Page 2 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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2 The"GQldBug,. Sept. 26, 1952 Welcome class of 1956. This is the last day of your formal orientation period, and we hope that during the past your days you have become better acquainted with the Hill and campus per- sonalities. As everyone can see by the picture In between his graduate work and government; on Okinawa and in Tomorrow you will begin the long process of classesxcomplete of .cur newly appointed Dean of Men, teaching, the Army beckoned _ nat- Korea. The fall of '46, after four with pop quizee, tests, and term papers. You will become better he is a surprisingly young man with years with the Army, civilian David acquainted with your various a very un-deanish twinkle in his eye. found himself out of uniform and professors and it is at this point However, we soon discovered that eventually teaching at the University that we would like to add a few Pins 'n Points Dean David has managed to get a of Denver. There he also advised words of the well renowned wis- great many things accomplished in a foreign students and is especially in- dom. It is, as you all probably During the summer several co-eda relatively the jshor-t period of time. three terested in this type of counseling. To of accompaniment know, very easy to adapt the at- either bought or received the symbol youngsters playing (not too sedately). I Family Man titude that it's extremely smart of future matrimony. Jayne Hisle, in the room over top of us, Dean Among the Dean's hobbies and in- and worldly wise to cut as many Ginney Laver and Anne Trice have David reminisced about Dartmouth, terests are namely and mainly his classes as possible, open a book joined the league of Br-ideabookera. where he spent his undergraduate wife and three children. The young only when duty, in the form of Membership to this organization only days. While there he played soccer Davids range from eight year old a test, calls and above all, disre- being open to those with a prospec- and participated in glee club activi- Judy to two year old Jonathan. Lucy, gard the nasty habit of paying tive mate in mind--or hand-as the ties. (Ahhough he admits he never who is four, seems to be a logical can- attention to what the poor mis- case may be. rose above the chorus categcry.) The didate for nursery ~chool. (Helpful guided soul known as a profes- 'Ve were pleasantly surprised to Dean' continued his studies at Har- hints to child care students). When relaxation time can be sand- sor says. Speaking from experi- see the new redecorating job which vard and Columbia, and while doing wiched in, Dean David enjoys listen- ence, (some of which has not was done inside the chapel during graduate work at the latter, lived with been too pleasant), we caution our absence, to Mr. Hendrick- his wife at Shanks Village, which is ing to classical music and reading- Congratulations especially books dealing with interna- the new students to start out son's son who recently got married. situated outside of New York City. tional affairs. with a different approach to the Quite a number of our female stu- This is apparently a larger version of Dean William David, Jr. The Davids enjoy travelling and sometimes disheartening busi- dents secured summer jobs at the our renowned Vetville, which makes have done some mineral collecting. ness of classes. You will soon various department stores in Balti- the Dean feel as if he's on home terri- urally the future Dean complied. He Also, like many travel enthusiasts, discover that the professor more. These girls can be easily tory. spent two years with the military they take along a camera, the pictures knows a great deal more about identified by their swollen feet and of which are later shown to any and tense muscles around the mouth. (Al- his subject than you do. Another though the customer may not always Summer IKoworker l W rites To Editor all visitors via the colored slide meth- point in his favor is the fact od. that he presents his material in be right, one smiles couragiously and Dear Editor: Also Teaching Soc an interesting way and when gees -ou standing) Remember, Ed, that little article I wrote for you in the last issue of the The dean, besides attending to ad- the time of reckoning comes, From what we've seen of this year's G.B. 'way last spring? (How could you forget--it was so outstanding.) You ministrative matters, will be teaching notes are a bit more helpful than football teem, it looks as if we're know, the one about the difficulties of finding a summer job. Well, durn it, I sociology. He extends a hearty wel- a page of doodling. headed for another victorious season. found one-c-on the second day of vacation, of all the luck. I use the term come to anyone who would like to see College, however, encompas- 'Our beet Bug luck to all of them! "vacation" loosely, you understand. Never has a summer been less of one. him whether in his office or at home. Speaking of luck, we'd like to wish ses many more phrases than the the same to all the freshmen and ex- su~:e~e;~~ ;:i~'sa~esg~tirt inb:n~~~:: literally. It's just trade jargon that !;o~:~d slides will not necessarily be business of going to classes and tend our extra special welcome. Inci- studying. Western Maryland has dently, any of the new students who department store. I was given a nurn- you outsiders wouldn't understand. While they have been getting them- some variety of extra curicular might be interested in working on :;~', ~:a:~;~~~/~!h~::;i~~: ~:~:o:~ yo~~n~:sii:v~ft:l~~~e~~~~nf'1i~:~ ~!:~so~~e;et~:~ ~~~:y~~gt;:e ~~~;:: activity for every taste. Not to the paper (typists will even be given partake in these activities is just plush red cushions to sit on) are the herd, and with that I was intrc- selling. Not enough to make it my on their daily walks. (A common as big a mistake as being one cordially invited to stop in. duced to the benefits and problems of ~1~s~~OS~r~:::~:~~r:u;o:~~ee~~O~gh. ~~:ti~:ao: ~~el~Vet~:~nh~~:y~~~;Si~ of the constant missing persons !.~:v:~~er~us~~:~:~i~heKs~:~e ~:~i~ and work with, I might add. Did I like being a part of Western Mary- from the classroom. The vari- Inquiring Reporter jolly little custom of having rousing- save much money over the summer? land and we know that it will be a ous organizations need the stu- dent as much as the student pep rallies where all the Ko-wor-kers ~:~~ r:~~~~~~~g,m;u:~t~~et:~: mutual friendship. following The needs them. Every year they some of their first freshmen gave us of ~aa~~,,,"~~~e w~: t~~t tot~,p~s~ ~h~! thing even more, and that's buying. impressions look forward to fresh ideas and Western Maryland and accompanying merchandise!" They even gave away Your faithhtl Ko-Worker, E. R. Sophomore Advises different points of view, which college life: door prizes. With luck, I could have F h Of R I the freshmen seem to have a Ellie Lawson-"Friendly place-too won a pai r of children's shoes, but Concerning Education res men u es talent for producing. By partici- friendly!" pating in the campus functions Jo Bender-"What a change from then, I ;;::~I~a;jt~i~h:n~~:~g. Back to school-what fun! Don't is:~e:~~~;, y~I:S~a~! ~~:~r~~Sil~~ you not only meet "new and going to school with girls." When I found out that selling also .ccmplain, you fool, after one of those through the faculty reception, you sometimes amazenly interesting Shirley Clarke-"Feel like a part of involved making change and doing summer jobs, it's comparative heaven. probably figure that the worst is over people, but you suddenly dis- Western Maryland already." simple arithmetic, I almost .fainted, Three months Of rich experiences is -foxed again! We have all sorts of cover that you are becoming one George Totten-"Don't miss my s~~~~'!::s a\~e s:~~et: of those "well rounded" individ- Mother's cooking-yet.". ~~~,b~~gI ~i\~::i;::a~~ve:a~~: ;iit~: ~;o~~~h:or d:~:c:~i~:~e i:::;i:n~:sU!: ~~:~sa;ir;:~tl:f uals that you hear so much Pat Collins - "Have premonition of "The Kc-worker Most Called Down the employers' latest excuse for ex- helpful rules the sophomores have about. that classes will be hard." to Personnel for Shortages on Her ploiting child labor laws-seven days outlined for you. The process of becoming a Joe Rickert--"Very realistic." Kash Register." 1 still can't figure out a week, two nights, ten hours a day, Number one is smile. Don't forget part of college life is often a where I made my mistakes. and rich experiences-what more can that Western Maryland is a small slow and difficult assignment. Editor's Job Another Case of So-re Peds out about you ask for? If you work for the friendly to campus where everyone or thing I found library (shouts, speaks you can con- this semester, yells, curses, There's an old addage about Getting out a paper is no picnic. selling-it involved standing on my· sider yourself a capitalist. spits at) everyone else. It is 7:15 in only getting as much out of If we print jokes, people say we are feet the whole live-long day, and when As long as you realize what a good the moming, you have a splitting something as you are willing to silly. the store was open at night, the whole deal this education business is, begin headache, breakfast was as only put into it. No where does this If we don't, they say we are too night as well. I also discovered that by planning to stay in it. Study at breakfast can be at WMC, and you apply more than in college. 1956 serious. after standing up all day, I had to' nights, budget your time, read your broke your leg last night--but smile! may seem in the very distant If we clip things from other publi- stand for the better part of an hour assignments-let's nDt get carried You and Aggie Mack. Or else you future to you now, but, and cations, we are too lazy to write them on a hot, crowded streetcar as well. away! do your French reading, humiliate':I'ourself by wearing a white billboard to classes. What fun! As time and my feet wore on, 1 began First, ourselves. again we speak-from experience, If we don't print every word of all the nasty practice of out-running and since the stories are always terribly Next is your first trip to dinner. these years will doubtlessly go contributions, we don't appreciate out-shoving little old ladies for an clever. It is sure to be about Jack, a Did you feel wanted last week? Se- faster than you expect or desire. genius. empty seat, and believe me, that is simple farm lad with a dog who is cure? Fine Dn the memories. Upon en- People seem to be continually If we do print them, the columns some feat, if you'll excuse the pun, obviously much smarter than Jack tering Science Hall you will find that quoting appropriate cliche's to are filled with junk. Ed. Then the occupational disease of himself. He will get into all sorts of all seats are taken, saved, promised, freshmen, but we think this is If we make a change in the other sales clerks hit me-athlete's foot. trouble, but stick with it as trans- reserved or broken, and you' continue not only a little different but fellow's write-up we are too critical. Gads! What a horrible experience! 1 lators may be in demand in the near wandering aimlessly from table to If we don't we are blamed for poor also very true. "No man can re- editing. actually couldn't walk. You know future. Who knows, perhaps Mickey table until (in the middle of grace) veal to you aught but that which Now, like as not, some guy will say those ads they have for athlete's foot Spillane will start writing in French. the dean gives you a dirty look for line up your mis- Next already lies half asleep in the we swiped this from some other sheet. cures, that and show a hideously saying, your math, then-Grill, English, then asking if the seat next to him is va- foot, diseased anyone? cant. Cheer up, the food isn't worth it shapen dawning of your knowledge." WE DID. "This case needs a doctor's care." anyway! Good luck. Reprinted from The Cabinet. Well, four shots of penicillen and five A SAP'S FABLES, NO. 384 There is a bright side. Follow the rubs, plus three weeks off from work, Th L' rules, wear your beanie, stand at din- bottles of medicine for foot baths and n major. brought me around. But I still exude e Ion A d ner, and you too can be a psychologY Oh well, only 244 more days little puffs of athlete's foot powder Th& MOUS& until you'll be spohomores! wh,n I wolk. Size 341 ~ ~ I had to cope with the fat ladies I Once upon a time, there was a lion THE GOLD BUG zipped into bathing suits-"Why, hon- ey, I never take anything larger than named Ptolemy IV who was dozing a size 34," they'd tell me with a per- quietly in McDaniel Lounge. Almost fectly straight face. Okay, but what all of a sudden, he was shaken from did they do when I wasn't around to his sleep by a mouse of nebular size, push them into the suits? There were walking across his paw, left front. always customers who came into the Ptolemy IV grasped the mouse, and Membllr store at five minutes before closing with the intention of devouring him A .. oel.ted Colleglolt. Prell time, demanding to see the entire immediately, roared, "I intend to de- Member stock, and to try it all on, too. Every- vour you immediately!" Intercollegiate Press one I waited on, I think, was on her "Please don't intend to devour me lunch hour, and in a desperate hurry, immediately," grated the rodent. and "Dearie, can't you write that Finally, the frightened creature's sales check a little faster?" pleas for mercy persuaded the lion to ... The last week 01' two, I was put relent. And the mouse ran happily off Editor·in·Chief ._.~_._ ." News Editor into a department I couldn't have to the college grille; Feature Editor- ._ ." ." ... been less suited for-the Maternity Would you believe it? The lion and ~:~F;::_~~!&iIWr--::-_ Shoppe. As we say in the trade, I was the mouse never saw each other Phol.o$ra]lher.~~ __ ." "in Maternity." Another Ko-worker again; the former getting a pipefit- and Klsssmate of mine was in ter's job in Sweden, eventually .dying BU8inl!l!!s Manager _~ __ Glen Ashburn. '58 I.pritltod I",,,, Oe,l~SO;"u.olfSOVlaE Cop,nJlh! 1~50 by ~SQlIIR'E.Inc. Lingerie, and several others were in of pneumonia. Ad~ertisinlO" Manager _ Paul Lambertson, '54 Men's Furnishings. You understand, Moral of the -story: don't go to Ann Barhara ••/ helped put five men through college today" Ed, t~at. all this is not to be taken Sweden-it's too cold. Carolyn NutUl!. Ed Smith. Kramer. Winte ... Manll"els. Marle
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