Page 4 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 4
4 The Gold Bug. Sept. 26, 1952 On The Hill Goucher Plans New POPCORN CANDY - PEANUTS 'French House' THE TREAT SHOP College recent- Moore, McLeocl Begin Year As SGA Leaclers ly Baltimore's doucher formation of a announced the "French House" beginning with the by Stu Abraham'!'! you an exact picture of his person- by Carolyn Ma1!{Je18 new academic year, according to a ality because I do not feel that his recent Intercollegiate Press Bulletin. type is a sterotype, and therefore, I Participating students will pledge to "For Enduring Quality and cannot compare him with anyone else. speak only French within the confines Jim, in his quiet way, is unique. You of their residence hall. Initially, the Friendly Service" may ask yourself-Why~ or What group will be limited to approximately BROWSE AND SHOP makes him outstanding from the oth- a dozen students who will live to- er leaders on this campus? I feel that gether. at the answer to my statement lies in According to Goucher's professor of the fact that Jim Moore's character, pomance languages, the French House Colonial Jewelry Co. personality, and integrity cannot' be has been formed to enable students equally duplicated by any other indi- interested in French to acquire great- 32 W. Main Street vidual at Western Maryland. Yes, er facility in speaking and under- there may be those who demand re- standing, and a practical, everyday spect, but are not so willingly fol- vocabular-y. lowed, or those who are exceptionally well liked, but are not as highly looked up to for leadership, In a nutshell, I am making a vain effort to describe ' PATRONIZE It P~ys To Look Well Jim as an individual who is a fine OUR leader, not only because of his ad- Visit The ministrative abilities, but moreover, ADVERTISERS. Jim Moore due to his keen sense of personal ap- Jane JlfcLeod Avenue Barber Shop proach, his relaxed mannerisms, and I am sure that most of you know his direct methods of eolf-expression, My freshman year I wrote a theme the tall blond whom I am going to an example of which is, '''This is all "My Roommate and I" and ever since Where The Students Go speak about in the following sketch. new to 'me!", a quote taken from his then I have been telling people about For those who do, you may call him address to the student body last my roommate--Jane McLeod. Compliments of 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Jim, or Buck, or even Bookie-he will spring upon accepting the office of Jane is a southerner by birth hav- always give his typical friendly president of the SGA. ing been born in North Carolina. She Wine's Sport Shop "hello!" to all three. In speaking of Jim Moore, I feel moved to Baltimore and came to This sketch of Jim Moore is di- compelled to say something about the Western Maryland from there after rected to the freshman class of '56. It tremendous job that lies. before him attending Eastern High School. G.C. Murphy &Co. is an eifort, on my behalf, to intro- this year, that of president of the Stu- College life has been quite busy for duce a personality which is admired, dent Government Association. Jim's Jane and her junior year will be one trusted, and respected. I direct this personality, ability, and position in she will never forget. First, because THE The Friendly Store article especially to the incoming our small campus society should be of the offices she received and second, freshmen because I feel that all of considered as a unity, for I believe because of how busy she will be kept COFFMAN-FISHER Dormitory and Classroom you should have a greater insight into that his caliber of leadership is the this year .fulfilling those offices. The and understanding of the individual exact prescription needed to aid our first one came the end of January COMPANY Supplies who will as president of the Student student government. He has a hard when she was appointed editor-in- Government Association, lead the job to do, one which presents problems chief of the GOLD BUG. Then in the DEPARTMENT STORE 6_10 West Main Street students of Western Maryland Col; that he has never been confronted spring she won the election for vice- lege into an unusually promising with before. I and the rest of the up- president of the Student Government 11 .E. Main St. - Phone 102 We.stmiruter. Md. year. perclassmen, I feel free to say, have a Association which automatically makes Before writing this article, I read deep confidence in Jim's ability to her president of the Women's Student Westminster an assorted collection of previous cope with these problems 'and make Council. Then the end of May brought "High on the Hill" sketches, and all the decisions which he deems best for more glory to Jane when she was of them were composed in the same the good will of the whole student tapped a Trumpeter. manner-just a presentation of well body. Jim was honored by his election Jane is also active in other groups phrased facts like you might find in a to this high position, but more ex- on campus. She has worked on the large city newspaper. Of' course I feel actly, this position was honored by GOLD BUG since her freshman year; J. WM. HULL, J.wel.r that it is important to tell you that Jim Moore. bee~ a S~A class representative: held Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. Jim is a native of Philadelphia, Pa.; Again" To the freshman class of an office m her "class; participated in For Over Half Century Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. a history major with teaching as a '56, To the upperclassmen, To the sports; and been a member of IRC, Expert Watch, Jewelry Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. future, a hard worker in his frater- faculty and administration - I feel LSA, and Phi Alpha Mu, editing their Evenings 9 p. m. nity and class, X-Passion Bunny, and that I have justly presented a pic- yearbook last year. and Eye-Glass Repairing a true lover. (In reference to the lat- ture to you of an individual, who, in Along with this Jane has found Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays ter two achievements: you can easily my opinion, is "Highest on the Hill." time to be a math major and fight 105 W. Main Street confirm their validity by asking Ann To those who do not know him, make the Spicer curve. She hopes to put her Trice.) the best of his one year remaining at math to good use when she gradu- But these facts only crack the ice. Western Maryland and meet James ates. Also after graduation, the wed- SUN., MON., TUES., SEPT. 28, 29,30 If I stopped here, or continued in the Buckson ·Moore. ding bells will be ringing for her. At same manner, I feel certain that you You may call him Jim, or Buck, or present, plans are indefinite because THE WORLD IN HIS ARMS would be lost, or else, be unimpressed even Bookie-he will always give his her fiance, Keith B. Radcliffe, Jr., is GREETINGS TO YOU (Technicolor) with this sketch of Jim Moore, leav- typical friendly greeting, "Hiya one of Uncle Sam's favorite nephews from Gregory Peek Ann Blythe ing you indifferent and cold. Babe!" ' serving in the Navy. To understand an individual, you' Jane is a fairly reserved person among strangers but with her friends must know him; but in order to sup- ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE she can be the life of the party-that ~JtJltti!h£rvSons plement this improbability, I will try GOLD BUG WED., THURS., OCT. 1, 2 to bring forth his personality as I is if the party is after breakfast, be- ( WESTNINSTrR:I L£ADlN(i STORE l ONE BIG AFFAIR know him and as many of his other cause she hardly says more than Dennis O'Keefe Evelyn Keyes close friends know him. Welcome Back three words before breakfast. She is FREE DELIVERY It is needless to say that Jim is a hard-worker and her days are al- also exceptionally well-liked. With no in- Western Maryland ways full. It is not unusual for Jane of your parcels to the Hill THE ROYAL JOURNEY tention at flattery, it would be truer to have three meetings at the same (Technicolor) to say that Jim is looked up to, figura- FOR GOOD FOOD AND time and she somehow manages to Queen Elizabeth tively as well as actually. A tall six hit them all. She is easy to get along footer, his appearance makes a strik- ,CONFECTIONS with except for one thing-her tem- ing impression. His friendly greeting per. It takes an awful lot to get it A Masterpiece in the Art on campus, his cheerful laugh, his con- Griffin's riled but look out when you make her sideration for others, his willingness angry. Just ask her sometime what Of Appreciation FRI., SAT., OCT. 3, 4 to work and to do what is right---this nickname her temper earned her in BONZO GOES TO COLLEGE is Jim Moore. I find it hard to give her freshman year. Confidentially, I DUTTERER'S Starring Bonzo don't think she will tell you. Edmund Gween Maureen O'Sullivan ~Wt.ut LAUNDROMAT "You're Good For It At" SMITH & REIFSNIDER 114 Pennsylvania Ave. DAVID'S JEWELERS Incorporated 5 Locust Street LUMBER-COAL Westminster 350 Opposite Parking Lot . 19 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. WESTMINSTER. MD. DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 Phone Westminster 1167 Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Bulova - Longines - Elgin LET'S GET ACQUAINTED! day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Benrus - Gruen Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Closed Wed. Afternoon Wittnauer FRESHMEN-Present this AD for FREE BLOTTER I OF GREETING CARDS IN TOWN Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows ASSORTMENT BEST QUALiTY AND LARGEST Westminster 1287 OPEN AN ACCOUNT Times Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO. Westminster, Md. continuous from 6:45 p. m. lin iWlrmnrtam I Baugher's Restaurant SUN., MON., TUES., SEPT. 28, 29, 30 THE CALIFORNIA CONQUEST Cornell Wilde Threasa Wright to Just Off The (ampus 1Brntl1rr 1Bnbrrt m. Ihrrt FOR A MEAL OR SNACK OCT. 1, 2, CLOSED from the members of Complete Fountain Service FRI., SAT., OCT. 3, 4 Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity . Open Every Day MONTANA TERRITORY Lon McCallister Wanda Hendrix
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