Page 9 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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Library I-;::=L=E=TT=ER=TO:;;;T~H:;:;E:;·';ster, WWI _ -:;cBtcrn Ma.ryl.and College I~ PEP RALLIES EDITOR LAUDED PAGE 2 .... PAGE 4 Vol. 30, No.3 Weidman Troupe Intersorority Plans Blood Donor D'rive Receives Ovation Sadie Hawkins Hop Planned ForWMC The performance given by The All Boys Beware! On November lOth, the Red Cross Charles Weidman Theatre Dance will bring to Western Maryland Col- Company last night- in Alumni ..Hall A n-emttcnet WMC affair is the lege its second annual blood bank met with a rousing success. The en- Sadie Hawkins Dance. It will be held Last yeru-, the response was over- jcyruent of the entire audience wall in Hlauche Ward Gym 01] November whelming. The time alloted was not clearly evinced. 15th from 8:30-11:30 p. m. The sufficient enough to accommodate all Following the Uakings of the dunce is sponsored by the Inter-Sci- the students and faculty who wished fJemce by the Dance Company, Fabftos orit.y Council. Music for darn-ing will to donate, and many were turned [.'01' Our Time with music by Freda be by i-ecortl. .ewcr. D. Miller was presented. Choreogr- ~lgm!l Sigma Tau sorority has This year, because of the en- aphy for this number was done by charge of the entertainment. Phi Al- hanced Korean situation, the need.(pl' Chm-les Weidman fl'om the James pha Mil will serve the refreshments, blood is greater. With fewer than Thurber Stories under auspices of Dog-patch decorations will be made by twenty more appointments to be tilled, Guggenheim Fellowship. Nur-rntlon leta Gamma Chi and publicity and this year's quota of one-hundred and was by Jack Ferris. tickets will be taken care of by Delta sixty will be met. The available up- Sigm.,\ Kappa sorority. pointments, mest of 'which are in the Fable Presented The faculty sponsors are Dean and morning m~ be made in Dean How- Next on the program was cthe Uni- Mrs. David. Dean Howery, Dr. and ery's office. Those over twenty-one cont in the Ga1'den with Charles Mrs. Earp, and Dr. and Mrs. Mar- years of age, who want to volunteer Weidman taking the part of the man; shall. but have no' appointment, are urged Bobbie Chifos, .the wife; Gerald Jack- In order to keep in tradition, the to go over to Gill Gymnasium 011 with, the policeman; and Lee Mur- girls are supposed to invite the fel- November 10th between ten in the ray, the psychiatrist. lows. It is perfectly legal for a fellow morning and three ill the afternoon. The Owl Who Was God was given to ask a girl. Everyone should come This is the opportunity to help the by the entire company followed by dressed in Dogpatch style, epitomized known and unknown friends who are Western Maryland's choice for P.resident shown in action on ref!ent The Courtsh.ip of Arthur amd AI. to his best conception. The girls should fighting and dying in Korea, that we whistle-atop tour. Charles Weidman played the role of present their dates with corsages of may continue to enjoy life, liberty" Al and Lee Murray, that of Arthur, vegetables for that evening. ' and the pursuit of happiness. Bobbie Chifos took the part of Pretty Prizes will be awarded for the best One pint of blood and a few min- Eisenhower Scores Victory Female and AI's Playmates were dressed Daisy Mae, the best dressed utes of your time might save a life! played by Mary Anthony, Lucy Ba- Lil Abner, and the most humorous der, and Lynn SulIivian. . character. The faculty sponsors will In GOLD BUG Election Featured in Ly-nchtown, with music be judges of this affair. Spangler Schedules and percusaicn scores by Lehman En- Look for posters about further de- gel, were Beatrice Seckler, Mary An- tails. All members of the faculty Recital Program thony, Lucy Bader, Bobbie Chifos, are cordially invited to attend Straw Vote Shows Western Maryland Lynn Sullivan and Frank Benedict." guests. Mr. Oliver K. Spangler announces Also in the cast of this number was a piano recital program to be held in Students Favor Republican By 3·1 Margin Gerald Jackwith, Lee Murray, and I College Calendar I Alumni Hall on Friday, November 7, The people of Abilene remember Jim Smith. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the win- Ike as a healthy, sturdy, regular boy, Flickers, arranged by Lionel Nowak at 8:15 p. m. ning candidate in the straw vote spon- for original script of Allen Porter, Tuesday, Oct. 28 Mr. Spangler, a member of the sored by the GOLD BUG "[n the book- who liked hiking, fishing, and swim- his and store on October 23. Eisenhower mingo He was a hoy, who during courtesy of Modern Art Museum of Tri_Beta, McDaniel Lounge, 4:15 music department sl ..ff and college his r-unning mate, Richard M. Nixon, grade school days carried newspapers, organist, is a graduate of Ootterbein New York, was next on the program. p. m. College and the Peabody Conservatory won by a landslide over Adlai E. mowed lawns, and worked in a cream- This hilarious series was reminiscent Friday, Oct. 31 Stevenson and John J. Sparkman. ery to help out at home. for many of the older members of the Argonauts, McDaniel Lounge, 7:15 of Music. Students and faculty members par- He moved to Abilene from Denison, audience. The first reel, entitled p.m. The program includes Tender Mel- ticipated with 54.8 per cent of the Texas, at the age of two. Ike's mother Heerte Aflame had the following cast; Soccer, Franklin and Marshall, ody by Lully, the Little Wi.ndmills hy student body casting ballots. was an extremely religious woman. Charles Weidman as Ronald; Lynn home,3 p. m. Rameeu, The Cuckoo by D'aquin, She opposed war as a tenet of her Sullivan as Lillums; Lee Murray as Saturday, Nov, 1 RO'lnan.ce, by Babbastie and ...Ga.votte Gets 295 Votes religion, but nevertheless was proud the villain; Gerald J ackwith, the ac- Foothall, P.M.C., away, 2 p. m. by Ooaaec. Eisenhower received 295 of the 387 of the many honors that came to her complice; and Frank Benedict, the Sunday, Nov. 2 Other selections listed are Beetho- votes east, while Stevenson received father. ~ Sunday School, Bakel' Chapel, 9:15 ven's SOn4UL, Opus 57 and Moments 91. There was one write-in for Pogo. Appointed to Academy a. m. Musical, Opus 94, by Schubert. Con- Melodrama Enacted Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. cluding the program will be Suite, Until his appointment to the United Charles Weidman will play the role Monday, Nov. 3 Opus 14 by Bartok and HUnQarian Juniors Choose States Military Academy, his educa- of He; Mary Anthony, that of She; IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m. Rhapsody, No. 11 by Liszt. tion presented a financial problem Lynn Sullivan, that of Mother; and FTA, Education Workshop, 6:45 The diversity of numbers to be pre- Class Officers beyond family means. Ike worked for Bobbie Chifos, that of the Child in p. m. sented has been made in order to several years before taking examina- Wages of Sin, the second reel. Tuesday, Nov. 4 please many tastes. All student and tions for both Annapolis and West Flowers of the Dcsert, the third Soccer, Univ. of Delaware, home, faculty members as well as guests Election of junior class officers for Point and in 1911, he entered the U. reel, starred Charles Weidman as the S p. m. are invited to attend. this year was held in Science Hall S. Military Academy. After his grad- Sheik, Beatrice Sickleer as Agnes, Friday, Nov. 7 last night. uation from West Point he met and Lee Murray as Percival. Soccer, Towson, away, 3 p. m. According to Amendment 1 of the Mamie Geneva Doud. They were Jpar- The fourth and concluding reel en- Recital, Prof. Olivl!r Spangler, Library Offers Student Government constitution the ried the day he was promoted to First titled Hearts Couragoo-us featured Ii Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. executive cabinet of this organiza- Lieutenant. Pioneer Father played by Charles Saturday, Nov. 8 tion is responsible for conducting The Abilene farm buy had chosen Weidman; Pioneer Mother, played by Football, Drexel, away, 2 p. m. Sooks For Sale class elections. This procedure waS the career of a soldier, but was later Mary Anthony, Pioneer Children, Sunday, Nov. 7 followed at the meeting. to become known as a: statesman, Lucy Bader, and Lynn Sullivan; Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 Discarded library books will be on Charles Wheatley was elected presi- diplomat and military expert. He took Squaw, Bobbie Chifos; and Bronco a. m. sale in the library the week of No- dent. He is a member of Gamma Beta special interest in routine assign- Billy, Gerald Jackwith. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. vember 3. These books aTe ones that Chi and Student Government repre- ments. Ike became a tank expert, a Stage Manager for the production Monday, Nov. 10 would ordinarily be disposed of in sentative for his class. "Wheat" is strategist, and learned to fly, and was Jack Ferris and choreography French Club, McDaniel Lounge, some other way. news editor of 'the GOLD BUG and showed definite ability in handling was done by Charles Weidman with 6:45 p. m. They include old books, some of has held positions on the staff pre- troops in maneuvers. Eisenhower's Gerald Decker as the Company Man- Tuesday, Nov. 11 which are not in good condition; vious to this. Army promotions were slow, gradual- ager. Assembly, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a. m. duplicates, some of which are brand dent Elected to the office of vice·presi- ly accelerating as he developed and Bill has dis- was Bill Pfiefer. new; books that have a few pages tinguished himself on the Hill as a demonstrated his outstanding ability in organhmtion and leadership. Sororities Initiate 64 New Pledges missing; ones in which the print books is member of the basketball and base· Served in Philippines good; not and some fiction ball teams. He also serves as corres- which have not circulated for ten ponding secretary for Delta Pi Alpha In 1940 as a lieutenant colonel Ike Sigmas Top List As 36 Accept years. Duplicate government publica- and answers to the name of "Little served in the Philippines. directing 1942 In tions and encyclopedias are included. when asked for an outline Hops". Bids to the four sororities on the Doris Tuckwood, Mike Webb, Evelyn The sale is on an experimental Jane Hutchison, the newly elected the course of American participation Hill were returned on Wednesday eve- Weismann, Chris Windish, and Mary basis this year and the funds will be secretary, is a member of Phi Alpha in World War II he distinguished ning, October 15, between 8 and 8:30 Lee Younger also accepted member- used to buy new books. If it is suc- Mu sorority. She is on the editorial himself, and was given the job as head p. m. in the respective clubrooms. ship in the Sigmas. cessful, it will become an annual af- 'staff of the "Phi Alphs" yearbook. of European Theatre of Operations. Sigma Sigma Tau topped the list New members of the Delts are Bet- fair and the students will be asked if Jane contributes many at·ticles to the Dwight Eisenhower's directness and W!t~ 36 acceptances. Those girls who ty Bixler, Ann Eckhardt, Charlotte there is anything special for the li- GOLD BUG and still finds .time for ability for quick thinking was shown pledged the Sigmas include Mary Lou Eggan, Barbara Garrett, Ethel Lar- brary for which they would like the dramatics. in his greatest decision on June 5, Arnie, Martha Banner, Carol Bauer, son, Nancy Moyer, Anne Nuttal, and money to be used. Barbara Almony, the new treas- 1944. In spite of bad weather and Debbie Bauer, Edie Mae Beck, Betsy Gretchen Pierson. On Monday, NOVember 3, the books urer, is a graduate of Eastern High realizing that delaying might imperil Bowen, Gloria Bunting, Rita Burket, Those who became new Iotas are will co~t 25c each, Tuesday they will School in Baltimore. An econ major, its affect, he gave the orders for the Carol Coleman, Harriet Cooley, Nina Ann Bottoms, Betty Brown, Jimmie be 20c each, and each day thereafter she has been a member of the choir D-Day landing. His most recent ac- Dawson, Sue Dorsey, Mildred Eck- Rae Mister, Marion Mumford, Mary 5e less. Whatever is left on Saturday and this year is golf manager of the complishment as commander of NATO hardt, Bea Ford, Barbetha Goeb, Pat Jane Munson, Betsy Myers, Bobbie the students may have free of charge. W. A. A. She is also a member of Phi was the welding together of many Hamersly, Irma Lee Hohman, and Smith, Carol Stockard, Bobbie Rams- All of the books will be on tables in Alpha Mu sorority. traditional European rivals into a Meta Justice. bUrg, Carolyn Walker, Joan Walter, the bound maga;r.ine room and may be Bev Stringfield, who was elected functioning unit. Martha Anne Kohout, Mary McDan~ Dottie Krug, Jean Nicodemus, Janet. purchased anytime that the library is hIstorian, is a graduate of \Voodrow Carl Sandburg, poet, and biog- ieJ, Jo McKeldin, Doreen McNeil, Boller, Kay Pooh and Toni Baxter. opened except during the noon hours. Wilson High School in Washington. rapher of Abraham Lincoln, said Weslea Pearson, Edie Pippinger, Bids to Phi Alpha Mu were ac- The library hours are from 8 a. m.-5 An English major, she has worked on after visiting Eisenhower: "He's got Shirley Rickards, ~ancy Sadofsky, cepted by Barbara Almony, Barbara p. m. and 7 p. m.-9:45 p. m. Monday the GOLD BUG and is a member of what the greatest scholars of all time Anne Sittig, Gloria Strickland, Mary Harding, Carol Herdman, Jan Spatz, through Friday and from 8 a. m.-12 the French Club and the Canterbury have had~wisdom combined with hu- Stuart, Bobbie Summers, Jo Taylor, and Mimi Whitfield. noon and 1 p. m.-4 p. m. on Saturday. Club. manity."
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