Page 11 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 28, 1952 3 Terrors DeFeat H-S 19-7 Terror Booters Bow Girls Hockey Team Devils DeFeat For Initial '52 Triumph Third Straight Time Downs Mt. St. Joe Hillsmen 7-6 J.H.U. 4, W.M.C. 2 by Pa.t Fetoho Western Maryland's grid forces, dormant for the first three weeks of the Johns Hopkins handed Western Western Maryland's football team 1952 season, finally exploded in last Saturday's Homecoming tilt as they out- Maryland its first soccer setback of On October 24, 1952 the Western went down to defeat for the third classed a hard-fighting Hampden-Sydney crew by a 19-7 count. Thus two Ter- the season as they c'halked up a 4-2 Maryland College hockey team rrev- straight time Saturday, October 18, ror streaks were kept alive. A Green and Gold football team has never Buifered decision at Homewood in Baltimore eled to Emmitsbur-g, Maryland, to when Dickinson made good on an a loss before the eyes of the returning October 16. It was Hopkins' first compete against the Mount Saint extra point attempt and spoiled the alumni and has never tasted defeat at Mason-Dixon victory against no de- Joseph's hockey earn .. This was the Grlten Terror home debut with a 7-6 the hands of Hampden-Sydney, a foe feats while the Terror League slate first game of tlle season for the victory. It was the second time this since 1946. was evened at one win and one defeat. W,M,C. girls, and they scored a vic- season that failure to convert cost the A Green Terror kickoff opened the The Blue Jay squad scored one goal tory with the final tally bein~ 9-0. Green and Gold a ball game. ball game and their alert defense in each of the four quarters while the The game was an offensive one for forced the Tigers to punt. A comblna, Green and Gold got into the scoring the g-reen and gold, because the Saint tion of the wind and on-rushing green- act with single markers in each of Joseph's lassies were beyond the clad linemen hurried kicker Stokely the last two sessions. Hutchins, Hen- \V.M.C. twenty-five yard line only Fulton and the ball went out of bounds ry, Budnitz, and Roes tallied for the once during the entire game, The on the H-S 41. WMC took over and winners and freshman Charlie Lutrell scoring was distributed eve n I y drove to the visitors 21 yard lin~ be- booted in both point-getters for the throughout both halves, with L, Ohler fore this early threat was ended when losers. and R. Davison scoring two each in the ball changed hands on downs. the first half and M. J, Davison and Wash. Col. 6, W.M.C. 2 B. Schmidt scoring three and two Tigers Score First respectively in the second half. Maryland Western suffered its sec- A fumble by Arnie Needleman led ond soccer reversal October 22 when Towson State Teachers will be the to 'Hampden-Sydney's touchdown as • they bowed to a rugged Washington next team Western Maryland will they tallied first to take a short lived College aggregation by a 6-2 tally. challenge, on November 5 at Towson, lead. Regis Etz recovered the Terror Freshman Roger Smoot, perform- halfback's bobble and a 29-yard pass ing at center forward for the visiting The lineup: from Tiger quarterback W. C. Reilly Shoremen, paced the winning attack _Po Herman Goalie to end Bob Keyer placed the ball on J. Seckler .... __ .:_._.._._ _.L. Fullback the 4. A series of line. plunges carried Pat Rogan with three goals. Also providing scor- C. Bonneville __ R. Fullback the ball over with fullback Ronnie In;ured for H-S Ga:me ing punch were Bob Appleby who C. Baum _ C. Halfback Martinez getting credit for the touch- booted into the nets twice and Tommy E, Harm __;_ L, Halfback Bounds, who added a single counter. ;i~~:sg~eo: :; ~~o~Bache/orsDefenCl M Sebastian._. __ L, Halfback ~~::~r~:~e~n~i;~: Charlie Lutrell scored for the Green B. Davison __ _.R. Halfbac The Green and Gold showed it was and Gold during the second period and B. Lejew. _ . __R. Wing Ronnie Jones Nick Gwynn, a junior, playing at one R. Inner !:~:~v::y t~e f~7ck~~nu~sd ~~:rveth~ Intramural Title half-back spot, made good on a pen- B. Schmidt . __ . _.R. Inner Statistically speaking it was all N. Hughea., .._.. alty endeavor with only a couple of Western Maryland as they outplayed Center yards to knot the tally. With L~ke _ With lopsided victories in both of minutes of play remaining. L. Ohler. .c Center the Red Devils in all departments ex- M. J. Davi'son_..._.__.. ~:w:!:I::ti~~~ ~~:;:~SO~:lt~::~:! ~t:s gt:~:~ :~ed~::d~~~~eG:~~~~:~ Balto. U. 4, WMC 1 J. Kellogg L. Inner cepting that of scoring. Three timely by interceptions of Dickinson aerials ~~~~~;:e;o~~~eO~o~~!O !~:~a;:; mural football league. Western Maryland's soccer forces J. Konieczny ._ .._ L. Inner Ronnie Jones and some fine defensive L. Wing J. Hueter .._~ Stevenson tossed a perfect pass to The Bachelors, defending champi- lost their third in a row and Baltimore tackling by Charlie White established Needleman who atoned for his earlier oris who fielded an undefeated, untied, University captured its sixth in suc- these two as the afternoon standouts miscue by romping over. Freshman and unsccred upon team last season cession with a 4·1 victory at Patterson PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS for the Hi.llsmen. WMC rolled up 231 Nick Rausch evened up the count romped over Gamma Beta Ghi by a Park in Baltimore, October 24. yards for 13 first downs while the when his kick split the uprights and 24-0 count in their first encounter. In B. U. tallied early in the first quar- winners advanced 169 yards as they the quarter ended with the score tied. their second game they completely ter when Outside Left Don Bredaky " countered 9 first downs. Hard rush- outclassed Pi Alpha Alpha and the kicked one past WMC goalie Zester ing by such linemen as Gene Hedge- WMC Leads at Half Black and Whites took a' 38-0 lacing. afte;r two minutes of play. Dick Zile cock, Howard Hunt, and White and As the second session got underway In the only other contest that has tied up the score for the Hilismen Griffin's· alert secondary maintenance by Ar- Western Maryland moved into scoring been played, Gsmma Beta Chi was when he scored just before the period nie Needleman, Mike Rentko, and territory with a march from their edged by Delta Pi Alpha 6-0. was completed. Jones foiled the winners on each of own 20 to the H-S 43. The advance Doug Sutherland gave the victors the ten passes they attempted. 1.GOO a 2-1 halftime was momentarily halted at this point Standing!!: Gamma. Tau Won LoatPet. lead with his second After a scoreless first period in 2 0 Alpha when Rives Hardy intercepted a pass o..lta PI Alpha l 0 1,000 sesaion marker and the Baltimore DELICIOUS FOOD • which the two ball clubs battled Alpha attempt' by Needleman, but the Ter- PI Alpha Beta Chi 0 0 1 2 .000 squad ran away from Western Mary- evenly Western Maryland took a 6-0 Gamma .000 rors regained the ball a couple of land with two more goals in the final advantage in the second quarter. One plays later when Tommy Poland's quarter which were registered by Stan of Jones' interceptions initiated the fumble was pounced upon by Steven- Rostek and Al Doory: drive in Terror territory and big Luke son. Needleman, Suwall, and Steven- THE Suwall put the pigskin in scoring son shared the ball carrying duties position when he lumbered to the as the Green Terrors travelled to th'e COFFMAN·FISHER PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Dickinson 18. On the next play Skitch 4 yard line and the latter put the PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Henderson took a lateral and raced winners on top for good when he took COMPANY the remaining distance for the six- a beautifully executed pitchout from LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN pointer but Bruce Rudisill's kick went Skitch Henderson for the six-points. DEPARTMENT STORE Times Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO. Westminster, Md. askance and this cost the Terrors a Rausch missed the extra point. tie. Western Maryland had another 11 E. Main St. - Phone 102 The Green and Gold clung to their second period scoring opportunity Westminster six point margin until the final quar- when Jack Duhl, returning to the line- Good Health "You're Good For It At" ter when Charlie Garwood skirted up after a week's absence due to an DAVID'S JEWELERS right end and travelled 40 yards to injury, blocked a Tiger punt. How- score. Andy Commiskey won the ball ever, the Garnet and Gray defense To 19 E. Main Street game for the visitors when he con- stiffened at this point, the chance Westminster, Md. verted successfullly. After receiving went by-the-boards, and the initial G.C. Murphy & Co. All Phone Westminster 1167 the kickoff the Terrors mustered a half ended with the Terrors showing drive that carried to the Red Devil 36 a 13-7 margin. From Bulova • Longfnes • Elgin until they lost the ball on downs. The Friendly Store Henderson Tallies REXALL Benrus - Gruen From this point the toe of Dickinson's Dick J ohe forced the bali back into The Hillsmen pr-ovided themselves Dormitory and Cla"foom Wittnauer WMC territory and the losers were with six points of insurance as soon Supplies OPEN AN ACCOUNT unable to threaten again before the as .they got their hands on the ball final gun sounded. in the third canto. Ronnie Jones re- turned a Fulton punt 14 yards to the 6·10 West Main Street homeside's 40 and from this point the WutmiDiter, Md. Green and Gold machine generated a Campus capers sustained march which carried the ball over. Runs of 12 yards and 13 yards by Needleman featured the Compliments of call lor Coke maneuver and Henderson capped the drive when he rammed over from the J. R. EVERHART one foot line. Rausch missed the con- COLLEGE BARBER -There's bedlam ill. the version attempt. At the Forks Hampden-Sydney threatened to get stands when the team is on back into the scoring column in the final period as they moved to the a march to the goal. Keep WMC 29 but Reilly fumbled and Co- things going I Refresh now Captain Bruce Rudisill recovered for "For Enduring Quality and the victors. Needleman pilfered a and then with a frosty Reilly aerial on the Tiger 35 in the Friendly Service" final minutes of the contest but Hen- BROWSE AND SHOP bottle of delicious Coca-Cola. derson was thrown for a long loss and the game ended. at Colonial Jewelry Co. "Save up your pennies and come to BENNY'S 32 W. Main Street TERi'If PAPERS, THESES, CORRESPONDENCE Professionally Typed Reasonable Rates KAY LANDRY 15 Humbert Apartments Phone: Westminster 1080
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