dixon conference win of the 1953-54 cage season. Besides the regular frat teams, four died in Baltimore last Thursday, De- the final curtain on the former The men from the Mount will bring with them two powerful weapons. other squads have entered tbe league. cember 8. sports. a little more should be The first is a two-game winning streak against Western Maryland, and the This year will find teams entered by A graduate of City College, Dr. said about them. second is their ace scorer Sal Angelo. Kohl, Bard, The Seminary, and a Whitehurst had the distinction of The soccer squad started strong team known as the "Trojans." Last season 85-7'7 and 59-47. Angelo, Baum Takes 3rcl having never handled a team with 8 and finished surprisingly well, despite defeated the Mounts the Terrors ThID:ewill be two regular scheduled .losing record during his coaching their record. The University of a 6' 4" 19B-pound center, Bank 38 rounds of play. The winner of the career. His keen interest in athletics Maryland can consider itself quite season he had a total of 495 BaclmintonHonor shots in the two contests. For the first round will play the winner of the earned him the honorary title of fortunate in defeating the Terrors, entire second round for the championship. "Father of Maryland rootbau." 4-2. With the score 2-2, WMC missed will not be The independent teams points. Dr. Wbitehurst was coach at West- a free shot that would have given The Women's Athletic Association permitted to compete in the tourna- Last year Mt. SI:. Mary's won 19 has announced the women's basketball ment. ern Maryland from 1901 to 1907. Dur- them the lead-something they'd have and lost 6, ending up in third place schedule for the 1954 season. Aiter Two games will be played each ing this time he coached the football hung on to. But things didn't break in the conference standings. the intra-mural etass games, an hen- night at 7 and 8:30. team to three State championships. for the Green and Gold bootera, wbo Western Maryland has its aces also. crary team will be chosen consisting Referees will appoint Timer and His immortalization at WMC has faltered, and the U.M. went on to win. Al Bopst has scored 57 points, aver- of those girls who display sportsman- Scorer. been assured by his two great contri- Against Hopkins, a game the boys aging 16 a game, with an overall ship, interest, and ability. These girls The Schedule! . butions to the achool-c-the introduc- wanted to win badly, the boctera will represent WJV[C at the extra- n""emiJer ,,,,,.s tion of the forward pass and tbe dis- pressed the Blue Jays consistently mural contests. Wedn""day ]"".2 covery of Western Maryland's great but the Jays' power paid off, and Thursday ie 7"".4 8"".5 they scored in the dying moments of Returning Veterans Mond ..y U is ~ ~~:g ~~::: pass-and-catch combination of Molly the game. Final: 2-1. In this game, a Tu....d"y T,vigg and Chandler Sprague. Thursd"y Among the girls expected back Janua.y " e , 1..".7 8 ~s.II freak accident resulted in Al Hagen- from last year's team are: guards, TUl!!lday , 6"a.2 e"".3 buch's breaking his left arm. Other Thundny Mary Lou Arnie, Marie Upperco, J 0 Friday 1~!:i Wrestling Squacl boys were also shaken up. Co-cap- Monday Siehler, and Kate Service; forwards, Wednoaday .. i i ia ~::~ tains Dick Linton and Nick Gwynn -r.,C!lday Jo Taylor, Betsy Bowen, Rags Baum, ~~::~ played their final game as members Kay Phillips, and Sharon Albaugh. Thu!1ldal' " ra l~:l Begins Practices of the Green and Gold booters. Monday Included among the "energetiC: fresh- February , The goal that Bank Taitt scored in Monday men" are Mary Ellen Weber, Jean Tuesday a 5"8.6 1"8.4 The 1953 wrestling team, out to the Maryland U. game was his first S ...... 5 i~::~ Cline, Laura Kremb and Joy Nuttall. Thursdey u ie e "8. 5 ""s.1i improve last year's record, has al- at WMC. It was well-received on the Fridel' I VII. Ii Witb basketball season beginning, Wedn-'Sday " ie P""";bl,, ,,~ Off. ready started their practiCing of Eastern Shore, too. Bank got a con- POII.lbl" Tbund81' Off. Play the badminton season has come to a Friday rs Pley Off. grunts and groans this season. The gratulatory message Crom the folks PIer close. Of particular Interest to the ThU ....d8y as ~:::~:: Off. team will not be seen in action, how- down there. girls was the badminton Sports Day ever, until after the holidays, and On the football front, a guy named held here December 11. Participating ~=~~~'iPI Alphill 5-Alpna Alpha Gemma Tau their first home match will be with Lou Sorrentino deprived the Terrors li-PI Alpha. were Gettysburg, Towson, and St. 3-F....u.m8n r Tro- Loyola. of a well-earned victory against Leb- iaM Joseph's. (-Gun ..... Bet.. Chi ~jn ...y The groaners so far have been anon Vall~y. Sorrentino sparked his Playing singles in Blanche Ward classified only temporarily in the fol- team from the depths of defeat with Gym, Mary Ellen Weber in the no. 1 lowing groups: Lightweights--.Brant a fantastic passing exhibition. His position for WMC defeated her Trophy Matches Vitek, Jim Tone, Walt Preston, Andy great work overshadowed tbe fine AL BOPST, who leade tha Terror three opponents, as did Bobbie Sum- Tafuri, and Butch Hall; middle- performances of Warren Bim, the eeoring after three He hC£8 mers who played in the no. 2 position. weights-Ken Ruehl, Dick Carvel, linemen, and the other backs. ecored 57 paints, hitting 16 per game. Pat Patterson, in the no. 3 slot, lost To Open Season Harry Kacandes, and Dan Englor j The Hopkins game ended tbe sea- with a. .448 overall U1Jemge. to St. Joseph's and Towson, but took and heavyweights-Jack Duhl, Ellis son on a bright note. Al Miller's 96- a win over Gettysburg. The Rille team, boosted by seven Cline, D. Martin, and Ed Heflin. yard TD rnn started an avalanche, average of .448 in three contests. For Baum Wins returning lettermen, opened their Some of the newer members such climaxed by "Nick" Carlucci's run for season last Friday night by firing for the same number of games Needle- the Hearst Trophy. Tbis match is na- as Vitek, Heflin, Hall, have previous t.he final score: Arnie Needleman, Senior han has 30 and White has 25. Summers; class winner was Bobbie tional and rifle teams from all over experience. Kacandes, Englor, Cline, with two TD's, Chuck Smith, with junior class, Rags Baum; Western Maryland opened its bas- the country compete. All firing is and Martin are being counted on by one, Pat Rogan with one, and Charley ketball season on December 3 against sophomore class, Peggy Artigianni; done on the home range, and scores supervising coach Charles Havens to White with one, led the scoring pa~ Lebanon Valley on the opponents' and freshman class, Mary Ellen are sent in to the national trophy bolster the team. rade. Even a stick-necked Brad Jones home court, and went down to defeat Weber. The winners played off among committee. The matches at home are held in joined the parade, by kicking a point 83-51. Needleman was high mall with themselves with junior Rags Baum Coached by Sergeant Ray McRob- Gill Gym and start at 3 p. nl. on aiter "No-neck Rauscb" also kicked 12 points. Two nights later the squad defeating all t.hree other winners to erts and man~ged by Bob Herzog, weekdays alld at 2 "p. m. on Satur- a few points. traveled to Gallaudet, only to lose become "school champ" for the third playing manager, this year's team in- days. Here's an interesting note: two again to an upset-minded five, 72-55. consecutive year. cludes: Paul Lambertson, Nick Gwynn, Director of Athletics, Charles W. WMC gridders journeyed to College AI Bopst led the Terrors' useless ef- Closely associated with the intra- Havens has announced a schedule of Park to watch the U. of Maryland in was the experiment fort with 15 points, followed closely murals Recreational Leadership held by Dick Titlow, Don Hensler, Fre5ult Your Local Raltroilld Ticket Asant Wallin Advillnc. 85 Penruylyania Ayenue COLLEGE BARBER of D.parture Dillt. for D.tall.d Inform.tton Westminster, Md. At the Forks EASTERN RAILROADS
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