Page 7 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 7
The Go)d BUlb Oct. 14, 1952 Victory Skein Snapped As WMC Faces H-S Randolph-Macon Soccer Team Gettysburg Romps 28-6 For Homecoming Posts Upset Win Wins Opener Western Maryland will put its rec- defeat in Over Terrors, 7-6 Western Maryland's Ig-game victory skein was snapped October 4 as a ord of never having tasted Playing great offensive' and defen- rugged Gettysburg crew spoiled the 1952 Terror grid debut with a 28-6 triumph. a Homecoming game on the line Oc- Western Maryland's football squad sive ball against Loyola, WMC came tober 25 when they play host to Hamp- went down to defeat for the second through with a 4_1 victory in their den-Sydney College. The visitors will first game of the season. Bruce Mills, be out to notch their first victory in time in the still young 1952 campaign a freshman, sparked the offensive a series that dates back to 1946. In last Saturday when an underdog Ran- with the first of his two goals in the the five games that have been played dolph-Macon club notched a 7-6 up- first quarter. However, Loyola came WMC has always come out on top. set victory. The encounter, played at right back to tie up the score within The Hampden-Sydney Tigers with Ashland, Virginia, saw the Yellow the next minute of play, as Sam Pres- their split- T offense have on hand Jackets average a 46-7 drubbing that tiani found the mark with a corner they suffered last year. seventeen returning lettermen bolster- kick. Although the Terrors were on ed by twenty freshmen newcomers. Jackets Tally ,Early the offensive most of the second quar- Leading the frosh crop is Ronnie Randolph-Macon tallied midway in ter, the score remained 1-1 as the Martinez, fullback, speedy Tommy half ended. Poland at left Halfback, ends Chuck the first quarter with fullback Laus- The third quarter started with a Mottley and Ronnie Henry, an4 John ence Shiflett proving to be the hero. quick pace, as Loyola tried to take the Tigmo, a guard. After Harold Gray returned a WMC lead. But great defensive work by punt 16 yards from the R.M 43 to the Hagenbuch, Veteran Line Terror 42 Shiflett ripped to the 33 Dick Linton, Al Cohen prevented and a goalie "Cookie" Eleven returning letterwinners are and Ted Keller made the first down possible three scores. Then with only linemen. Probably the strongest posi ... when he ran to the 24. At this point a minute and a half left in the quar- seemed tion on the squad is center where the lellow Jacket drive suffered a 15 to ter, Soup Campbell scored with an bog down when they Captain Lee LeCompte holds forth. outside kick. As the quarter ended, we He has able backing in Stuart Wool- yard penalty and Western Maryland were .leading 2-1. Letteral scored for cott and Bob Johnson. Stokely Fulton, held for three downs. On fourth down WMC early in the fourth quarter, and All-Virginia in 1952, is a fixture and Shiflett faded and tossed a long pass a little later Bruce Mills got his Needleman Hite Pa-ydirt AgainBt G-Burg right guard and either Al Bryant or to end Tom Litterer who gathered in second goal to sew up the game. The Green and Gold looked as if Tigmo will go at the other slot. John the ball on the ten and raced over. Western Maryland's defensive play Shiflett provided the winning margin they were going to take charge in the Hodges, six foot four, 225 pound behe- when he split the
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