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4 The GoJyd Bug, Oct. 14, 1952 dl-I(;h (!)'" ~Ite did! " , cI I Graduate Record, L.w Co ege Co en or School Exams Offered Club News Nell Hughes And Pete Warner Tuesday, Oct. 14 Lounge, 4:15 The Educational Testing Service of- sea McDaniel Tri-Beta, information and p. m. Lead Western Maryland's SCA Wednesday, Oct. 15 fers the following who may wish to Student Christian Association of the meeting first regular The advice to seniors will be SCA, Dr. Lowell Hazzard, Speaker apply for fellowships to graduate held in Baker Chapel tomorrow even- Thursday, Oet. 16 schools: ing at 6:45. Dr. Lowell Hazzard of the Faculty .Club, McDaniel Lounge, "Applicants for graduate school fel- Westminster Theological Seminary 8:15p. m. lowships will ordinarily be required will speak on "Christianity and Poli- Saturday, Oct. 18 to complete their applications {in- tics." This timely topic will be em- Football, Dickinson, home, 2 p. m. cluding Graduate Record Examination phasized the following week with the Shipwreck Dance, Blanche Ward score when specified) by early Pebru- film "Government Is Your Business" Gym, 8 p. m. ary. Such applicants should, therefore, provided by the Carroll Club. Sunday, Oct. 19 arrange to take the designated Grad- Last year Western Maryland had Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 uate Record Examination in the Nov- the largest representation at the SCA a.m. ember 7-8 administration. The dead- Fall Area Conference held annually at Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. line for receipt of complete applica- Camp Michaux in Ca"'risle, Pa. If you Monday, Oct. 20 tions and fees for that administration are interested in attending this year's IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p.m. is October 24." conference the weekend of October Tuesday, Oct. 21 / Write To E.T.S. 25th, contact Estelle Zies for further Assembly, Alumni Hall, 11 :30 a. m. The next regular administration of information. Organ Recital, Miss Evelyn Smith, the GRE is January 30~31. Have you seen the newly decorated • Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. Further information and applica- SCA room? Stop in and browse Wednesday, Oct. 22 tion forms may be obtained by writ- through the literature representing Soccer, Washington College, horne, ing directly to the Educational Test- varied denominations and covering 3 p. m. ing Service, P. O. Box 592, Princeton, many topics and problems of current Friday, Oct. 24 N. J., or from Dr. O. R. Russell, room interest. This room is also available Soccer, Baltimore U., away, 3 p. m. 209, ScienceHIIIl. for use by small groups who contact Saturday, Oct. 25 The Educational Testing Service Nell Hughes or Pete Warner. Parade, 1 p. m. has announced that about 45 Law Any interested persons are invited Football, Hampden-Sydney, home, Schools have indicated that they will to attend the SOA cabinet meetings 2 p.m. require some or all of the applicants held on alternate Wednesday evenings. Sorority and Fraternity Open for' admission to their Law Schools in All ideas, criticisms and interest will Nell Hughes .pete Warntw HouseS,4 p. m. 1953, to take the Law Schools Admis- be welcomed. Homecoming Dance, Gill Gym, sion Test. "-- and as its President, I will The name card on his dorm door 8:30 p.m. Or See Dr. Russell do all I can to make the SCA promi- reads "Carroll G. 'Varner, Jr.", but Monday, Oct. 27 If you are planning to enter law nent in the student's life here on the following this in parentheses is the Charles Weidman Dance Group,' school next year, the testing service H'ill." This was the closing statement name "Pete". Although this nickname Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. advises that you learn from the par- that Nell Hughes made upon being is much less ostentatious than his ticular school you plan to attend what elected to the presidency of the Stu- given name, it suits his friendly per- date you should take the test if you dent Christian Association last spring. sonality. Friendliness is one of Pete's First Faculty are required or advised to take it. And believe me, Nell is certainly most outstanding attributes, combined For admission in February, many law Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m, working untiringly to fulfill it. Nell with a hear-ty, laugh and a smile. The schools may require you to take the Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. this Recital Planned was elected to this high office as a Freshmen students encountered test November 15, 1952. Applications Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. result of three. years of participation "happy-go-lucky" person during or- would have to reach Princeton, N. J., Evenings 9 p. m. and interest in and for the SCA. ientation week and frequently they Miss Evelyn Lucile Smith, in- by November 5th. However, Nell's duties do not stop seek his advice. structor in music, will present the Other dates of administration of Continuous 2 p. m, Saturdays and with the SCA, but rather, she has in- This year Pete is vice-president of first in the series of faculty recitals the test are: February 21, April 25, Holidays terests in many other campus organi- the Student Christian Association, an by the department. An organ recital, and August 8, 1953. zations. For instance, during Nell's office which suitably ties in with his it will be held on Tuesday evening, Further information and applica- ~ TUES., WED., OCT. 14, 15 career at WMC she has served in the vocational choice as a Methodist min- October 21 at 8 :15 p. m. in Alumni tion forms may be obtained from the capacity of president of the Canter- ister. Pete also is a member of .the Hall. Testing Service at Princeton, or from THE QUIET MAN bury Club, representative to the Stu- Wesleyans and the Methodist Student The program will include Sketch in Dr. O. R. Russell. John Wayne Maureen O'Hara dent Government, commission chair- Movement. After graduation next F mmor by Sh c umann, t e eymp omc (TechnicoIor) . h honi man for the SCA, sports manager on June he expects to attend Drew Uni- Karg-Elert, Bach's Prelude and the WAA, sergeant-at-arma and inter- versity. Fugue in A major, and Bingham's Compliments of THURS., FRI., SAT., OCT. 16:17, 18 sorority representative of Sigma Sig- Keeps A Schedule The Rhythmic Trumpet. She will con- CARIBBEAN ma Tau, director of the Junior Fol- Pete, a very meticulous person, is elude the recital with Fugue by Hon- Wine's Sport Shop John Payne Arlene Dahl lies, and member of the college choir. loyal to his weekly schedule. This negger, Langlain's Nazard, and Toe· (Technicolor) And now you ask, "All this and concern for scheduling applies to cata by Sowerby. beauty too?" Yes, indeed. In her most of his college responsibilities These programs are open to the SUN., MON., TUES., OCT. 19, 20, 21 freshman year she was an attendant and aids him in obtaining desired goals. public and everyone is cordially in- SOMEBODY LOVES ME on the May Court. Pete was graduated from Baltimore vited to attend. Betty Hutton Ralph Neeker Nell's A Trumpeter City College and is a native of Balti- LAUNDROMAT (Technicolor) As you can see, Nell has made a more. Last year his performance as SMITH &: REIFSNIDER 5 Locust Street name for herself-here on the Hill, and the steward in Eugene O'Neil's Lie, Incozoporated. WED., THURS., OCT. 22, 23 it is mainly because of this campus and his portrayal of Dr. Chambers in Opposite Parking Lot interest and participation that Nell The Barrett's of lVimpole Street, LUMBER-COAL ENCORE was selected a Trumpeter last May. showed his outstanding ability as a WESTMINSTER, MD. DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 Nigel Patrick Glynis Johns You know, it is always good to have character actor. FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 someone on the Hill that you can put And Is A Preacher FRI., SAT., OCT. 24, 25 anywhere or in anything and know The members of the Preacher Fra- POPCORN. PEANUTS Closed Wed. Afternoon MERRY WIDOW that they will do a good job. Nell is ternity claimed Pete as their chaplain CANDY Lana Turner Fernando Lamas like that-you can always depend on last year, and this year he is their ~estminster 1287 her to do a job well in any situation. recording secretary. He is very proud THE TREAT SHOP SUN., MON., TUES., OCT. 26, 27, 28 Also Soc Major of his purple and gold fraternity THE WAY OF GAUCHO "Nellie", a nickname to which she jacket and also of the athletic letter refuses to answer, is certainly "High he received as a member of the soc- Gene Tierney Rory Calhoun on the HilI"-not merely because of cer team last year. Again this fall It Pays To Look Well (Technicolor) her campus activities, but also be- Pete is spending his afternoons on cause of her winning smile and bub- the soccer field. J. WM. HULL,Jewel.r Visit The bling personality. 'Even if she doesn't Pete is also a member of the sub- know your name, you can rest as- scription staff for the 1953 ALOHA, For Over Half Century sured that she will always greet you one of several jops in which his Expert Watch, Jewelry Avenue B.rber Shop with that familiar "hi, you ·all." friendliness and sense of humor are Nell majors in sociology and has as great assets. and Eye-Glass Repairing Where The Students Go Continuous 1 p. m.' Saturdays. Holi~ her ultimate ambition a desire to day shows continuous from 2 p. m. marry and raise a large family of Here's How To Be 105 W. Main Street 8' Pennsylvania Avenue Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m, little Neils and Juniors. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Se/ective- Service ~~,'!.~~iI~~~~t~~~in continuous from 6:45 p. m. Test Given Here hula skirts, but you come as you were G.C. Murphy & Co. A Masterpiece in the Art THE OUTCAST OF POKER FLAT WED., THURS., OCT. 15, 16 when the ship went down! Of Appreciation All students who have registered Sponsored by the SCA, the big The Friendly Store Dale Robertson Anne Baxter for the draft will be interested to Shipwreck Dance will be held in DUTTERER'S know that the Selective Service Col- Blanche Ward Gym this Saturday, Dormitory and Classroom FRI., SAT., OCT. 17, 18 lege Qualification Test will be given October 18, from 8:00 to 10:30 p. m. SMOKEY CANYON entertainment Special will be pro- on our campus on Thursday, Decem- vided by Liz Kuhn and members of Suppliu dJ/tvud Charles Starrett Sue Nolen ber 4. This test is given in the fall and again in the spring in order to the faculty. There will be refresh~ 6-10 Welt Main Street 114 Pennsylvania Ave. SUN., MON., TUES., OCT. 19, 20, 21 discover the aptitude of the applicant ments and dancing to George Spit~ Westminster 350 for college work. A. student who is tell's Orchestra. Westminster, Md. DUEL AT SILVER CREEK not in the upper 'Part of his class and Admission is only 25c per person- Audie Murphy Faye Domergue who finds himself no longer given an so for an evening of fun and enter· (T~chnicolor) ROTC deferment will still be deferred tainment in the atmosphere of au~ climb by his draft board until graduation, thentic nautical decorations, and come Baugher's Restaurant WED., THURS., OCT. 22, 23 if he has a good enough showing in aboard your life preserver BRIDE OF THE GORILLA this test. It will also strengthen the out dressed as you were when the ship also appeal of any student who wants went down. Just Off The Campus ACROSS THE SAHARAS further deferment in order for him to ....attend graduate school. At the same local draft board, which is located in FRI., SAT., OCT. 24, 25 time, a poor showing in the test will the Charles Carroll Hotel on East FOR A MEAL OR SNACK TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOU 7Wt in any way alter a student's de- Main Street. These applications for John Payne Maureen O'Hara ferment for any other reason. the December 4 test must be post· Complete Fountain Service All who have never taken the test marked no later than midnight, Satur- SUN., MON., TUES., OCT. 26, 27, 28 before are eligible to take it at this day, November 1. If there are any Open Every Day UNTAMED FRONTIER time. Application forms and bulletins CJ.uestionsabout this, Dean David will Joseph Cotton Shelly Winters of information are available at the be glad to answer them. (Technicolor)
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