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Library ',Testern Imryland College ;;{~stminster, l'iId. SOCCER TEAM VOTE ON WINS OPENER OCTOBER 23 PAGE 3 Vol. 30, No, 2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD, October 14, 1952 Patty Ray Elected Homecoming Queen l IPreachers Sponsor Homecoming Dance; Diverse Subjects Fisher, Fetcho, TUCkWOCDd, Coronation Of OueenT 0 Climax Event Constitute In'itial Kapraum Are Attendants Homecoming festivities will again body. In turn each class has then SGA Assembly Although this is Patty's first appear- be climaxed by the Homecoming elected a young lady as one of the Presiding over the Homecoming ance on the Homecoming Court, she Dance and the crowning of the Home- attendants in the quean's court. Dur- represented her class on the May coming Queen, The dance will com- ing the dance the queen will' be th!i~t~~~~e, G~~~n~:e:;~en!~s~al~es~ ~:~:e~r:~isA~e;~re~s P:n:t::IV!~~: Court during her sophomore and mence in Gill Gymnasium at 8:15 crowned by Dr. Ensor, and she and sembly to order in Alumni Hall yes- Patty during her four years on the junior years, p. rn., Saturday, October 25. her court will be presented to the terday. He introduced new representa- Hill .has b~c.ome quite well known. Representing the senior class in the The Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity assemblage. Homecoming Court is Sally Fisher. (Preachers) will be the sponsor this 'Pigskin Hop' Theme :i;eesc::!~ee :::;:n~t:c~~n~~::YRe!~::' . ~~: ~;l:a:~~~~e ~~ ~~::S!r::t~Y;::~ Ever since her arrival on the Hill, year. This is in keeping with the cus- The Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity has ~~::~!~~3b;~~:s:r '~4e;r~~~,~!~~:~~::s:I~:S~;t ~~S:;S~~lt~~t~~t i~l~h~C~ Sally has been known to all as one of tom of rotating the sponsorship of decided upon, ~s the decoration theme the few college coeds who possesses the Homecoming Dance among the of the dance, the sport of football. ~~oJe:' J~m Whi~~~~r~~ Clla~~of ';5. :~~no:i:~c~~::s'an~a!t~e:be: o~o~: both poise and charm. Graduating various fraternities on the campus. The dance is being called "The Pigskin e res men WI 0 e ec Ions or Home Ec. Club. She has been a cheer from Eastern High School in Balti- Phil Wagner and his ten piece Hop" and a very original design of their representataives in November. leader .for four years and is captain more, she began her studies at WMC orchestra will provide the music. decoration is planned for the gym to Homecoming Court Elected of the squad this year. She is also a as an art major. Her talent has been There will also be featured a female provide a novel and attractive atmos- displayed in the posters ~h'ich she has vocalist. phere to add to the enjoyment of the, co!~~~i~::r~er~a~~l~l:;: ::t:dHto~e~ member of Phi Alpha Mu sorority. made for many SGA and SCA activi- Committees Named celebration. representative from their class and ties. She is photography editor for The seniors used a The members of the sponsoring for the queen. ballot as they did in last Dance Troupe Set the 1953 ALOHA. Sally was Home- fraternity have very capably organ- preferential coming attendant during her junior ized the following dance committees. Assembly Features year's May court elections. This pro- year. She also represented her class vides a first and second choice' and is To Perform Here Al Trevethan is general chairman of in the May Court during her sopho- Dick Major Party Issues the dance and assisting on this com- considered more accurate than other more and junior years. Sally is a mittee are Dick Hockstein, balloting methods. Western Maryland's 1952-53 Artist member of whom Delta Sigma Kappa Carvel and Willie Pfeifer. "Skitch" The first of a series 'of lectures for Stu Abrahams was announced. as Series opens on Monday evening, Oc- can be proud. Henderson and Pat Biddle are re- the benefit of the student body and / Parade Marshall for Homecommg. tober 27, when Charles Weidman and Pat Fetcho will represent 'the sponsible for planning the refresh- his Theater Dance Group will be pre- junior: class as attendant to the faculty, will be held in Alumni Hall, ~~~e~:~~~~ a~:re ot~~;cu:::;.cts T~! sented. This year's series also includes Homecoming Queen this year. Per- ments. O~tober 2~, at 11 :30 a. ~. Speakers winning floats and displays will be The advertising for the dance is Bertha Adkms, form~r chosen by impartial judges. the National Symphony Orchestra on haps Patty is best known for her re- being arranged by "Cookie" Cohen WIll be MISS February 6 and Charles Laughton, peated appearance on the Homecom- and Dick Hockstein. Admission tick- here, and Mrs. India Plans for holding another Blood stage and screen personality, on April ing and May Courts. She was in ets are being handled by Gil Stange Mrs. E~wards is quite active i~ the ~:;l~:. ~~e ~:teW ::~C'b:~rese:n~~~ 13. the May Court in her freshman and and Bob Grteemyer. Bob Winfrey is The Weidma~ troupe, 0r;.e of the sophomore years and also -repre- the Chairman of the decorations com- most outstandmg modern dance sented her class in the Homecom- mittee and is being helped by all the groups in the United States, has re- ing Courts for these vears.. Poised press ceived numerous members of the fraternity. ~~E~;::n~~~f~:ihf:~~:v1~;;E~,~~::::::;:!:~~1=F:i~~:; laurels. Weid- and reserved, Patty has the admira- man has been cited as the greatest tion of many. She is also a member of Court To Be Presented is the Vice-Chairman of the Demo- ~~u~~~t~oo::!:~e, t::~t;~::iS:~ f~: humorist in modern dance and is con- Phi Alpha Mu sorority. • sidered highly original in his art. As One of the high points of the day, ~!i::~i~~::~,r;;::tt~~;~:",,~~:~:;~:~i!:;~;::'u:::;:n;:"l~t:~~ Representing the sophomore class and of the dance, will be the tradi- "the satirists of the dance", Weidman is Doris Tuckwood. Coming from Al- tfonal crowning of the Homecoming and his interpretive dance company den, Pennsylvania, Doris is known to Queen. According to past procedure, Aetive In Republican Circles The problem of order in leaving will provide. an excellent evening's all as one of the few sophomore home the queen has been elected from the Miss Adkins is the Director of the Alumni Hall after Chapel services and entertainment. economics majors. She participates in Senior Class by the entire student Women's Division of the Republican assemblies was brought up. So far Operating out of New York where many athletic activities and was National Committee, and is National this year the traditional procedure has they have been given top billing, the freshman representative to the WAA year. She also belongs troupe comes here on tour. Everyone last to the Memorial Award Committeewoman from the state of been ignored. It has been customary' is urged to secure their here of the Home Ec. Club and to the French for tickets for the Seniors to leave first, followed Maryland. Club. presentation this initial the Miss Adkins and Mrs. Edwards will Set For Freshman- present in the assembly the major by Freshmen. Juniors, Sophomores, and best in the world of dance. Janet Kapraum will represent the issues of the two parties and it is Carolyn Mangels made a report on Students may pick up their free freshman class this year as Homecom- The Felix Woodbridge M 0 r ley hoped that a question period can be the 1953 ALOHA asking for the com- tickets in McDaniel office where tick- ing attendant. Before coming to Award originated last month, will be arranged for that afternoon in Mc- plete cooperation of the student body ets will also be available to the gen- Western Maryland, Janet was voted awarded to a freshman every year at Daniel Lounge. in making it a success. eral public at $1.25. the prettiest girl in her class at commencement exercises. This award Sykesville High School. She belongs is for that freshman, who by develop- to the Glee Club and is noted for her happily justified admission to the col- McLeod Names GOLD BUG Staff For Fall Semester reserved and quiet manner. while ment on the Hill, has most lege community. The stress is on over- Jane McLeod, editor-in-chief of the since her freshman year. Both Carolyn co-editor with Betty on page two. Homecoming Parade all character and personality develop- GOLD BUG, disclosed today the list and Barbara are members of the class To keep us informed on the world ment during the freshman year at of staff appointments for the fall of '53. of sports at WMC is Harry Grander, To Open Weekend college. semester of 1952-53. Dr. Evelyn Selected as news editor was Charles a sports writer for several semesters. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Morley estab- Wenner, faculty advisor, confirmed Wheatley. "Wheat" has previously Harry is a "Bachelor" and a member Following lunch on Saturday, Octo- lished the award. It is in memory of served as copy and news-feature of the junior class. ber 25, the annual Homecoming pa- their son who met a tragic death this all of the selections. rade will assemble at Alumni Hall and summer after his freshman year at ha~:~k :ra~~~~~re~a~::~ :~~~,b~: then proceed down Main street W.M.C. The sum will range from news-feature editor. Gus, a class of through Westminster. $25.$100, according to the income '55 man, served as copy editor last The Western Maryland Band and from the principal. When there is semester. outside bands will lead the parade, enough for two equal distributions of Shirley Rickards, sophomore, has followed by various decorated cars and floats. The floats will be entered at least $75, one will be awarded to a been appointed copy editor to keep in the parade by the campus clubs male and the other to a female. Each mistakes to a minimum. Serving in spring, the Committee on Admissions the vital role of typing editor is and organizations; as well as the four will nominate students. The college another sophomore who has served as classes. at Hoffa When the parade president will make the final decision. a typist in the past, Rita Ann Burket. Field, the freshman arrives will join class George Gipe, '56, will attempt to keep it and march in behind the band. Dr,H.zz.rd To Spe.k On you laughing in the "Muller style" of Upon arrival at the grandstand the the past as the new cartoonist. freshmen will take the seats reserved 'Chri~ti.nity and Politics' thc Still keeping the paper operating in for them and the parade will continue blue is Glen Ashburn, business . around the field. Doctor Lowell Hazzard will speak manager. Glen, a "Gamma Bet" and also as a member of the ROTC bat- GOLD BUG To Conduct to the Student Christian Association member of the senior class, serves on October 1, about "Christianity and a mem- Presidenti.1 Straw Vote Politics." Dr. Hazzard was Professor talion staff. Helping also on the busi- of Religion at Illinois Wesleyan Uni- Gold Bug Staff ness staff is P.aul Lambertson, Sponsored by the GOLD BUG, a ber of the "Gamma _Bets" and the versity before coming to the West- class of '64. presidential straw vote will be held minster Theological Institute as Pro- Ssated, left ro right: Barbara Bankson, Glen Ashburn, Jane McLsod, Carolyn Sue Simpson, '53, will continue at in the book store on October 23 from fessor of the Old Testament. Mangels, Charles Wh.eatlsy. the post of circulation manager. Sue 8:30 p. m. to 3 p. m. All students and He haa been one of the authors of Standing: Betty Walter, Ernie Green, AM Nuttq,U, Gus LaMar, Shirl8y is another representative of the faculty are invited to participate. church school literature for the Meth- Rickards, Harry Gra71.€Wr, Sue Simpson, George Gipe, Rire. Burket. "Sigmas" on the staff. A newcomer This mock election will serve a two· odist Church and is a Bible lecturer to the GOLD'BUG, Barry Winkleman, fold purpose, giving those students of note. He recently had a great Carolyn Mangels, former news edi- edil:()rs. He is a "Gamma Bet" and who are not eligible to vote in Nov- responsibility in the training program tor and business manager of the SGA representative of the class of a sophomore who distinguished him- ember a chance to express their pre- of volunteer missionary corps of the ALOHA, has been named associate '54. self on the ·lacrosse field last year, ference and showi,ng how the opinions will be Sue's co-worker. Methodist Church. editor. Carolyn -is a member of the The featnre page is moving for a Those named and their stairs will of the college. compare with the In this lecture, Dr. Hazzard plans to "Phi Alphs". second time under the direction of national feeling. emphasize the necessity of combining Barbara Bankson, .also a past neWs Betty Walter, '53. Betty is a loyal serve in their present capacities' until Results of this - straw vote will be to publish a in an attempt February the ideals of Christianity with politics. editor and member of the "Sigmas", member of the "Phi Alphs". Soph- paper consistent with the standards of publishe!l in the next issue of the Both students and faculty are weI· is filling the post of managing editor. more, Ann Nuttall, a feature writer the past. C;;OLD_BUG,appeari.~g on O_ctobe~28. come to attend this meeting. She has worked with the GOLD BUG of note in the past has been named
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