Page 51 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 51
The Gold Bug, April 28, 1953 - I Netsters Divicle Terrors Post Three Baseball by Jim Roach Pair Of Matches Triumphs In Seven Contests The weather the past few weeks has made it extremely hard Wl\tC 6 - Towson 11 for all sports to begin functioning properly. You begin to wonder Western Maryland played host to Penn State 17 - WI\IC 6 tance for the winners and gave a very if spring has arrived or whether we'll continue on into winter with- Towson State Teachers April 21 and Western Maryland's baseball team impressive performance. He allowed out having experienced the warmth of the former months. But de- turned them back' by a 6-3 tally. suffered a 17-6 lacing when they only two hits while walking a pair and spite all this, athletics have gotten underway. The boys braved the Henry Taitt, Chick Silberstein, tr-avelled to Penn State April 14. whiffing 6. Western Maryland's hit- cold and rafn and plunged into their sports. . Merrill Trader, and Art Saltmarsh ting attack was also scanty as they The track team started its season two weeks ago with an exhibition meet racked up singles victories for the only collected three hits off a trio of up at Gettysburg. According to Dwight Scott, the squad didn't look bad. Char- Green and Gold while the doubled opposing hurlers. ley Clark looked like a speedster in the hundred yard dash. Mr. Harlow be- combination of Ray Davis and Salt- ~!;,,~:~~.~__. PO A~ Ro lieves Charlie Phipps will go under the two-minute mark in the 880 before he mar-sh also triumphed. ~r"!;'~."Sb '-=~=::-'=:~_._.: ~ c o graduates. And get a look at Jack Duhl's discus toss of 120 feet! Not bad for Results: a a , a beginner. The freshmen should develop into good trackmen within a few Downs, Towson, defeated Tonelson, Cl..rke. Ib c __ ._ 4 Z 1 0 Tumultry, __ years. By that time, WMC might be competing against big-time schools. 6-1, 6-4. Taitt, WMC, defeated Cau- Sharpe, If .__ ..._ .__.._ 3 2 0 0 e a Kubeik ... Zf "Cholly" Havens' golf team has started off on the right foot. Despite a sey, 6-1, 6-4. Silberstein, WMC, de- Kelly, Zf .__ ..... 1 0 o tough loss to Loyola, the boys have done well. Captain Curly (Coffman) still feated Malin, 6-3, 5-7, 6-1. Trader, Smith, Zb __ ._~___ 3 0 a o plays his fine game; he shot a 72 against Maryland Dental. AI Trevethan came WMC, defeated. Jedlicka, 6-1, 6-1. ·r~~~ir~·1Pp~~=-_=__=~~ i c o through when the chips were on the table. Going into the last four holes Al Davis, WMC defeated De Grafft, 2-6, Tr ..ferers. Jl .. __ ... _ ~-~-~ o 0 0 was four strokes down but came back to win the holes, and as the golfers say 6-2, 6-0. Saltmarsh, Wl\IC, defeated it, "halved the match". A former student on the Hill, Huck Hazlett, played Turner, 6-3, 6-2. Taitt and ToneJson for the Dental school. He won, doggone him. defeated Downs and Causey, 6-4, 7-5. wac R } " ~ ~f.:;i:~:;!' ::::::::..=-~~ A freshman, by the name of Clarence "Bevo" Francis put dinky Rio Grande Davis and Saltmarsh defeated Jed- K..ufmRn. lb ...... _ 3 1 0 (Ohio, no similarity to the river in Southwest U.S.) College on the basketball licka and Malin, 6-'4,6-4. -De Grafft and White. c _._._. ._ 3 () 1 map. Old "Bevo" scores 116 points in one game; ending up the season with a Nelson defeated Ruehl and Silber- Rausch. If _ .._. 4 0 ~ 0 ~ 3zbf---:::::==:::= ~ 50 point-per-game average. Francis lacked funds at one time and almost drop- stein, 6-4, 6-0. ~~~~~~ rf ._._ .... .._ 1 0 0 Urton. ped out of school. Fortunately, he was given permission to go home and sell Baseball Captain Bob Kau/man Mill•. ef .._. 4 0 0 some pigs. Needless to say he got the money and Rio Grande got a guy that Johns Hopkins 5 - WI\IC 4 Clem. Jl ._._ __._._._ 3 I 1 raised them from obseur ity. Oh boy! What a boy! What a guy like that couldn't Johns Hopkins University handed Big Don James started fOTWestern Totals . ._. 27 4 do for Western Maryland. Western Maryland its third defeat Maryland, Walt Sanders replaced him I fanned for Mulligan in tbe eighth. WMC 000---432 200 . As Coach Ferguson predicted, the lacrosse team has started slowly. Balti- of the current campaign last Thurs- in the third, Pat Biddle took over in Mt. St. __ Mary's . _. __ ...__ . 010000 020 000-123 more U_ was too much. That could be due to the fact that a former student day by a 5-4 tally. the sixth, and Bill Clem worked the here, Art Miksinsky, played midfield for the B. U. lads. "Wedge" Winkleman Henry Taitt, Ray Davis, and Art ninth. Sanders was charged with the played a whale of a game in the net: He had close to 47 saves-a heck of a Saltmarsh registered wins in their loss. days work. Old Mr. Wink carries on from where he left off last year. Skip singles endeavors with the latter pair Nick Rausch, with two singles in Berends really creamed one guy. La~ him out flatter than a pancake. Boy. getting together and taking a doubles • two trips and Bob Kaufman, with a was that a beautiful check; there won't be many better. Against Delaware, triumph. pair of hits in four at bat, paced the our boys scored five "Fergburgers" (goals named in honor of Fergie), but the Results: Green and Gold attack. Weidenham- other lads got eight. However, the Delaware boys were lucky. Pohlman, JHU, defeated 'I'onelson, mer, Penn State short stop, had a Ferg thought he had a new lacrosse player out for practice last week. The 6-0, 6-1. Taitt, WMC, defeated Jen, brace of triples and a double. player turned out to be John Dorsey with a crew cut. Seems as though the nings, 6-2, 6-4. Davis, WMC, defeated Dickinson 3 - WMC 2 Baltimore U. 18-6 - WMC 5-5 boys had a little bet that John wouldn't get his hair cut that way; they lost. Kelson, 6-3, 7-5. Yost, JHU, defeated Dickinson handed Western Mary- Peck Carter's answer to a ping-pong challenge from Jerry Grandea.: "Go Trader, 6-3, 6-4. Von Stratten, JHU, land its second setback of the season Baltimore Uni\"(eJ.·sity's baseball Silberstein, on, I don't .went to take your Filipino pesos or Chinese yen. I can beat you, defeated WMC, defeated 6-1, 6-3. Salt- April 17 when they edged out a 3-2 team battered the Western Maryland diamond forces Jast Saturday marsh, 7-5, Smith, in two but for the benefit of the club I played number two man." Even Jerry got a 6-2. Pohlman and Jennings defeated victory at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. games of a double header, 18-5 jnd kick out of that. Ouch! - Taitt and Tonelson, 6-3, 6-1. Shapiro The Red Devils broke a 2-2 dead- The baseball team has done pretty well so far. It looks as though Jim 6-5. In the first game the visiting Boyer has discovered a pretty fine pitcher in Bill Klem. Bill really looked sharp and Von Stratten defeated Trader and lock in the last of the ninth on a team combed the Terror hurlers Bee single, a sacrifice, and two more con- for against the Mounties-limited them to one run. He got a double on top of it Silberstein, 6-3, 6"-1. Davis and Salt- secutive singles. The Green and Gold all. Walt Saunders ran into a little tough luck against Dickinson. A fiy ball marsh "defeated Kelson and Steinman, scored both their tallies in the top of eighteen hits while the losers were that should have been caught feU for a hit and drove in the winning run. Nick 6-4,8-6. the fifth on three walks, singles by banging out a scant four. Walt Sand- Rausch didn't see the ball and-despite the motions of Jack Urion the ball Bill Stewart and Phil Jackson, and a el'S, Ray Faby, and Pat Biddle labored for on the Western Maryland fell close to Nick. A tough break all around. Walt made up for it against Tow- passed ball. with the Hill first getting charged with son by winning, although he gave up six runs. "- Track Team Walt Sanders toiled the full nine the setback. Charlie White continues to drive in important runs. His hit in the tenth for the Hillsmen and was charged inning won the Catholic U. game. Charlie had everyone in stitches up at Penn with his second defeat of the season. Despite a pinch' hit homerun by the work of Bill Klem and Beats Mounts State when he started riding their right fielder. The boys said he was really Brad Jones a Terror rally fell short funny. Is it true that scouts have been watching WlltC 2b _...._._ ..__ ABRHPO () 3 3 and the second game was lost also. Don James and Bill Clem worked on Pfeifer. 3 Le:fty Kaufman? Western Maryland's track team the mound in this game for the West- On the tennis scene, what a difference a couple of days make. Thursday, opened their season successfully last [i~:!?a:;,_~~~~~=~i ~~! ern Maryland squad with the former April 16 the netmen got squashed by a very fine Maryland team while on the Friday when they swamped a visiting Stew ..rt _._._ _._ ... 4 1 1 0 getting the loss while Jerry Ditzcl 3 Hende,.".,n.lf __ 0 () 0 18th they turned around and murder~d the Mounties 8-1. Ray Davis was the Mount Saint Mary's squad by a 76% !~!£.n. Sb _.__ .._ .. I 0 1 2 the rec hall; especially haTd working Bev""Rye. Also to the election of SGA Howell in the high jump. The de- de.. 7. C..swell 3. Sanders, p .__ ._. 1 0 1 0 Veep, Pasty Herman, and the SCA officers fOTnext year; and to Barry Pickus, feated Mounts picked up their only CAswell 2 in (1/3 FOIl'ler.ss_~._ . ._ .. Z 1 0 1 1 0 4 0 If Clem. Earned runs-Dick Faby,p who field-stripped his Ml in record time during the inspection last week. firsts in the mile run and in the 880 pitcher-p ..lmer. Jon"",lf~ . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OnW71.8: to aU poor sports; and to the Yankees, for winning so many pen- with Warner accomplishing the 'feat nants. Oh, somebody stop them from winning this year. both times. WMC
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