Page 3 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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The Gold Bug, Sept, 26, 1952 3 WM( Gridsters Prepare Soccer Team WM( 1952 Football Roster For Season's Opener Schedules Eight Name P~. Ago Ht. WgC Hometown College Year Despite a dismal Lewin, a-lest, and Alcantra, E. C. B 21 5-10 170 Baltimore 1 Hit hard by graduation and Uncle Sam's draftboard, the Western Mary- L-tied soccer campaign last fall, Coach Antonas, George G 22 6-0 205 Baltimore land football squad has been re-grouping its forces since September 3, when Philip Uhrig is more optimistic as he Basttsta, John G 18 6-1 194 Pawtucket, R. 1. the first practice was held, in anticipation of a rugged, eight-game, 1952 sends his charges through their drills Berends, John S. E 20 6-3 170 Baltimore gridiron slate. The Green and Gold has hopes of continuing a victory skein in preparation for October 10, when Bimestefer, William B 19 5-10 175 Baltimore of 13 consecutive encounters which dates back to 1950. The last team to. hand the booters open. The oppo.sition in Bimestefer, weeren . B 20 5-10 172 Balfimore a setback to the Hill's representatives was Franklin and Marshall which' the 1952 soccer eurtatn-r-alsar- will be Bopst, Alvin E 20 6-3 17' Frederick soundly drubbed WMC 25-0. The Terrors boasted an impressive eight won, ably produced by Loyola o.f Balti- Bury, Joseph 19 5-9 160 York, Fa. none lost record for the 1951 campaign which enabled them to annex the more, which downed the Terrors last Carlucci, John 19 5-10 162 Washington Mason-Dixon Conference Football Championship. season by the count of 4-1. Carvel, John 21 5-10 163 Baltimore Such pigskin standouts as Vic Makovitch, a stellar guard who copped Uhrig has several lettermen return; Cluffreda, Domm T 20 5-10 181 Mar-yland Park Little All-America a back who repro- F II S h I ing and these should form an excellent Clem, Les W. B 18 5-9 163 Walkeraville, Md. honors last year, and Mitch Tullai, a c edu as nucleus. Henry Taitt, and outside Collins, Ashby E. 21 6-1 ,'7 Farmville, ve. Duhl, Jack sented Western Maryland with his wing, Ray Davis, who will be at C 6-1 200 Elmira, N. Y. par-ticipation in tho Blue-Grey All- .......... center fer-ward or halfback, fullback Faby, Ray G " 22 5-10 174 Baltimore Star football game last December, Dave Rhoads, halfback Al Hagen- Goll, Eugene G 18 6-1 175 Havre de Grace, Md. graduated last June. Also departing FOOTBALL buch, and center forward Roy Etzler Hedgcock, Eugene T 18 6-2 198 Takoma Park, Md. when diplomas were handed out were Oct. 4 GettYsburg Away will be on hand. Also returning is Henderson, Harlow B 22 6-1 182 Merchantville, N. J. Walt Hart, pass-grabbing end, and 11 Randolph-Macon Away· veterans Dick Linton, a junior who Hunt, Howard L. T 18 6-2 17. Woodbury, N. J. Ira Zepp, who when he wasn't per- 18 Dickinson Home. operates at halfback, Walter Camp- Hutchinson, Don C 17 5-9 165 Merchantville, N. J. forming at one of the flanks, took 25 Hampden-Sidney bell, who scored the winning goal in James, Don T 20 6-2 213 Baltimore care of the Green Terrors' punting Homecoming"'- last year's only victory, Nick Gwynn, .Jones, Brad E. E 17 6-0 164 Merchantville, N. J. 1 chores. Nov. 1 Penn Military Away junior center halfback, and George Jones, Ronnie B 19 5-9 142 Salisbury, Md. 8 Drexel Tech Away Jones, Warren G 20 5-10 171 Seattle, Washington Henderson Returns Daviglus, can be counted on for full- Kelly, Ed 15 Lebanon Valley Home time duty. E 21 5-9 is New Brunswick, N.J. Warren McFague, last year's full- 22 Johns Hopkins Home. Moore, Bill G 20 6-0 174 New Bedford, Mass. back, will be sorely missed at the line ...-Conference Games Six talented freshmen, who all have Needleman, Arnold B 19 5-11 172 Brooklyn, N. Y. plunging spot. He has answered a had experience in either high school Rentko, Michael B 21 5-9 181 Nanticoke, Pa. draft call and has been forced ~o SOCCER or prep school ball, will be on hand Reckert, Joseph B 20 5-9 165 Washington forego ball carrying for Western Oct. 10 Loyola Home who could prove decided difference, Rausch, Nicholas G 5-11 215 Merchantville, N. J. Maryland. Gaps left in the forward 16 Johns Hopkins College Away as they will stack up as reliable re- Rogan, Patrick E " 20 6-1 163 Crum Lynne, Pa. placements. The biggest problem fac- 22 Washington wall by the departure of such de- 24 U. of Baltimore Home ing Coach Uhrig will be that of filling Rudisill, Bruce T 21 5-10 205 Hagerstown, Md. Away pendable operators as Otts Shearer, 31 Franklin & Marshall the gap leit by the graduation of Rusinko, Andrew G 20 6-0 '" Nanticoke, Pa. Jim Marsh, Mike Chirigos, and Don Nov. 4 U. of Delaware Home "last year's goalie, Chuck Hammaker. Samakouris, Ted G 23 5-9 170 Baltimore Phillips also provide holes that will 7 Towson Home Should a capable goal-tender be found, Scott, Dwight B 21 5-9 175 Arlington, Va. prove hard to fill. 14 Gettysburg Away the Green Terror soccer squad may Smith, William G 19 5-8 158 Washington Home On the bright side of the ledger chalk up one of its most successful Snover, Jack T 20 6-1 190 Elmira, N. Y. Coach Charles Havens has Harlow campaigns in recent years. Stevenson, Ray B 22 5-11 158 Cumberland, Md. (Skitch) Henderson ready to resume Suwall, Philip B 25 6-2 221 Baltimore last season Lettermen Bolster full time duty. Sidelined Totten, George G 5-10 181 Washington due to a shoulder injury, Henderson, a Fullback Star Wallace, Donald C " 19 6-9 176 Hamden, Conn. 6 foot 1 inch, 200 pounder, can also be Gettysburg Squad White, Charlie B 19 6-0 174 Laytonsville, Md. counted on to. do his share of ball tot- ing. Veteran Mike Rentko, last cam- Loaded with 27 returning lettermen Lost To Army paign's quarterback, returns to that the Bullets of Gettysburg will be Ex-Terror Kern looking for revenge October 4 when The draft cast an ugly shadow they play host to the visiting Western across the Wester-n Maryland College Returns To Coach Maryland football squad. The Green football camp September 14 as it Terrors travelled north of the Mason snatched from training the college's Bill Kern, former Western Mary- Dixon line last year where Skitch starting fullback, warren McFague. land wrestling and football star, has Henderson sparked them to a 13-6 tri- McFague, a junior from Portland, returned to his Alma Mater after two umph. Maine, was the team's leading scorer years of absence as a member of the John Yovicsin, new Gettysburg fast year, a year in which Western coaching staff. He provides able as- head-coach who took over the reins Maryland joined the ranks of the un- sistance to veteran coaches Havens, from Hen Bream at the close of the defeated across th~ Nation b~ walk- Harlow, and Ferguson, with special 1£)51 campaign, will bank heavily on ing through an 'eight game schedule emphasis on line play. Eugene "Berky" Ward, who will be undefeated and untied and easily Coach Kern, who graduated with at quarterback to direct the T for- capturing the Mason-Dixon Confer- the class of 1950 from Western Mary- mation attack. Ward, a five foot-nine, euce Football title. land, has a wide background in the 150-pound senior, poses a triple threat McFague, tipping the scales at 176, field of sports. Weighing more than with talents as a runner, a passer and provided the inside punch for the 200 pounds, Big Bill starred as a de- a kicker. His throwing arm rolled up fensive and offensive tackle during his a total yardage of 905 last season as squad when he carried off-tackle and tenure on the Hill. A native of Balti- he completed 65 aerials in 124 at- through the center for an average of more, Kern began his athletic career tempts. Eight passes went for touch- near-ly four yards one-hundred and as a participator for Southern High downs but nine were intercepted. He thirty-two times during the last cam- School. As a Terror matman, Kern Bill Kern tallied twice on qua~terback sneaks. paign. Expected to be around for the produced a brilliant record. Serving Ward's best effort took place last '52 season, McFague was one of the . in the capacity of a player-coach he Thanksgiving Day as he completed 14 brighter spots for Coach Charlie Ha- completed four years of undefeated consecutive passes to lead the Bullets vens and his staff since the 6' IN tail- grappling, and in 1949, he won the slot. He will be counted on to carry a in a 40-20 walloping of their tradi- back had been "game-tested" and his Mason-Dixon conference heavyweight Good Health major share of the backfield blocking tional rivals, Franklin and Marshall. ability undisputed. wrestling championship. assignments as well as to provide an As the pre-season drills entered To important cog in the defensive lineup. Plenty or Backs their second week the backfield seemed After receiving his diploma in l!J50, Ray Stephenson, who performed well Tony Natale, a sophomore and the pretty muc~ intact and progressing to become a pro.fessional wrestler. All when WMC downed Lebanon Valley Orange and Blue's leading ball car- ' well, but With the loss of McFague 20-12 last year, may be assigned an- t-ier- in '51 returns to his backfield post the Terror coaching staff must find Compliments of From other starting post in the backfield. as does Joe Ujobzi, a junior. Natale replacements to plug two holes left He can run and pass. Arnie Needle- toted the pigskin 77 times last year in the !51 backfiel~, when heretofore, J. R. EVERHART man or Dwight Scott, both of whom for a net gain of 322 yards while one substitution was thought to be all COLLEGE BARBER REXALL saw some action last season, will be Ujobzi gained a net o.f 272 yards in that would be necessary. Graduation seen in action to complete the back- 72 attempts. Also on hand are letter- released wingback Mitch Tullai from At the Forks . field lineup. Brothers Warren and Bill men backs Don Holland and Bob Ep- the squad's eligible list, leaving Mc- Bimesteffer, Ronnie Jones, and Bill pelman who will be assigned offensive Fague, Mike Rentko, and Harlow Moore all add depth to the backfield shores as will be Jim Hammond, who Henderson. who is 23 years old and pro.vides capable for understudy McFague, a Ward at the signal-calling De- who was a sociology major, reported Suwall Versatile fensive stalwarts include Earl Yost, to New Bedford, Mass., September The Green and Gold will also re- Jim Megee and Al Hershberger. 18. ceive a shot in the arm by the return to campus of Pllillip (Luke) Suwall. Veteran Line A burly 200-pound junior, he has a Rugged Bill Ewing, all-Pennsyl- tackle Bob Dickson who is sidelined recent discharge from military service vania guard in 1951, will be relied on due to injuries suffered this summer where his participation in service heavily as he heads an impressive in an automobile accident. football in Europe gained for him list of veteran lettermen. Ray Reider, recognition as an All-Star back. A Ronald Miller, and Bill Weitzel, all lineman for Western Maryland two guards and Phil Do.lson, Glen Solo- years ago, he is able to perform mon and Howard Pettit, all centers, Clifford's Jewelers either in the line or in the backfield. give Gettysburg a wealth of experi- EXPERT REPAIRING Veteran tackle Bruce Rudisill ence in the middle of the forward weighs in as another 200-pounder fo.r wall. Jim Rooney and AI Saner are Exclusive Agent for his final year of football at WMC, back at the tackle slots while Bill STIEFF SILVER while Do.n James will go. at the other Vignola and Walt Hemberger are 51 East Main Street tackle slot "'and plug the hole ade- monogram weavers at the ends. The quately with a scale-tipping 210. Ted latter caught 23 passes for 291 yards Samakouris, Andy Rusinko, and last season. "Save up your pennies and George Antonas, all second stringers In the specialist department Yo- come to BENNY'S last year will vie for the starting vicsin can count on place-kicker Bill berths at guard. Jack Duhl is slated to Pratt, who co.nverted 22 times in 28 carryon his reliable play at center. attempts last season and Bob Hottle, served ice-cold. Keep it in the Jack Snover, a reserve end last sea- a punter whose boots averaged 35.6 son, has moved inside and probably yal·ds. Ho.wever, Gettysburg which coldest spot in your refrigerator. will be recalled to duty. compiled a six won and three lost re6- Ashby Collins and Pat Rogan, both ord last season, will have to do with- lettermen who saw considerable action out the services of halfback Vince Ros- last season, will attempt to fill the setti, out for the coming campaign WESTMINSTER BOTTLING COMPANY shoes Ieit empty at the ends by the with a serious knee injury incurred departure o.f Zepp and Hart. near the end o.f last season, and
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