Page 24 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 24
4 The Gold Bug, Dec. 15, 1953 De Mouse Et Man (Continued Ot!. gape 4, col. 1) J. WM. HULL, Jewel.r Veterans Jordan, Thomas, Head filled with mlee, yet unfailingly to supply him quite adequately. For Over Half Century emptied of cheese. It's the same thing The clock began striking twelve Bachelor, Black And White Frats as trains. American fathera with electric just as he finished-and it completed Expert Watch, Jewelry the dozenth stroke with a tired mouse Anyhow, previous to the current safe under a cold :front door mat. and Eye-Glass Repairing by Arnold Hayward by H. Grander Yuletide, this particular mouse had Lon Jordan, or "Uncle Lou" as he always been able to tape together all A.M. Ahem is called by his many friends, has the bait he'd stolen the year before:- The next morning, he was awakened 105 W. Main Street proven himself a valuable asset to and present it again (to be deducted, by one long, steamy shout: "Over our campus. He has earned the re- on March 15, as "charity"). But, this here, yeah, at Clem Moore's"; and spect of his fellow students through year, all his stored provender was the snow-covered footfall of boots his faithfulness to the many respon- locked in the dining room. trampled over his head. Crawling sibilities which he has assumed as one Acquiescing to the unique predtc- :from between the fibers, he saw, and o:f the leaders on the Hill. ament, he overcame feneatrnphcbia that's all he could see--people, people Good Health Lou hails irom Sykesville, Md., and one last time, entered the kitchen, -aU beating paths across fields, over before coming to Western Maryland stole the eat's milk, and began churn- trees, and, yes!, through the unlocked To served four years in the U. S. Air ing. With the tired end of his hemp- • front door. Scampering through this Force, tw-o and one half years of like tail, he stirred, stirred, stirred, open door to flour bag haven, with All which were spent in England. If stirred - waxing more onomatopoet, only the pajamas on his back, this asked, he will emphatically tell you ical every second, hut producing- only mouse soon discovered the ettrecttcn: From that he hates English weather, but a minimum of coagulation. You can His master was climbing to the top hopes to return somday for a visit. imagine the complexity of sucb an of his voice, acclaiming the strangely REXALL Lou's ardent spirit as president -of undertaking - the operator squatting r-ich, rare, and exquisite cheese he the Black and Whites is well known orientally on the side of the milk- had found in his kitchen. He kept and his work as president of the bowl, revolving a white-coated tail mumbling, between gasps, something lnter-Fl'aternity Council haa shown about how he'd "never understand it. thirty times clockwise for twenty Why, when I awoke at twelve, minutes, then reverse. Stirring, stir- not a creature was stirring, indeed, ring, stirring, atlr-ring-c-unfil he was not even, be-he, not even a mouse ... " For the 1 special certain his tail would collapse from -and on he went. JOhlL S. ThO'llu;l8 stir-ility. And still he stirred, and No one noticed, amid all tbe feet, da te, Corsages stirred he still. A couple of years ago when I was Rodenture a small, gray, oblong form sneak from a sophomore in accounting lab, 1" With but fifteen minutes remaining, humbly to an old familiar hole in the disappear. dining room's corner-and observed a quiet and conscientious he -dragged the curdled remains of a As soon as he could reach his desk, student in the same class. When the tail :from the semi-solid solution, he picked up hi.., memorandum pad, The Flower Box next semester rolled around and this "tilted the bowl, and poured the con- and wrote: fellow joined the Bachelors, I was tents through a sieve. The result of "Remember, you suffering bit of privileged to become better acquainted this straining was only a disappoint- life, no matter how dark the circum- Phone 1420 14 W. Main St. with him. My impression of his being ing quarter of a pound of thin, un- stances, it's still more blessed to give conscientious endured after [ got to impassioned cheese. There was no than re-sieve." know him, but the other impression time to shove it through the sieve Finally, to sleep, and a most pe- didn't. again; what was there would have to culiar dream (which concerned some FOR THE FINEST The personality in question is JOnn suffice as the gift. Besides, if he ever ancient adage about a better mouse- S. Thomas, one whose geed-nature, got into the dining room again, he'd trap, and a beaten path to your door). sincerity, pleasant humor, and eon- have enough of last year's left-overs The mouse smiled, and slept on. IN FLOWERS ~l~~e~~;~~i~:~ i~~~'~d~:~: oh~n:h~n~i~l~ rr====================9 See Us First J ohn was born on the Fourth of July, 1930, in Montgomery County, A ]I{apPllIioli~al! "raBon DUTTERER'S and he calls the little town ot Gaith. to you ersburg home. He attended high from 114 Pennsylvania Ave. school there where he presided over P. G. COFFMAN CO. his ability and potentiality as a future his senior class, and earned varsity ~ Times Bldg. Westminster, Md. Westminster 350 leader in society. letters in baseball and as a guard and Active in Sports punter in football. His ability is not limited, however, Korean Vet HAVE YOUR HOLIDAYS FREE FOR FUN to leadership in organizational aetivi- Uncle Sam's Army claimed John Do Your Christmas Sh.opping DELICIOUS FOODS lies, but his enthusiastic participation after- high school, and he served two BEFORE YPU LEAVE in such 'intramurnl sports as :football, different hitches, His first one was Hamilton House Offers A Wide AND basketball, and softball is recognized with an anti-aircraft unit at Fort Choice Of Beautiful Gifts and Cards CANDY FOR GIFTS by everyone. Bliss, Texas. The second was with the For Men, Women, and Children Gift Wrapped Far East. the Second Division in As a major in Political Science, Including Pieces With the W.M.C. Seal Lou has been a consistent dean's During December, 1950 and January, To Mail lister while at Western Maryland. He 1951, he was in Korea, where he saw HAMILTON HOUSE intends to enter graduate .school at a considerable amount of action and the termination of his study here in was awarded tile Purple Hear-t. "GIFTS OF DISTINCTION" Griffin's May and eventually leach Political Before coming to Western Mary_ (FACING THE POST QFFICE) OPEN EVENINGS Science. land John attended Montgomery Jun- Warm Personali~y ior College. At WMC be became an Lou has many capabilities which economics major, a member of Alpha Tau, of the and a member Gamma ....'il! prove him a valuable citizen to Interf'r-ater-nity council. He has served LAUNDROMAT his community in the future. His the Bachelors as chaplain and sec- Baugher's Restaurant ready smile and warm personality rejar-y and is now its president. 5 Locust Street have won him many friends and hia Ping-pong Star JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Opposite Parking Lot serious and ecusclenttous e:ff'Ol·tin all John is rated as one of Western that he does has won him the respect Maryland's top ping-pong players FOR A MEAL OR SNACK DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 or all those that work with him. (ask Doc Phillips or Don Seibel). His FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 I am only one of muny who agree other hobbies include reading, swlm, that Lou truly deserves the honor o:f ming and focusing his eyes on the Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Closed Wed. Afternoon being "High 011 the Hili." Bachelor's new TV set. Westminster 1287 He seemed to be quite a "woman- OPEN EVERY DAY hater" until last year, when a certain FREE DELIVERY SERVICE "You're Good For It At" young lady cauglJt his eye. Now John DAVID'S JEWELERS spends mallY or his weekends up in Bel Air, 19 E. Main Street employed. where a ${""hoolteacher is Westminster, Md_ February Grad Phone Westminster 1167 When February rolls around West- ern M81yland will be forced to con- Bulova - Longines - Elgin tinue on without John, since he in- Benrus ~ Gruen tends to receive his diploma then. Wittnauer Whatever he undertakes in the fu- There's fun-611ed confusion ture (and all those who know him OPEN AN ACCOUNT will agree) he cannot help but be a when the campus empties into cars, trains and planes as Christmas holidays begin. Heading for good times? Pause for a Coke and go refreshed. I THE HAPPIEST OF HOLIDA YS TO YOU AND YOURS I FROM ALL THE FOLKS AT IOTTI.fO UNDER AUDiOQITY Of THE CQC4.COIA CO","'ANY BY ~~BLUE RIDGE "'Coh .. ;... rcgWuMlIrvd.....wrr/r. COCA-COLA BOTTLING @19.51,DiECQCA-COl4COMPANY WESTMINSTER CO., INC_
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